nightmaregirl123 · 8 months
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I have no idea what to title this as I think I'm gonna stop art dumping though I'm gonna start giving every post I make their own spotlight instead of their own pile y'know? I did enjoy making this though it was done as a reference to a TIKTOK audio that circles around YouTube at some point and I was also bored and wanted to do something silly in my art
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nightmaregirl123 · 8 months
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nightmaregirl123 · 9 months
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Eukaryotic cell gang!! We love women in STEM.
The organelles of the cells have been translated into human anatomy, so the nucleus is the brain, the vacuole function as the lungs, and the mitochondria is the heart since it’s the… you already know, I don’t have to say it ;)
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nightmaregirl123 · 9 months
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Not enough signs about how much I'd like to stick my hands between the moving parts of a machine, so I did it myself
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nightmaregirl123 · 9 months
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So lately I've been doing a lot of experimenting with my art and my overall style and have felt a little more motivated to make art then I had been feeling for most of this year and a little bit of the last I'm proud of the progress I think I'm making in my art
Also as for the floating heads those girls are my latest project I dubbed them "emo" "freckles" and "snob" great names huh? Haha i know anyways these girls are supposed to be minimalistic
Choosing one color for all of them and trying to stick with that color for their whole look and if I need a different color for something I just lower the opacity of the brush
They are supposed to have differences from one another and not look to similar in any regard to make them distinct
And to try and add additional personality to already minimalistic heads their expressions change to try and convey personality and their accessories are used to not only further distinguish them but also because it could convey more personality afterall you can tell a lot about a person by the way they dress right?
I'll keep doing more minimalistic girl heads for all the colors in the rainbow I've already used orange, purple, and blue, so that leaves yellow, red, and green,
Once I'm done drawing all the minimalistic rainbow girls I'll add them all to a pannel ONE pannel where they are all together furthering their designs and trying to convey more personality in their poses and how they are interacting with eachother and whatever is going on
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nightmaregirl123 · 9 months
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These are a bunch of drawings I feel have a LOT of potential and improvement riddled in every single one of them that I simply just haven't finished yet and probably won't honestly but 2 of the drawings at top was supposed to be fanart
Elizabeth Afton
Tiffany mayumi
I got further with Tiffany mayumi then I did with Elizabeth afton for sure I mostly only drew her because years ago when I was first starting out with art I made a lot of Fanart for Among us, Albertstuff/Flamingo., and Piggy as well as a few other things but that was mostly it and I do remember making a drawing although I don't have it anymore I remember making a drawing for Tiffany mayumi it wasn't that great looking back but I figured it wouldn't hurt to try and redraw Tiffany mayumi years later right? So I drew her lol she looks FABULOUS haha!
Elizabeth afton I wanted to try drawing because i also remembered making art for her in the past and I used to draw for FNAF especially when I was first starting out with art and I remembered making something that included Elizabeth afton in it which I actually still have in fact it's on my tumblr as my profile banner in order to make that I ended up drawing a lot of stuff individually on separate canvases and transferring the drawings onto just one canvas and it was based off a real roblox FNAF fangame I used to play a lot and goof off on and that's a joke based on a actual experience I had in the game at the time I didn't get far with Elizabeth because I wasn't sure the best way to do her hair to match her cannon design I tried my best and ended up with that I was a little disappointed cause it just wasn't Elizabeth but I still thought the progress was beautiful and her hair was nice
The other drawings are of Connie a oc of mine and a random girl I made while I was testing some shading and trying out a potentially new artstyle she has no name unlike connie however I feel like if I did have to name her I wanna call her maybe Anna? Annabelle? hmm I'm not sure maybe she's not really either of those names? I'd be open to suggestions but I doubt I'd get any so whatever
Connie is a oc of mine I made a few years back for project related to multiple other projects I have been working on for years I won't dwell into her character much or those projects however Connie is somebody i have tried drawing a few times over the years I still have those drawings and I uploaded them to Tumblr in order to archive them and show my progress over the years
Connie is an animatronic though and I wanted to kinda try to make her look a little more robotic and kid friendly as she's supposed to appear as such while also making it a little clear there's something off about her
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nightmaregirl123 · 9 months
I was intentionally being super vague when I posted Colormania but I feel like maybe I should just say Colormania was made in pony town a few years back she was just random and inspired by one thing "art" her design was meant to embody and represent art I only made her for that purpose and ditched her a while after designing and abandoned pony town for a few years after her creation never being that big in the MLP scene BUT I started working on a AU for undertale half a year ago called "Surfacetale" it's starts out easy enough to explain but as I've kept writing for it I've created a lot of other things and need a better way to summerize it all properly however that's besides the point
Colormania was eventually recovered from Pony town when I started playing it again for a friend of mine while development for this project was still underway at first I didn't consider using her for this AU but as writing progressed I decided I needed more villians so I created 5 villians
●Dr Kumo Olvidado
and Colormania even though I think she came before Dr Kumo Olvidado and both of them came way before Razor who I stole from another AU of mine called "Grieftale" which no it's not my first time sourcing characters from Grieftale and moving them over to Surfacetale he's just the 3rd example of me doing that which actually works because Surfacetale and Grieftale are linked together in a odd way
Grieftale happens FIRST and Surfacetale happens AFTER Grieftale I don't wanna dive to much into these projects and the characters yet but I just felt like elaborating because hey why not?
I created a lot of different things for surfacetale and it's a pretty big AU with grieftale ending at around season 5 or 6?been a minute since I've checked but I think it only has 5 seasons before Surfacetale
Grieftale is a genocide run and Surfacetale is a neutral run
All the characters I've created for Surfacetale here
●Wysteria (Species: Earth monster) <originally made for Grieftale (she's the 2nd example lol)
●Grilby (Species: Fire monster)
●Frostflake (Species: Ice monsters)
●Isabella (Species: Human) <the player's REAL identity she was also made for Grieftale (She's the 1st example)
●Dr Kumo Olvidado (Species: Crystal monster) <sorta not though cause the void messed him up a LOT mentally and physically but he USED to be a crystal monster (I'm still being vague)
●Dr W.D Gaster (Species: ????)
●Colormania: (Species: Unicorn) <She is the ONLY one of her species in all the underground she's quite the anomaly (still being vague)
●Brayden (Species: Human)
●Razor (Species: Cat monster)
●Flowey (Species: ????) <doesn't belong to an established species in the underground but when you look a bit deeper and at the ghost possessing the flower I suppose he's just the same species as his parent's
●Chara (Species: Human)
●Sans (Species: Skelton)
●Papyrus (Species: Skelton)
•Snowdazzle (Species: Ice monster)
There are a lot of different species and the underground is a lot larger in this AU I even created some of my own species and new locations a few examples of these are
Melody monsters and Crystal monsters
Harmony hallow and Sunken shores
And so much more it's not done and may not be for a long time but as far as I'm concerned I have a lot of fun working on this and Colormania belongs in this AU I've really utilized her greatly in this AU and gave her a redesign in my drawing of her I hope one day to get these AU's out into the world and see what everybody thinks I tried not divulging much during this Surfacetale is a really big project and I know more then I'm letting on
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nightmaregirl123 · 10 months
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nightmaregirl123 · 10 months
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Y'know I didn't think I would but I finally gave her a body and touched up her hair a little more and finally got around to coloring a limb on her and doing her bow I think she still looks very beautiful I am kinda just making this all up as I go I actually kinda wonder what she'll look like when I finally finish her she's taken longer then I originally thought she would honestly but I've had fun she's just so pretty istg man
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nightmaregirl123 · 10 months
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nightmaregirl123 · 10 months
prepare to be consumed
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HAH! says you! mom gave me her uno reverse cards just for this very moment PREPARE TO HAVE YOUR TURN TABLES TURNED!
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nightmaregirl123 · 10 months
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So I decided to try something a little different today and I actually think I like how it turned out sure she isn't finished but she looks so very beautiful and also I learned a lot of new methods for the next time I draw I think mostly what NOT to do next time but I also learned other positive stuff as well and I'll put all this knowledge to great use later I'm sure
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nightmaregirl123 · 10 months
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Decided to try and finish colormania she looks a little different from the reference I am aware of that I juat made the creative decision to make some small changes in comparison to the original overall I think this went well may update this a little later I like to think this is great progress all things considered flowey was my first undertale drawing and this is the first time I've drawn colormania
This isn't really brony related per say colormania is a old oc I made a long time ago that I decided to utilize for surfacetale which is more so a undertale au then a mlp based one with colormania literally being the only one of her species in the whole underground truthfully I ain't really big on the mlp scene at all and never really have been this is just something I made on a whim one day to explore pony town with a friend of mine who was Into it I do also have a better version which is just a further cleaned piece which I'll attach here soon in my next edit
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nightmaregirl123 · 10 months
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Look at this little monster! lol he was fun to make and I love how it turned out its not FULLY done as I may do a little more with him later but for now it's basically finished and it looks so awesome I'm proud of myself
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nightmaregirl123 · 10 months
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This is colormania (colorfreak) she's a character i made In pony-town a few years back she was a persona oc back then and wasn't called either of those things at the time but after continuing to work on a project of mine called "surfacetale" I decided it needed a few more villians so I scrapped colormania as a persona and now she's just an oc I won't dwell into her backstory yet but I've been making many strides in my art as of lately and eventually I may start to make surfacetale into the comic it was always planned to be and when I do you can expect to see this little cutie there causing some trouble
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nightmaregirl123 · 10 months
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Some art I made but haven't finished or shown anybody yet
The souls drawing wasn't finished and originally I wasn't ever gonna post it or show anybody cause to me it sucked still feel that way but i'ma give it a post ĥere
The head drawing wasn't finished and I never showed it to anybody or posted it for the same reasons as the soul drawing but it's based off my roblox avatar
The muscle cat is finished it was meant to be a rough non serious sketch because I just thought it'd be goofy and I have been reading WAY way to much comics as of lately the nature of those comics will remain unspecified but I will put everybody's mind at ease and say that it had nothing to do with cat's or animals the comics just influenced why I made the cat beafy pĺus I've never drawn abs lol and I just like drawing dripping rather that's blood, water, tears (love drawing tears), or sweat, or something else entirely I thought it'd be fun and I like drawing blush as well so yeah the rest just happened and I thought I'd make them a cat cause that's just so silly unlike the other two I DID show 1 person and they know who they are (hi if your reading this)
The test sketch has 2 versions and nobody has seen either just wanted to try something new and for what it is I think it turned out okay honestly prefer the un-censored version cause those t*t's took longer then it looks like they did same with the lips and the hair
Flower, cat, star, (I have no title) sketch! Actually this one is very recent I made it only a hour ago now originally I was gonna make a variety of different flowers and shade them all because at the time that seemed the most inspiring fun for my art block but I ended up going on a different approach either way I had fun making it
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nightmaregirl123 · 11 months
4 more days till the FNAF movie releases I dunno if this movie will be good or not admittedly I have my doubts but I'm excited nonetheless I remember when I first heard of the movie in february I was gonna do a FNAF drawing challenge I only ended up drawing golden freddy and unfinished chica before I ended up just forgetting about the challenge as a whole and saying "fuck it" especially cause the movie was so far away it seemed pointless
Here I am though months later after so much waiting and I'm gonna get to see it even though I couldn't persuade mom to buy me tickets for the 26th I'm glad to get to go regardless and I'll sit in a crowded theater if I fucking have to I wanna be there as early as possible I'm so hyped for this I know other people who are as well even some people I know personally not just from youtube and although I wish I could talk to them about it before and especially after we see it.. uh.. yeah nah so instead I'm just making a tumblr post nonetheless I hope the wait will be worth it I'm kinda excited
(Bro as writing this I just got a FNAF ad from SoundCloud)
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