nightstreamarts · 3 years
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is this the bitch you’re mistaking me for? 🤢🤢🤢 disgusting
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nightstreamarts · 3 years
Hey why are you dating a 13 year old eh
logged in just to say you got the wrong person. i don't even know what y'all are talking about, and i haven't even used this account for 2 years.
can y'all send me screenshots and show me why y'all think it's me? because i only became active on my other account two days ago, and i'm finding it a little suspicious.
and the only person i'm romantically and sexually involved with is 19. i'm 20 now. the only other people i've been sexually involved with in the past year are over the age of 21. the only minor i ever dated once i turned 18 was an irl friend, who was turning 18 themselves in 3 months before we started dating.
so lemme ask, is there any evidence on who this person is? because again i haven't been talking to any 13 year olds. in fact, i don't even know anyone who is 13. i don't talk to minors much at all unless it's in a server and i'm being friendly. so, again, got the wrong bitch.
anyways, if anyone wants to send me shit like evidence or what the hell is going on, i’m on crowmatose now. and if y’all are jumping on this without any sort of evidence shame on y’all, y’all disgust me.
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nightstreamarts · 5 years
Furry Ravenpaw and furry Tigerclaw are nice and all, but I think the absolute pinnacle of male hotness would have to be Fireheart in furry form. Any objections? Speak now, or forever hold your peace.
the mix between a hunk and a twink, highkey. a twunk. y’know what i mean? built, slender, warrior like build but well groomed and a soft look in his face??? frick he’d be handsome as all hell. a lady killer for sure. hands down.
now i wanna do furry and human designs oh fuck oh shit...
i honestly might make a warriors blog where i make a normal design, furry design and then human and i’mgsfijogiodjgiodfg, I MIGHT!!!
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nightstreamarts · 5 years
Ravenpaw as a furry is kinda hot, but you know what would be REALLY hot? Furry Tigerstar. Don't act like you don't agree.
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he stinky :(
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nightstreamarts · 5 years
Idea: Raven X Tiger but with Fireheart added in. Raven X Tiger X Fire! *maniacle luaghter*
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nightstreamarts · 5 years
I have a question about your Tiger X Raven AU. So, I know you mentioned awhile back that Tigerclaw went to the barn after his exile, and was taken in by Ravenpaw and Barely, but what all took place that lead to Tigerclaw and Ravenpaw falling in love? How did Fireheart and Barely react to Tigerclaw becoming a resident in the barn, and to him and Ravenpaw falling in love? Do they learn to accept this new relationship?
OOOO boy
Just them talking and maybe some attack leading to a cheesy protection thing and just, swooning. But mostly just average getting to calm down, know each other sort of slow burn. Maybe a stray attack or twolegs? idk
Fireheart and ThunderClan probably wild about it for a bit. Just conCERNED, of course. If they know of it. Probably not a lot would know, but Graystripe, Fireheart, etc would definitely. In the AU I see them not accepting it at first but then slowly warming up to it. Fireheart will absolutely not trust Tigerclaw, but Graystripe might trust him a little more.
Barley would be sus about it but warm up to it better than Fireheart and Graystripe, since he hasn’t seen most of TIger’s shit, but will question it due to Ravenpaw’s past with Tigerclaw.
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nightstreamarts · 5 years
I'm not sure how to really mention this, or if I even should, but Tigerclaw has totally bottomed for Fireheart at some point. You can't tell me it hasn't happened at least once. I send this in with no shane, no regrets, here I fucking go!
oh fuck yeah absolutely! absolutely. Fireheart/star is a switch, Tigerclaw/star is too, but mainly a top. So like, ofc they argue aboutitsometimes buT!!! 
hell yeah. now i wanna draw it (humans or furries. i’m not super into feral tbh?? like. i’d draw it but i’ve never been in the mood so ???) lbUT,,, fuck maybe on twitter idk
tagging nsft b/c it’s kinda lewd but like honestly idc anymore LOL
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nightstreamarts · 5 years
This is just a question out of curiosity about your take on the Tiger X Fire ship. How do you see Tigerclaw and Fireheart becoming a thing? I've personally always liked to imagine it as a mutual "oh no, he's hot" moment that they both had.
Idk. I like arrangements and alliance ship taking on the form of friendship and redemption as a personal favorite. An AU where Tigerstar doesn’t die to Scourge and all that. I also just like dark fucked up plots a bit too not okay for this blog. Many ways and ideas.
I also love the “oh no he’s hot” moment that’s pretty funny and a good relaxing shipping dynamic lol.
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nightstreamarts · 5 years
The reason I was asking about your opinion on Tiger X Fire is that I wanted to know if there was any chance that you might make art for it in the future. You obviously don't have to if you don't feel like it, I just thought it would be nice to see it in your style. I hope I'm not sounding bossy or demanding or anything like that.
oh hell yeah I will. I absolutely want to but the time on my hands is little :” ) But absolutely. It’s one of my top favorite ships.
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nightstreamarts · 5 years
You wouldn't happen to be into the Tiger X Fire ship by any chance, would you? I personally love it, but what's your opinion?
oh hell yeah that’s one of my personal faves!! :0
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nightstreamarts · 5 years
Hey, I have a blog that I recently started that supports pro-shipping, and I was wondering if I could reblog your most recent TigerXRaven art. I think it's adorable, and that it would be a nice thing to have on my blog. If the answer is no, I will understand and respect that wish.
Absolutely! I don’t mind what so ever. I am 100% pro-ship/fiction! Reblog ahead. ^v^
And this is for future: anyone can reblog my stuff! Even if you’re an anti or anything bad. I don’t mind at all. I may not agree with you, but unless I have you blocked I will not stop you.
Thank you for asking! :D
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nightstreamarts · 5 years
Hey Mason!It's me,Shae from the bnha civil tea party discord!Your art is awesome💝💝💝I was wondering if you take requests?
yoooo! ty!
i do not, since i gotta make monies, but my commissions will be opening janurary 1st and i do plan on revamping my redbubble once more. i might do requests sometimes though, since i wanna try doing that more often.
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nightstreamarts · 5 years
For a second I thought you were one of my friends cause you have a very similar artstyle to him, but I guess not Anyways have a nice day, and I hope your art things go well
oh :0 now i’m kinda curious as too who that is. that’d be cool to see someone’s work similar to mine.
but ty anon!
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nightstreamarts · 5 years
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some tigerraven / raventiger b/c you know i gotta draw my babies sometimes uhdfsogij, i haven’t in forever
if you find this ship squicky, block the first two tags! ^ v ^
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nightstreamarts · 5 years
mostly active on my deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/nightstreamarts
and my nsft and sfw twitters: @/nightstreamarts for sfw and @/daybuffer for nsft (no children allowed if you click i’ll eat ur soul)
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nightstreamarts · 5 years
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nightstreamarts · 5 years
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baby boom boom
some anatomy practice i guess :0 i really like how this turned out
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