KFC leftover fried rice for Monday lunch
Pizza on toast breads for Monday dinner
Teriyaki Salmon and Snapper, mushroom sauce potato gratin, chicken nuggets with green pea rice and denjan Jjigae(된장찌개) for Tuesday dinner
What am I cooking tomorrow?!
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Leftover Chinese Takeaways for lunch
Stir-sweet chili sausage w/veg, hand cut wedges, cheesy sweetcorn and courgette fritter for dinner
What am I cooking tomorrow?!
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Dinner on Monday;
Kimchi&pork stew, cheesy sweetcorn and potato pancake
Lunch on Tuesday;
Bit of everything
Dinner on Tuesday;
Soy marinade salmon and tuna, soybean paste veg soup, cheesy sweetcorn and fried rice
What am I cooking tomorrow?!
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Meal preps for next 3 dinners.
Sausages and veg stir-fry with chilli tomato sauce
Beef Bulgogi marinade
Thai chili paste marinade chicken and roast veg
Enjoy while I’m working lol
What am I cooking for dinner tomorrow?
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Little bit of everything for dinner
What am I cooking tomorrow?
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Ra-ppoki for lunch, leftover Toppoki + Ramen noodle
Beef rump steak, salad and hand cut potato wedges for dinner
What am I cooking tomorrow?
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Had busy working weekend and finally got time for cooking and eat at home
Black bean sauce on rice and salmon and yellowfin tuna sashimi for lunch
Korean street food special! Ttockpocki and tuna-mayo kimbap for dinner
What am I cooking tomorrow?
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Tuesday lunch
Karaage donburi at local sushi place
Wednesday lunch
French toast with nuts and honey grapefruit
What am I cooking tomorrow?
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Leftovers for quick breakfast
Treats for lunch at work
Spicy pork on rice and seafood balls soups for flatmate’s dinner
What am I cooking tomorrow?
Long days at work on weekends, maybe get some takeaways then!
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Leftover risotto, popato fritter, grilled tomato, croissant and fruits. HUGE lunch and the only meal of the day.
Egg, cheese and tomato sandwiches and chocolate muffin in lunch box for my flatmate.
What am I cooking tomorrow?
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Kimchi Stew, egg omelette, soy stir fried assorted fish cakes for dinner
Cheesy chicken nuggets on rice, fruit and sweets for my flatmate’s lunch tomorrow
What am I cooking tomorrow?
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Soy marinaded salmon and tuna on rice for lunch
Chicken risotto for dinner
What am I cooking tomorrow?
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