Going to use this x
whether the answer is yes or no, or a mix of the both, i wanted to remind you that you’re great. here is some stuff that i thought might be helpful if you ever feel down or bored or just wanna try something new!!
playlists // don’t be down / happy, happy, happy / cheer up!! / feeling down? / upbeat / for when you’re feeling sad.. / be happy! / songs to listen to when you are feeling sad. / anxiety/panic attacks / dashboard session / nostalgic. / it’s okay, not be okay. / anxiety’s lullaby / don’t be sad / songs that make you feel better / hey man, it’ll be okay. / note to self. / forget about it / baby don’t cut / can’t be unhappy
cheering up // emergency compliment!! / paying for people’s groceries / random acts of kindness caught on film / free hugs experiment / tipping servers $200 / little acts of kindness / 27 videos that will make you happy / givesmehope / textpost blog!! / the everything post / repeat after me. / feel like you lost something? / you are not alone. / just listen to this / cute yahoo answers / nail art tuts / bad x-factor auditions / need a hug? / you can do anything
cool stuff // music thing / how to lucid dream!! / teach yourself guitar (wow) / learn a new language / creepy websites / the color game / make a mind palace / explore the world / make a temporary tattoo! / musical sea creature // babies experiencing things / 7 day positive challenge / if you forgot how beautiful the world is / draw a nebula / watch documentaries / sugar cookies recipe / 100 things to do / anasomnia / kawaii emotions / 100+ games / make your own font
depression // how to love yourself / alternatives to self harm / what am i feeling? / if you feel like crap / dealing with depression / let go of your past. / what is depression? / depression & cutting/things to do instead of cutting / alternatives to self harm / the cure to sadness! (in under 3 minutes) / things to do when you’re sad / feel good 101: depression/ stop cutting, create instead
anxiety/stress // soundrown / build stuff with sand / rainymood / chill out / zen garden / managing stress / social anxiety tips / PTSD forums / anti-anxiety masterpost / a place to think / calming manatee / the dawn room / 100,000 stars / types of anxiety disorders / anxiety attack tips / anti-anxiety foods / using a thought diary / panic attacks & anxiety /
eating disorders // bloating in recovery / why you must eat / what is ED recovery? / learning to love your body / how to eat a fear food / helping someone with an eating disorder / 281 reasons to recover /
asking for help // telling people how you’re feeling / how do i tell someone when im afraid? / how to ask for help / anxiety forums /
movies, documentaries, tv // action movies / disney movies / scary movies / movies for angsty teens / my mad, fat diary / mean girls / blue is the warmest color / submarine / teen wolf / the vampire diaries / pretty little liars / american horror story / bob’s burgers / the mindy project / ultimate teen movie masterpost / hannah montana / sherlock / american beauty
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Happy 6th anniversary, Single Ladies!
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the struggle of stereotypes in society
hey guys. heres another thing to think about:
What are many of our actions influenced from? Where do we get the idea of “pretty” and “attractive” from?
I find that the most common answer is actually the internet- which is quite right too. Over the years, the ideas of what we humans are meant to look like is influenced by the internet and the development of points from the public. Nowadays, skinny is pretty. When did we all come to an agreement on this conclusion? Back in the 19th century or whatever, it was pretty much ok to look however you want, whatever size you are, but now so many horrible assumptions have come across that wanting to look like you suffer from an eating disorder is “attractive”. Which to be honest- isn't.
Many of our overall actions are influenced by the crazy wide web too. For an example, it tells us how to look, what makeup we should wear, what clothes are in style etc. like chokers and slip-dresses- some person put that on the internet and now guess what? they are extremely popular- because people believe whats on the internet is correct/true. Probably because they don't know what else to follow!
where do you think your actions and styles are influenced from?
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How much money do you think you need to be happy?
My answer: anything or nothing.
I think that happiness cannot be achieved, won or given- it is a pure emotion. You must work for it, or it will simply be influenced on you. I would not need a particular amount of money to be happy because having money WON’T make make me happy. Finance and economy; there is no link to having an emotion. Some people, when asked this, will probably say something around “1 million pounds” or “10000,0000 pounds”, however in my opinion happiness is priceless and you have to earn it. It’s fascinating how these days our minds link emotions that we feel ourselves to purchasing things or achieving something in return. in fact, if you swap the question to a different point of view, it could be seen as:
“I will be happy if I get $_____ “ or
“If I get $_______, then I will be happy”.
sounds a lot worse that way, doesn’t it?
sorry this was so deep guys, but be prepared cos the next blog is on the stereotypes of society xoxo <3
so let me ask you the question..
How much money do you think you need to be happy?
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Small Ways To Improve Your Life
make your bed to immediately make your room look more put together
water first, then coffee or tea
pray or meditate, even just for ten minutes, to set the tone for your day
browse the news headlines ( & read the articles that interest you when you’ve got time)
wear something you feel b o m b in
listen to music while doing your daily activities-commuting, cleaning, cooking, exercising
smile at at least two people
smile at YOURSELF
call or message someone you love
eat food that makes you feel radiant
make lists of things you need to accomplish for the day
stretch for 10 minutes
record in your phone the positive thoughts you have so you can remember them
carry water with you (always always always)
shut off your phone for an hour and have some ME time
take a hot shower or bath at the end of a stressful day
try to make plans to spend time with someone at least once a week
think about 3 things you are grateful for at the end of each day
do something calming, relaxing, and non-electronic 30 minutes before you sleep
sleep pants-less
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The one who falls and gets up is so much stronger than the one who never fell
I don’t know who who created this quote but I thought it was too beautiful not to post✨ (via teenagepostbag) Written by bff @teenagepostbag xoxo
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Riverdale (AKA best show ever)
Hi guys. Im gonna chat to you a little bit about my new favourite tv show; Riverdale on netflix.
If you don’t know what Riverdale is, basically its a murder mystery but with lots drama aside that. A teenage boy, Jason, is found dead. But many secrets hide behind this. Who will be guilty?
anyway, me and my best friend @teenagepostbag absolutely adore this show for many reasons. Its gripping, dramatic, spooky, eery and casual all in one go. Its like, Pretty Little Liars, Gossip Girl and a murder mystery film in one package. I would rate Riverdale a 5 star by miles. The actors are brilliant too; one of the most known actors is Cole Spouse who plays Jughead Jones.
please, anyone reading this giver Riverdale a watch and you won’t be disappointed!
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Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud.
Maya Angelou
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pokemon go go go away from me
hey tumblr. I've kinda given up the “writing an entry every two days” thing, but these will be very frequent so be prepared. today we are talking about how i DESPISE Pokemon Go. if you don't already know, this game is when you hunt around the world (literally) to try an find virtual pokemon on an app. lol it even sounds dumb when you think about it. anyways, its really popular at the moment, but i HATE it and this is why.
1. some people have died playing it
yes. literally some people have died playing this stupid game try to catch rare squirtles or whatever at extreme lengths. whats the point in dying for pixelated trash?
2. its actually pointless
why do you even need to do this when you don't have to? it may sound fun but its really annoying because i even see adults walking down the streets catching a pikachu or something for NO REASON
3. this game makes you look like a lost idiot in the streets and was horrible for my phone when i tried it
walking around the streets looking head on to ur phone is a bit strange these days because there is so much to look at usually around us, but no. people focus on an augumented reality game. also, theres the problem of being mugged because you have your phone out all the time. did i mention when you try and throw a poke ball at one of the poke-thingys you look really stupid? true.
furthermore, this game sucks up all of your mobile data and your battery life its crazy.
so overall, I hope you enjoyed my long rant about why I hate pokemon go. i apologies it was really long xoxo
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Who am I?
Hey people. This is my first official blog post on tumblr 🤗 and I will today be talking about the wonderful me! Who am I? Well I am a just regular teenage girl in the UK. I lovvveeee my friends and family, sweets, things that are cute and or pretty, calligraphy and tumblr room decorations. I am a very talkative person and I’m always having a laugh! I live with my family ;mum, dad, and both my annoying siblings (sister and brother). Ummm, other than that I’m pretty much just an ordinary teenager. There’s way more to know about me; way to much to write. This will do for now. Byee xoxo
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whattupp (first note)
hi everyone. I’m Nia; its my first time here on tumblr (kinda struggling a bit with controls haha) and I'm hoping to start a new blog-type-thingy. I’m going to be blogging every 2 days, however in-between blogs I may post some photos, links, gifs etc. I will blog about all sorts of things but it will be mainly focused on me, my life, my interests, what i hate/love and more (but beware because sometimes I like to rant aha). I hope everyone likes my attempts at blogging and see you all tomorrow for my first blog. xoxo
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