New Yggdrasil
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"After Ragnarök, Yggdrasil rises from the ashes. A new world bigger and wiser, a paradise. However, 700 years later this world has to face a harsh reality, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree". You can read more here or
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newyggdrasil · 2 years ago
Chapter 14 - Martinsa
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Martinsa was thoughtful.  She hadn't seen Sigrid for thirteen years or more. This was a long time for Sigrid but short for her. The Valkyries aren't immortals; Ragnarök proved that no one is. But she was born one hundred fifteen years ago and she kept looking like a young woman. Usually, she forgot it, when you are fighting wars, monsters, and draugr the time goes fast. Moreover, when she looks at herself in the mirror, she doesn't have wrinkles, crow's foot, or raised skin bumps. She only notices as time passes when she sees a friend, a familiar, or a lover closer to death.  The rest of her sisters seem to be accustomed to it, but it's hard for her.
Asktré went down the stairs making a lot of noise. This broke Martinsa's train of thought. Thinking of dead wasn't well for her. Asktré got close to the top and told something to Cruzanda, then he came back with Martinsa.
He was upset and this wasn't good for Martinsa. Asktré had told her that he didn't want to know about wars and the Asgardian Guard after their big argument. Besides, he had two sons so persuading him would be very difficult. Both sat down at a lonely table, the inn was emptier than when they entered. Cruzando brought two jars of beer.
"Now, do you have two sons? Never do I see with a great father," Martinsa said trying to break the ice.
"I do not want to talk to you about my sons with you," Asktré was angry, not only for the trouble with his sons.
"I catch on, you are mad. You have reasons. We, I screwed over," she looked into his eyes. "I am really sorry. You were my friend, and I should have supported you when they took her away."
"She was an adult and a goddess. No one took her away."
"Anyway, I'm sorry we could, I could deal with that in a better way."
Despite his words, there was clear that Martinsa's apology softened him. Martinsa had been his best friend since the big burning. She is one of the few that knew about his past. She was following orders from her superiors. He didn't want to bear a grudge against her.  But he couldn't trust her as he had done in the past.
"Martinsa, what do you want?" Asktré said calmer.
She began to talk about odd deaths in the city. It had begun about three weeks ago. Someone had murdered young people, mainly in Winter Street. In the beginning, the local authorities didn't link the murders, but eight people had been killed in that week. For this reason, the Asgardian Guard had been called and when they weren't able to get any clue, they called the Valkyries.
"It is terrible, but I do not know why you need my help. I'm not a detective," Asktré answered.
"I need a hunter, not a detective. All bodies have marks of claws and fangs, but we don't know of that animal is. Moreover, some murders were very well done as if the murderer was very intelligent" Martinsa explained.
"A shapeshifter.'"
"This was my first idea, we investigated all known shapeshifters in the city and they have alibis for most of the crimes. Besides, there aren't remains of this type of magic in the scenes."
"Do you know that could be an undocumented shapeshifter?" Asktré said thinking in his son's case.
"Asktré, it's not like in the past. Nowadays, people go to the doctor or use some of the public services, the parliament is working to create a census. If almost impossible."
Asktré decided no say anything. If the test was negative, it wouldn't be necessary to search for a shifter.
"Well, then you only need an expert to discover what type of beast is doing this, don't you?" Asktré said.
"Exactly, only an hour of your time," she said grinned happy to have convinced him.
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newyggdrasil · 2 years ago
Chapter 13 - Bedroom
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They went up the stairs and left the adults alone.
Lunnec and Fenrir's room is on the third floor, all floor is for their family. One room for Asktré, one for them, and a bathroom. It's small but Fenrir likes it because he can see the city, even Treecentral, from their room window. Lunnec doesn't like it so much, but the place has some advantages for him.
Their room is simple but practical; a built-in closet, two beds, and a large table with two seats. The table was full of books, it is the place where usually they studied. Nevertheless, there were so many books because Fenrir was a book lover; fantasy, adventure, and sci-fi are his favorite literary genres.
"Men, it's about time you arranged your things. I'm tired that you take up the table," Lunnec said.
"This isn't fair, your room's side is worst," Fenrir replicated.
It was worst. There were underwear, t-shirts, and other clothes spread on the floor and Lunnec's bed. Even for what is a teenager's room.
"Yes, but I'm the older brother I have rights," Lunnec said while he gave him a knock on the head.
"Okay, okay. I arrange it," he yelled.
Fenrir leave his bowl on his bed, which was perfectly ordered, and moved some books.  Then both sat down and began to eat the salad with the night city view in front of them. Lunnec finished fast but Fenrir was spinning the food.
"C'mon, I know that it wasn't good, but you have to eat," Lunnec said.
"Yes, sorry. I'm thinking about Dad," the boy said looking at his bow with a lifeless gaze.
"You think too much. You knew that Dad is very weird. That he can rejuvenate it's not a surprise."
"Why didn't he say nothing about it until now?"
"He seldom talks about his past. When I was a child, he was like that. I took long to get that he talked about my mo ..." Lunnec found talking about that with his little brother.
Both boys fell silent. Their mums were a hard topic. One that neither was prepared to talk in a mature way. Someone knocked on the door interrupting the cold situation.
Lunnec opened the door and there was a beautiful black girl in an empire-blue dress.
"Nodric," Lunnec said spellbound and his sword shacked due to his words, then he whistled and the sword stopped.
"Hi, Nodric," Fenrir said from the table.
"Hi Fenrir, how are you?
"Busy, he needs to read, a lot of homework delayed," Lunnec said while he pushed his brother out of the room and Nodric got in. "Get out, we need privacy," Lunnec whispered to his brother.
"But, what do you want me to do?" Fenrir replicated.
"I dunno. Wait, you can go to the secret table and read this book," Lunnec gave a book to his brother.
"I already read it."
"C'mon. If you do this for me I will owe you a favor. A big favor"
"Okey. But I won't forget it" Fenrir said while going down the stairs.
Lunnec closed the door, and he looked at the girl. Nodric is fifteen years old, and his eyes and hair are brown. She was dressed so impressed like always. She has the skill of weir the perfect clothes. His father is diplomatic, for this reason, she had learned about etiquette since her childhood, and using the appropriate outfit for each occasion is something that she considers very important.
"Well, your mother told me that you were in bed," Lunnec said trying to look cool.
"Yes, I'm going with my father to the school. The snobbish school waits for me," Nodric said while wandering for the room.
"This means that I couldn't see you for a time."
"Well, with my new school and your random trips for the world is likely that not," the girl came closer to Lunnec.
"My trips weren't random."
"Oh really, what did you happen this time?" She said putting her arms over his shoulders.
"Well. This time we were in Nidavellir, and there was a dwarf in a cave ..." The conversation was suddenly interrupted by a passionate kiss, making clear that the question had been out of courtesy.
At the same time, Fenrir arrived at the bar. The local was all out which made it easier that Cruzanda and Lena didn't see him. Sigrid wasn't a problem at that time she must have been drunk.
Fenrir decided to hide himself on the secret table. This is the name that Lunnec, Nodric, and Fenrir put on a table that it doesn't see from the bar and many places in the inn. This was the perfect place when they wanted to do something that their parents wouldn't like it.
He sat down at the table without noticing that there were two people, a woman and a man, occupying it. The man was twenty-something years and the woman was forty-something. The woman was already drunk, but the man was in a perfect state.
"What do you do kid? We don't want to play with you," the man said in a bad way. Then Fenrir saw Cruzanda passing near the table, and he hid with a folder. "Don't touch that brat!" the man said taking the folder from Fenrir's hands.
"Sorry," Fenrir said bowing his head.
"Don't worry kid, my assistant is unsociable," the woman was drunk and noticed. "You can stay, but we are speaking about boring themes."
"Doctor Karen, we are discussing the new investigation's data."
"Do we have some good results? Lars," Karen asked.
"Not, but we need to analyze the transdimensional fluctuations ..." Lars answered.
"That I said, boring themes."
"You aren't a normal doctor, are you?" Fenrir said while the woman laughed.
"I'm a doctorate in physics, specifically in transdimensional dynamics," she said.
"Then, do you build doors between realms? on the security posters of the train, they call them transdimensional jumpers," Fenrir asked fascinated with the conversation.
"Not kid, she studies how works our universe. And doctor Karen is the one of better specialists in this field. She is a genius," Lars said passionately.
"Calm boy. Actually, he has a reason, but I prefer not to brag," she said while looking at Fenrir, who seemed a little confused, "I know how you see clearly."
She put on the table a round copper object with a lot of stones of different colors embedded.
"What this is?" Fenrir asked with curiosity.
"This is a dimensional projector. It's similar to a door between realms but it works to study not for travel," she pressed a button on the side of the object and put her hand on the device. Suddenly, a second pale hand of another color appeared over the original hand. "This device allows you to see yourself in other realms that you have been. We have some bigger in the laboratory in the old mill."
"Can I try?" the child asked.
"Of course," Karen said while she continued explaining. "People think that they are traveling between realms; however, we exist in all the realms in a superposition state but we only can have a physical form in one. The doors change in what realm is your physical form."
The boy put his hand and appeared five hands more. Lars and Karen were surprised, adults that traveled more than three realms aren't common and children less. Fenrir saw the faces of disbelief and he blushed.
"Well, my father likes to trip," Fenrir said waiting that them not to ask more.
"I see" the doctor answered.
"I have an ask, and souls?" Fenrir asked to distract them.
"Good question. Don't exit the souls as such."
"But, our sál, draugr, and Helheim."
Lars got up while Karen and Fenrir kept talking.
"Okey, this is much more complicated. When someone dies, stop being in the superposition state, in the realm where you die stays your physical parts like your Lik or your Önd. The rest of you go to Helheim or Anlag where they stay like echoes of the persons. Not alive but not dead either, only a backup,"
"Then a draugr appears when our sál don't go to Anlag, do it?"
"You are a smart kid, but not always work in this way. Sometimes it is our minni, our memories, that stay. The natural process is that our lik, harm, and the rest of part of us gradually disappear into the twelve realms, when this doesn't happen, well, there are the valkyries to fix it," she took another sip after the lesson.
"Okey, I think I understand but, why this happens?"  Fenrir needed to know more after that new discoveries.
"If you find out the answer, you must hide it," Karen said seriously.
"Why?" he said whispering.
"Because I would be without a job," and she started to laugh.
Then Lars approached the table.
"I already pay, can we leave, please?" Lars said.
"So young and so boring," Doctor Karen said.
Then a couple of people opened the door, and Fenrir saw his father getting into with a weird woman who had a bird on her shoulder.
"Fenrir, what do you do?" Asktré asked calmly but with anger in his eyes.
"Father, sorry. I thought; Lunnec said..."
"But your son would have to be older, wouldn't he?" Martinsa said.
Then Sigrid who was all night drunk in the top bar, approached them.
"Oh lady, this is the second," Sigrid said to Martinsa.
"Oh, my goddess, Sigrid? Long time no see you," Martinsa said surprised to see her friend so older.
"Oh hell, you don't see me this way. Some of us aren't immortal warriors or magical beings with powers of miraculous rejuvenation."
Both friends continued to talk while Asktré took his sons for his shoulder and they got up the stairs in silence. Then they arrived in the brother's room.
Asktré opened the door without knocking. Lunnec and Nodric were reclining on Fenrir's bed, the boy was shirtless kissing the girl.
"Ugg, gross, that is my bed," Fenrir said.
Both got up faster. Asktré didn't speak which unsettled them.
"Father, I can explain..." Lunnec said nervously "... I want to show her how my wounds were totally recovered."
"You hadn't wounded in your trunk," Asktré answered.
"Well, sir. I must go. I'm really sorry to bother you," Nodric said trying to be tender and polite. When got out of the door, she thought that she had gotten out.
"I will talk with your mother about this," Asktré said destroying her hopes.
"Yes sir. Good night, sir!" she said disappointed.
Then Lunnec put on his shirt and sit down in his bed. Fenrir did the same.
"Father, we don't want to make angry you," Lunnec said trying to relax the atmosphere.
"Really? I asked you for two things; eat and go to sleep. When I arrive, my little son was at a table with two drunks because my older son was having an affair with a girl in his bedroom."
"Sorry," Lunnec said hanging his head in shame
"Boy, we had a conversation about your duties. I see that I cannot trust you," he said looking at Lunnec, "and you, today someone speak about chains that I am starting to consider in buy," he said looking at Fenrir. "Now, to sleep. Tomorrow I will think about a suitable punishment."
Asktré closed the door with brusqueness. The boys were left alone in silence.
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newyggdrasil · 2 years ago
Chapter 12 - Business
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Asktré got out of the inn and went to blacksmith's shop. Although it was late Tomas is an obsessive worker. He lives for his creations, for this reason, he is one the best armorer of all realms, although, this isn't good for his health. His shop isn't in the most secure neighborhood of the city, it is nearly a black market. He doesn't do anything illegal, his shop had all permissions but, he always said that the best materials hadn't crossed Customs.
Asktré didn't take much time to arrive at the shop, a little building from which there was always smoke. Asktré had a strange sensation as if someone looked at him. But he didn't see anyone and then went into.
"OH hell, this iron is a fucking piece of shit!" Tomas shouted.
"You should speak better," Asktré said.
Tomas was a big muscular man not as much as Asktré, but there wasn't a big difference. Although, unlike the warrior Tomas was hairy, he had a long winter beard and his chest and arm were full of black hair, which make him look more tanned.
"Damn, I don't order a young man to turn me on this night," he said laughing, Asktré didn't reply. This was their dynamics. Tomas insults and makes sexual advances, and Asktré ignores him while wondering inwardly how I could have ever left Fenrir with him. "Okey man, what do you want?" Tomas said.
"I need to value this" Asktré took out a frozen elemental's core from his sack.
Tomas grabbed it, and inspect it.
"How much do you ask for it?"
"One hundred fifty."
"It's very expensive, it has some scratches. Although, I could pay you two hundred if you include, I don't know, your little son."
"You talk about the son that turned into a giant rat and he almost killed his brother," Asktré said.
"I have chains," Tomas shrugged.
"Forget it!" Asktré took the core.
"C'mon, I get older. I need an apprentice, and your son is perfect. He would have a good job and someday all this shop will be his."
"Besides, he could teach you Hrimpursrs magic because no one with this power and knowledge wants to teach you!"
"This is bullshit," Tomas replied. "Actually, no one with his powers wants to teach some people. The frost giants are very private, besides it's unlikely that I can use their magic. But, your son could help me to create the most powerful weapon of all realms, my masterpiece," Tomas said with a sparkle of passion in his eyes.
"One hundred fifty and one apprentices," Asktré said interrupting the intense looking of Tomas.
"Not your son?"
"Not my son, but she knows about dwarf magic and needs a master."
"You are a bastard," he sighed, "but I accept. You're lucky that someone is buying most of these things and it's almost impossible to find one."
The men made a handshake to close the negotiation. Tomas took out a back with coins and he gave Asktré. Asktré wrote something on a piece of paper and gave him. When Asktré left at the door, Tomas stopped and hugged him.
"An odd woman asked for you two days ago. You should be careful."
Asktré began his way home with the certainty that someone was following him. He decided to change his path. If they were someone dangerous, he wouldn't lead them to the Inn.
He discovered who follow him after crossing a corner. It was a swallow, a little blue bird. He had to get rid of it and the best way that he could think was to enter Central Street and hid in the crowd. Bureaucratic people were leaving work at this hour, and the street was crowded.
After a while, he finally lost the bird and headed toward the inn with some idea of why this bird followed him, and it didn't take long to confirm his suspicions.
In front of the inn, waiting for him, there was a blonde young woman. The swallow was on his shoulder. She was dressed in light leather armor like a warrior, and his muscular arms and scars showed that she was prepared for battle, but she hadn't any type of weapon.
"How do you locate me? I lost the bird a while ago," Asktré said while he looked carefully at the woman.
"You hide your track very well; however, a big man with a rectangular big sword in his back is easily recognizable. I only had to ask around when you passed for the train," these words made him nervous. "Don't worry, I'm the only that knows your location. I need your help."
"Martinsa I do not want to know about Asgardian Guard. I have other priorities in my life."
"I know, but this is something serious, and you are the only that can help. Please, for the old times"
"Okey," Asktré sighed, "but I only promise to listen to you."
"I don't ask for more"
Both opened the door of the Inn. Then Asktré saw Fenrir drinking something with a pair of drunks at a table.
"Fenrir, what do you do?" Asktré asks calmly but with anger in his eyes.
"Father, sorry. I ..."
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newyggdrasil · 2 years ago
Chapter 11 - Home -
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Asktré, Lunnec, and Fenrir aren't a common family and they haven't a common home. 'Black Dragon' is an inn located outside of Odinia. The last tram station of Winter Street is a ten-minute walk, therefore you can reach the central station in 30 minutes; however, the neighborhood seemed more rural than urban. All houses have fields and the forest was nearby.
Asktré would rather live in the near forest or in another remote place, without people around, but this isn't an option for Fenrir and likely neither for Lunnec. He had always had a great dilemma about his sons. They needed friends and socializing but their condition is a big problem. People have a lot of prejudice against Ashmen and not everyone accepts hybrids, well, don't accept some kinds of hybrids, Asgardians don't have these problems.
They got into the inn. In the bar was Cruzanda, a Nálfar, the largest caste among the four castes of Svartálfal. Like most of Nálfar, she has two horns in U form and her skin is obsidian color with blue freckles. However, there is a thing that set her apart from the rest of the Dark Elves, her gorgeous violet eyes. She had stolen many hearts thanks to them in her youth.
"Hi boys, how was the trip? was it fun?" Cruzanda said with her typical kind attitude.
"Not well, a lot of wounds and they didn't pay us. About fun, since when does my father like fun?" Lunnec said.
"If you had met him years ago, you wouldn't it have thought that. He's reserved and some uncouth, but he wouldn't have had two children if he didn't like the fun," an old woman said laughing while she drank a beer jar.
"Mom, you don't say these things," a woman said while coming in through the kitchen door. Then she kissed Cruzanda and said "Hi, love," with a big smile on her face.
These women were the Suntan. Lena Sutan is the co-owner of the Inn. She's a black woman with brown eyes and forty-five years. She has been married to Cruzanda for twelve years and she has a daughter.
Sigrid, Lena's mother, is an old black woman who lost her left eye years ago. His hair is grey and afro.  Asktré and she fought together in the third war elven.  They have been very good friends since he prevented that she lost her good eye, for this reason, his daughter's inn is the perfect place to live. It's safe and well-placed.
"Ohh, Lena I want to ask you, eh, about..." Lunnec said
"Sorry Lunnec, she's sleeping. His father will pick up her early in the morning," Lena's words disappointed Lunnec.  "But, I have a delicious meat pie that I'm sure that your brother and you will enjoy," Lena's said trying to cheer Lunnec up.
"Not. Do you have something with vegetables?" Asktré said.
"But, Dad," Fenrir said with puppy dog eyes.
"Not. You have been eating meat for three days, you need a balanced diet. Don't admit discussion!"
Lena took out two salad bowls and gave them to the boys. Fenrir looked at them disappointed. Lena's meat pie was one of his favorite food.
"Now, you go to your room. You eat dinner and after going to sleep. I have to do some business. Understood?"
"Yes father," both said with apathy.
They went up the stairs and left the adults alone.
"It's normal that your son called you boring, every day younger but less fun," Sigrid said.
"Is too much obvious? The kids do not want to say anything," Asktré asked.
"You don't ask me, it's very complicated for my differentiate human age," Cruzanda said trying to avoid the question.
"Well, when you are off you seemed of my age and now look like a twentysomething," Lena answered trying to be careful.
"I would put you in my bed right now," Sigrid said between laughs.
"Mom," Lena yelled.
"What, he asked," Sigrid shrug her shoulders and carried on drinking.
"Whatever, now it is done. I must go to Tomas. I have something to buy. Can you look at the boys?" Asktré said.
"Don't worry. I take a look at them," Sigrid said while she took another sip of beer.
"We take a look at them," Cruzanda said while hugging Lena.
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newyggdrasil · 2 years ago
Chapter 10 - Train to Odinia
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The gate between realms is a round building made of dark rock and it has bronze decorations in the corners, located in the middle of a huge olive grove. A track goes into, and another track goes out of the building.
The train slowed down until it came to a complete stop inside the building. From the last coach, Laura and the boys could see the locomotive. All the train was inside the round building, in the center of the room there was a half ultramarine color sphere, and in the ceiling, there were odd precious stones of rainbow colors.
"Are you ready? We are going to travel to Midgar in a short time," Lunnec said.
"But, how? The train was motionless," the young dwarf asked.
"Look at the engineer."
Laura approached the window, and she saw the engineer put a flashlight towards the ceiling of the building. A powerful light began to ricochet in the ceiling's stones and it fell over the sphere. Then a rainbow light filled the room. Laura saw her hands, she had some hands extra in different colors.
"Wow, what happens?" Laura said while Fenrir played with the tail that his hands made when moving.
"The realms were over each other. In this room, we change the realm thanks to light," Lunnec said while he tried to not play with the light to look more mature.
Suddenly everything became dark, and the train restarted the journey. They got out of the gate and they didn't see the olive groves or Visa, they saw the cost of Odinia, the biggest city of all realms, it's complicated to see some cityscape so impressive and with buildings so tall.
After leaving the gate they were in Treecentral which is a maze of tracks that connect the gates with the central station. There are six gates with a giant statue of a god who died during Ragnarök over each building. The gate to Nidavellir has a Týr, to Vanaheimr has a Freyr, to Asgard has a Thor...
"Wow, this is awesome," Laura said without taking her eyes off the window.
"Welcome to Midgar," Fenrir said with a smile.
In a little time, the train parked in the central station. It was crowded, but it was common on weekdays. Laura was overwhelmed because she had never been in a place with so people.
"Miss Laura, don't distract. We must go to the windows" Asktré indicated to Laura.
To get out of the central station, all people must pass through the security windows. Be supposed that exist free circulation of personas between most realms, but the stations verified the information and had a register.
"Laura pass your first. You don't worry but we will take a long time," Lunnec said.
Laura didn't understand the reason for the warning. She approached the security guard with nervousness.
"Hello, lady. I need your complete name, age, origin's city, and reason for the visit. This data would be only used for security reasons" the guard said.
"Of course, I'm Laura Martínez, 17 years old. I'm from Tincia in Nidavellir. I'm here in search of a job. I'm going to live with my aunt in the city."
"Perfect. You can carry on."
"My friends were in the line, can I wait here?" She asked.
Then Asktré and the boys approached. The guard lost his good mood, and he began to talk seriously.
"Your information, sir," he said to Asktré with an intensive look.
"I am Asktré. I do not have an origin city and I am here because I live here. The age is not data that you can not request according to the law," Asktré said this sentence as if this situation was already usual because this was a common situation for him.
"Okey. What is your last name?"
"I don't have"
The guard called a co-worker, and he whispered something.
"Well, and the kids?"
"I'm Lunnec, I don't have a last name. My origin city is Odinia in Midgar. I live here," Lunnec said.
"I'm Fenrir Wolfson. I'm from Footvalley in Jötunheim. I live here in dis..."
"Fenrir this information doesn't matter to the guard" Asktré warned his son.
The co-worker approached the guard and gave him a folder. The guard began to read while Asktré exasperated.
"I see that we don't have a record of your outbound departure from the realm. How is this possible?"
"We didn't use the train. I prefer to use the old paths. For the moment this isn't illegal, is it?" Asktré said grumpily.
"Sir, calm. This is our job. We need to know this information for security, imagine that someone travels to one of the forbidden realms," the guard said.
"If this is the problem, you don't need to worry," Asktré said while taking out a squad stone with a rune of his suck "I have permission to travel all realms."
The guard was silent, Asktré had a high rune given by the pantheon only a few persons.
"Now, could I and my sons go here?"
"Yes, sir. I'm sorry for the delay" the guard said trying to maintain his composure.
They carried on his path and Laura joined them. She had a bad face, the situation affected her.
"Don't worry, this happens to us every five minutes" Lunnec said trying to minimize importance.
"But, this isn't right."
"No, it isn't. But the guards see a giant armed man with two hybrid kids and how isn't normal they think that something is going bad. Better we going to talk about other issues. This is your first time in Odinia, we gonna enjoy it"
Just in front of the central station, there is the market of Skade. A big square with more than a hundred shops. In the past, this market was only hunters who went here to sell their prices, but nowadays here you can buy everything. From crops to jewelry if it's legal to sell it you can find it in this place.
"Where is your aunt's house?" Lunnec asked.
"One sec," Laura took out a paper from his pocket" 135, WinterStreet"
"I think that it's near our house," Fenrir said and his father hawked to indicate to him that he was given a lot of information.
"Well, then we should board the tram of central street, and after we carry on the walk. We will arrive in twenty minutes" Lunnec explained.
They arrived faster in the obelisk plaza and headed towards DwarfTown on Winter Street. This zone is an exciting neighborhood with a lot of residents of other realms. Usually, you could feel the mix of cultures and life in its streets, but at this moment everything was strangely calm.
"Well, we have arrived," Lunnec said.
"Thanks for everything," she hugged Lunnec and after Fenrir. With Asktré she preferred to shake hands.
"It has been a pleasant young lady," Asktré said.
Then they carried on his path while Laura entered his aunt's house.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. If you want to read more, new chapters are upload Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays on tumblr and Wattpad.
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newyggdrasil · 2 years ago
Chapter 9 -Train to Midgar
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Dense fog formed while they traveled. Fortunately, the path was marked with some street lamps. Ronda is the capital but isn't the biggest city of Nidavellir. Visa is the most industrial city of the 12 realms, but Ronda is most old. It was created a few years after Ragnarök for this reason all bureaucracy is made in this city.
They began to ascent; the city was in the upper part of a large meseta which was splitting for a long canon. The ascent was long and when they crossed the blanket of clouds they could see the city in all its splendor.
"Wow, it's enormous," Laura said.
"If you think this is big wait to see Odinia," Lunnec said between laughs.
"You don't mock me, this is the first time that I get out of Tincia. Do you travel a lot?"
"Ohm. Yes, we do. We have been in Vanaheim, Nidavellir, Midgar, Jötumheim, and one time in Alfheim" Fenrir said.
"You are true adventurers. And tell me, what was the most amazing adventure?"
"Well, three years ago on my twelfth birthday, my father and I went to Muspelheim because we need the blood of lava's larva to create Nodric," the sword shook gently at the sound of its name.
"I don't remember any trip to Muspelheim," Fenrir said.
"You weren't with us. You were eight years old, and for this reason, you stayed with Tomas. Since that day he always wants to buy you, but I'm not able to persuade Dad," Lunnec said trying to make fun of his brother.  Fenrir replied sticking out his tongue.
They arrived on the west side of the city. Rodas is divided in two. The west side is the new zone, there lived the new rich, mainly factory owners and some politicians. The east side is the old city where lives families with bloodline and rank. The separation can see in the architectonic style and ways of dressing of people, but mainly in the big canyon that split the city. Ronda is a city for rich people for whom it's useful living near the institutions of the realm and industry associations, Nidavallier is the realm with more industry after all.
They crossed the big cannon entering the east area, the aristocratic dwarves looked at the wagon with snub. Service doesn't use the main road and for them anyone without blue blood is service.
They arrived at the train station and got off the wagon. Lunnec approached his father.
"Father while you go for the tickets, could I go to the post office?"
"Who is the letter to?" Fenrir asked from afar.
"It's not your business," Lunnec replied.
"Okey, do you need money?" Asktré said.
"Not, I have some coins," Lunnec said while he got away.
Lunnec doesn't have many friends and family for this reason Asktré guessed who was the recipient of this letter. He preferred that his son didn't send it because he knew that it only would cause pain, but he could not try to impede it because it was his son's decision, and forbidding it wouldn't solve anything.
"Grandfather, I'll make you very proud of me," Laura said to Fernando
"I'm very proud of you, and your grandmother would be too. Don't worry and enjoy the experience."
They hugged and said goodbye. Asktré, Laura, and Fenrir went to the train station and Fernando began his return home.  Rondas train station is a small building, Ronda doesn't send and receive a lot of things, it was a station for people. In the unique open window, they bought four tickets for Odinia. It wasn't direct, the train stopped in Visa about fifteen minutes, but it wasn't one of the long routes with stops in each town and villa.
Lunnec arrived just in time to get on the train. His father called him. They had a sit in the corner of the last coach. The cabins are very expensive, but they got four seats together with a table in the middle. Fenrir and Asktré were next, and Lunnec and Laura were together in front.
"You don't make noise. I haven't slept in two days and I am going to sleep now," Asktré demanded while he closed his eyes and he crossed his arms.
The kids were playing cards and talking about simple issues during most of the trip.  They arrived on Visa in four hours
"OH, I thought that we could see the city from the train, but I don't see anything," Laura said while she tried to see from the window.
"Not, the train crosses the mountain near to the city, not the city," Lunnec said.
"Although from the hall of the station is possible to see the city. We can go a moment," Fenrir said standing up.
"If you leave this train, you will be punished for the rest of the year. We will not repeat the Vanaheim incident," Asktre said without opening his eyes.
Fenrir sat down quickly, he didn't want a punishment especially if it coincided with his birthday.
"Well, will we take long in arrived?" Laura asked
"Not, the gate between realms is nearby. And after it in five minutes we will arrive at the central station. I guess about twenty minutes," Lunnec said looking at Laura.
"Really, are Visa and Odinia so close?"
"It's obvious that is your first time traveling between realms," Lunnec said laughing.
"Both cities were in the same place but in two different realms," Fenrir said kindly.
"I don't understand," she said confused.
"Don't worry when we arrived at the gate I will explain to you."
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. If you want to read more, new chapters are upload Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays on tumblr and Wattpad.
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newyggdrasil · 2 years ago
Chapter 8 - Hate
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When they were close to the inn, Asktré stopped his sons and stood in front of them.
"This trip has been very complicated. Despite we accomplished our mission, this is not a good result. The innkeeper has lost a loved one. We must be professionals, this means that we cannot hug and cry" he said looking at Fenrir. "We cannot say sarcasm or other type of inappropriate comments," he said looking at Lunnec. "Do you understand me?"
"Yes Father," they replied at the same time.
The ink was very ancient, it was built in stone from nearby quarries. Nowadays most inns and pubs in Nidavellir are adapted for other races like humans and elves, maybe not for some jötunn because they had a very variety of sizes. However, this inn was the old style with a small door of one point fifty meters and a short ceiling. Asktré, for example, couldn't walk completely straight, and Lunnec would sometimes bump into a beam.
All dwarves lowered their voices and began to whisper when they went into. The innkeeper saw the blanket with his brother, and his face changed immediately. His fear had turned into reality and he was in shock.
"What happened?" he said with a broken voice.
"I am so sorry. He was dead when we found him," Asktré said while putting the body on one table.
The innkeeper approached and lifted the blanket. His little brother, his only family, was dead. An old woman moved set closer and examined the corpse. After she examined Asktré and the boys, she was looking for something but nobody know that thing. The situation began to worry Asktre.
"I already know why this dwarf is dead. It's this monster's fault," she said looking at Asktré.
"This isn't true ..." Lunnec yelled while his father indicated with his hand that he must calm himself.
"I saw, all saw that his man had numerous scars and wrinkles when he left for the island. Nevertheless, now he has perfect skin. I only know something that can do this. An Ashmen," the sound of murmuring became stronger. "All have heard about the old magic hidden in the island, this poor dwarf has tried to find to come back to life his mother. When he got it, I'm sure that this thing end his life," she said while she pointed at Asktré.
The situation was getting complicated. Asktré took his sons behind. From experience, he knew to have a conversation with an enraged crowd was not a good idea. Fortunately, a dwarf dressed well approached the old lady and began to speak.
"People of Tincia, you meet me. I'm the mayor and owner of the fabric. The death of Tomas has been a terrible blow to our town. But, we don't have enough proof to call Asgardian Guard, and we are good people that never take the law into our own hands, aren't we?" the crowd made noises of approval. "On the other hand, we can't leave these facts without sanction. You Ashmen, I exile you of Tincia forever."
The crowd acclaimed the mayor's decision. Lunnec tried to say something but his father stopped him. The three got out of the inn, and Asktré ordered his sons that they must hurry up. Asktré didn't want to push his luck. When they left the town, Lunnec can't stand more and began to rant.
"What the hell? We weren't guilty of this situation. We should have done something."
"I know that it is complicated to understand for someone of your age, but we have done what we should do."
"But this isn't fair, they haven't even paid us," Lunnec said kicking a post.
"It is not, but you don't worry about the payment. The trip was not for nothing" Asktré said while he noticed that Fenrir was lost in thought whit a sad face. "I can hear your thinking from here. What happen?"
"Ohm, Is it true? Could that wood revive people?" Fenrir asked.
Asktré knelt near Fenrir and put his hand on the boy's shoulder. "The bits of Yggdrasil contain the power of life. Someone thought that powers can revive people, but not this is impossible when we dead only stayed a little part of us in Helheim or Andlag. Sorry, but the people that have gone can not return."
"I understand," Fenrir said disappointed.
They were carried on a walk when a wagon appeared for his back. Fernando and Laura greeted them and were offered a seat. Fenrir and Lunnec were put in the last part by Laura's side, and Asktré next to Fernando.
"The trip to Rondas will be fast, today there isn't almost fog," Fernando said.
Nidavellir usually has a cape of fog that covers the most of continent, for this reason, it is called the realm of mist. This fog is created by the great geothermal activity and the many rivers and lakes in this realm.
"Fernando, what is the reason for you carrying us?" Asktré asked with suspicion.
"I could lie to you and said that I do because I feel sorry for your situation and problems in my town.  In fact, I'm sorry, but the true reason is that I wanna favor from you," Asktré made a gesture for he continued. "I see, you see that my little girl has a dream. One dream that she cannot achieve in this town of hicks. She has an aunt in Odinia, my request is that you accompanied her until the city, I'd be calmer. I don't have much but I can pay you thirty ..."
"It will not be necessary, the journey to Rondas is enough as payment," Asktré replied forcefully. Accompanying someone to a place they were already going, after that horrible day, was a very small price in exchange for not having to walk to Ronda.
"I don't know what to say. Thank you, thank you very much."
The journey carried on between small talk and laughs from the kids.  Asktré is sometimes surprised at how easily his children seem to forget problems. Soon they were in Rondan, the Nidavellir's capital.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. If you want to read more, new chapters are upload Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays on tumblr and Wattpad.
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newyggdrasil · 2 years ago
Chapter 7 - Boat
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"Fenrir, you need a bath. Your smell is nauseating" Asktré said.
"Not, Dad, please. I'll take a bath when we get home, please," the kid begged.
"We won't arrive until the night. We cannot take the train home with your smell in this way. By the way, why do you smell so bad?"
"Well, it's a long story ..."
The argument woke up Lunnec. The sun had risen two hours ago, it wasn't a common situation. Getting up early is one thing very important for Asktré. However, the last day softened his father up. The dispute over the bath is a lot more common. Based on accidental transformations, Fenrir had gotten that his father used unusual strategies in these cases.
"Okey, so you can turn into a stinky rat. This is new." Asktré said, a bit confused by his son's story.
"I don't know if I was a rat because I was bigger than a rat."
"Son in this world exists giant rats which I hope that you will never see. Now, what can I do so that bath seems you like a good idea?"
"The pool's water is very cool," Fenrir said.
"Okey, I will use my powers to warm it up."
"Really, thank you very much."
"You prepare everything while I help your brother, he is already awake."
"Oh, morning Lunnec," Fenrir said smiling.
"Morning Fenrir," he said smiling back.
Asktré got closer to Lunnec and check his leg. The results of the ash were awesome. The leg was totally recovered, and even his skin looks like a newborn.
"This looks fine. What do you feel?"
"I'm good. I feel the leg stronger, and I haven't pain. The wood is amazing. I know already why the dwarf search it," Lunnec said and look towards a blanket that covered the dwarf.
"He searched it for other reasons, but that doesn't matter anymore," Asktré said with his typical expression of 'ask no more'.
"Okey. By the way, you look different than before."
"With excess ash treated all my wounds. Even the scars, it's sad some have sentimental value."
" Really, for example?"
"First times, the first time that Fenrir transformed, the first time I hunted a bear, our first adventure. This kind of thing."
At this moment Fenrir called his father so Asktré warmed up the pool; the boy was ready. Lunnec went to breakfast while his father and Fenrir were in the bath. At the campfire had a pan of broth with chunks. Lunnec preferred not to know what the chunks were. He has proven a lot of different odd foods throughout his life, but it's simpler for him to think that all is chicken than figure out what it is.
After, he began something that he felt that he must do, writing a letter. He took a piece and a pen in his father's sack. Think of the dead as something that had changed some beliefs about himself and his priorities.
When they were finally ready, they began the return trip to the beach. Asktré carried the dwarf while Lunnec and Fenrir followed him. This time the travel was easy, not animals, not elementals. The trouble was waiting for them on the beach, their rowboat was broken. Some animal had done a big hole in the prow.
Repairing the boat could take hours. The island is one nautic mile from the port of Tincia, the hometown of the brother's dwarf. Swimming to it with the body and Fenrir wasn't an option. Fortunately, a fishing boat was very close to the island.
"Boys tried to catch the fisherman's attention," Asktré said, knowing he had no chance of getting by himself.
"Fenrir is time that you use your unique useful power, your cute face," Fenrir screwed up his face. "It's a joke, it's a joke. You have more qualities but  the face thing is true, use it if you wanna leave the island before night."
Fenrir got close to shore, yelled to attract the boat, and start to move his arm trying to get the attention of the boat. The trick, against all odds, worked. The boat changed its course toward the island. When the boat was near an old dwarf dressed in some type of green raincoat approached to prow.
"Who are you?" he asked while Asktré and Lunnec got close to Fenrir. "I see, we are the rescuers. Tito's luck abandoned him. Poor bastard, all town warned him, but he didn't listen."
"Sorry sir, we were left without a boat. Can you help us?" Lunnec asked.
"Of course, it's the least I can do. Go aboard!"
The three went on board, in the poop was a young dwarf girl. She indicated to them where could sit down.  Asktré left the body in a corner, the old dwarf ordered the girl that she began the trip.
The young dwarf had long jet-black hair decorated with a braid. Her eyes were brown and her state was kind. Her nose was wide and round. She didn't stop looking at Lunnec, it was obvious that the young man had drawn the attention of the girl.
"Wow! This rune in the helm was dwarf's magic, isn't it? " Fenrir asked her.
"Oh, well seen. Yes, it's a rune for increasing strength. I use it for helping my grandfather. He's old, and this way rowing is simpler."
"A rune maker that she's a fisher. This isn't common," Lunnec said.
Many people believed that any person could create a rune, but this was untrue. Any person could write a rune, but only a few could imbue and control this magic. However, this didn't prevent a lot of people use over many objects. There was no problem in most cases, as long as you didn't find a friar's lantern or other type of magical nods, in this case, one rune bad produce could be a mortal problem.
"Well, really I wanted to be a blacksmith like my grandmother, but unfortunately she died when I was thirteen. Only she had time to teach me runic magic but couldn't teach me how to forge."
"Oh, I'm really sorry for your loss. My mum also died before she could teach me many important things about my magic," Fenrir said sadly.
"Sorry, little man. Someday I will get out of this town and find a master smith, you maybe can do as I."
"I don't believe it," he answered.
The conversation had become very depressing and Lunnec didn't want that Fenrir started to think a lot about his mother.
"Sure, you will get even without a master, don't worry. Well, change the subject. How's the fishing going, ehhh... Sorry, what's your name?" Lunnec said for tried to change of theme.
The girl laughed and said, "My name is Laura and that is my grandfather Fernando."
"Nice to meet you. I'm Lunnec, this is my little brother Fenrir and that is my father Asktré."
"Asktré, Asktré" Fernando repeated trying to remember "This name, is one of the Ashmen used, isn't it?"
"Yes, it is," Asktré muttered.
"I see, I haven't heard this name for many time. I felt a lot about what happened to your people..."
"Sorry, but this is a conversation that I prefer not to have."
"Ohh, I understand it. I'm sorry."
Fenix and Lunnec looked at his father but didn't say anything. Laura began to talk trying to break the uncomfortable silence "Well, Lunnec you ask for the fishing, isn't it?"
Lunnec answer yes because he also wanted to change of topic. Talking about his childhood and family was something that tortured his father. Although, he would like to know about his ancestor, Fenrir and he had decided not to touch the matter with his father.
"So very bad, few fishes take the bait. Since the fabric increased production the lake was very contaminated and there are fewer and fewer fish shoals."
"Why doesn't anyone do something to fix it?" Fenrir answered with his typical innocence.
"Nobody wants to do it. The fabric is the main sustenance of the town, his life turns around that place. Never do they do something," Fernando said.
Actually, Fernando was right. The fabric is the heart of the town, literal and figurative. They manufactured screws for forty years and the town expanded around this building, few people in the town didn't work in the fabrics.
Finally, they arrived at the port. Asktré and Fernando talked while the kids moored the ship.
"Now, what will you doing?" the old man asked.
"We are going to the inn. After we will go to Rodas to catch the train to Midgard"
"Midgar, I see, I see," the old man said thoughtfully. "Well, It has been a pleasure to meet you and your sons."
Both shook hands. The group said goodbye and they carried on their trip. The inn was only a few minutes walk.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. If you want to read more, new chapters are upload Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays on tumblr and Wattpad.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. If you want to read more, new chapters are upload Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays on tumblr and Wattpad.
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newyggdrasil · 2 years ago
Chapter 6 - Mountain
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Lunnec woke up in a mountain. His leg was perfect, even the little scars that he had since childhood had gone. Suddenly he heard a yell, it sounded like a kid. He climbed a few meters, and he found a horrible scene on the mountain's top. A child had been chained to three big stone blocks with iron chains. An enormous snake was letting fall poisonous drops over the child's face. Every time a drop fell the boy yelled in agony.
Lunnec tried to call his sword, but Nodric wasn't there. He saw that near the boy there was a little wood basin. Unconsciously he took the basin for picked up the snake poison.
"Boy, are you okay? Do you hear me?" Lunnec said.
The boy turned his face towards Lunnec. He was identical to his brother except for his hair and facial scars. His brother had nut-brown hair and this boy had an intense black color.
" Shut up, don't say my name. You not," the boy said.
"What do you do here? Where is Father? How..."
"You know it. This is what you wanted," he said interrupting Lunnec.
"Never would I want this," Lunnec said horrify because of the situation.
"Never? Since my mom died and I moved with you, your wish has been that Father will get away from me," the boy said with hate in his voice.
Lunnec never had heard his brother say something similar with so much fury.  He never wished for this situation no one, especially his brother. Sometimes he had been a little cruel to Fenrir, but he loved him.
"This isn't true," Lunnec said while he let fall a drop for error, the boy yelled again.
"Really? Then why did you say that I was weak and that my powers were uncontrolled? 'Everything was simpler when I didn't with Father and you', wasn't it? Your words not mines; this is the consequence," the boy started to laugh in a strange way.
"You are not my brother," Lunnec said about to cry. "Fenrir, Fenrir, where are you?" he yelled.
So, he heard a howl. A giant wolf appeared jumping for Lunnec's back. I was black with claws bigger than Lunnec, and his eyes sparkled in the same way that Fenrir when he used his powers. It bent down close to Lunnec.
"Fenrir, are you?"
The wolf brought its snout and licked him. Lunnec stopped doubting and mounted the wolf. The poison returned to fall and the boy yelled.
"You're a monster. You did this at me," the boy said between yells.
"Go, buddy!" Lunnec said.
The wolf began to run through the mountains. Lunnec hugged the wolf with strength and bit by bit he fall asleep again.
Lunnec opened his eyes, his brother hugged him. He had a little rock with a rune in his hand. Usually, this would have bothered him; however, today not. Not even the horrible smells of his brother would have made him push Fenrir away. We wanted to have him close after so a horrible day and so horrible nightmare.
His father got close to them with a bota bag, and he sat down. He hadn't injuries, and he also looked younger.
"Are you better? You should drink some water," he said while approaching the bota to Lunnec.
"Yes, I'm fine. Well, I have had a nightmare" Lunnec said and started to drink carefully not to wake up Fenrir.
"I know, so your brother is with you. Do you remember this rune?"
"A lullaby rune, he doesn't see one since that Fenrir was seven years old"
When Fenrir's mother died, he have terrible nightmares the only thing that calmed him down was that rune. His mother had taught him runic magic since that he learned to walk. The child made the rune and his father stayed with him all night so he could sleep. It was a complicated time for all.
"He made it for you because you began to call him in dreams."
"Father, I am so sorry. I shouldn't have been so arrogant..."
"Don't worry. This is my fault. I knew that you weren't in conditions. I tried to teach you in the worst way, and this almost done that I lose my sons. Lunnec I am very proud of you," Asktre said while placing his hand on his son's chest "Now, it is better that you rest more."
"Thanks, Father. Good night."
"Good night son."
Lunnec lay down near his brother and fell asleep quickly. This time without nightmares.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. If you want to read more, new chapters are upload Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays on tumblr and Wattpad.
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newyggdrasil · 2 years ago
Chapter 5 - Meeting
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The brothers walked slowly to the cavern. They only had a distant light to follow and with Lunnec in that condition running wasn't a good idea.
"With this, I can transform into a wolf,  a bear, a raven, and some type of giant rat. Was I a rat or a dog? or maybe some type of marsupial? " Fenrir said almost squealing.
"I dunno buddy. You don't look like regular animals when you transform. I mean, never have I seen a bear with horns," Lunnec said closing his eyes for a moment and breathing deeply, he was nearly to lose patience because of his wounds and Fenrir.
"It's true, I never have seen either. I hope that the next time will turn into a wolf again. By the way, are we following the correct path? "
"Yes, we are. Don't worry, Father always says that if we separate from him, we must meet again in the objective place. But for now, it's better that we are quiet just in case there are other beasts," Lunnec said trying the boy kept quiet.
" Okey, this makes sense. So, will we arrive soon? Because I want ..."
"I dunno, I'm not a map," Lunnec said in an aggressive way. "I mean sorry. I'm very tired and painful. I didn't want to say this. I'm so sorry."
Lunnec was being especially careful because his brother's eyes had a weak sparkle, and he wished that the incident of his thirteenth birthday wouldn't be repeated. Three transformations the same day, the idea made his hair stand on end.
They followed the sunlight. When they went to the main gallery, near the place where they separated from his father, there were marks of fire on the ground. They walked about a quarter of an hour following the trail until they saw his father. He was down on his kneel, resting on Fimbulkaldr which had a blue glow, and expelled steam. His hands were an intense red color like fire, and the veins of all his body also. He was gravely injured; he had cuts in his arms and legs that it still bled, and the elemental's blows had been so strong that they had done dents in his chest armor. The boys approach him.
"Dad, are you okay?" Fenrir said trying to touch him with his right hand.
"Stop, you do not touch me. I'm white hot," Asktré said while he squeezed his sword's hilt.
Fimbulkaldr shined more and more, at the same time it was getting colder. The Asktré arms returned to their normal state thanks to the sword. Then he looked at his sons.
"Lunnec, what did you happen?" Asktré asked worried.
"The fall. I was distracted, and I couldn't cover myself and I couldn't protect ..." Lunnec said.
"Calm son, you did the best you can. Now, let me see your leg."
His father's answer caught by surprise him, although he didn't know in a positive or negative way. When Asktré moved, both boys saw a dwarf's body. He didn't seem injured but his skin was an odd soft-green color. Lunnec hugged his brother against his body with his left arm so that Fenrir didn't continue seeing that awful scene.
"What happened?" Lunnec asked his father.
"He was in this way when I arrived. He tried to take a splinter of Yggdrasil without protection, his body overloaded," Asktré said while he rolled up his son's pants.
"Can we do something for him?" Fenrir asked still hugging his brother.
"Fenrir, it's too late. He passed away yesterday at least," Asktré said while inspecting Lunnec's leg.  "Your tibia is broken, it looks bad."
"Can you fix it, can't you?" Lunnec said trying to look calm but his hands shook and they were sweaty.
"I can, but it's really painful. I need you to try to bear it. I and your brother are going to be with you. Okay?"
Asktré took out a strange piece of wood, it had a weak green shine.
"What is it?" Fenrir asked.
"This is the bit of the original Yggdrasil that the dwarf tried to search. These dispersed around all realms after Ragnarök. They were the cause of countless conflicts. They are dangerous, but they have powers that not even the gods had." Asktré said looking at the bit at the same that he was lost in thought.
"But you said that this thing killed off the dwarf," Lunnec said more scared than before.
"We are different. I was born from the Yggdrasil's ash. And you have my blood," he said while putting his hand on his son's chest to calm him. "Okey, Fenrir get behind your brother and grab his arms," Fenrir obeyed immediately. "Do you ready?"
"I do," Lunnec answer with an unsure voice.
Asktré broke the wood and took the big piece with his right hand. The hand turned red hot, and the piece turn into green ash. Then he breezed ask on his son while with his left hand helping Fenrir to grab Lunnec.
The young man gave a deafening shout that resounds on all island. He felt that his leg really burned. He yelled, cried, and plead to stop.
"Calm son, we are with you. You must bear a little more," he said while breezed the last ashes.
The pain was terrible, and finally, the boy couldn't withstand more so he fainted in his brother's arms.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. If you want to read more, new chapters are upload Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays on tumblr and Wattpad.
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newyggdrasil · 2 years ago
Chapter 4 - Rock
Lunnec was stunned and confused. He was only able to see a small hole in the ceiling, the fall had been at least 6 meters. He tried to move but a rock gripped his right leg and he felt a terrible pain from his leg to all his body.
"Fenrir, Fenrir ... " he shouted when manage to focus.
"I'm here, Lunnec," Fenrir said from the other side of the cave.
Over Fenrir's body shimmered protection runes that his father forced him to conjure before each mission. The boy only had a few bruises which relaxed  Lunnec when he saw him finally. The negative part was that when he stopped worrying about his little brother, he began to feel all the pain.
Fenrir was getting closer trying to clean himself, he was covered in dust, and it was complicated to see well into the cave because of the little light that entered through the hole.
"We have fallen from very high. I hope that Dad is okay," Fenrir said looking at the ceiling.
"Of course, but now I need your help," the painful young man said.
"Okay. I'm going ..." The child shut up when he saw his brother under the rocks. His hands trembled while the rest of his body was static.
"Calm, little man, everything will be fine. You must breathe and help me with these rocks which hold my leg," Lunnec said trying to appear calm.
The boy began to take off the rocks that it was on his brother.
"Lunnec your leg," Fenrir said scared.
"Don't worry. This looks worse than really is. It will heal," Lunnec said breathing deeply.
The truth was that the leg was pretty bad. His tibia was likely broken, and although Lunnec couldn't see it, he felt it. But that wasn't the moment to think about, they needed to meet their father as soon as possible.
"Ahh, shit," Lunnec yelled when Fenrir moved a rock and others fall over the healthy leg of Lunnec. "Okay, okay. I'm fine, keep going."
Suddenly, they heard strong footsteps. Something heavy approached them.
"Lunnec, what is this? " Fenrir asked afraid.
"I don't know, hurry," Lunnec answered with concern.
Fenrir began to hurry but he didn't have time to liberate his brother before a rock troll appeared from a tunnel.
This rock troll wasn't different from the rest of the rock trolls. They look like gorillas in size and shape, but their legs, arms, and back are covered by irregular hard rock. Usually, they aren't violent as long as you aren't near their lair. Unfortunately for the boys, the troll was in an attack position with both arms protecting its chest while growling.
Lunnec was aware of the danger, he whistled and Nodric start to distract the troll.
Shit, in this condition I can't fight. What can I do? he thought.
At this moment he saw that his brother's iris was shining. Lunnec had an idea, but it was very risky; however, he had nothing to lose. He can't fight and Nodric only could distract the animal for a few seconds more.
"Fenrir let it out."
"But the last time was terrible," the kid replied.
"Don't think about the last time, you focus only on the troll."
Fenrir took off his shoes and clothes quickly. His body began to sweat, and his vein was a dark-red color, it was almost black. His body changed quickly. 
Fenrir transformed into some type of marsupial. He had black fur with white vertical stripes. Depending on the side you looked at him he appeared a giant muscular rat. From tail to head he would measure one and a half meter. His eyes were the only thing that hadn't changed, they were yellow like always although they were shiny.
"Are you kidding me? The last time you turn into a wolf, I have a mark on my back to prove it," Lunnec yelled.
Fenrir look at him and did a disturbing screech.
"Calm buddy! I'm not your enemy," Lunnec said trying that his brother wouldn't kill him.
Maybe a wolf would have been more useful, but Fenrir's fang and claws were terrifying, and Lunnec had no more options to defend himself besides trusting Fenrir or whatever was at that moment.
The troll threw the sword against the wall. Nodric was almost without magic, his swordsman has to hold a few minutes to charge it and Lunnec had used it a lot that day. Luckily, the noise had attracted Fenrir's attention. He began to attack the troll. In this shape he was very fast; he jumped on the troll and bit his ear and face. The troll frenetically shook trying to free itself from Fenrir's bites, but it wasn't capable.
Lunnec thought about how they will kill it. The troll had his chest unprotected because he was distracted by Fenrir.
If I'm able to take Fenris's bow, I could shoot at the troll's heart. He thought 
He crawled on the ground, the pain was unbearable. He stretch himself all he could but it didn't enough. He gathered all his strength and invoked roots that gave him the bow. He prepared himself, and when he had a chance he shot, he hit the bulls-eye, the heart of the troll. The years of training with the bow, when he was younger, had been worth it.
The troll dropped dead. As the troll didn't move, Fenrir began to approach his brother.
"Okay, buddy, well done. Now calm down and don't kill your brother," Lunnec had his hands cold and clammy.
If Fenrir attacked at that moment, he wouldn't opportunity to protect himself in any way. Fenrir screeched and Lunnec gripped the bow tighter in his hands. But almost immediately Fenrir turned into his normal self and Lunnec drop the bow scared of his own thought for the last few seconds.
"Wow, that has been amazing, hasn't it?" Fenrir said euphoric while he shivered because of the cold. "You saw me. I wasn't scared and when the troll..."
"Easy, what I see is my brother nuked. Can you put on some clothes?" Lunnec said at the same time to try to recover his own breathing.
"Oh, really but could you ..."
Fenrir took his clothes and got dressed. Then he moved away all rocks that gripped his brother. Lunnec, still on the ground, started to clean himself and looked at his leg, which was pretty bad.
"I wish Dad had seen me," Fenrir said at full speed while jumping around and grinning from ear to ear.
"I wish my brother would be considerate," Lunnec said.
"Really, you need my help to walk."
The kid was hyperactive and euphoric, this always happen to him after a transformation. He was full of energy and Lunnec didn't know if he preferred this Fenrir or normal Fenrir. This was brave and hot-blooded, but he never shut up. 
Fenrir helped his brother to stand up.
"Barf, what is this smell?" Lunnec said while he was nauseated.
Fenrir bring his nose to his underarm and pulled a disgusted face.
"I'm, but the troll didn't smell so bad. By the way, could you see me? It was amazing, he had claws and was very fast. The smell thing isn't cool but, did you see how I jumped over it?"
Lunnec became aware that he preferred the normal Fenrir, the road would be so long for him.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. If you want to read more, new chapters are upload Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays on tumblr and Wattpad.
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newyggdrasil · 2 years ago
Chapter 3 - Fenrir
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The tunnel was narrow for this reason Asktré and Lunnec had to bend down. Both sons were tall for their age, likely heredity of his father. Fenrir was the only that can pass without bending down but probably in two years, he will have the same problem as his father and brother in tight spaces.
They got out of the tunnel with difficulty and arrived in an enormous cavern with jib cranes and sheaves everywhere, it was clear that place had been a mine. Fortunately, extremely strong autumnal rains had eroded the rock ceiling for a lot of decades, creating natural skylights which provided enough light to see his path.
"We go to the right," Asktré said meanwhile looked at the map. The innkeeper's brother was enough clever to give his brother a map with the route that he was going to follow but wasn't became aware that no one in his city would be willing to risk their lives to rescue him. "I suppose that the dwarf is on the east side at most 12 km."
The group began to walk, Asktré was two meters ahead while his sons were both together. This was the basic formation, Asktré in front in case of attack and Lunnec close to his brother to protect him.
They had walked for one hour and Lunnec appeared very tired, this was obvious because he was red, sweaty, and dragged his feet. He was trying to hide, maybe his father didn't notice but Fenrir yes.
"Are you okay?" Fenrir said in a worried tone.
"You stop asking me those stupid things. If you could take care of yourself, I was much better," let out without thinking.
Fenrir bowed his head. "Sorry so much," he said about to cry. "I didn't want that you were injured, I got frightened and I blocked and  I'm so sorry," he sobbed.
Lunnec became aware that Fenrir went too far from him. "Fenrir you can't..." a loud noise interrupted the conversation. A frost elemental had beaten his father very strongly. 
These things are very violent, they originated in Niflheam. They are composed of a core of primordial magic covering up an ice body, sometimes they travel over Realms to hunt friar's lanterns.
The elemental charged against them. Lunnec quickly whistled and his sword came flying out his back to his hand. He tried to protect himself and Fenrir, but his leg failed and tripped. Luckily his brother shot an arrow and the elemental stopped its rush just after it struck the earth, causing the ground under the boys to collapse.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. If you want to read more, new chapters are upload Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays on tumblr and Wattpad.
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newyggdrasil · 2 years ago
Lore: A new train arrives in Ronda
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Map of Southeast zone of Nivadellir. From "The Altlas of the 12 realms" (Alvar Hœnirson, 640 P.R)
The last century has been marked by the development of the train system, which connects nine of the twelve realms. This has allowed greatly reduce travel times with a big social and economic benefit. No need to wait for a convergence and the old paths anymore, nowadays it's so easy to buy a ticket.
The plan for its construction was delayed for almost a decade because of Second War Elven but with the end of the war four years ago the work has been fast.
Today everyone has the opportunity to ride the new train line from Svartalhús, the capital of Svartalfaheim, to Ronda, the capital of Nidavellir. This line also connects Svartalhús with Graneta, a city with more Svartálfar outside of Svartalheim.
Graneta was founded as a trading post in 125 P.R. taking advantage of that twice a month a portal opens in the caves under the city. But their citizens will no longer have to wait for the new door between realms they could leave in the morning and return at night, only two hours of train separate Svartlhús and Graneta.
Press article of Mads Virtanen, The Odinian Post (Twenty-fifth August, 646 P.R)
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newyggdrasil · 2 years ago
Chapter 2 - Asktré
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Asktré's blue eyes looked clearer with the morning light reflected in the lake that surrounds Heitrock Island. Heitrock had been the biggest mining deposits of warm rocks from all Nidavellir for a long time, but in this age was a dangerous place where beasts roam freely, searching for prey to hunt. The innkeeper's brother who they were searching had a misjudgment, this island wasn't a place for tourists.
The warrior stood up and looked for his sons, both were sleeping. He took the dead body of a Slandras that he had killed the last day. Although the back scales were poisonous as long as he made a good cut in the stomach the meat wouldn't be dangerous to eat.
When finally, he got done, decided that it was the moment to wake up Lunnec and Fenrir. First, he got close to Fenrir. The child was covered with a blanket up to his head, he couldn't put up with cold as Lunnec and Asktré. He is half-Hrimpursars, a frost Jötunn, only with this he should have been able to withstand low temperatures, but also the fire magic powers of his father should have helped him to beat better. Asktré always believed that his mother's bloodline cool down the fire powers that he should have inherited like hot water and cold water creating temperate water.
The truth is that while he wears something similar a leather kilt and a light armor protecting his trunk, Fenrir needs to keep warm with warm clothes and a wool hat. Lunnec never had this problem and he uses a thin long-sleeve T-shirt and simple pants, he doesn't need more. Although Nidavellir isn't the coldest realm, at that moment was winter, and at night temperatures were 5 Celsius degrees.
Asktré lowered the blanket and the child look into the eyes of his father with his caramel-colored eyes, which sometimes appeared that it was golden; especially when it gives him the sunlight directly. He had a way of looking that heartwarming, even his father although he didn't usually show it.
"Good morning, Dad," he said while removing the sleep.
"Breakfast ready."
"Okay, but I'm not hungry."
"You must eat something; it is important that you are well-nourished," Asktré said categorically but calmly.
"Yes, Father, " the kid said standing up and running towards the campfire where his brother was eating yet.
For Lunnec would have been embarrassing that his father had to wake up especially after the conversation about his duties, for that reason when he heard his father approaching, he prepared himself and went to breakfast.
"Do you forget anything?" Asktré asked Fenrir.
The kid looked around worried because he didn't want to disappoint his father more. But his nervousness was making it difficult for him to realize what was happening. Lunnec felt sorry for his little brother, who was looking around almost panicking.
"Your weapon, champ," Lunnec said.
Asktré gave the bow to Fenrir "When we are in the countryside you never ever must distance from your weapon, boy."
Fenrir sit down on the ground with downcast eyes and started to eat.  The tension was felt in the air at this moment. The brothers sometimes talk about some stupid things or about their last epic battle to break the silence; however, in this case, none wanted to talk. Lunnec because of a grudge, Fenrir because of shame, and Asktré because he is a man of few words.
When Lunnec finished, he stood up. "I'm ready to train, I'm going to practice with Nodric while you get done," he whistled and the sword began to sparkle and move alone. Lunnec and the sword got out of the cave. The young man touched the ground, then roots and mud covered him up like armor. "Nodric, train routine," he shouted and after he whistled, the sword started to fight with him.
Fenrir and Asktré finished eating, although the truth is that Asktré had been waiting for his youngest son for fifteen minutes at least. Fenrir put a wool hat on his head and cover up with a short fur jacket made by his father, it was old-fashioned but very warm.
"We are going to practice with your bow,"  Asktré said. Both got out of the cave, and they positioned themselves four meters from an apple tree. "Now, target practice. You will shoot at the apples."
"But father," he said nervously, "the animals could eat this apple, we mustn't destroy it."
Asktré sometimes forgot that his youngest son was grown up by a Hrimpursar, from Ragnarök their culture was based on respect natural balance, and never damage without reason. "Don't worry, these apples are called poor copper because they are so bitter that not even a dragon would eat them," his son looked at him relaxed and the training began.
After two hours was the moment to pick up the camp and continue the trip. Lunnec was sweaty and tired, he had forced too much because he wanted to prove to his father that he was something more than a boy. But in this case, it hadn't been a good idea. Asktré got close accompanied by Fenrir.
"Are you okay? You look tired," the kid said worried for his brother.
"Shut up, I'm better than you'll ever be," Lunnec replied suffocated.
"You are very tired, we will wait," his father said upset.
"I'm fine," the young man shouted.
"Okay, you are fine. There are lessons that only life can teach you, boy," Asktré said while staring into his son's eyes, "Fenrir pick up your things. We go."
His father took out a small leather sack with painted runes. He dropped the sack on the ground. Although it was small when it fell making a bang. Fenrir got into his things in the sack. The sack is bigger on the inside due to Jöntunn's magic, if you can carry it, you can keep it. Lunnec also kept his things, but he didn't look at his father because he didn't want to see his father's disapproval face.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. If you want to read more, new chapters are upload Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays on tumblr and Wattpad.
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newyggdrasil · 2 years ago
Chapter 1 - Lunnec
Fenrir was laid down in his blanket. The child was crying, but his older brother didn't see him. He felt responsible for his brother's wounds. Bit by bit he fell asleep while his tears down his cheeks.
Lunnec was sitting, thinking about his horrible day. I can't explain how much I hate him. He is calm, sleeping on the other side of the cave while I am suffering in pain from my arm. Lunnec thought in the meantime that he looked at his little brotherFenrir. I should have let the Slandras eat him, my life would be easier.  Shit! I don't understand why this wound doesn't heal, usually, I would get well in a few minutes, but this time constantly is hurting. The cut is festering an odd green thing I hope that it doesn't be serious
The campfire lights up the cave while the brothers were each on one side of the cave. Then their father entered the cave. Asktré is a giant man,  two meters of muscle and fire, a powerful warrior trained in different battles. On his back carried Fimbulkadr a big rectangle sword decorate with four runes. In his hand had golden herbs with a violet flower.
"Does it still hurt you?" Asktré asked his eldest son while he sat near him.
"I can bear it, I'm not a child," Lunnec said while Asktré put the medicines in his son's forearm, and he bandaged him with a clean piece of cloth. Lunnec felt as if the skin burned. He wanted to yell for the pain but he didn't.
"You aren't but you behave like one," Asktré said keeping calm, although it was evident his anger.
Asktré wasn't the kind of father that yell at his sons but had a conversation when you disappoint him, it's a disgraceful experience.
"He said that was ready to fight," Lunnec said while looking away, trying to avoid his father's disappointed look.
"Your brother is eleven years old; he cannot decide it and you neither. If I say stay behind and protect your brother, you comply with my order."
Lunnec stood up. "This isn't fair, you trained me since a child to be a warrior not to be a babysitter," he said while going around.
"Lower your voice, boy. Fenrir is sleeping."
Lunnec relaxed and turn his back, he knew that when his father called him boy, things are getting serious. "Everything was simpler when you and I were alone," he whisper.
"Fenrir only has us, we must train him how I train you."
"But he isn't like us. He's weak and his powers are uncontrolled. Besides you also need help, you prepare me for that."
Asktré approached his son and looked into his eyes. "My duty is to protect you and your brother, but your duty is to protect your brother over anything else. Now I'm tired, does it still hurt you?"
Lunnec had forgotten his cut, he removed the herbs and saw a scar over. "Not, I'm good but I will have a big scar on my arm," he said taking his sword and putting it near his bed.
"Okey, you go to sleep. I will guard the entrance your brother is very tired as for he makes an alert spell. I think that slandras are not the worse to live on this island.
"I can help you," Lunnec said. Asktré looked at his son and Lunnec understood the answer at once. "Good night Father,"  Lunnec said.
He lay down and fell asleep quickly. Asktré sat on a rock next to the cave's entrance and saw the stars mixed with the beautiful aurora created by the fumes of Nidavellir's factories.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. If you want to read more, new chapters are uploaded Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays on tumblr and Wattpad.
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newyggdrasil · 2 years ago
My new book is coming...
today. And there will be new chapters Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday at 2 pm CST(UTC-7) / 9 pm CET (UTC+1)
Malicious Wood:
"After Ragnarök, paradise emerged, Yggdrasil blossomed from its ashes, and a new pantheon was constructed, ushering in a new era. But time passed and nothing in this world was created to be at peace forever.
Asktré accompanied by his sons Lunnec and Fenrir, return home after an arduous and fruitless journey. Against Aktré's wishes, they are unexpectedly drawn into the investigation of a series of mysterious murders in Odinia, Midgar. Could an Ashman and two hybrids discover the truth behind these heinous crimes?
Malicious Wood serves as an enthralling introduction to New Yggdrasil a world base on Norse mythology post-Ragnarök where the delicate balance between Realms is starting to change. Can those born of an old world save a new one?"
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newyggdrasil · 2 years ago
Character: Fenrir Wolfson
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He was born in 702 P.R in Footvalley (Jötunheim). He was raised by her mother a hrimpursar shapeshifter named Wolf, besides his father, Asktré, and his big brother, Lunnec, visited him frequently.
His mother died when he was six years old. From this he started to live with his father and brother in a ink in Odinia (Midgar), although they are traveling between realms the most of the time.
Kind and sweet, he had a big heart. He's always worried about no harming others and has a great respect for nature.
He's curious and want to know all about each thing that catch his eye. People would say that he's calm and respectful boy, but they probably say this because they haven't seen how chaotic he can become in times of stress or when he transfoms.
He knows some of the hrimpursars dialects and he can use magic runes to create some spells.
He's a shapeshifter like his mother and has an incredible ability to turn into very different animals, although, he don't have much control over.
1.52 meter / 4.99 feet
41 kg / 90.38 lbs
Golden yellow eyes
nut-brow hair
Eleven years old
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