Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
With no resistance to be found, Shuten wonders if she may go a step further. “It is indeed so. Are you headed somewhere? If not, why not have a drink with me…?” While looking up the oni’s hands attempt to loop around his arm, hanging loosely if he did not pull away immediately.
“I have traveled far and wide but Feendrache… Mmm… No I have not heard of it.” She taps at her cheek, taking only a second or two to really think on it. “If there are more like you there, however, I would not mind taking a vacation…” An island of good-looking men, yes, timeshare please? “As for me, I come from Japan, you see…? Now, shall we get a move on…?”
Being touched like this was something he always hoped would go no further than that. For what all he tolerates, this is just about the extent of it. ❝ That's... ❞ mulling over whether to accept the offer or not, there's really no reason why he..well, couldn't. And he could use it, frankly. ❝ That is to say, if you wouldn't mind my company. ❞
He smiles then, ❝ I'm afraid I haven't heard of Japan either, but I'm interested in it. What kind of a place is it? But, yes, let's go. ❞ he begins, and thus takes steps along with her.
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☁ ❝ Hmm… I think it depends but from my experience, not really, ❞
❝ But I think that’s understandable; it’s hard to be away from home and your family… And no, I’ve never heard of such celebrations until arriving to this place. ❞
❝ Then I suppose I will just have to search through a few and hope I stumble across one, sooner or later. You have my thanks. ❞
❝ Yes...I didn't imagine I'd be here for so long, but I've adapted. But I see. Would you care to celebrate with me, then? They're usually quite fun, and I imagine it would be more so if I can with someone instead of by myself. ❞
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❝ Confetti? I’m sure any sort of store that has party items and the like would have it… Are you celebrating the new year late? ❞
❝ I see... do the appearance of those shops differ from regular shops? ❞ a brief glance away as he considers answering the question -- or, how to properly phrase it, ❝ But yes, I am. Normally I spend New Years with people from home, but fortunately enough they aren't here with me. I guess I just hadn't mustered up the motivation to celebrate it, haha... how about you? Did you celebrate? ❞
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❝ Oh... forgive me for staring, I'm sure you receive this often. It's just that your appearance is rather...unique, but regardless that was rude of me. ❞ He didn't intend to get caught, at least.
❝ It’s rather beautiful, but my apologies. ❞
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Normally she only hears those words out of the mouths of flirtatious men, however… This one has an all too honest expression to be regarded as such. She muses over the possibility, before speaking up.
❝ Oh, I’m hurt. You don’t remember my pretty face? … Is what I would say, but I can’t recall meeting before. My name is Magisa, if that helps you at all. ❞
A light laugh is all he really manages, slight embarrassment coloring his cheeks.
❝ Oh, I see! My mistake then, I apologize, ❞ he smiles, ❝ I'm afraid it doesn't, but my name is Lancelot. Since you've shared your own with me, it's only fair I show you the same courtesy. ❞
He did waste some of her time, so it'd only be polite to offer something to maybe make it up to her ( and if she refuses, at least he tried, ) ❝ Would you mind joining me for a drink?, I was actually just on my way somewhere. ❞
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❝ Pardon me, I was wondering if you were aware of any places that might be selling items similar to... confetti, I guess is the easiest way to put it. ❞
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❝ Pardon me, I couldn't help but notice... you have something sticking to your back, ❞ he refrains from pointing, since the statement is enough on its own; he does however, raise his hand in order to imply the notion of removing it, ❝ may I? ❞
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❝ Oh--you...ahem. How to put this... ❞ glancing away in thought before looking at her once again, ❝ you seem familiar, although I can't place how. If I may be so bold, have we met before? ❞
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You are more calm after reading his response than you were while sending your analysis. Losing it here wouldn’t be a great idea, cool kid, you have a balance to keep up. A way to go about this.
THREAD: RESPOND TO ==> Lancelot, The MLM Forum
TT: Yes, I believe I have my own answer. TT: The wording of it may be tricky, however. Given that I haven’t told him how I feel, he may wonder why I bring it up at all. TT: I’ll have time to perfect an explanation, in the very least. TT: I suppose you’re curious as well. A mysterious character shows himself out of the internet abyss to ask advice of strangers, I’d also wonder what the fuck was going on. TT: Putting it up the ass of fluffy and kind, with the softest fleeting touch a dude can manage, TT: I broke up with my ex before he died. As in, hours before. TT: We were never able to properly discuss what transpired between us as partners, and considering his status as one of my only friends, it's as if I’m mourning two people. TT: The guy I dated, and the guy I called my best friend.
( thread, posting in: “The MLM Forum”, reply to TT )
lancelot: It must have been difficult, I’m sorry for your loss. In both senses. lancelot: I think this may be more of a personal thing for you to get through first, and I wouldn’t want my advice to be something that you might not need at the moment, because I can’t possibly understand what you’re going through. lancelot: But I will be here for moral support and encouragement, and if all you need is to vent, I will be here for that too.
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“Same here! It’s supposed to be this super happy occasion and everybody’s going on about how you’re supposed to be relieved for it but it just doesn’t feel right when you’re not with your friends! Guess we just gotta…do our best though!”
❝ Yes, I share the same sentiments. There's only so much we can do from our position, but that's not to say having people you're close to with you wouldn't make it easier to handle. But regardless... here's to the new year. May this one be more than the last. ❞
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❝ I'm aware that New Year's is a time for celebration, but I can't help but feel... hm. ❞
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no that’s a lie, vane gave up on you for a reason
would i ever lie to you... youre just gonna bring my childhood friend into this and kill me huh? go for a gut punch? an uppercut?
#percivale#thats fair i dont trust him to clean his room either#hed sooner do everything else than that
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for $8000 a month, i will clean my room
clean your room @nigenteki
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The second you see that message ( Does he seem like the type to hold, whatever it is, against you? ), you can feel your brain firing off every possible rebuttal, each one listing the ways that first captured your attention, and others which held it even now. ( In this exactly moment. Because you’re walking right beside him. ) Shit, you’re almost red in the face.
THREAD: RESPOND TO ==> Lancelot, The MLM Forum
TT: Absolutely not. TT: There can’t be a single bone in his body that ignorant or petty so as to take what happened and turn it around in such a way. TT: Since getting to know him, he seems more like the type to ask how I’m handling things. How I’m feeling. TT: I pointed a sword at him when we first met and I don’t think he was the least bit afraid of me then, in spite of his coming from what I assume to be a much more peaceful world than my own. TT: He has an indiscriminate look of innocence about him, like he’s telling me indirectly, “I’d be the last person to judge you.” TT: And there’s a lot of me to judge. TT: He makes me feel normal. TT: Like there’s nothing left to worry about. My problems haven’t gotten in the way of that in any way, either. TT: But this infatuation is dangerous. Regardless of feelings, I’ll never achieve his level of normality. I can’t fool myself. TT: I want to believe that we can close that distance and simply be. TT: As in, it wouldn’t matter how strange I am. He could accept it. TT: I want to believe it’s a possibility.
A smile finds its way on his face, as he leans into his arm to read the message in full.
( thread, posting in: "The MLM Forum", reply to TT )
lancelot: So you're hesitant because you wish to protect him, in a way? lancelot: It sounds like you already have your answer, though. lancelot: If he is every bit accepting as you say he is, then I can't imagine why pursuing him wouldn't work. Whether you choose to act on your feelings or not is something else entirely. lancelot: Although you have your own problems to overcome, I, as well as the other people on this forum, are available to speak whenever you need to. lancelot: You can use us as a platform to test your thoughts out before sharing them with him, too, if you'd like.
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You’re only slightly taken aback that someone would be kind enough to try offering real advice. Immediately, you are aware that if you open up a little, this ‘Lancelot’ may be able to help you further, but something is holding you back. Maybe it’s just your sense of privacy.
THREAD: RESPOND TO ==> Lancelot, The MLM Forum
TT: Expected, yeah, but part of me feels guilty for the other party specifically. TT: Like I’m hiding away who I am when I don’t have to. TT: Or more that I’m afraid of chasing him off. TT: The place I come from isn’t a nice one, and I’m not even sure that I can properly speak some things aloud. TT: Maybe it’s only fair to him that I be honest?
The intervals between replies doesn't seem to take very long, and Lancelot is just as quick to respond when he receives a reply himself. Although he won't probe for more information, he is kind of curious. Regardless, he pushes that down in order to properly answer without pushing for more.
( thread, posting in: "The MLM Forum", reply to TT )
lancelot: If you choose to withhold some information from him until you're ready to share it, that's fine, I would think. lancelot: If you have experience with unfavorable outcomes I can understand why you would be apprehensive to sharing parts of yourself. lancelot: But, it all comes down to how you'll think he'll take it. lancelot: Does he seem like the type to hold, whatever it is, against you? Whether you choose to share with him or not, it comes down to that, doesn't it? lancelot: If you were to wait until you're ready then I'd say your own comfort matters, too.
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Once he had access to it, Lancelot found himself frequenting these forums more than he would have originally thought. Granted, there's just one in particular he was interested in, and he more often than not found himself mentoring a few of the younger users. When he reads a post from someone he's never really seen before, he mulls over an answer for a few moments before he types up a response.
( thread, posting in: "The MLM Forum", reply to TT )
lancelot: I would say it's nothing short of to be expected. lancelot: In times where you need something to heal you, wouldn't you think that to be a factor in that? lancelot: I can't say I know what you went through, but finding new places to set your affections are helpful when you need to move on from what has hurt you initially, or even where you yourself have caused harm. lancelot: If you have doubts, or are feeling guilty for it, don't. You're allowed to grieve.
You didn’t start the forum, nor did you even really expect to find yourself here, but when in Rome, right?
Behind your shades, you read through experiences: some lighthearted, some not. You’ve never been too much of a stickler for real-life romantic stories, but these ones in particular capture your interest, if only for your shared… orientation. For your own reasons, you prefer to keep things cool. Casual. To yourself. Behind anonymity, however, indulging in a label for the sake of connections seems harmless. At its worst, it would be good entertainment.
THREAD: POST TO ==> The MLM Forum ( @nigenteki )
TT: My own experiences range from the less-than-positive to the indifferently-acceptable. TT: I wasn’t put in the best situation to begin a relationship but it still happened, and it doesn’t do any good to deny that for a while, I was happy with... settling. TT: I feel more regret for how things were left before I arrived in Hive city. TT: Would you consider it wrong to have feelings for someone new if you’re still in mourning for another?
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“Is there any particular reason as to why you’re asking over the phone, when I’m down the hall? No, this won’t do. I’d rather avoid keeping someone in suspense, especially in matters like these…” His voice trails off, and while Lancelot can’t see it, the smile crossing his lips is somehow apparent even through the cellular device. That ever growing smile of his is enough to contradict his previous statement.
“But for the sake of formality, I’ll be saving my answer for when we see each other next—which will be right this instant. Now then, shall you come here, to my room? Or will I be coming over there?”
❝ There's no reason for it, no, but I am fond of these devices. They're convenient, don't you think so? ❞ He's smiling, himself, anticipating this kind of reaction from him to where he's already getting up from the comfort of his bed.
❝ Hahaha! No, no, I'll come to you. I am the one asking, after all. It would be rude of me otherwise. I'll see you very soon. ❞ By the time he finishes saying it, he's out the bedroom door, closing it behind him as he hangs up the phone. Followed by a few knocks on Percival's door once he makes it.
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