New Mexico Community and Action Group
2K posts
Welcome to the online home of the New Mexico Community Planning and Action Group, a partnership between the New Mexico Department of Health and community members. Our mission is to develop and maintain a Statewide Comprehensive HIV Prevention Plan. What is community planning for HIV Prevention? Community planning for HIV prevention is a collaborative effort of people from all walks of life who come together to plan how to prevent HIV infections in their community.
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nmcpag · 3 years ago
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Hello community!
This month’s Lunch and Learn will feature Truman Health Services’ mindfulness guru, Cecilia Biglieri, as she leads a mindfulness meditation session and explains the benefits of mindfulness for PWH. It will be held Wednesday, March 2 from 12 PM-1 PM at Truman Health Services and a HIPPA protected Zoom session is available as well. Please email me if you would like to attend.
 Thank you so much. Have a wonderful day!
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nmcpag · 4 years ago
Culturally Responsive Care workshop
Good morning,
 I hope everyone had an enjoyable and relaxing holiday and are now getting ready to ring in the New Year.  The HIV Services would like to invite you to participate in a Culturally Responsive Care workshop presented by the Denver Prevention Training Center.  In this 3-hour (9am-12pm), didactic and interactive, workshop participants will have the opportunity to reflect on how clients/patients with HIV experience stigma and to practice applying culturally affirming and responsive language in HIV service settings. Moreover, participants will reflect on how they can apply both individual and team-based strategies in delivering affirming services and care to reduce stigma for clients/patients with HIV.
Participants who complete the workshop will be able to:
·         Describe how HIV-related stigma and other identity related factors (socio-cultural, economic, gender identity, and sexual orientation, etc.) contribute to health disparities and poor health outcomes for people with HIV.
·         Describe two culturally affirming and responsive practices when working with individuals from racially and culturally diverse backgrounds. 
·         Practice utilizing culturally affirming and responsive language in care delivery practices.
 The Denver Prevention Training Center will be hosting 2 separate workshops to ensure all who want to participate get an opportunity.  You only need to register for one of the workshops.
 The dates of the workshops are:
Friday-January 29, 2021 from 9:00am-12noon MST
Friday-February 26, 2021 from 9:00am-12noon MST
 Below are the registration links for both the January and February virtual  (CRC) workshops, course overview and objectives. Please note that participants must register to be provided with the zoom links, along with the pre-course survey and review materials.
 Workshop schedules:
January: https://www.denverptc.org/class_information.html?id=1296
February: https://www.denverptc.org/class_information.html?id=1297
 You will receive a confirmation email after registering that has all the necessary information to participate in the workshop.
 The HIV Services, HIV Prevention, STD and Hepatitis & Harm Reduction programs would like to thank Bev Wasserman, BN, RSN and the Denver Prevention Training Center for offering these workshops to our program participants, providers, and program staff.
 Please contact me with any questions you may have,
  Thank you,
 Laine M Snow
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nmcpag · 4 years ago
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nmcpag · 4 years ago
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Today is #TransDayofRemembrance (TDOR) - here are some ways to participate and honor our trans family!    
NMSU Gender Diverse Aggies TDOR Event TODAY | 4pm | Zoom Hosted by NMSU Gender Diverse Aggies Email [email protected] to attend  
Queer+Trans Yoga Special Trans Day of Remembrance Class TODAY | 5:30pm | Zoom Hosted by ABQ Queer & Trans Community Yoga https://www.facebook.com/events/355844495676897 
TDOR Vigil TOMDAY | 6pm | Zoom Hosted by UNM LGBTQ Resource Center https://www.facebook.com/events/367846814545655/ 
ROSES: The Past, Present, and Future of Trans Resilience Saturday, November 21 | 7pm | Live on YouTube A virtual performance hosted by multiple organizations https://www.facebook.com/events/709463723255451 
DON'T FORGET! We want to see your posts in honor of #TDORNM!  
Click here to see the Facebook stream of posts shared https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/tdornm
Click here to see the Instagram stream of posts shared https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/tdornm/
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nmcpag · 5 years ago
Upcoming CPAG meetings and national webinars on HIV planning
Greetings CPAG decision-making members and participants –
 A few reminders:
  Our monthly Agenda Planning and     PIR/Membership call is TOMORROW at 10 am.     We have applications for membership from three (3) people, so this call     might be longer than usual.  Please join us.     Toll-free number: 866     757 5788  or  Toll number: 760 699 0922     Conference ID: 847 920 2103
There are two national webinars about integrated HIV     prevention and care planning.  They are open to all.  See below.     - Webinar on Resource Allocation (which NM will start again in 2021) à next Tues     - Webinar on integrating HCV into HIV prevention/care planning à next Weds
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nmcpag · 5 years ago
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nmcpag · 5 years ago
Job Postings
Lead Disease Intervention Specialist (DIS) Roswell Job ID 109432 – perm # 11117
Health Educator – operational
Pay band 60
$30,518 - $53,101 annually
 Disease Intervention Specialists (DIS) further the department’s mission to promote health and improve health outcomes by conducting partner services and disease investigation for HIV and reportable sexually transmitted diseases (STD) to break the chain of infection and reduce disease incidence.  This position is a Lead DIS role, which is more advanced in their skills for disease investigation.  Lead DIS within each public health region help to mentor and coach the entire DIS team by handling more complex cases and supporting the other DIS.  This allows the entire team to be more productive in focusing on priority cases including HIV and early syphilis.  Core tasks for Lead DIS include conducting STD surveillance and tracking, offering testing and screening for contacts to disease and persons at high risk, doing community outreach to populations with higher disease incidence, and interviewing persons with STD and their partners to ensure timely and effective treatment.  Lead DIS also support other infectious disease activities such as harm reduction, syringe services, opiate overdose prevention education and hepatitis screening and referral.
  Disease Intervention Specialist (DIS) Santa Fe
Job ID 109211 – perm # 11256
Health Educator – basic
Pay band 55
$27,832 - $48,428 annually
 Provide disease notification and contact investigation for individuals diagnosed with a sexually transmitted diseases.  Educate infected individuals and their partners on the infection, modes of transmission and possible consequences of untreated infection.  Ensure adequate treatment occurs for individuals diagnosed with an infection and their partners.  Provide rapid testing and counseling services for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis C and Syphilis.  Provide phlebotomy services as needed. Provide syringe exchange and overdose prevention services.  Interact with public and private providers to ensure adequate treatment and reporting occur.  These activities occur in a variety of venues including local public health offices, detention centers, prisons, treatment facilities, client homes, etc.
  Still posted:
   Disease Intervention Specialist (DIS) in Roswell
  Perm # 11229
   Posting is continuous but please apply soon!
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nmcpag · 5 years ago
Job Postings
Greetings all -
 We currently have six (6) vacancies statewide out of our 17 Disease Intervention Specialist (DIS) and Lead DIS roles.  The great news is that we have budget approval to post, recruit and fill all of these important roles to respond to increases in syphilis, where New Mexico is following a national rise in this important reportable STD.
 I'll post these jobs as they formally open for recruitment.  While some are listed as "open until filled", I strongly recommend that interested and qualified persons apply ASAP.  We can start reviewing candidates within 2 weeks of the initial posting.
 Here's what's available now:
   Disease Intervention Specialist (DIS) in Albuquerque
  Perm # 11217
   Posting closes on Sunday, October 27th.
   Lead Disease Intervention Specialist (DIS) in Las Cruces
  Perm # 34917
   Posting is continuous but please apply soon!
   Disease Intervention Specialist (DIS) in Roswell
  Perm # 11229
   Posting is continuous but please apply soon!
  And here's what's coming up soon:
  - Disease Intervention Specialist (DIS) in Santa Fe    Perm # 11256
   - 2nd vacant Disease Intervention Specialist (DIS) in Albuquerque     Perm # 11228
  - Lead DIS in Roswell    Perm # 11117
 Please share the news of these great opportunities with your highly qualified friends, family and associates!
 ;) A
   ANDREW GANS, MPH   HIV, STD and Hepatitis Section Manager
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nmcpag · 5 years ago
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nmcpag · 5 years ago
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nmcpag · 6 years ago
Job Posting
 As announced at the CPAG Meeting, Alianza has a job opening in Las Cruces.  Please feel to forward.
  Las Cruces Case Manager (non-medical)
Job Description and Requirements
Full Time Equivalent (FTE)
To empower hard to reach and underserved populations through education and supportive services to achieve a better quality of life.
Location: Las Cruces
Pay: Based on degree & experience
1.       100% paid health, dental, vision and life insurance
2.       401k with 3% match (100% vested on 1st day and eligible for penalty free loans)
3.       Generous vacation/sick including with additional pre-tax additional vacation purchase available
4.       Ongoing employee education
5.       Employee bonuses structure and more
This service includes the provision of advice and assistance in obtaining medical, social, community, legal, financial, and other needed services. Some examples of non-medical case management activities are outlined below:
 1.      Assist clients to access various benefits programs.
2.      Assist medical case managers conduct client intakes and re-certifications
3.      Provide assistance with emergency utilities and food
4.      Assisting clients accessing internal and external housing assistance programs
5.      Provide assistance in searching for a job
6.      Facilitating access to psychosocial support services 
7.      Transportation assistance or bus passes
8.      Completion of other medical services applications
9.      Maintain current information on all frequently used community resources, as needed.
 The case manager would be expected to perform the following duties in the execution of their job:
1.      Staff must be comfortable working with diverse populations
2.      All client information must be treated as privileged & confidential communication
3.      Must be detail oriented and able to prioritize and complete tasks in a timely fashion
4.      All pertinent client data must be entered in the electronic data management system immediately.  Case Notes must be entered within the same day of service
5.      Complete case records must be maintained for each client.  This entails the completion of a thorough initial assessment and regular case reviews
6.      Documentation must be maintained for each interaction with a client.  Case Notes must be specific to an individual client
7.      Attend all trainings as required by agency
8.      Be extremely reliable and able to work independently after core training is completed
9.      Dependable transportation required; position may entail travel in southern New Mexico.  Case management may be offered at Alianza, the client’s home, hospitals, nursing homes and/or other locations as needed.
10.  Some evenings and/or weekends required
11.  General administrative duties as assigned, including copying, mailing, ordering supplies, answering phones, etc.
12.  Other duties as assigned
Non-medical case managers are required to have:
1.      A Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university (Preferred), or;
2.      An Associate degree from an accredited college or university, or;
3.      A high school (HS) diploma or General Education Diploma (GED) and two years of experience working with Non-Medical Case Management.
4.      If licensed, a copy of the most current New Mexico license must be kept in the Non-Medical Case Manager’s personnel file.
5.      All Non-Medical Case Managers must complete a minimum training regimen that includes:
a.       HIV case management standards and ADAP, including attendance at the HIV Case Management Summit provided by NMDOH
b.      Training in state approved training on HIV disease processes, treatment, testing, legal ramifications to include confidentiality, counseling/referral and prevention, and ethics (Such as Fundamentals of HIV/HCV Counseling and Testing Training)
c.       All Non-Medical Case Management staff will have at least two (2) hours of cultural competency training annually.
d.      Insurance training and Marketplace Updates annually.
e.       Harm Reduction Certification once since hire
Please send cover letter with salary history, resume and three current references to:
 Ryan Nix
Executive Director
1200 S Richardson
Roswell, NM 88201
  Ryan M. Nix
Executive Director
Alianza of New Mexico
1200 South Richardson
Roswell, NM 88203
Pronouns: he/him/his
p 575-623-1995
f 575-623-1998
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nmcpag · 6 years ago
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nmcpag · 6 years ago
CPAG group updates --> agenda planning is this Friday!
Thanks again to everyone who attended the first CPAG statewide meeting of 2019 last Friday.  We had over 60 persons in attendance.
 If you missed it, highlights included: - An excellent presentation on HIV among immigrants and refugees, particularly transgender women in the Cibola ICE facility by Joaquin Sanchez-Leal and Joselin Mendez from Casa Colibri.
- CPAG took action to support the concept of a NM Senate Memorial about services for persons with HIV in ICE facilities, in memory of Roxanna Hernandez.
- Our first agency presentation featured 5 of 6 staff from First Nations, who answered our new questions about dealing with stigma and promoting PrEP.
- We had a second featured presentation by several participants in the unique Seed2Harvest group that was largely started by persons with HIV.
 Want to get involved in future meetings?  Please join us for the monthly Agenda Planning/PIR (Membership) call.  Since this is a short month, we’ll be having that call earlier than usual on the 3rd Friday of the month.
  This Friday, February 15th
  10:00 – 10:30
  Toll-free number: 866 757 5788 or Toll number: 760 699 0922
  Conference ID: 847 920 2103
 Thanks all,
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nmcpag · 6 years ago
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Greetings all –
 CPAG statewide meetings for 2019 start next week on Friday, February 8th.
 The agenda is attached – with a copy pasted below.  You’ll see that this follows our new format – with our keynote presentation/discussion in the morning, and then agency presentations and interactive activities after lunch.
 We revised the annual planning calendar because the January meeting was cancelled.  Please see attached.
 Let me know if you have any questions.  Otherwise, please spread the word, invite a friend, and let them know about all the great collaboration and partnership supported by CPAG – including our social lunch.
 😉 A
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nmcpag · 6 years ago
I’d like to invite all of our CPAG partners and participants to join the CPAG Agenda Planning Call this Friday.
   Friday, January 25th
  11:00 – 12:00 (one hour later than usual)
   New call in codes for 2019:
  Toll-free number: 866 757 5788  or  Toll number: 760 699 0922
  Conference ID: 847 920 2103
 We’ll be reviewing the annual planning calendar – see attached and pasted below.  Because January’s meeting was cancelled, we have to adjust the schedule and topics.  I’ll also share some early logistics for our Annual CPAG Planning Summit to be held in Las Cruces on May 14-16.
 Usually we also talk about membership via the Parity, Inclusion and Representation (PIR) Committee that happens during the Agenda Planning Call.  However, since we are starting the new planning year now and have no applications for membership pending, we don’t have any PIR action items.
 Please let me know if you have any questions.
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nmcpag · 6 years ago
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Greetings all –
 A few updates about the New Mexico HIV Community Planning and Action Group (CPAG) for 2019!  Our first statewide meeting on Friday, January 11th is less than a month away!
  CPAG will continue to have     monthly meetings on the 2nd Friday of the month starting at     9:30 am at Alamosa Community Center in Albuquerque.  The attached     calendar lists the annual schedule.      We will be meeting in:  January, February, March, August, September,     October and November.  (We will not meet in April, June, July or     December!)            
We will tentatively be having     the Annual Planning Summit on May 14 – 16 in Las Cruces.            
Your new statewide co-chairs     are:       Community Co-Chair:  Miss Mattee Jim       Persons Living with HIV (PLWH) Co-Chair:  Jeffrey Hurley  (newly     elected to 2-year term)       NMDOH Co-Chair:  Andrew Gans            
CPAG will strive to be a venue     for training and cross-training of individuals working in and advocating     for the fields of HIV testing/prevention and HIV care/support     services.  Rather than a focus solely on monitoring and evaluating     progress on our 2016 Integrated Plan for HIV Prevention and Care,     we have 3 new goals for CPAG during 2019.
 Improve services and outcomes across the HIV care      continuum by ensuring that staff are cross-trained on HIV prevention and      HIV care/support services.
 Reduce health disparities related to HIV by improving      staff training and access to diverse resources across a variety of social      indicators including immigration status, behavioral health, and      criminalization of infectious disease.
 Inform stakeholders of program activities and data to      assess progress with and barriers to implementation of objectives in the Integrated      Plan.                  
 Keynote presentation in the      morning, up to 90 minutes, on one of the topics identified in September      2018.                  
 Agency presentation in the      afternoon on their array of HIV prevention and care services.       Presentation may be a PowerPoint, informal talk, staff panel, or any      other format.  Will include answers to key questions.      - How do you promote the Undetectable = Untransmittable campaign and      information?      - How do you recruit clients and promote utilization of PrEP by those at      greatest risk?      - What is the continuing impact of stigma on your activities and/or your      clients in HIV prevention and care?      - What work are you doing to continue to share information and reduce      stigma in the communities you serve?                  
 One interactive or      team-building activity.  Can be led by the agency that is featured      as the presenter for the month.                  
 Standing topics, including      PIR/Membership, reports from Regional Advisory Groups (RAG), etc.                  
 Please let me know if you have any questions.
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nmcpag · 6 years ago
New positions now open:
Medical Assistant for Midtown     Public Health Office (PHO) in Albuquerque     Posting closes on Monday, December 31st.     Pay band 50, salary range of $11.55 to $20.09 per hour     https://careers.share.state.nm.us/psp/hprdcg/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/HRS_HRAM_FL.HRS_CG_SEARCH_FL.GBL?Page=HRS_APP_JBPST_FL&Action=U&FOCUS=Applicant&SiteId=1&JobOpeningId=103459&PostingSeq=1              
Purchasing Agent for the HIV,     STD and Hepatitis Section     Posting is continuous until filled.     This is the position that Kathy Trujillo has filled for the last     decade.  Please bring me someone else who is stellar!     Pay band 55, salary range of $12.61 to $21.95 per hour     https://careers.share.state.nm.us/psp/hprdcg/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/HRS_HRAM_FL.HRS_CG_SEARCH_FL.GBL?Page=HRS_APP_JBPST_FL&Action=U&FOCUS=Applicant&SiteId=1&JobOpeningId=103487&PostingSeq=1
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