nillabeanparker · 3 years
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I've got you princess
Introducing my Marvel oc, Carina "Cari" Lee! She's an avenger with powers that will be revealed in a later post. Eventually she falls in love and begins dating Pietro Maximoff (who doesn't die in Age of Ultron). There is also an X-men movieverse version of her (who I actually created first) and I will eventually post about her after a couple days. I hope you will come to love her and this pairing as much as I have!
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nillabeanparker · 3 years
The Setting Sun
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nillabeanparker · 3 years
I wanted to try fully rendering a drawing for once so I decided to draw a grumpy yaksha
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nillabeanparker · 3 years
Cal doodles because I've been thinking about him a lot these past few days
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nillabeanparker · 4 years
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Here are Getou and the second years in the twins and single dad au! They won't be shown as prominently as the characters introduced earlier but they're still important. Also in this au I let Gojou have his best friend because he deserves it
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nillabeanparker · 4 years
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Gojou, Megumi, and Nobara in the twins and single dad au! These are just the ideas I have for them at the moment, but more details will be added later (I have a whole thing planned for how Megumi got adopted by Gojou). Next are the second years and some other side characters!
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nillabeanparker · 4 years
More twins and single dad au! I am desperately running away from the angst that is the manga right now and I'm only drawing wholesome family moments
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nillabeanparker · 4 years
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Jjk au with Yuuji and Sukuna as twins and Nanami as their single dad! These were just doodles that I made while developing the au but I'll make more polished stuff later
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nillabeanparker · 4 years
I recently got csp and I've been fiddling around with it. Sooo it's Gojou time! This man has been rotting my brain for the past 2 weeks someone save me
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nillabeanparker · 4 years
Jacob Blake’s sister: ‘I’m not sad. I’m not sorry. I’m angry. And I’m tired. I haven’t cried one time. I stopped crying years ago. I am numb. I have been watching police murder people that look like me for years.’
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nillabeanparker · 4 years
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His name is Jacob Blake. He was unarmed, trying to break up a fight. He was tasered and shot 7 times while trying to get into a car. His kids were watching.
This happened on 8/23. Havent found too many posts on tumblr about it yet. Police tear gassed protestors who gathered outside the police station. I'll keep an eye out for a gofundme/petition.
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nillabeanparker · 4 years
My Teeth Are Going To Kill Me AKA I survived catching COVID19 but I might not survive sepsis
Listen, I hate doing this. I hate revealing things about myself online but here we go. I was born with a thing called amelogenisis imperfecta, basically teeth with no enamel, extremely soft, and cavity prone.
I grew up in a poverty stricken town in the deep south, and went to the dentist one time as a kid. He suggested caps and spacers for my teeth to mitigate the damage, but the state insurance didn’t cover that, as it fell under “cosmetic procedures”, and would cost almost two thousand dollars out of pocket.
We didn’t have that. My mom was raising 5 kids. Of course we didn’t have that.
So I went through life getting cavities and having teeth snap off at the gumline. I had a tooth break while brushing my teeth (which I do with a baby toothbrush. every time I eat, I floss, I rinse, the whole nine, every day at least 4 times because debris = abscess). I’m not kidding you. This is deadly serious. My brother had the same condition, and got pericarditis from an infected molar and nearly died from sepsis. I’ve talked to dental schools, but they are unwilling to so much as go near my mouth in this condition. I have more abscesses than teeth.
It’s getting harder and harder to eat solid food.
You may think this is a scam. You may think, your teeth can’t be THAT bad! Friends, strangers, mutuals, I am about to share something with you that brings me so much humiliation and pain, in hopes that you will help me. PLEASE be kind, I know they’re an ugly sight, I know it’s terrible. Nearly each and every one needs to be pulled, and my insurance only covers 30% of the cost. Two teeth cost me 618. As horrifying as this is for me, as shame filled as I am, I ask you to spread this post as far as possible.
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as you can see, the situation is Bad. My teeth are Bad. Everything is Bad. I need help. Each one needs pulled, at the least, so I can get a set of dentures. My dream would be implants, but that’s simply a dream and not a possibility. I just want enough money to have each one yanked for good. Over the last 4 months I’ve been on clindamycin 3 times for the infections.
Please, for the love of whatever deity you hold dear, help me. Tag your friends, do whatever you have to, laugh at me if you want, as long as this post gets some sort of exposure because I am staring death in the face at this point.
Paypal: paypal.me/fowlerblack
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nillabeanparker · 4 years
My Mom Needs a LUNG!
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When you’re coughing up a lung, and medicine costs an arm and a leg (WITHOUT the use of alchemy no less) sometimes you need a little help. 
My mom has been working so hard to reach the criteria to get the lung transplant she desperately needs, but without the after transplant medicine, she won’t be able to get there. We’re fundraising to try to raise money with the help of the non-profit organization “Help Hope Live”, and anyway, all this to say- 
During this time if you’re able to share, donate at all, or even commission me that would be greatly appreciated! Anything made from said commissions will be going toward this as well!
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Below are some ways you can help out, but I’m pretty sure Tumblr is still nerfing posts with links, so one of the simplest things you can do is actually share this post! Please do!
Donate to the campaign site! - https://helphopelive.org/campaign/17321/ (You can read her story, and see more pictures of this strong-willed woman. She’s hung on this long, and God willing she’s not stopping now. This is also tax deductible and such!)
Commission me! - https://theminiartblog.tumblr.com/post/621752208119234561/alexs-moon-garden-hey-everyone-ive-updated-my (My commissions are always open, and I’m pretty quick!)
Send me a ko-fi! - https://ko-fi.com/A8541JPM (You can and will also get some art here too!)
My deepest thanks (and art) is really all I have to offer, but I love my mom so much and I want to help her the best I can! So if you find it in your hearts to help too, thank you, thank you, thank you!
(Posted: August 5, 2020. I’ll keep this updated best I can!)
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nillabeanparker · 4 years
The big project is finally done! I hope you guys enjoy my animatic celebrating Haikyuu
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nillabeanparker · 4 years
The 5th school mystery: the 4pm bookstacks
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nillabeanparker · 4 years
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A comforting sunset (this can also be seen as a continuation of my last tsukkiyama post)
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nillabeanparker · 4 years
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This went from being a small lineless experiment to a full illustration
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