neverfoolsparsley · 2 years
How do you feel about aro geralt and/or yennefer dealing with the consequences of a wish binding them together? I love your words and think you could do them justice 🥰
This is a bit angsty... sorry! I went with Aro Geralt post Djinn episode.
Magic was a fickle thing, something that never quite turned out how you expected it to. When it came to djinn wishes, that unpredictability was two-fold, and yet Geralt had been desperate. Sleep had evaded him for so long, despite trying every potion, every herbal remedy on the market, and so searching for the djinn was an act of pure desperation.
One that had backfired in more ways than one.
A poorly worded wish was all it had taken for Jaskier’ voice to be ripped from his throat, and without Yennefer’s intervention, the bard could have lost everything he held dear. The guilt had rested heavy in Geralt’s heart even as he washed weeks of dirt from his skin, knowing that his friend was in pain because of him.
A word that had never quite encompassed all that Jaskier had become to him, and yet there was nothing really beyond platonic feelings between them. All Geralt knew is that Jaskier was a more important friend than any he’d had before. They were chalk and cheese but they were each other’s. It was all Geralt really needed, his swords, his horse, his bard. Romance wasn’t on the cards for him and that was exactly how he liked it.
Until the last wish.
As soon as the words had left his lips, he knew that he had made a mistake. Something twisted in his chest, and just the mere thought of losing Yennefer, a stranger for all intents and purposes, was agonising. Behind closed eyelids, he saw startling violet irises and the scent of lilac and gooseberries drew him closer like a moth to a flame.
He was in love.
“Fuck,” he groaned as he rolled onto his back, looking up at the stars above.
Next to him, Jaskier was snoring soundly, curled around his lute case, and mumbling nonsensically in his sleep. His face was dimly lit from the dying embers of the fireplace, and usually Geralt would find peace in watching his bard sleep, knowing that he was safest by Geralt’s side. The wish had displaced that calmness and where he’d been content in his life, Geralt found himself yearning for something just out of his reach. Instead of Jaskier’s freckled face, he wanted to turn over to see raven hair falling across Yennefer’s elf-like cheeks. He wanted to cup her cheek, to let his thumb trace along the curve of her lips. Love seemed to have poisoned his mind, breaking past all the walls that he had built, and he was left with a sense of vulnerability that made him desperate to run far, far away, back to the solitude of Kaer Morhen.
There was a storm raging inside him, and there was nothing he could do but hold on tightly and pray to all the gods that he wouldn’t fall overboard or drown in the murky depths of love. With one final glance at the sleeping bard, Geralt gathered his belongings and untied Roach from the edge of the clearing. He made sure to leave some food and a waterskin behind for Jaskier, then, taking in a deep breath, Geralt fled into the woods.
Taglist (lmk if you want to be added/removed): @geraltrogerericduhautebellegarde, @comfyswitcherblanketfort, @fontegagrilledcheese, @dani-dandelino, @dapandapod @damnbert @officerjennie @feraljaskier @geralt-of-riviass @kueble @gilberik @llamasdumpsterfire @trickstermoose67 @alllthequeenshorses @skai6 @karolincki @eya-trying-to-function @stonedstargazer666 @aurelia-which-means-sunrise
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neverfoolsparsley · 2 years
I do really hate that the common way of judging adaptions has become “how close is it to the source material?”; in my opinion a good adaptation is generally the result of someone understanding how and why to use a previously existing story as a springboard for their own themes or commentary
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neverfoolsparsley · 2 years
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#empty head only forehead touches and soft kisses in my mind
THE WITCHER (2019—) 1.06 // 2.06
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neverfoolsparsley · 2 years
The first time I watched this scene I found it tragic and surprising. Now every time I rewatch I just find it hot. I can't watch this and not yell "now fuuuuck!"
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if i was geralt in this situation i would simply make out with her immediately. rip to him and everything but i'm different
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neverfoolsparsley · 2 years
ciri: can i go out tonight?
jaskier: what did yennefer say?
ciri: no.
jaskier: then why are you asking me?
ciri: cause she’s not the boss of you.
jaskier, internally: it’s a trap it’s a trap it’s a trap
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neverfoolsparsley · 2 years
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Geraskier Incorrect Quotes [12/∞]
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neverfoolsparsley · 2 years
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The Witcher + Text Posts [8/?]
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neverfoolsparsley · 2 years
Which Serena are you today? Shout out to anyone who is feeling "gun to ur head/blue blush" Serena ...
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neverfoolsparsley · 2 years
Marry book Geralt 'cause he soft.
Fuck show Geralt 'cause he hot.
Kill game Geralt (🥺), 'cause he re-spawn back to the last time I saved so he ok 👌
Okay okay let’s take a little fandom poll
Fuck, Marry, Kill:
Book, Game, and Show Geralt
Any and all answers are welcome!! This is in good fun so don’t get too serious with it
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neverfoolsparsley · 2 years
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“Anya has brought a depth to the role of Yennefer that is extraordinary. I think fans and newcomers to the story will absolutely fall in love with her. It was so important to get an actress who could really go through the transformation that was needed, could really play a young girl, and then to go through the transformation into an incredibly powerful figure. But also a figure who is torn.” (insp) YENNEFER APPRECIATION WEEK | books, games or show
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neverfoolsparsley · 2 years
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yennefer of vengerberg according to tumblr YENNEFER APPRECIATION WEEK | free choice
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neverfoolsparsley · 2 years
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#like mother, like daughter
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neverfoolsparsley · 2 years
There 👏 is 👏 no 👏 heterosexual 👏 explaination 👏 for 👏 this.
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#there is no heterosexual explanation for this
+ bonus:
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neverfoolsparsley · 2 years
The Witcher but it’s funny AO3 tags:
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neverfoolsparsley · 2 years
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THE WITCHER twitter edition (inspired by @userwitcher‘s gifsets <3)
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neverfoolsparsley · 2 years
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you were cruel and I’m a fool
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neverfoolsparsley · 2 years
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these are my favorite tissaia pictures ever 🥺
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