nightxshift-blog · 8 years
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“Don’t worry?” Loreto said, grasping the other’s body off of the ground where he lay “How could i possibly not worry?! You look positively wounded and I cannot just simply sit by! What kind of guardian angel would i be then!” He huffed. Frowns never suited anyone, and yet there one sat, straight across the angel’s face.
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“I’m fine, I’m fine. Please, don’t worry.” He hurt. His head hurt, his body hurt… The fight had been a rough one. And yet, having someone fussing about his injuries was somehow worse. Don’t worry about him. “A frown really doesn’t suit you.”
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nightxshift-blog · 8 years
The smile that came after they hit the wall made Yui feel even more gross inside. Why was he feeling so sick? It wasn’t like regular people to be able to cast spells right? Yui’s confusion and anger were plain as day on his face. 
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“And who exactly are you, cupcake?” He asked, caging the other against the wall between his arms. “And why do I feel so sick when i look at you? What did you do to me?” As the fallen angel spoke his face began heating up once more.
“What makes you think you can tell me what to do?”
         Ooo, he’s angry!           They grunt when they’re slammed against the wall behind them, their confident smile faltering in response to the brief moment of pain. Again with the physical contact. They hadn’t touched him more than once, hadn’t moved to touch him more than once, and here he was… pushing them up against a wall. He was so rude.
        ( –even if they had provoked him )
        “I know exactly who I am, sweetheart. It’s why I can talk to ya like that without an ounce of hesitation.” Mikah dips their chin a bit, looking up at the stranger through dark lashes, “—and no, I don’t have a deathwish. I can see how you’d assume that I have one though.”
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        “Thing is, you’re the one that started hasslin’ me first. I simply… retaliated and you didn’t like it. Ya should’ve thought a little more before deciding to snap at me for no reason.”
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nightxshift-blog · 8 years
TAGGED BY: @diaforetikes
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The dark • Fire • Open water • Deep water • Being alone • Crowded spaces • Confined spaces • Change • Failure• War • Loss of control • Powerlessness • Prison • Blood • Drowning • Needles • Suffocation • Public speaking • Natural animals • The supernatural • Heights • Death • Dying • Intimacy • Rejection • Abandonment • Loss • The unknown • The future • Not being good enough • Scary stories • Speaking to new people • Poverty • Loud noises • Being touched.
TAGGING: @proistemii @waywardwxnderers @hireavagabond @illusoryelement @siiinuously
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nightxshift-blog · 8 years
Dearly bruhloved we are swaggered here today to join these two bros in holy matrihomie.
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nightxshift-blog · 8 years
Emillio smiled a signature wicked grin as the other mentioned taking on something bigger. He had expected this man to be nothing more than a street magician, but yet he craved something more than your average drunkard conquest. He craved danger. Emillio liked that.. 
Emillio liked the way Alec thought.
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“My dear friend you speak as if you know my deepest desires,” He replied in a sultry tone. “I for one was afraid that you were not up to such a challenge. Who am i to say where your skills lie. I just thought torturing lesser beings was common among mortals.”
His eyes never fell from the magicians gaze, he held them at every step, and even gave a tiny wink at the end of his statement. 
“Take me to where this challenge is. Who, or what are we going to torture today?...”
At the suggestion, Alec let out a low, yet long laughter, fitting to the maddest of hatters, soon he shook his head. “No, buddy, that’s a waste of time and good magic, you and I, together, will go and look for something bigger, something that could easily maim me if I mess up just once, a drunkard is too much of an easy job, you can cover their eyes and crack their necks, simple as that.”
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A smile came to his face, though not gentle, more akin to a smirk. “What are you, a coward? While messing with those weaker to you may be fun, it’s way too easy, don’t you think a challenge will bring out the excitement you’re probably seeking?” Alec defied the other, almost as if the annoyance he felt by the lingering touch spoke for him. “If you want, sure bring a drunkard, we can trip him, break his nose and take the coins he’s got left to visit another bar.”
“All in all, I am slightly offended that you would suggest something like that.” While it sounded more like joking, he did mean it, his magic was not to be used on anybody! It was art! Of the finest! A drunkard would not appreciate it, nor would Alec get anything good from it anyways. “If you want to back away, however, I can put this deck away, bring out the normal one and go back to guessing your card, maybe even guess the drunkard’s, mm?” Almost as if making fun of Emillio, the sorcerer’s eyes locked onto his.
Of course, he was mischievous, cruel, as well, but he was like that for plenty of reasons, being plain out cruel without a reason was not something Alec would really do.
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nightxshift-blog · 8 years
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sorry i haven’t been on lately, school’s been stressful and ive been playing overwatch and smite with friends to calm me down most nights. I should get back to writing soon tho so dont worry
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nightxshift-blog · 8 years
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i have the worst headache of my life kill me
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nightxshift-blog · 8 years
Honestly in this moment Yui was rendered speechless. He stood with his hand over his mouth in much a dramatic fashion. He felt as if he had died right there. His soul had descended to hell, finally, where it belonged.
Handsome. Your lips are soft. Sweetheart. Wouldn’t be against another kiss, would ya? 
These words echoed in his mind until they made him sick. This... Person had basically just assaulted him and if he was being honest with himself.... He wouldn’t mind having another kiss. But he had to protect his image, it was his everything.
He lunged forward, smashing the other against a wall, though his face showed more confusion than anger. He looked the stranger up and down one more time.
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“Who the fuck do you think you are?” He was dangerously close to stealing a kiss of his own, if only to ‘restore his masculinity’. “Do you have a deathwish?”
        Oh, was that so surprising?
          They giggled as he recoiled and began wiping at his lips, as if they had done something to him with the kiss. Mikah watched as his cheeks lit up and grew red, reflecting his possible embarrassment. They’d accuse him of overreacting and being dramatic but how else was one supposed to react when kissed by a stranger? They didn’t expect him to be calm about it, not his temperament, but goodness it wasn’t as if they meant to kill him with the little action.
        “Are ya gonna be alright, handsome?” they ask as their head lolls to the side, “—or are ya gonna swear some more at me?”
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        “I asked ya t’apologize but y’didn’t soooo I took my apology. It only seemed fair since you decided t’surprise me with your rudeness and didn’t seem all that… apologetic about it.” That explanation probably wouldn’t help… but hey, they could at least say that they tried, “If it makes ya feel any better… your lips a pretty soft.”
         Okay now that was on purpose. That was meant to piss him off.
           “You wouldn’t be against another kiss, would ya?”
               That too.
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nightxshift-blog · 8 years
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“No need to thank me, you’re the one that does all the work! Just by looking at you I can tell you’re truly great!” Loreto smiled, and outstretched a hand ridgedly “I’m Loreto, Would you like to be friends?”
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“…..Oh my god thank you.”
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nightxshift-blog · 8 years
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“You’re truly extraordinary! I hope some day I can shine as bright as you do!”
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nightxshift-blog · 8 years
( repost, do not reblog !!! )
TAGGED BY. @illusoryelement TAGGING: @diaforetikes @proistemii @hireavagabond @waywardwxnderers
ONE ( NAME / ALIAS ). Garrett Hawke TWO ( BIRTHDAY ).  December 14th THREE ( ZODIAC SIGN ).  Sagittarius FOUR ( HEIGHT ).  5′6′’ FIVE  ( TIME ).  9:54 pm SIX ( SLEEP ). like six hours SEVEN ( FAVORITE BOOKS ).  Pride and Prejudice, Hitch hikers guide to the galaxy, the night circus.  EIGHT ( FAVORITE ARTISTS ).  like? what kind???? music wise i love panic at the disco the most tbh but like??? actual arty people?? i dunno NINE ( LAST MOVIE WATCHED ). the prince of egypt TEN ( EDUCATION ). almost out of cosmetology school, have a mock state board practical exam on monday. hooray for only 200 more hours till i graduate ELEVEN ( DREAM JOB ). I’d love to be on broadway, or just an actor in general. . TWELVE ( THE MEANING BEHIND YOUR URL ).  originally it was called nightxshift because Vulkan works all the time and vincent is a vampire but like now its just sort of like.... there? like there isnt really a meaning anymore and honestly i need a new url. suggestions are being taken. 
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nightxshift-blog · 8 years
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"It's okay to stare. I know I'm a lot to take in."
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nightxshift-blog · 8 years
It was nice for someone to relate to him in such a way, he did feel slightly more at ease now that she had admitted her feelings as well. And she was smiling too! Maybe he was better at this than he had previously thought.
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"Well Josepha, first of all it's wonderful to make your acquaintance." It was obvious that this dialogue was scripted. "And I would love to tell you about my experience working here,"
With a smile he exited his place behind the table where he stood and pulled out two chairs for the both of them to sit on.
"Uhm, do you have any specific things that you want to know or would you just like me to talk in general about working here
@nightxshift, Continued from here.
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“That’s certainly alright, Genji. Truth be told, I don’t always find such things easy either.”
Her admission was made in hopes it would help this Genji fellow feel more at ease. It was true though, they both already shared that in common. She couldn’t help but smile a little at his referring to his supervisors as ‘overlords’.
“In any case, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Josepha,” She introduced herself in kind with a nod of her head. However, she didn’t go to the trouble of her title though. It wasn’t necessary at this point and it might just make him even more nervous. But, her intentions were nothing but good, and she would make that clear. “I came because I wanted to inquire about this orphanage. Might you be willing to tell me a little about your work here?”
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nightxshift-blog · 8 years
Although itzal rolled his eyes at her excitement, he was glad someone finally didn't look away in fear. His cult was known for taking things too far, and most people who knew of them wished to be as far away as possible. He could go without her unnecessary touching, However. Having someone that close to him wasn't something he was used to.
As she released him he ran his fingers through his hair to calm himself. He stood, and grabbed the nearest writing supplies he could find. With his head pounding he couldn't very well communicate telepathically as he had on the battlefield.
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"Yes," he wrote, his letters on the messier side " I was one of the highest priests." His eyes scanned the page as if every stroke of his pen was a work of art
"They took my tongue as tribute for my power. I was a singer."
When the page was finished he handed it to her for her reading pleasure and quickly remembered the ritual.
They had him taken down into the darkest depths of the temple. He was only a teen, but one of the brightest pupils they had. He gave everything to them, and they game him everything in return.
Screams of pain echoed through the crypt halls as the procedure had taken place. And then silence, calm, and darkness. A demon had touched him, and he willingly accepted it. The Itzal he was was permanently taken away.
He was a spirit charmer.
              ♜ With only more silence as she was present with the spell book a questionable look formed upon her face.Why didn’t he just speak to her? Whatever. Male spell-castors would forever frustrate her. 
                    Flipping it over a few times in her hands  looking it over she could tell hat it was old, generations old. Finally she opened the over to look within, first thing that caught her attention was the name. 
                    “Strange…..” she muttered out loud before the other, gray hues looked to the text. Melina wasn’t a stupid girl. She had the top of the kingdom train and had learned both nations long ago at a very young age. Her will and brain power could tell that this was ‘old’ magic.
                      As she raised her eyes to him is when he opened his mouth and at once her hands caught his face, the book was drooped into her lap with a heavy thump. 
                     She normally left well enough alone but this….this was nothing she had ever seen before and every cell in her body had a thirst for an answer.
                     “The cut and cauterization to keep you from bleeding is pronominal….It looks as if no hesitation was brought upon the action. They were use to this …..what a clean cut…..” she bubbled up with entertainment and thrill before looking to the spot where the brand was.
                     “…..I have to say , I’ve never seen such a thing…are you some sort of high priest?” She questioned letting him go at once and taking her normal place. 
                    “I’ve held a priestess position for a long time and trust me….the works of priests are amazing and horrifying. Though….i’ve never heard of one having to remove his tongue…is that like a vow of silence in a sense? Overly literal but who am I to talk about rituals……”  ♜
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nightxshift-blog · 8 years
                             нε нα∂ вεαυтιғυℓ εүεs, тнε кιη∂ үσυ cσυℓ∂ gεт ℓσsт ιη 
       αη∂ ι gυεss ι ∂ι∂
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nightxshift-blog · 8 years
Emillio let out a lilt of laughter before sliding his hand down the other’s arm. Slowly he released the other from his grasp, but not before lingering just a little too long. Of course the magician was on edge, anyone would be in the presence of a being such as Emillio. Pact or no pact. 
The deck Alec had pulled out was truly a work of beauty. In all his years on this earth he had never seen such a beautiful set of cards. 
“Well,” He began, still much too close to the other. His eyes on the mysterious deck in Alec’s hands “We’ll just have to find you a target now, wont we? I’m sure the drunkards around here are just as stupid as any other. How does that sound?” Once again, Emillio paced around, but this time just to the front for Alec to see his sickeningly sweet grin.
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“How does that sound? I work wonders on humans, we could have one in seconds, even shorter if you wanted,” Honestly the look in his eyes spoke of excitement, which was odd considering all the things he had seen in his life. Perhaps friendship was something he had yet to experience.
“Oh, but all of my magic is what you’d call card tricks.” He joked, letting out a bitter laugh. His eyes narrowing and observing the other as he circled him, he did not enjoy this action at all, it did not make him feel like prey at all, but like a circus attraction that was there to follow orders while being thrown peanuts at, as much as it was starting to slowly get on his nerves, he said nothing.
As he spoke, Alec examined his fingernails, soon after stuffing that same hand into his pocket, not as a signal of plain boredom, but to take out another deck of cards, this time, different than the usual, the white to it would be black instead, and the details, which would oftentimes be black and red, were replaces by golden and silver. 
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He took a deep breath, before speaking up. “First of all, I’d rather not be touched just like that, you never know when a hand could slide from a shoulder to the neck.” As much as they’d made a deal, Alec could never trust strangers, he’d learned from his hundreds of years alive.
“Second, I have no target, nor have I been paid recently to get rid of anything, if you bring anything that I can skin and sell, sure, I can show you, otherwise your curiosity will continue to just consume you.” He didn’t really want to make a profit out of the other, but he was one to use his magic for work. “I’ll give you a share of it, of course.” He decided to add, just to be safe. “So if you find something, you’ll see me use this deck, rather than the common one.”
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nightxshift-blog · 8 years
Talibah..." Vincent began, shaking his head, tears welling up just at the idea of losing his lover and only friend. "I have a heart and mind filled with hatred. For the longest time and still to this day I am filled with hatred for the human race and what they did to me." 
The tiny vampires mind raced with thoughts of the past, of scars that were made and healed all in one night, week, and eon. It made him angry and he felt it shake him to his core. He remembered vividly the countless times he was called monster; That's what he was, wasn't he?
"I cannot hate you for doing your duty. If you must abandon me then it must be done." Vincent's hand reached to his face to wipe away some bits of dried blood, but also to prevent tears from falling. "But if your brother takes you away from me, there is nothing stopping me from hating him for the rest of my eternity.”
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"You're the only person who has ever shown me anything other than hatred, Talibah. It's only in my nature to despise anyone or anything that might pluck the one happy thing I have out of my life."
【 ☀ 】           Trust was always a thing that made the sun god wary. Was he truly that trustworthy? The god that took away a child’s sight because she was trying to be nice. He shouldn’t even be as nice as he was now, considering these humans wanted him out right away, even though he was made to help. They wanted his father again, they demanded him, even. They hurled objects at him and screamed insults because they assumed he killed his father by taking his place. But he didn’t, he swore he didn’t.
                        And when that human child walked towards him, he got scared and he blinded her. He thought she was a threat. Thought he saw a knife, a weapon. Anything. But he was hallucinating it, just as he started hallucinating half of what happened. If people didn’t talk about the darkness who saved them, then he’d think he hallucinated that too.
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                      ❝ I fear the night gets longer again, ❞ He admitted, his eyes looking out the porthole he had in his room. The moon glowing into the dark, lighting it like it was the sun. A sign, he always said, that him and his brother should be together again. Otherwise the moon and the sun were nothing. ❝ If there is suddenly another Darkness, would you hate me if I abandoned you to deal with it? What if I never came back? Would you hate him then? ❞
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