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Ninjago Character Search Engine
I made a tool where you can search Ninjago characters by name, type, allignment, species, gender, season, or a combination of all those factors. If you want to play around with it here's the link. I compiled all of the data myself so there's likely a few errors. I've already corrected where I had accidentally labeled Zane's dad as a serpentine. Please let me know if there's any problems!
How to use it
Basically, you just input the criteria you're interested in seeing. For instance, if you wanted to see all of the nindroids in Ninjago, you would do a search as follows.
An important thing you may notice here is I not only input "Nindroid", but I also input "New." I did this because my index has a new entry for each character each season. If you choose not you choose not to put "New," the output will include 21 Zanes, which is great but may not be what you're looking for.
Another thing to note is that if you're not searching by name, you need to make sure the name box is completely blank or you will get 0 results like in the following search where I left a space bar in the Name box.
If you are searching by Name, make sure the name exactly matches the entries or nothing will show up.
You can either view the entry in the index on the next sheet, or you can just find the person by inputting the proper criteria.
I also left some comments on the sheet with some useful tips! Feel free to ask any questions!
I think it's important I explain how I created and employed my criteria as it can be pretty subjective.
Type is one of my more subjective criteria. The options are Main, Supporting, Recurring, Guest, or Ensemble and I agonized over some of these placements. For instance, did Mr. F fulfill a supporting or Recurring role during season 9? Very difficult to say. Still, generally, these were my definitions. Main: Ninja (usually) or someone who significantly contributed to the plot and had a large percentage of screentime (it takes a lot for me to demote a ninja from main, but I had to in DR) ex: Lloyd in season 4
Supporting: A character that has a significant degree of screentime, their own personality/backstory, and helps another character push the plot along ex: Garmadon in season 4
Recurring: Pretty much any character that speaks in more than a few episodes ex: Chope and Kapau in season 4
Guest: A character with personality who speaks or otherwise makes a mark in only one episode that season ex: Morro in season 4
Ensemble: A character that's only in the background and/or has no personality of their own and/or is just sort of filling out an army ex: Acidicus in season 4
Allignment is also a very tricky category. I had to make a choice about whether neutral or good would be the default for characters I don't know much about. I went with good as I feel like it fits the tone of the show. Thus, I assume for instance that Mara from Nya's class is a good person even though she's done nothing to demonstrate that.
Good: Default. Also, if you help save the world, I usually let it overshadow previous bad behaviour. ex: Arin in Dragons Rising (S1)
Neutral: You have to be pretty morally ambiguous to get this designation. I generally assigned it to influencers, anti-heros, somewhat redeemed villains, and members of morally unclear societies. ex: Agent Rodrick Allen in Dragons Rising (S1)
Evil: I generally assigned this to all antagonists, even if they weren't actively trying to destroy the world. ex: Rapton in Dragons Rising (S1)
Here's a list of each species I included in my index.
Human Nindroid Demigod Skeleton Dragon Serpentine Beast Oni Ghost Djinn Hunter Construct Formling Munce Geckle Islander Merlopian Devonian Tide Unknown Miscellanous
Most of this criteria is pretty objective, so I'll only clarify the less obvious ones.
Beast: Any animal, monster, or creature. ex: Krag from the Ice Chapter
Construct: I applied this to any character created by another whether it be through magic or engineering. I excluded Nindroids because they're a large enough sub-category. ex: Bonzle from Dragons Rising or MiniPix Seven from Crystalized
Unknown: This just applies to the Forbidden Five as we don't know much about them but they don't appear human. ex: Nox in Dragons Rising
Miscellaneous: I only applied this in rare categories where not only was their species a bit unclear, but they appeared to be the only member of that species on screen. ex: Benthomaar from Seabound
Oh no, it appears I accidentally created a gender cascade. Anyway, I based character's genders primarily off of the gender of their VA , but I also took into consideration the pronouns other characters used to refer to them. I didn't do a thorough transcript search though, so let me know if I've made any errors. I designated some characters as unknown, usually because they neither spoke nor were spoken about.
Season, like species, is also pretty objective but I'll clarify some of my choices. I only used titles for Day of the Departed and the Islandbecause they don't really fit into the numbered seasons. I used numbers rather than season names for the most part because they're more concise. I designated Dragons Rising seasons 1 and 2 as 16 and 17, primarily because that's how I view them, but also for this conciseness factor. I split season 17 into two seasons (17 and 17.5) because they're two unqiue arcs that different casts of characters, some of which have changed their allignments/types between part 1 and 2. I may do the same for 11 and 16 in the future.
I put a new entry for each character so it was necessary for me to designate whether this was the first entry of the character or a repeat entry. Having multiple entries allows you to view how characters changed over seasons rather than only being able to see their initial criteria. It also allows you to see the full cast breakdown for each season.
That's pretty much it! Here's the link again. Please do play around with the search and let me know if you find anything cool. The link also includes all of my previous spreadsheets so peruse that at your leisure if you're interested. Thanks as always for reading this far and let me know if you have any feedback, made the exact same thing previously (looking at you @agenericplaceholdername ), or have requests for new spreadsheets or charts. I have a lot of options now that I've created this tool and I've very excited to use it!
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Ninjago Species by the Season
I made this chart upon @weirdcatbean's request. I also wanted to include allignment and centrality on this chart, but as you can see that would get pretty busy.
Here's the percentages.
Interestingly, it keeps a pretty consistent human:non-human ratio. The earlier seasons actually have less humans percentage wise, which I did not expect. However, I should note that this chart includes every single named character, so while yes there may be 36 humans in Seabound for instance, 19 of them are ensemble who were just there for Nya's funeral. I'll be making an improved version of this chart later that's a bit easier to read and includes some more relavant data points. Now, you may be wondering, why didn't I include what the chart looks like without the inclusion of ensemble from the beginning. I admit, normally I would. To explain why I didn't, I have to tell the story of how I came up with these numbers.
While I could have just tallied up individual species season by season, I knew I would probably want to play with the data in other ways besides just this one chart. Thus, I undertook the massive endeavor of indexxing every Ninjago character by Name, Type, Allignment, Species, Gender, and Season. For instance, here's the pilot season.
You may be wondering what the New/Old column is all about. In order to include the full character breakdown for each season, I had to make new entries of each character every season. This created a lot of repeats, so to separate unique characters from repeats I noted whether character's were introduced with this season (new) or whether they were a repeat (old). This was also useful in that it allowed me to alter the criteria of a character with each season so I can accomadate for changes such as Cole turning into a ghost. Once I had compiled this data (839 entries and 292 unique characters), I attempted to use Google Sheets' pre-provided data analysis.
It was sort of useful, but it would only show the top 4 and bottom 4 frequencies and I couldn't copy and paste the data. It also was a bit fussy around filters. Thus, I did something a bit wonky where I filtered by season and just copy pasted the column into a different sheet.
I then used functions (ex: =COUNTIF(AC3:AC1002, "Skeleton")) to create my raw data table which you can view above. This process worked but it had a lot of problems. It was time consuming, didn't allow me to employ multiple filters, and, most importantly of all, it wasn't allowing me to use this data I had spent days compiling to its full extent. Thus, I decided to create a sort of search engine for Ninjago characters.
This search engine allows me to input criteria and recieve not only the total characters that fit the criteria, but a list of all of their entries. The fact it lists all of their entries may not sound that impressive, but trust, it is. (For me at least) Here's an example search of good, recurring Serpentine.
I am very excited about the potential of this tool. It's going to allow me to create a lot of great charts, including an improved Species by Season chart. For now though, I'm only uploading the original requested chart, because creating this tool has taken the better part of my day. I plan on sharing it, but I still need to work out a few kinks so you can look forward to that as well. I know I already said it, but I'm so, so excited about what I'll be able to make. Here's a preview to the search if you're interested. It also includes all my previous spreadsheets, but I'm still working out some formatting issues and stuff.
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Did anyone else realize Youtube was a massive Jaya shipper?
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Love that we keep making the same stuff. I think your chart looks a lot better than mine. It's interesting how we identified the unnamed masters differently. Also, I had the Cragling written down on an earlier draft, but it got lost in the chaos, so thank you for that. I can amend now. I totally agree with everything you said. I also subscribe to a theory I saw somewhere recently that Ras' plan was to get Jay out of the tournament from the beginning in order to encourage the Ninja to leave to go find him. That would work even if Nya lost because, he'd fight against Nokt next, and Ras could've kicked him out then. I also think the tournament being plain unpredictable is also very viable. They mentioned at some point that Roby refused to announce the matches to keep it exciting. Of course, Blekt had intineraries but they certainly could have changed them when Nya beat Jay so she'd have to fight Nokt and he could have convinced Roby just by telling him it made it more exciting. The lack of shatterspinners on the Lloyd/Zeatrix side could be explained by Ras planning on Lloyd getting incapcitated by the poison. I think that's a pretty foolish horse to place your bets on, but hey why not. I think a more likely explanation is that Ras wanted Lloyd to be distracted/tired by having to fight in a tournament so he could better corrupt Arin. After all, Lloyd's first two fights didn't even seem rigged. They were more to the contrary actually, because while Mr. Pale is possibly a trained fighter, Geo is certainly not. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there wasn't any evidence of foul play from Ras/Bleckt until the Nokt fight, which is odd because even fights against non-shatterspinners appeared to be rigged for the rest of the ninja (ex: Zane v Zur, Sora v Kizzie). I imagine there were quite a few off-screen matches. Not only is there the guy you showed here, but there also seemed to be quite a few other background characters who looked like elemental masters rather than spectators. I think a big reason we didn't get to see each elemental master is just so if they want to introduce an elemental master later, they're not held back like the earlier writers were because they can say they were at the tournament; we just didn't see them.
Tournament of the Sources Bracket
I just finished the season and I made this spreadsheet so my friend could do a little march madness. It's a bit chaotic because there was likely off-screen battles, and some people seemed to have just been made to fight more battles. The Master of Itineraries doesn't seem to care that much about fairness. I omitted the names of the masters who had elemental powers we saw during the Tournament of Elements, so as not to spoil which masters have apparently passed. I know I spelled Frak's name wrong. Non-Censored Bracket below. Beware. Spoilers.
Of course.
Non-Censored Bracket
It's cool to see what could've been if it wasn't for all of the riggings. I was truly suprised people on the same team weren't ever pit against each other. I'm curious if that was by the tournament's design as they did appear to enter it in teams.
Bracket with No Cheating
Sorry Nuero, but I just assumed. The match between Cole and Frak wasn't strictly rigged, unlike the others. However, the arena was designed to be advantagous to Frak, so assuming they're on even ground I'm giving it to Cole. Nothing about the Cinder v. Wyldfire match seemed weighted to one side or the other. I think the lack of rigging for both Wyldfire and Sora (up until the very end) demonstrates that Ras and/or Bleckt underestimates them.
It would've been cool to see a rematch between Cole and Zane after all these seasons. We've also never seen Lloyd and Nya fight. There would've been a lot of ethical questions for Sora to consider if she had to fight Zane -ethical questions she didn't seem to consider when fighting the tournament bots- so we can be thankful that didn't happen. Although, I assume if the ninja ended up in a fight against eachother, they wouldn't actually fight. It's more likely they'd strategically concede. Under this umbrella, I'd think Nya would have conceded to Lloyd so she could look for Jay. Cole and Zane would've had a battle of concessions, similar to Jay v Cole in season 4, which could have gone either way. Sora would have conceded to Zane or Cole. because she's insecure. Zane hasn't had much interactions with the kids or tournaments so it's difficult to say whether he would have accepted. Cole, I think would have pulled a similar move to what he did in season 4. Lloyd against Sora, Zane, or Cole would have also been a battle of concessions. So maybe Roby should have been thankful to his uncle because I'm sure he wouldn't have been happy about all these peaceful agreements.
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Tournament of Sources Spreadsheet Updates
Bechdel Test
This was a perfect season (bechdel test wise), but the fragmentation of Wyldfire, Sora, and Nya into different groups made it difficult in those later episodes. I had to strain to find dialogue in a couple of episodes that succeeded (I actually didn't find dialogue in episode 19 but @genericplaceholdername did so thank you to them). In the one where Sora fought Kizzy, I counted non-verbal interaction because Kizzy bowed in response to Sora. Sora was my hero this season as while she did mostly talk to Lloyd, Arin, and Cole, she, thankfully was also trying to figure out what was up with Jordanna. Wyldfire was pining after Roby and beefing with Cinder so she'd rarely talk to other women. As I predicted, Nya was thinking about Jay so she mainly talked to the older ninja as they knew him. Zeatrix would mainly only talk to Lloyd and Ras and Rox would mainly talk to her brother and Ras, so the female antagonists failed to be as helpful as I would have hoped. For the women fans out there, season one of DR is going to be your best choice, but season two is of course, still great. They just need to hang out more.
Even more than season one of DR, parts one and two of this season really just feel like seasons in their own right. I've labeled accordingly and I may go back and give DRS1P2 a label of its own for consistency's sake. Riyu felt a lot more like a character this season rather than an accessory to someone else's plot line so I gave him his own row because he deserves it. As you can see, there's only been 3 episodes before this where he deviated from Arin/Sora, which is why I didn't give him a row until now. Tournament of Sources really made me feel like I had to change how I do this chart, because I've been operating based on what the ninja are doing in the beginning of the episode as up until now, those groupings rarely changed mid-episode. However, in this season, it seemed the ninja would be in a different grouping each scene, likely due to the fact there was no barrier of travel as, aside from Kai and, for most of the season, Jay, they were all in one location. As you can see, the ninja tended to go on little sidequests of their own, with Arin and Riyu going on the most, but they all gravitated towards staying with the team. I don't think the non-incapcitated ninja spent a single episode without meeting as a team, aside from episode 11 in which Zane was training and Cole was in an unknown location, presumably the Land of the Lost Things, because Geo mentioned he got the invite right after Cole left. I've kept Jay on the business trip designation, because he's still just doing what he's doing because he doesn't know who he is so it's an odd state between incapacitation and a mission.
I did have to add a new designation which I did not expect to have to do, but Kai was voided, Nya was in a cave, and Lloyd's a glass cannon. A crazy thing about this season is that, normally when someone's incapacitated, that's the main focus, but Nya and Riyu's capture occurred completely off-screen and they were the only ones working on Kai's recovery. There's a record number of different states of incapacitation. With Jay's amenesia we have 4 and depending on what Pixal's up to we may even have 5.
Thanks to Kai getting voided and the overall structure of a tournament season, part 2 ended up being great for "Three's a Crowd." Sure, 2 fulfillments may look small but there's only 8 combinations left to complete. Half of them involve Jay so it might take a while. I do need to note that a massive asterisk should be put on nearly all of the DR fulfillments as I ignore the presence of the kids. I may amend to include them in the future, but that would be hundreds more unique combinations, so I need to wait until they've had a lot more scenes.
Jay was still in the administration at the end of part one and he needed at least a little time to assimilate into a wolf cult, so I put 2 months in between part one and two, which I title Blood Moon and Tournament of Sources respectively. The reason I didn't put more than 2 months, aside from my policy of always putting the least time possible, is because Sora mentioned that saving the world had prevented them from going to the Administration to find information on Arin's parents sooner, indicating it hasn't been too long since the Blood Moon.
I only updated this chart because I updated the timeline. One interesting note of dialogue for me was Cole saying "You know I ran away from that dancing school my dad put me in when I was a kid." It's sort of a similar piece of evidence to Kai referring to Arin and Sora as kids, and it's interesting to hear him refer to his pilot season self as a kid, but it's also possible he ran away from the school much earlier than the pilot season. Thanks for reading this far! I'm going to start working on some suggested charts. Please let me know if you have any ideas or feedback!
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Tournament of the Sources Bracket
I just finished the season and I made this spreadsheet so my friend could do a little march madness. It's a bit chaotic because there was likely off-screen battles, and some people seemed to have just been made to fight more battles. The Master of Itineraries doesn't seem to care that much about fairness. I omitted the names of the masters who had elemental powers we saw during the Tournament of Elements, so as not to spoil which masters have apparently passed. I know I spelled Frak's name wrong. Non-Censored Bracket below. Beware. Spoilers.
Of course.
Non-Censored Bracket
It's cool to see what could've been if it wasn't for all of the riggings. I was truly suprised people on the same team weren't ever pit against each other. I'm curious if that was by the tournament's design as they did appear to enter it in teams.
Bracket with No Cheating
Sorry Nuero, but I just assumed. The match between Cole and Frak wasn't strictly rigged, unlike the others. However, the arena was designed to be advantagous to Frak, so assuming they're on even ground I'm giving it to Cole. Nothing about the Cinder v. Wyldfire match seemed weighted to one side or the other. I think the lack of rigging for both Wyldfire and Sora (up until the very end) demonstrates that Ras and/or Bleckt underestimates them.
It would've been cool to see a rematch between Cole and Zane after all these seasons. We've also never seen Lloyd and Nya fight. There would've been a lot of ethical questions for Sora to consider if she had to fight Zane -ethical questions she didn't seem to consider when fighting the tournament bots- so we can be thankful that didn't happen. Although, I assume if the ninja ended up in a fight against eachother, they wouldn't actually fight. It's more likely they'd strategically concede. Under this umbrella, I'd think Nya would have conceded to Lloyd so she could look for Jay. Cole and Zane would've had a battle of concessions, similar to Jay v Cole in season 4, which could have gone either way. Sora would have conceded to Zane or Cole. because she's insecure. Zane hasn't had much interactions with the kids or tournaments so it's difficult to say whether he would have accepted. Cole, I think would have pulled a similar move to what he did in season 4. Lloyd against Sora, Zane, or Cole would have also been a battle of concessions. So maybe Roby should have been thankful to his uncle because I'm sure he wouldn't have been happy about all these peaceful agreements.
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Ninjago Parkour Civilization Chart
For the purpose of this chart, all the ninja should be parkour noobs so I placed them based on who they were at the start of their respective season ones. If I did this based on where they all were now, it would be pretty boring as, save for maybe the kids, they'd all just be at beef/success. Here's a quick outline of my reasoning. Chicken/Succeed Cole (sensible) Zane (doesn't get hungry, chooses not to examine it) Sora (insecure) Arin (insecure in a different way) Beef/Fail Kai (reckless/ambitious) Wyldfire (reckless/overconfident) Morro (reckless/ambitious/dead) Beef/Success Lloyd (main character powers) Nya (ambitious in a more thought out way) Jay (lucky) Riyu (can fly) (I made this chart because it was rattling inside my brain because this minecraft movie is all over my feeds and I figured I'd share because it is a chart even if it's not as data-driven as the others.)
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Ninjago Groupings Episode by Episode
A.K.A. how much time they spend together
This chart has each of the ninja sorted into who they were with each episode. For consistency, I designate the grouping based on who they're with at the beginning of the episode. So, for instance, if Zane is with the ninja at the beginning of the episode, he'll be sorted as "Gang's all here" even if he spends the rest of the episode in on his own little galavant. I will go through each season, so I can explain my observations and so you can see the chart closer up and come up with your own. First, I must explain each designation as I gave them odd titles for fun.
Purple refers to the main party. There will (almost) always be purple on the chart, even if the whole party's split as I designate it based on where either the majority of people started, or, where the main mission's at. For instance, if we have a party with all the ninja, but they gradually die off, as in Skybound for instance, Jay remains the main party as he has survived.
Busy is the first designation I'll turn to if one or more of the ninja has gone off on a separate mission. If there are two ongoing missions in addition to the main party, I'll use Double Busy. If there are three, I'll use Triple Busy. If there are four, I'll hope one of them fits into a separate category as you'll see with the Crystalized madness.
Homebase comes into play if a ninja is at the monastary, Bounty, or whatever's been designated the base at the moment. Gang's all here and Busies predominate however. This designation primarily applies when the ninja is hanging out with Wu or holding down the fort. Tragically, Nya and Pixal have this designation for much of the seasons.
If one or more of the ninja is kidnapped, dead, possessed, or otherwise incapcitated, this comes into play. For Double Involuntary to apply, at least two ninja must be in two different types of incapacitation. For instance, in Skybound, Kai and Zane were in a sword so they were Involuntary, but Jay was captured by pirates so he was Double Involuntary.
So far, this literally only applies to Jay (during Dragons Rising specifically). I used it because the audience knew where he was but didn't know how he felt about it.
I use this designation when the audience doesn't know the status of the characters long-term. A clear instance is most of the ninja at the beginning of Dragons Rising, the reason I created it. I also use it for those one-off episodes that aren't about the ninja such as "The News Never Sleeps." (This designation is named after an alternate ending for Cole in Hands of Time which my friend and I find hilarious).
Season Breakdown
In these early seasons, we really only have to deal with four categories. We get the occasional side mission such as Kai, Nya, and Lloyd living their pre-Ninja lives, but nothing serious. For the most part, the ninja are sticking together with their missions. If they break apart, such as in episode 5 where they split up to find Serpentine tombs, it occurs only for the episode, and doesn't extend long-term. While she is Samuai X, Nya is primarily on the Bounty doing various man in the chair tasks. Nya and Lloyd are competing for the damsel in distress title and Lloyd is winning. (Going forward, I am going to omit the Arin through Sora rows until they actually appear. Just know that they're toddlers off who knows where doing who knows what.)
Lloyd has joined the party. It's odd because he usually is engaging in the main plot, but in Child's Play, they act like they've always left him at home. Early season trends are continuing. While Nya's still on the move during the late season, she has been turned evil by a substance which is not something she wanted so she's still racking up Involuntary points.
Yay, Pixal's here! The core 4 continues to stick together but Lloyd has undergone on the first mission separate from the party. It doesn't end well as he gets captured, but hey as long as he had fun. Pixal is regarded as Involuntary as, similar to Nya in the previous season, she has been turned evil by hacking. Observe that the whole group gets together for the finale. This will occur nearly every season going forward.
This is our first elimination season, so we start to see even the core four break apart. This crumbling starts with the first episode, as Zane is, as per usual, gone. He's finally thrown his hat in the ring for the damel competition. As Pixal goes into Zane's head this season, I match her color codes to Zane but in a muted tone, as she's there, but she's not really there for anyone but Zane.
It's another elimination season, but they spend a lot more time all together than I remembered. For the first time, no Busy gets invoked as they're all always together or captured, but Double Involuntary does occur twice in two different fashions. With Pixal's designation here, I am presuming that Nadakhan had the common courtesy of returning her to life when Zane wished it all away.
Day of the Departed is really just a Cole solo mission. Zane dies again. Pixal is one again innovating with designations as she causes the first invokation of Double Busy once she's free. You might observe that I technically invoked Double Busy before Busy. I did this because Kai and Nya were the main plotline, while Double Busy was primarily occuring in the background. More characters in play is resulting in more categories of groupings, but, for the most part they all stuck together as has been par for the course during Masters of Spinjitzu.
We have a few little missions and incapacitations here and there, but for the most part it's a team effort. I really enjoy when they spend all season on the ship. Zane dies again. Pixal is gets to be part of the main crew again because while she may be on the Bounty, so is everyone else.
Hunted is in past tense for a reason. The Ninja spent half the time captured. I considered the core four to be the main party as majority rules, not to mention they had the ship and Wu. This is the first time we have a Busy designation last nearly all season. Hunted is sort of our first "splitting the party" season. It may have been accidental, but we'll see a lot of this going forward.
Being a movie, aside from a little father son fishing trip and a death fake-out, the ninja tended to stick together.
The ninja go back to sticking together, as in early seasons but it doesn't last long. For the latter half of this chapter, they split up into alpha squad (Zane, Nya, and Lloyd) and the boys (Cole, Kai, and Jay), which, as I like to point out, Lloyd will nearly always choose when he picks teams. Pixal may have been with the ninja in these first few episodes, but she was doing her own thing at homebase. We have out first side character episode, which is something I really loved about this era. Zane dies again.
As you can see, we're starting to have these long periods of splitting the party. While it's not as extreme as in Hunted, we have Lloyd going off alone and Zane off being evil, while the main party spends some time in the village. Cole even has one of his brief solo missions. Something I'll note about Zane. His evilness was very much involuntary as he needed amnesia, an evil staff, AND an evil advisor to make it happen.
I didn't count Jay entering Prime Empire as Involuntary because he did that on purpose. Pixal's finally off the bench. Or has Zane joined her? Hard to say but I ruled the former as Wu was not there and they very much had their own mission. We have a return of the elimination season, which funnily enough looks near identical to the elimination pattern in Skybound. Despite the fact he didn't enter Prime Empire, Zane insists on racking up his Damsel points.
This season was big on splitting the party, as indicated by the longest Double Busy so far for this many people. Kai and Zane get to be the main party even though they're not majority because when it gets down to a near 50/50 split, the designation is relatively arbitrary and I like to keep it at the top of the chart for pretty data's sake and so I tend to keep it with the core four, mainly Kai. You may observe that even when the entire party is captured, Cole doesn't revert to purple. Once a ninja has a designation, it sticks until they form a new grouping.
Cole and Kai get to chill at home for the first time. The rest of the party sticks together for the most part, which was surprising to me as I remembered Nya going off on her own more. It turned out that, similar to season one, these little solo missions ended up isolated within episodes. That is of course, until the end when she becomes the sea. I marked it as Triple Busy so I could reserve Busy for the main plots in the next season.
Crystalized is so long and complicated. It took me forever because, I mean, do you SEE episodes 22-27. You can see why I had to invent Triple Busy. It got so crazy I had to designate Kai as at homebase just because he was at the Newskids' hideout, which was serving as the current base. Nya is of course the sea at the beginning, but I designated her as Triple Busy, because she wasn't on screen for the most part. The ninja go to jail. Lloyd goes off for one minute and gets captured. Zane dies again. Near the end, each of the ninja spend time with a partner ninja except Lloyd who's alone forever. For the finale, they're all together again.
Welcome kids! This is sort of a reverse elimination season. it looks dismal at the beginning, but gradually we recover (mostly) everyone. Even if we don't see a character on screen, I start categorizing them when the audience knows their status. For example, Kai didn't show up until episode 4 but Lloyd told us he was off on a mission. Despite the spires of maybe dead, in the first part it's relatively simple. However, starting now, ninja, such as Nya, will just go off on solo missions like it's no big deal. The mid-season finale gets into some serious party splitting with Kai at homebase again, the discovery of Zane, and the kids off on their own, but ultimately all the active ninja end up together in the finale. In the second half, they party split into pairs long term. It's a good way to balance such a big cast. Zane doesn't have a little buddy so he spends some time at home and then goes to jail. Interstingly, though he's at homebase we do get some significant feature of what's going on in the monastary. We saw a bit of this with Seabound, but not nearly as much as we're seeing with DR. Lloyd and Arin find Zane (again). Kai and Wildfyre find things in common. Sora and Arin find Cole who goes off on a side quest. The audience finds Jay so he gets his Business Trip designation as we don't know how he feels about it. Similar to Pixal during the Zane's head period, I made this color muted as it's very in the background.
Blood Moon is simple for Dragons Rising standards, but calling it simple really reflects how many different categoriations there exists in these later seasons as compared to the old days. Lloyd, the siblings, and the kids go on an educational field trip. Zane stays at home until Cole visits and gets Zane to join his mission. Jay briefly joins Busy during his Business Trip, but no one knows it except Bonezal. Interestingly, they don't all join together in the mid-season finale, but rather, this time, it becomes even more fragmented.
This is my prediction for the Tournament of Sources based soley on the end of Blood Moon and trailer material. Arin will probably be off doing spy stuff and reflecting. Jay's doing something I may have to make a new designation for. Kai's in the void but I think he may be a suprise last minute addition to the Tournament that saves the day (or not). (Off topic, but if Ras always planned on going to the tournament, was this decade+ long Forbidden Five plan just him drafting people for his team?) It's not an elimination tournament because as far as I can tell, when you lose, you can just chill in the stands. They'll probably go off on their own little sidequests but I expect them to all, at the very least, stay in the City of Temples. I'm very excited to find out the truth in a couple days.
With this, I have now posted all my pre-made charts. I plan on making some new charts based on a few suggestions I've gotten already. I think it would also be cool to tally up the designations on this chart to see what the ninja spend most of their time doing. I'll also be posting the official Tournament of Sources updates for all my charts within the next few weeks. Thanks for reading this far. Let me know if you have any suggestions or ideas for additional charts!
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Normal people: hey man how's it going
Guy who loves spreadsheets: can I make you a spreadsheet
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Timeline of Ninjago
Here's my speculation on what the timeline of Ninjago looks like. It happens to align with our timeline as, with the merge time skip, it now totals 13 years of in-show time. I understand it's likely poor quality, so here's it split in half. If anyone knows how to turn Google Sheets into an image file I'd appreciate it greatly.
I'd like to start with a note that, aside from the evidence I'll go through later in this post, this was largely a speculative timeline, so there were often ranges of time I had to choose from. Anywhere from a month to a year could have passed between some of these seasons. I tended to use the most conservative estimates. Thus, I sometimes like to think of my timeline as "at least this much time has passed between x and y events." Now for the evidence.
As you are likely well aware as a fan of the show, any sort of mention of an exact measure of time or age is exceedingly rare in Ninjago. However, fortunately for me there have been a few glimmers in the dark.
In season one, Cole mentions that the Blade Cup is an annual competition. This information would have proven useless if not for the fact that in Posession, when Cole finds the Blade Cup in Ronin's shop, he laments "my dad danced hard for this." As the cup would have belonged to the ninja in season one, Lou must have won the cup back in a later competition. Thus, at least a year must have passed between the Rise of the Snakes and Possession.
In Sons of Garmadon Cole once again helps me out by saying "it's been a year" in reference to Wu's disappearance at the end of Hands of Time.
In Hunted, Jay refers to himself and the ninja as "grown-up teenagers." For me, this means the human members of the core four are 18-19 at this point. This info may seem less helpful for a timeline, but just wait.
At the beginning of Forbidden Secrets, Wu says it's been months since the defeated the Oni.
This is only relavant for my "Zane's perspective" timeline but at one point in the Ice chapter, the Ice Emperor says to Lloyd that it had been "many... decades."
At the beginning of Master of the Mountain, Nya says to Jay that they had been gone a while and lists off the adventures of Forbidden Secrets and Prime Empire. This indicates to me that all three seasons had to have happened relatively close together.
At the beginning of the Island, Lloyd refers to a prison breakout having happened last month. Ungami freed all of the prisoners during Prime Empire. However, this time period mention had to be balanced by the fact that Misako had been missing for "several weeks" by the Island but was present during Master of the Mountain. My ruling here is that by last month, Lloyd is referring to for instance, August, which for me would have been 8 weeks ago at this point. An issue in my timeline is that the smallest unit I am able to mark is a month. Thus, even though it's likely that these 10 minute era seasons were closer to a week in length, I must mark them as a month.
In Seabound, when P.I.X.A.L. reveals the Hydrobounty, she says that she had been "tinkering with it in my spare time for the past several years." As P.I.X.A.L. only regained her body and access the Ninja's various workshops during Hands of Time, at least 3 years had to have passed between Hands of Time and Seabound.
In the first episode of Crystalized, the mayor and Gayle state that exactly a year had passed since Nya became the sea.
In Dragons Rising, there's many references to how years had passed since the merge including the existence of annual competitions and holidays. The most clearest one for me is when Nya says to Zane "it's been years."
When Kai first meets Arin and Sora he says to Lloyd "And who are the kids?." Because a teenager is unlikely to call other teenagers kids, I view this statement as meaning that Kai is probably in his mid-20s at this point, and thus at least 6 years had to have passed since Hunted, when Jay referred to them as "grown-up teenagers."
Lego Legs
The only clear marking we have of age in the show is when a character's legs are swapped out. This has happened naturally to 5 characters that I'm aware of: Nelson, Harumi, Arin, Sora, and Riyu (Technically Jordanna as well but it feels right to leave her out). I'm going to ignore what the leg sizes mean in other properties (ex: Star Wars and Dreamzzz (which recently revealed all the characters' ages which is crazy)) and stick to an interpretation that I think makes sense with Ninjago. These are the general age ranges, but they vary based on vibes. People are different heights of course. Child: -∞ to 11 Medium: 11 to 13 Basic: 13 to ∞
Harumi was really the foundation of this whole chart. The reveal of her backstory was extremely exciting as it meant there was a minimum time that had passed between seasons 1 and 8. To go with my "at least" general rule, I'll put her at the maximum child age (11) and assuming she's around Lloyd's age during season 8, at least 3 or 4 years would have had to pass between seasons 1 and 8, likely more.
Nelson is the only character that has gone from kid legs to medium legs. I sort of question whether teen legs are even being used anymore because as far as I know, we haven't seen them since. Either way, as they're so rare I tend to think of them as pre-teen legs for Ninjago. Thus, even if Nelson was at the max pre-teen age (13), similarly to the Harumi jump, at least 3 years or so had to have passed between Skybound and Secrets of Forbidden Spinjitzu. This turned out to line up quite nicely with the dialogue evidence.
Sora and Arin both had child-sized legs when the Merge happened. When we meet them in the present, they have adult legs. This means that they would have had had to go from at most 11 to at least 13. On a purely vibes basis, Sora acts a bit older than Arin so I put this jump at just over 3 years so that the both of them can fully make the leap from small to medium to basic legs.
Riyu makes the jump from a dog-sized dragon to a horse sized dragon. The latest we see him as a dog-sized dragon is in the Mech Shorts, which, according to Arin's pie competitions, takes place a year after the Crossroads Carnival. Going by my at least rule though, I still stick Blood Moon at just over a year after the beginning of Dragons Rising. This is mainly because I see the way legos grow as just one day >pop< they're bigger. No in-betweens. We don't know Riyu's age or the dragon life cycle and there's no medium legs to gauge time by. Thus, I think of the mech shorts as occuring the day before Riyu hit dragon puberty. However, I may put more time between DR and Blood Moon if I get any more information.
I used the leg sizes and dialogue as guidelines I had to stick to. The final placement of the seasons on the timeline is based on vibes. As you can tell by my at-least rule, I didn't like to put a significant time-skip between seasons unless I have good reason. Truthfully, since seaosn 8, while I love timeskips I've been suprised each time like a year is said to have passed between seasons as the ninja can only be young for so long. I thought the close together temporally seasons of the 10 minute era was sort of the writers parking the brakes on needless timeskips, but then there was a year between Seabound and Crystalized. Also, of course, the Merge but at this point we seem to have stopped pretending the Ninja are teenagers so it matters less. Of course, we still have Arin, Wyldfire, and Sora so it will be interesting to see how fast time passes. I plan on going through the more speculative reasoning between why I placed each season the way I did, but I'd like to keep this post to more "concrete data" on the timeline. Thanks for reading this far! I'm sure I missed things, so do let me know if you have any additional evidence or suggestions! As a bonus, here's Zane's perception of the timeline.
#ninjago#spreadsheet#lego ninjago#ninjago dragons rising#ninjago harumi#ninjago zane#ninjago nelson#ninjago riyu
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I only have two pre-made primary charts left. They're my pride and joy. I want to post both of them before the official release of Tournament of the Sources, but I don't know which one to do next so I figured I'd just do a poll on what people want to see first. The timeline is pretty straightforward. It's a clearer representation of the speculated data I use for my age chart. For the Ninja grouping chart, I took each ninja and pretty much color-coded whether they were in group A, B, or C episode by episode. It's great for seeing how the plot structure has shifted over time as well as which ninja spend the most time together vs alone vs a secret third thing. It'll make more sense when I post it.
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Ok, thank you! Really cool to see you did the same thing a while ago!
1) I actually did this chart months ago, so I think I misspoke in this post when I said I used the preeminent. I more likely did use Gayle/Pixal for my interaction. Thanks for the correction.
2) It being an old chart is also why I forgot to explain my Turn of the Tide reasoning cus which I should because it’s silly/complicated. In the Day Ninjago Stood Still (2x8), my interaction was based on Wu passing information directly between Gayle and Nya. I figured it counted as a communication. Thus, that episode gave me a precedent for me to count Jay passing along Nya’s message to her mother. The idea is it's ok for a man to be a vessel for two women to have a conversation. I was very liberal with all my tests because I feel like, the more liberal you are with the test, the worse it is for something to fail it.
3) Good to hear about DRS2P2! I’m trying to predict what will sustain these tests. Bonezal’s been voided but there’s likely female forbidden 5 for her to talk to in an episode or 2. Nya will likely be preoccupied with Jay and thus talking to the other ninja who know him, but she’ll likely talk to Wylfire/Sora in at least a few episodes. I’ve gathered that Wyldfire has a love interest? So that could hold her up. Jordanna doesn’t have any female villains to bounce ideas off of that I know of. I don’t know anything about Sora this season but based on my lack of info, I’ll place my bets with her talking to other mains and random tournament contestants. Your 5 point test is so cool!!! Yes, so many of those early episodes passed by a hair. It’s so cool to see it graphed. The IMDb bit is also interesting, but I’d be curious if recency was a confounding factor. I’m super glad you’re also doing this!! Thanks for all your feedback and info!
Bechdel Testing Ninjago
So, a little while ago I did the Bechdel test on Ninjago because I've always seen the show as sort of an interesting case study in how women are portrayed in cartoons. Of course, I'm aware the Bechdel test originated as a joke and something passing the Bechdel test doesn't make it feminist/not. Rather, or for me at least, it's an indication of how deficient female representation can be at an aggregate scale. As a way to analyze Ninjago, I feel it works as it shows how female representation over the course of the show. If you're interested I'll now discuss my thoughts on how the analysis went season by season. DISCLAIMER: I did this for fun.

The pilot was easy. Nya's the only one, so test failed across the board. The first episode that passed the test was when Jay's parents came to visit. Yay Edna! Mystake does show up in episode 7 but, I don't count it as she has not yet been named. 12&13 had a kid's mom in a bus which I decided was enough cus hey, Mom's a name she uses.

Here's where we really get going. Patty Keys, their real estate agent continues to show up through seabound as a background character, which is pretty cool imo. Episode 5, Mystake finally gets named. Episode 6 was huge for my chart as it's the introduction of Misako. You'd think episode 7 is when her and Nya talked but that's actually when Nya and Gayle had a lil convo. From then on I spent the episodes just staring at the Nya and Misako thinking "talk to her talk to her talk to her." Fortunately, when they did speak, Nya and Misako would be discuss like science, maps, and fate of the world so I never ran into a problem with rule 3. That is, until Rebooted.

The good news is Pixal's here so it'll be years before we fail rule 1 again. The bad news is we've got a love triangle so goodbye rule 3. Nya actually talked to her student, Sally, and Pixal quite often but it was so often about Jay or Cole so I would just be scouring the episode for a single exchange where they talked about anything else. During the Tournament, Nya, Pixal, Skylor, and Misako were all in different groupings and it was rare that Tox or Camille would say something so no rule 2/3 successes until late season.

The good news is, the love triangle is over so we're back to rule 2 usually meaning rule 3. The bad news is, Pixal's in Zane's head so we're back to hoping Misako and Nya say something to eachother. Nya usually shared her scenes with Wu, Ronin, and Jay during these seasons so chances were few and far between. However, unlike the first few seasons where the default was male, we're now getting some female henchmen (Bansha and Dogshank) so that made things easier.

Thank you for being in Day of the Departed Edna Walker. Early Hands of Time was tough because Nya, Misako, and Commander Macchia were rarely in the same scenes. In the latter half of the season though, we thankfully see the return of Pixal. Maya also helped us with some wins.

What a breath of fresh air. Thanks to Harumi & Ultraviolet's introduction, Pixal's return, Mystake's upgrade to a reoccuring character, and Nya & Misako's continued support, failing even rule 3 is pretty rare during the Oni Trilogy. We run into some complications during Hunted because though we have Skylor and the aforementioned characters in Ninjago and Faith & Jet Jack in the First Realm, sometimes people don't talk to eachother. And that's ok. Overall, smooth sailing.
Ah??!? What happened. Worry not. I realized this was, in part, because the Oni Trilogy had 20 minutes worth of chances for women to speak to eachother, these were only 10 minute episodes. So, for the sake of comparable units of analysis, I considered each pair of episodes to be 1 episode. I'll show both charts until DR.
It looks a little better, but it's still not at Oni Trilogy levels. Still, I'd be curious to see what the test would look like if I dissected the earlier episodes into 10 minute chunks because it's probably not a great sign if 10 v 20 minutes makes such a big difference. Ok, proceeding. The Fire Chapter was usually pretty successful because Pixal, Aspheera, or Nya would usually end up talking at one point or another. Gayle even helped at one point. The Ice chapter usually achieved successes through Nya talking to Sorla. In one episode, I counted the Preminent's roars as conversation with Pixal. The Ice Chapter had quite a few failures largely because, as in previous seasons, all the women were split up.
Despite the fact that Nya was one of the longest lived ninja, Prime Empire has total failures at levels not seen since before season 2. This is largely because for the most part, Pixal and Nya are never in the same episode. Racer 7 helps but she was only there for a bit. I should point out that I feel like the 10 minute era is really when Pixal starts feeling like part of the team to me. She's always part of homebase meetings and always plays a key part in missions. Alas, if she's not in episodes with Nya, that's not going to show up on my chart. It's a reminder of the fact this test doesn't show substance.
Master of the Mountain is similar to the other seasons of its era. The fact the 10 minute era tended to show its plots episode by episode (ex: Ep 3 = Plot A, Ep 4 = Plot B, Ep 5 = Plot C) rather than all in one really takes a toll on the test. For the most part, Nya and Vania were our only chances for success and it was rare they'd share an episode. We also had the rare rule 3 failure with the Queen of the Munce episode. Thanks Jay. The Island only had Nya until they found Misako, so it was struggling even more.
It feels right to see all green when it's a Nya season. In the beginning of Seabound, they put Nya, Pixal, and Maya on a boat together and by jove it made things easy. Late season was a bit trickier because Nya was on her own journey. Crystalized had Skylor, Pixal and some ressurected villains saving the day. Late Crystalized is the way it is because it had so, so many different groupings. I have a chart based on groupings and this season was such a challenge.
I really felt the difference with Dragons Rising. I mean, you can see the difference, but it was even more clear when doing my data collection because it was just so easy. Rather than grabbing at scraps of dialogue like I had to do in early seasons, there was often a wealth of more meaningful conversation between female characters to choose from. As with the Oni Trilogy, a female villain with a female henchman makes things easy because they scheme together. We also had Nya and Sora on a joint quest. Funnily enough, there is a rare rule 3 failure because Sora and Kreel only talked about Kreel's friend in one episode. Episode 17 had the classic split up issue and actually would've failed entirely if not for Agent Underwood, which is actually a great example of my next point. You can really tell how male is no longer the default because not only is there the introduction of all the fantastic new female main characters, but also there's plenty of random female characters scattered throughout. I haven't seen DRS2P2 yet but I expect it'll be more of the same. I should mention I also made a chart with the reverse (two named men in an episode who talk about eachother about something besides a woman). Only three episodes fail in any capacity. (Say thank you to the Akita, Pixal, and Harumi solo episodes). If you read this whole thing, thank you. I had a lot of fun doing it. Let me know if there's any other charts I can do!
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I like your statistics, statistics man (gender neutral). Now im kinda curious how many named characters of different species each episode had. Like specifically main character vs ally vs neutral vs enemy vs main villian? Just to see how common each species is n how many they decided to name each season
Thank you! I like the ideas. It would be interesting to compare the amount of ensemble/main/reoccuring/ect. because I do feel it changes over the course of the show. I feel like can tell by how much fuller the world feels in some seasons feel than others. I do think these would be a few different charts from a similar dataset. The way I'd go about this would probably be to do a similar thing to the women chart where I pull the new names per episode. Which, by the way I forgot to include. (You can view below) I may do it by season instead though, cus episode by episode analysis may be less valuable for the breakdown of a season. I think it would be an interesting chart but I'm having trouble visualizing exactly how I'll do it. I'll figure it out as I go along though. Looking forward to it!
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Bechdel Testing Ninjago
So, a little while ago I did the Bechdel test on Ninjago because I've always seen the show as sort of an interesting case study in how women are portrayed in cartoons. Of course, I'm aware the Bechdel test originated as a joke and something passing the Bechdel test doesn't make it feminist/not. Rather, or for me at least, it's an indication of how deficient female representation can be at an aggregate scale. As a way to analyze Ninjago, I feel it works as it shows how female representation over the course of the show. If you're interested I'll now discuss my thoughts on how the analysis went season by season. DISCLAIMER: I did this for fun.

The pilot was easy. Nya's the only one, so test failed across the board. The first episode that passed the test was when Jay's parents came to visit. Yay Edna! Mystake does show up in episode 7 but, I don't count it as she has not yet been named. 12&13 had a kid's mom in a bus which I decided was enough cus hey, Mom's a name she uses.

Here's where we really get going. Patty Keys, their real estate agent continues to show up through seabound as a background character, which is pretty cool imo. Episode 5, Mystake finally gets named. Episode 6 was huge for my chart as it's the introduction of Misako. You'd think episode 7 is when her and Nya talked but that's actually when Nya and Gayle had a lil convo. From then on I spent the episodes just staring at the Nya and Misako thinking "talk to her talk to her talk to her." Fortunately, when they did speak, Nya and Misako would be discuss like science, maps, and fate of the world so I never ran into a problem with rule 3. That is, until Rebooted.

The good news is Pixal's here so it'll be years before we fail rule 1 again. The bad news is we've got a love triangle so goodbye rule 3. Nya actually talked to her student, Sally, and Pixal quite often but it was so often about Jay or Cole so I would just be scouring the episode for a single exchange where they talked about anything else. During the Tournament, Nya, Pixal, Skylor, and Misako were all in different groupings and it was rare that Tox or Camille would say something so no rule 2/3 successes until late season.

The good news is, the love triangle is over so we're back to rule 2 usually meaning rule 3. The bad news is, Pixal's in Zane's head so we're back to hoping Misako and Nya say something to eachother. Nya usually shared her scenes with Wu, Ronin, and Jay during these seasons so chances were few and far between. However, unlike the first few seasons where the default was male, we're now getting some female henchmen (Bansha and Dogshank) so that made things easier.

Thank you for being in Day of the Departed Edna Walker. Early Hands of Time was tough because Nya, Misako, and Commander Macchia were rarely in the same scenes. In the latter half of the season though, we thankfully see the return of Pixal. Maya also helped us with some wins.

What a breath of fresh air. Thanks to Harumi & Ultraviolet's introduction, Pixal's return, Mystake's upgrade to a reoccuring character, and Nya & Misako's continued support, failing even rule 3 is pretty rare during the Oni Trilogy. We run into some complications during Hunted because though we have Skylor and the aforementioned characters in Ninjago and Faith & Jet Jack in the First Realm, sometimes people don't talk to eachother. And that's ok. Overall, smooth sailing.
Ah??!? What happened. Worry not. I realized this was, in part, because the Oni Trilogy had 20 minutes worth of chances for women to speak to eachother, these were only 10 minute episodes. So, for the sake of comparable units of analysis, I considered each pair of episodes to be 1 episode. I'll show both charts until DR.
It looks a little better, but it's still not at Oni Trilogy levels. Still, I'd be curious to see what the test would look like if I dissected the earlier episodes into 10 minute chunks because it's probably not a great sign if 10 v 20 minutes makes such a big difference. Ok, proceeding. The Fire Chapter was usually pretty successful because Pixal, Aspheera, or Nya would usually end up talking at one point or another. Gayle even helped at one point. The Ice chapter usually achieved successes through Nya talking to Sorla. In one episode, I counted the Preminent's roars as conversation with Pixal. The Ice Chapter had quite a few failures largely because, as in previous seasons, all the women were split up.
Despite the fact that Nya was one of the longest lived ninja, Prime Empire has total failures at levels not seen since before season 2. This is largely because for the most part, Pixal and Nya are never in the same episode. Racer 7 helps but she was only there for a bit. I should point out that I feel like the 10 minute era is really when Pixal starts feeling like part of the team to me. She's always part of homebase meetings and always plays a key part in missions. Alas, if she's not in episodes with Nya, that's not going to show up on my chart. It's a reminder of the fact this test doesn't show substance.
Master of the Mountain is similar to the other seasons of its era. The fact the 10 minute era tended to show its plots episode by episode (ex: Ep 3 = Plot A, Ep 4 = Plot B, Ep 5 = Plot C) rather than all in one really takes a toll on the test. For the most part, Nya and Vania were our only chances for success and it was rare they'd share an episode. We also had the rare rule 3 failure with the Queen of the Munce episode. Thanks Jay. The Island only had Nya until they found Misako, so it was struggling even more.
It feels right to see all green when it's a Nya season. In the beginning of Seabound, they put Nya, Pixal, and Maya on a boat together and by jove it made things easy. Late season was a bit trickier because Nya was on her own journey. Crystalized had Skylor, Pixal and some ressurected villains saving the day. Late Crystalized is the way it is because it had so, so many different groupings. I have a chart based on groupings and this season was such a challenge.
I really felt the difference with Dragons Rising. I mean, you can see the difference, but it was even more clear when doing my data collection because it was just so easy. Rather than grabbing at scraps of dialogue like I had to do in early seasons, there was often a wealth of more meaningful conversation between female characters to choose from. As with the Oni Trilogy, a female villain with a female henchman makes things easy because they scheme together. We also had Nya and Sora on a joint quest. Funnily enough, there is a rare rule 3 failure because Sora and Kreel only talked about Kreel's friend in one episode. Episode 17 had the classic split up issue and actually would've failed entirely if not for Agent Underwood, which is actually a great example of my next point. You can really tell how male is no longer the default because not only is there the introduction of all the fantastic new female main characters, but also there's plenty of random female characters scattered throughout. I haven't seen DRS2P2 yet but I expect it'll be more of the same. I should mention I also made a chart with the reverse (two named men in an episode who talk about eachother about something besides a woman). Only three episodes fail in any capacity. (Say thank you to the Akita, Pixal, and Harumi solo episodes). If you read this whole thing, thank you. I had a lot of fun doing it. Let me know if there's any other charts I can do!
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I was wondering why your statistics and charts made me so happy and then I remembered that I'm neurodivergent and ninjago is a special interest. Very good stuff you got on this blog! I love seeing it even though you have like 3 posts so far.
Thank you so much!! I'm so glad you enjoy. I've been making them for a while, but I realized recently I wanted to share them. It's been great so far! I've even gotten some helpful feedback :) Let me know if there's any statistic you think I could graph because atm I feel like I've run out of ideas :p
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Here's my chart of the ninja's ages over the seasons btw. Zane makes it pretty hard to read cus he's such an outlier. Like, his distortion of the chrt makes Lloyd's age skip look normal. Thus, I've also included a chart without Zane so you can see the finer details of the seasons.
Here's the age chart for anyone who wants the data again. Let me know if you have any suggestions!
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I saw a post a while ago where someone tried to figure out if all the groupings of the Animorphs had existed at one point and found it really interesting so I decided to do it with Ninjago. Basically, I tried to think of examples of scenes where each grouping existed. These aren't necessarily the first or best scenes, just the first scenes that came to my head. Please forgive the silly names that only I understand.
Please let me know if there's any I missed! I'd love for this to be complete. I have not seen DR2P2, though so if it happens then, let me be surprised please. I didn't include the kids cus they don't have 17 seasons of history and that would be over 500 groupings. Maybe in a couple years I will.
Jay/Lloyd were the hardest to think of because while most Ninja ended up spending one on one time with Lloyd during their focus season(s), Jay always ended up spending time with Nya.
Zane was my problem child on this list. He's always off doing something on his own or with P.I.X.A.L. Lloyd has a similar problem and, whenever he picks teams, he does like to pick Nya and Zane (likely because they're the smartest). I call them the Alpha Squad for fun, but anyway, nearly impossible to find Zane + Lloyd + any-ninja-but-Nya. Another problem is, oddly Cole and Nya normally end up in seperate groupings so there's no Cole+Nya+Kai or Cole+Nya+Zane. I attribute it to the fact Nya has the simialr problem of being normally with Jay or on her own. I wouldn't be suprised if DR finally gave us these latter trios. If only Kai wasn't voided.
Quads mostly happen due to the absence of others. Up until now, Jay's usually hanging around so, if he stays away long enough I anticipate a good few of these being fulfilled.
This one was super easy! One of these gamers is always going off on their own so the others are left hanging out together.
Well, yeah it's the show. Of course, I should mention, we haven't seen this grouping in years.
Thanks for reading all this! Let me know if I missed any!
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