nikitakapitunov · 17 hours
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Nex the Druid
Nex the druid is back with her magic! Love that commission, enjoyed so much drawing that character! Thank you @simplyonemore for that amazing spell effect :)
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nikitakapitunov · 7 days
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Ruri the Dwarf
he next Dungeons & Dragons character by me - Ruri
Very old Dwarf with wrinkled face. Have a smoking pipe and wears robes covered in depictions of different animals. And the main thing here - a Spellbook that manifests as ghostly dwarf
Share your dwarfes below if you have ;)
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nikitakapitunov · 14 days
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Vampire lady and the dragon (not finished yet)
Working on a new warhammer art piece
Full art will be here soon
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nikitakapitunov · 18 days
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Kosef, DnD character (human warrior) art by me
Hello there!
Today wanna show you Kosef, DnD human warrior commission I drew for mr. Tyler L.
Next part of that huge group commission I mentioned so many times before
As always - feel free to leave any feedback here :)
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nikitakapitunov · 27 days
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Solve riddles with Billy Argo, who suddenly finds that he is a thirty-year-old adult! No, it wasn't magic, he just forgot to become an adult. You'll find a viscous path through depression and loneliness. Definitely interesting! I really liked the text stylization with children's riddles, which appear here and there in the novel.
Pinch of retro vibe in my alt-cover.
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nikitakapitunov · 28 days
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Golems Watch city, DnD group commission
Hello there!
Here's the third part of the huge DnD group commission I made (for mr. Tyler L.)
The location is Golems Watch - the campaign's major city. Named after the stone Golems that can be found in it. They’re massive, really MASSIVE.
About characters:
Roren. Human warrior that was killed by a demon. His face has small burns and scars on the left side from that "encounters" with a demon.
Caddocgh is a middle age gnome of small size with a brown beard and green eyes. He wears plate armor made from living wood, magically grown into shape. He is always accompanied by his giant badger Badja, whom he rides into battle. The badger has a few minor battle scars and is horse-sized compared to caddocgh.
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Qo, a human monk. He is trained in the Way of the Shadow as a stealth based monk. He has a shaved head and tattoos all over his arms and torso. The tattoos resemble swirling shadows and smoke. Qo wields no weapons except for his fists and feet.
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As always - feel free to leave any feedback here :)
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nikitakapitunov · 1 month
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Stormacast commander and Jaguar woman, Warhammer AoS art
Two warriors came to Queen Amena Orpheon and her band in the City of Lamentation.
The first was a former Lord Commander of the Stormhost of the deceased Sepulchral Guards, Aurelrus Grudgebringer aka the Emissary of the Tombs, the second was Nebe Aka The Fang of Diyu, the last fury of Queen Chun-Hua army.
These two warriors served as emissaries to the Queen of Diyu, a faithful person of Queen Amena, they were welcomed with great joy by the Wild Queen and her warriors.
But as all that is good is fleeting on Sepulchra a great evil soon arrived bringing war and suffering. Commission art for Warhammer Return of the Hope
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nikitakapitunov · 1 month
Love that bood cover design!
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One more Orwell with one more social criticism. And one more of my alt-covers. Love this book! All book characters are in a pretty dire situation, but they don't get discouraged and somehow overcome challenges and hardships. I found that very encouraging.
Made using composite image techniques with 4 images. I couldn't help but put bedbugs on the cover as companions of the cheapest room, hope all of you are okay with insect pictures.
Thanks for watching!
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nikitakapitunov · 1 month
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Roren, DnD human warrior
Next character here - Roren. Human warrior that was killed by a demon. His face has small burns and scars on the left side from that "encounters" with a demon. You can also find here a tiny tease to the next part of that art with the badger ;)
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nikitakapitunov · 1 month
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Finaly I can show you the whole second scene from that big DnD group commission I mentioned before Aen Shae - former beautiful empire that was destroyed in a magical bomb. Home to the Drow, they live here below the cities in ruins. And some main characters from that campign:
Aelar is a high elf wizard from this world's elf capital. He carries the moon staff, a two-handed quarterstaff made of a brilliant pure silver. Aelar is holding the moon staff in one hand while his other hand is open and outstretched as he casts a spell. Behind Aelar you can find Talovir, the star elf.
A dark elf champion of Lloth, he is old, strong, agile, and smart, white hair, armor that looks alien, not of this world, black with some blue, if you look closer you can see the stars in it and his cloak.
Jesk is a wood elf hailing from a forest village which contributes to his heavily influenced brown and green in clothes. Jesk is also accompanied by a wyvern companion named Valorean that he hatched from an egg. The Wyvern is mostly his- Jesk and the rest of the adventuring group killed the wyvern’s mom, Roren (one of the other six characters) and Jesk took the egg. Jesk cares deeply about Valorean since it’s the first thing he’s ever raised. He wants to show that a wyvern is just another animal that can fit in and isn’t just an evil creature that should be hunted and killed.
This time Jesk was given the power to find his friend Ajax in his realm, but in exchange he was going to help guide the dead to the afterlife after he dies.
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nikitakapitunov · 2 months
That's really neat book cover design!
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Gordon Comstock. The character you won't like (I think so). Gordon, Gordon, poor Gordon. Gordon, who has declared war on money, but all he can think about is money.
I decided this book was best characterized by the passage where Gordon manages to think about money 16 times. This passage is placed on the cover with highlighted 'money' to convey how this subject made Gordon nervous.
Faceted picture printing, classic fonts… Gordon's poetry was published in a magazine, so I decided that the layout of periodicals would be perfect. It was one more detail I wanted to mark on the cover.
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nikitakapitunov · 2 months
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Queen Banshee
Arriving at the City of Lamentations, the group found a gloomy and decrepit city, skeletons littering the ground as far as the eye could see. Talmasha the queen of this city was found lamenting in the place where her ancient throne had been placed, immense distress fell on the shoulders of our warriors the moment she laid eyes on them. Amena Orpheon reminded her of her duty to her and Sepulcra, Queen Banshee was interested in the evocation of the lord of chaos Narkhul, she swore allegiance to the Wild Queen. Talmasha is indeed cursed by Nagash for her love towards Narkhul before his corruption, she had the opportunity to stop him but her love prevented her from defeating the lord of chaos. Commission art for Warhammer Return of the Hope
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nikitakapitunov · 2 months
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Jesk, the wood elf
One more small part of a huge DnD group commission I drew for Tyler L. Jesk is a wood elf hailing from a forest village which contributes to his heavily influenced brown and green in clothes. Jesk is also accompanied by a wyvern companion named Valorean that he hatched from an egg. The Wyvern is mostly his- Jesk and the rest of the adventuring group killed the wyvern’s mom, Roren (one of the other six characters) and Jesk took the egg. Jesk cares deeply about Valorean since it’s the first thing he’s ever raised. He wants to show that a wyvern is just another animal that can fit in and isn’t just an evil creature that should be hunted and killed. This time Jesk was given the power to find his friend Ajax in his realm, but in exchange he was going to help guide the dead to the afterlife after he dies.
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nikitakapitunov · 2 months
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Guess who watched Marvel's Loki recently and decided to draw a couple quick studies? ;)
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nikitakapitunov · 2 months
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Aelar, high elf wizard
Back to my DnD art again :) This is the next small part of a huge DnD group commission I drew for Tyler L.
Moving to the next location and here's the first character here: Aelar.
Aelar is a high elf wizard from this world's elf capital. He carries the moon staff, a two-handed quarterstaff made of a brilliant pure silver. Aelar is holding the moon staff in one hand while his other hand is open and outstretched as he casts a spell. Behind Aelar you can find Talovir, the star elf.
A dark elf champion of Lloth, he is old, strong, agile, and smart, white hair, armor that looks alien, not of this world, black with some blue, if you look closer you can see the stars in it and his cloak. Wields a blade that can cut through anything (like a Lightsaber). Black blade made of the same metal as his armor, glows blue, faint stars.
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nikitakapitunov · 2 months
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The Berserk and the Skull
Let's take a little break from D&D and watch on my Warhammer art again The Berserk and the Skull. Unknown legion Commission art for Warhammer Return of the Hope
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nikitakapitunov · 2 months
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DnD group commission by me
I continue to share with you parts of a huge DnD group commission I drew :) Here's Ix- jungle with massive trees and ancient ruins. Home to the Jathmian - chaotic evil undead who don’t care about the rest and who was on the the villians. About characters here: - Rodolfo
Human Bard. Early 40’s, streaks of silver in his hair but otherwise black/brown hair. He has a dazzling smile, perfectly symmetrical teeth and a sharp pointed nose. But also he has burns on his neck and face and hands. He has a flying broomstick, which he could be sitting on or having it hover behind him. - Nanny Gutrippa Nanny is a matronly half-orc warlock, who gets her powers from a connection with her patron, a many-tentacled eldritch horror deep beneath the sea. - Krell Orc warrior with some leaves dancing in the wind around him. He's 6'7, has an eyepatch covering his left eye and the tusk on that side is replaced with a golden fake. He also has bits a pieces of knick-knacks and trophies from various battles, most importantly is a burnt iron helmet which he turned into a shoulderpad. - Kolini Firforge Kolini stands at 4ft 7inches and has long brown hair which he ties in a bun behind his head. He is 50 years old which is young for a dwarf. He dresses in full plate armor which he keeps very clean and when camping he enjoys telling jokes and cooking for his friends.
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