Our Fairytale
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Est. 9 Oct 2010
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nineoctoberten · 1 year ago
My baby sister is 34
She’s becoming so much more
More stronger than she knows
Life tests her, but through it she grows
More wiser and more tough
To me she is more than enough
More lovely and more sure
A soul more beautiful than ever before
I am proud of all that she is
All that she does, all she gives
I couldn’t feel more glad
For the shared childhood we had
For the good and the bad
For the happy and the sad
I love building memories with you
You’re my friend and always will be too…
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nineoctoberten · 2 years ago
Appreciation post 33/100
Dear H,
Thank you for choosing me, every day since 9 October 2010. Thank you for choosing us, even when things get tough. Thank you for loving me, even when I’m not so loveable. Thank you for showing up, for trying your best to do your best. Thank you for adding warmth and light into my life, for making me happier because you are here, for being my reason.
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nineoctoberten · 2 years ago
Happiest Daddy Day
From your two cheekiest sons
Your cuddles are the best
We love you a million tons!
It may seem, at least for now
That we call for mummy more
But know we need you just as much
In this family your are our core
You take good care of mummy
So she can care for us two
You teach us to try our best
We learn to be better through you
Thank you for being present
For giving fatherhood your all
For building trust and resilience
For making us feel 10 feet tall
You are the fun one
The sometimes funny one
Our chef and chauffeur
The smart with money one
You tell us you are proud
Of who we are growing into
We may only be 4 and 1
But already see ourselves in you
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nineoctoberten · 3 years ago
Happy twosday!
What a special day of twos it deserves a post - 22/02/2022!
Normal day of work for us, kids in school/childcare
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nineoctoberten · 3 years ago
Appreciation post 32/100
Thank you for your forgiveness. I can be mean, even cruel, selfish, and un-love-worthy - but you still love me and are with me and I don’t understand why sometimes. Either you are blind or you are the better person, who loves above all else. I am truly blessed to have you in my life and I hope that I can continue to work on my flaws so that I may be deserving of your love and care for me. That or may you continue to be blinded by my beauty (jokes)
I may not feel as beautiful as I did at 22 when we first got together, not on the outside anyway. But I know I am more beautiful now on the inside all because of you.
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nineoctoberten · 3 years ago
Appreciation post 31/100
Thank you for taking over putting the kids down when I am on inspections or need to work overtime. I know that my work inflexibility is difficult for you too, esp during the times when I used to have to travel. I value that you value my career too.
Thank you also for sharing parenting responsibilities like school drop off and pick ups (you do most of them), taking carers leave and night time wake ups. You do so much for this household, and I want you to know that everything you do is noticed and I love you so much more because of it. I know how much sleep deprivation affects you and the fact that you try to do whatever you can means the world to me.
Love forever and always,
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nineoctoberten · 3 years ago
Happy birthday my love
Dearest W
You are yet another year wiser, a year more beautiful, a year full of love and joy and I want to wish you the happiest of birthdays and another year full of everything you desire. Reflecting on you, I have watched you grow in all facets of life and I could not be more proud of the woman you are. You are loving, caring and provide so much joy to all those around you. Our sons and I are the luckiest people in the world to be able to have you in our lives, as a mother and as a wife!
Every day I am in awe of how you are able to deal with all of us. We definitely do not make it easy on you yet there you are, every day the best of us leading the way. Through the years on this Earth, you continue to grow every day and you make me want to be a better person.
This last year, while affected by COVID has been a year of momentous occasions! From our second born, to moving into our home and making memories together and heading back to work, I hope you know how much you have achieved in such a short time. Every year we get to grow older is a blessing and these blessings are so special to me.
So as I sit here on your birthday eve, I want to say the biggest thank you for everything you have done, said and lived over the last year in your early 30s. I know that there are many more memories to be made and more love and joy to come and that you are just getting started.
Happy birthday my darling wife.
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nineoctoberten · 3 years ago
Dear husband,
Happy number 33. Thank you for being everything I could ever want and need. I will spend the rest of my life trying to make you as happy as you make me every single day. You keep me grounded, you keep me strong and you make me better and want to be better. I can’t express well enough how much I love you. I am truly the luckiest girl because I have you, and our two boys.
33 reasons why I love you:
1. You spoil me with love, patience and kindness
2. You are so hardworking
3. You are so darn handsome
4. You hold in farts for me
5. I can feel your love when you look at me
6. You forgive me, and let me be always right
7. You support me physically and emotionally
8. You cook for me
9. You take out the bins for me
10. You let my feet travel to your side and help warm them up
11. You massage my feet regularly
12. You tell me I am beautiful
13. You encourage me with all my crazy ideas and thoughts - you smile and call me cute (when you mean nuts), that you would love to see how my brain works
14. You listen to me (60% of the time, which is still a lot as I talk a lot)
15. I enjoy talking to you about everything - when the kids fall asleep in the car, I love just driving all around just conversing with you
16. Your hands fit so perfectly in mine, as they are the same size as mine
17. You want to work on our relationship and are willing to read relationship books
18. You parent alongside me, doing it all together
19. You kiss my forehead and squeeze my hand spontaneously
20. You accomodate my crazy organising and cleaning ways (like finding all the missing Lego pieces)
21. You fold all the laundry
22. You are the bad cop so I can be the good cop
23. You take over big things when I get overwhelmed. You stress so I don’t have to. Like planning our wedding, moving apartments, moving back from canberra, renovating the house, tracking our finances...
24. You make me feel special
25. You make sure the kids respect and love me, and remember to treat me well
26. You go along with my craziness (like chronic head lice)
27. You challenge me intellectually and educate me on current affairs so I can make informed decisions and sound smarter when conversing with my peers
28. You acknowledge me and my contributions to the family. I don’t feel you take us for granted
29. I can trust you completely
30. You will watch chick flicks with me (and barbie)
31. You give me peace in my hardest times (like during the foot melanoma saga)
32. You want to be the best husband, father and son you can be.
33. Family is important to you.
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nineoctoberten · 3 years ago
Dearest Tristan,
My second born son
My baby, my littlest one
You are 6 months old today
8kg and perfect to me all the way
I’m only starting to know you
But I’ve loved being the one to grow you
I never knew I could love so much
Each cuddle, each smile, each touch
You are rolling, trying to look around
Your ears are alert to every sound
You get excited for nappy changes and baths
Peek a boo and tickles make you laugh
Your hands are in fists or pulling at my hair
Bright lights make you stop and stare
Right now, it is 1 in the morning
I’m exhausted and yawning
You have just been changed and fed
Asleep in my arms ready for bed
I should, but don’t want to let you go
I wish these moments could stand still or pass slow
One day too soon you’ll be a man
Before then, I’ll hold you as tightly as I can
I want to be the best mother for you
I want you to be happy your life through
Because you are my happiness, my sunshine
And I am so blessed that you are mine.
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nineoctoberten · 3 years ago
Appreciation post 30/100
Thank you for trying your best to comply with my crazy best freak ways, for cleaning up the playroom when I get stressed looking at it, for making sure Lego sets are organised... You do things simply because you love me, and I love you so much more for that.
Love forever and always,
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nineoctoberten · 4 years ago
Look how far we’ve come
My darling wife, I appreciate you more and more each day. Words could not describe how much you mean to me and how much I love you. Looking back on the last 11 years, can you believe where we are right now and how far we have come. Looking back even just last year and now, sitting here writing this, I truly can’t believe how much we have accomplished. We now have two young boys who truly love you more than you could ever know! We have a house which has transformed into our home! We have moved across state lines to be back here! 
I know that there were times when the stress was crazy, when the load was too much to bear and times when we were just too tired. Through all those times, thank you for being my rock and my life, I truly do not know how we could have made it through. We are older, we are a little wiser but more than that, we are still learning about each other and growing together. I love our lives together, we have built this from the ground and every day we get together is a blessing that I will always cherish.
You are my everything, my love. XO
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nineoctoberten · 4 years ago
Appreciation post 29/100
Thank you for letting me sleep in when you can, for taking the kids out even if it’s just a drive to maccas to get yourself coffee. I know how much you value your sleep and I value you even more!
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nineoctoberten · 4 years ago
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To my darling sons,
Thank you for being mine and letting me be yours.
I love doing motherhood with you.
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nineoctoberten · 4 years ago
Dear husband,
Look where we are 10.5 years on
Look how far we have come
Life has given me many blessings
I have you and two beautiful sons
You and I are growing
As our family grows to four
I see you as a dad
And I love you so much more
Some days are hard
And nights feel long
But our children’s joy
It keeps us strong
I see you supporting me
As a wife, mother and myself
I see you loving me,
protecting us above all else
I see you working hard
To give us the best you can
I see you evolve, from a sweet boy
To this extraordinary man
You say you are tired
That you feel very old
All I see is a man
Who’s worth his weight in gold
I see you, hun
Who you were, are and will be
I love you, all of you
Now until eternity
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nineoctoberten · 4 years ago
Appreciation post 28/100
Thank you for a wonderful six years married to you. It isn’t always easy but as you remind me, nothing in life worth having comes easy, and you are well worth having.
I didn’t understand what love was before you, and I am still learning and growing in love every day since we’ve been together. There’s so much we have done and plenty more I want to do with you. I look forward to the rest of our lives as husband and wife.
Love forever and always,
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nineoctoberten · 4 years ago
Happy Anniversary Eve
It is the eve of our anniversary and looking back on the last six years of marriage, I have been truly blessed to have shared this time with the love of my life! It is not always easy, there have been many challenges that we have had to overcome together. Through it all, I could not have imagined anyone else to walk beside, to hold hands, to dance the night away or snuggle up on the couch next to.
Time continues to move and it has been said that growing old is a blessing. We now have more white hairs than we would like, we have less hair than we would like and much much less sleep that we would like. We have moved out and back, travelled a little (and hope to travel more), learnt more about each other than we could have hoped for (or wanted :P) but every moment we have had is something that I cherish forever.
You are my rock, my compass and the engine of our marriage. As we complete our family, I am always reminded that this family started with you and me and I could never have asked for anything more. You truly make me a better person in every way and I want to continue to be the best person I can be. I hope that you know that even after all these years, I am happiest when I am with you.
As I look to the recent past, the last year has been stressful and tiring with many things beyond our control. On those days when everything seems so dire, you seem to make the world seem just a little brighter. We have also celebrated significant milestones and shared some of the most important and happy days of our lives. I marvel at your strength, your will to overcome even when you don’t feel like you have the strength to continue. I know that our two dumplings love you more than you will ever know and I loved sharing those days with you.
I do not know what the future holds in store but I do know that we will embrace it together. My darling, life has been amazing since the day you walked in and it just gets better every day. There are so many moments that are yet to come and I can’t wait to continue celebrating them with you. My life, my love, my everything, I truly cannot state how important you are to me and how much I love you!
Happy anniversary sweetheart xoxo
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nineoctoberten · 4 years ago
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