Game Dev Blog #3
Today I got some more sprites finished for the upcoming Hadephobia: The Fear Of Hell game that I’ve been working on. The actual games development is on hold for a bit, due to my laptop being sent away to get fixed (The laptop has all the game data on it). So, for the time being, I’m going to continue to work on the art for the game while I wait.  
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Game Dev Blog #2
Well, today I got the player character sprite made, and created a walk cycle for him. I might reveal him if this gets enough likes we'll see xD.
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Hey y’all! We’ve been working on a new game called ‘Hadephobia: The Fear Of Hell’, for a couple weeks now, which is going to be a 2D platforming adventure game about being dead, playing as your soul on an adventure to heaven, made in the Unity Game engine. We hope to release more news and hopefully screenshots of the game in the upcoming weeks. Hold tight! :D
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