26 posts
Fox/Alex | He/Him | Rus/Eng | Furry, Geek, Gamer, Collector | Bisexual |ISFP | ADHD | Libertarian | 22 y.o. |
Last active 3 hours ago
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ngfox · 3 days ago
It's been a while...
Since i build a lego set, and i missed that feeling so much
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ngfox · 7 days ago
Say my name... Karen!
I stopped watching new episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants a long time ago (around season 10), and I consider the existence of the third movie and Kamp Koral an insult to Stephen Hillenburg’s legacy. Because of that, I was very skeptical about the Plankton movie, just like I was about the Sandy movie (which, funnily enough, was leaked online long before its official premiere—and my skepticism was pretty much justified).
However, even though I only watched Plankton by skipping through fragments, it actually surprised me in a good way—specifically, how they handled Karen. As a villain, she was absolutely fantastic, and the "Hydra Karen" deserves special praise (Snarky Karen and Smart Karen will forever have a place in my heart—they're both so charming!). Her song is probably the only truly great one in the film; I lost count of how many times I’ve replayed it. (Now I'm a real evil mastermind!)
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ngfox · 12 days ago
Cry from the heart
Goddamn it, I fucking hate the Helluvaverse fandom. You're just a bunch of sappy, disgusting, and insincere "romance" and drama lovers (with only a few exceptions). For you, Stolas and Blitzo are a good, sweet pairing, even though that's far from the truth, and I've explained why a thousand times already—I'll never get tired of repeating it. Because of you, a horde of narrow-minded fanatics willing to eat up anything, it's impossible to find decent art on Pinterest or check out merch, because apparently, Stolas simply can't exist without that horned bastard. Thanks a lot, fucking thanks to both you and Vivienne—you’re killing one of my favorite characters in my eyes. I hope one day someone creates a story where that horned asshole dies. I'm so fucking done with this.
What the hell?! When his daughter turned away from him, he just stood there sadly, smoking on the balcony, and then went on to dance with that horned bastard?! The same thing happened in Seeing Stars (damn that episode!). He went from a caring and loving father to a scumbag who doesn’t really seem to care about his own daughter. (Viv, I know that art therapy is beneficial and all, but if you had similar family issues, maybe you should see a therapist instead of expressing it through your characters. It’s not working out well.)
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ngfox · 1 month ago
And what did it achieve? Blitzo was a jerk before, and he’s still a jerk now—his "puppy eyes" won’t change that. (I even watched the episode to understand what’s going on, even though I stopped watching Helluva Boss after Full Moon).
You can be as much of a jerk, a bastard, and a bad person as you want, but all of those traits should cease to exist when it comes to the person you love (since it’s implied that Blitzo and Stolas love each other). Sure, it might be scary to open up to them, to show your feelings, etc., but insulting them behind their back, giving them nasty nicknames*, and mocking them? That’s not how you treat someone you love.
If something is bothering you, you need to talk it out, have a discussion—calmly, without emotions, and without blaming everything on your trauma as an excuse for your shitty behavior (at least toward the person you supposedly love).
And above all, it’s impossible to believe that these feelings are even remotely genuine. There’s nothing but insincerity because everything happened too suddenly, too abruptly. One moment, all they have is erotic flirting, and then—BAM!—somewhere around Season 2, it’s suddenly romance! That’s not how writing works. No.
About the nicknames*:
Privileged asshole
My bottom
Pompous rich asshole (the excuse that it was said "in the heat of the moment" doesn’t work—you need to have some self-control if you claim to love someone)
One-night stand bird dick
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P.S. This is some kind of second part of the previous post about Stolas and the answer on commentary from @bug-barn
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ngfox · 1 month ago
I'm sorry, my sweet owl boy...
Honestly, it’s so painful to watch what the script has turned Stolas into in all the recent episodes, starting around episode 2 of season 2.
He used to be an independent, well-developed character. We were shown different sides of him—he was gentle, kind, caring (also perverted, but that’s just part of Helluvaverse’s charm...). But when the people he cared about were in danger, he became stern, serious, determined, and even a little dangerous.
But gradually, they started turning him into a whiny, self-absorbed mess drowning in self-reflection and monologues. He was rewritten to fit this damn romance with Blitzo, who’s now supposed to "save him like a knight in shining armor." And maybe this could have worked if not for the events of Ozzie’s, which showed Blitzo as a complete asshole who used someone who genuinely loved him for his own disgusting purposes (fandom, I’m about to open your eyes—stalking people is fucking gross), publicly humiliated him, and never even apologized.
I don’t care if it happened off-screen, because otherwise, it’s bullshit. What happened at Ozzie’s wasn’t just some minor misunderstanding—it needed to be addressed. If you want a pairing to feel real, you have to show that they actually worked through their issues, talked about it. Maybe even show some distance from Stolas at first. Instead, in Seeing Stars, we got... NOTHING! Stolas completely ignored his daughter and flirted with Blitzo instead. Fantastic!
As a result, we now have a character who is the complete opposite of who he used to be...
Honestly, it would have been better if Stolas had remained a single father. Or, if they had to give him a romantic partner, they could have gone with Vassago.
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P.S. - Apologies if this sounds a little disjointed, I wrote it in a slightly sleepy state. Hope I got my point across. <3
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ngfox · 2 months ago
Fuck this shit, i'm out!
I have a question… For the algorithms, the creators, or the fandom—I don’t even know. Can I please get fewer Stolitz posts when searching for just Stolas?! It’s honestly exhausting when you just want to find some art of your favorite character, but instead, you run into a massive pile of screenshots, fanart, and so on of this second-rate garbage that the fandom calls "a cute, well-written relationship."
It’s just impossible to enjoy content featuring Stolas because the fandom has turned him into some kind of pet for Blitzo, his symbiote (call it whatever you want), as if he can't exist without him, separately. MY GOD!
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ngfox · 2 months ago
The whole merch situation is kind of amusing. People are upset that Viv made merch with Val, arguing that he's a canon rapist. But when someone points out that there’s no one in the Helluvaverse cast who’s actually relatable or sympathetic because they’re all bad in one way or another, those same people say, “Well, it’s Hell, everyone’s supposed to be bad.”
And this isn’t a one-off thing—double standards, harassment, and insults are everywhere in the fandom. Not only does Viv do nothing about it, but she actively encourages it, making the fandom feel completely untouchable.
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ngfox · 2 months ago
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Oh, i would wear this shirt unironically. Like, absolutely serious
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ngfox · 2 months ago
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While everyone is excited about the DMC anime release, I'm just admiring these two seconds of the White Rabbit because he's insanely hot and badass
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ngfox · 3 months ago
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Oh, i have so many ideas for this armor on my huntress...
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ngfox · 5 months ago
Happy N7Day for all Mass Effect fans (best couple in ME for attention)
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ngfox · 7 months ago
Can't wait to see my dear wife in action
How dafuq is this possible?! They made her even hotter than in S1.
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ngfox · 7 months ago
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Trilla Suduri is one of the best characters in New Canon of Star Wars and my favorite 🖤
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ngfox · 8 months ago
Опишите Helldivers простыми словами Легко, вот!
Translation: You're surrounded by a bunch of talented men in uniform!
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ngfox · 8 months ago
I demand a movie adaptation with Furry Deadpool. Just as hot as in the comics, preferably in animation.
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ngfox · 9 months ago
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This summer gave me plenty of hot furry guys. It was a good summer, and I hope it gets even better...
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ngfox · 9 months ago
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I can agree, that Lycaon hot AF, but why no one talk 'bout them ?!
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