neurotic8itch-blog · 10 years
That's an odd way to reminisce. Typically, one can learn to grow from the past; memories of past follies tend to 8e the impetus for true development. 8ut I'm sure you've got it all worked out already.
Hedonism has its pitfalls. Focusing solely on what pleases us and ignoring the less comforta8le ideas is a surefire way to end up in a hole of your own making. Though in this case, I don't 8elieve spending too much effort cracking your Enigma Code would 8e wise.
Thank you for the concern, 8ut I'm sure I'll 8e fine. It's a8ated even further, now. In all likelihood, it's nothing to worry a8out.
Those times are gone now, the origins of such things but memories that clung like miasmal motes, weighing down my growth and movement ever up and forward. 
Do as you wish, however, and whatever you want. Whatever makes you happy is what is important, eh? Oh no! I’m sorry to hear that you’ve be stricken to such states.  Perhaps you should lie down? Get some liquid into you? Perhaps some food, hrm? 
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neurotic8itch-blog · 10 years
Right, right. Entirely understanda8le. Yes, I do recall a disappointing lack of...us. Really unfortunate. A quiet species, we must 8e.
We have.  You disappeared for a while, meaning you were pruned from my following list, 8ut I don’t have too many Aranea’s on my following list, meaning I tend to pick 8ack up those that reappear.
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neurotic8itch-blog · 10 years
Okay, so...I don't think I've met you 8efore. Still kind of hazy, 8ut I'm pretty sure a8out that.
So, uh...hi. I'm Aranea. Who are you?
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neurotic8itch-blog · 10 years
So what I'm gathering from this is that you only ever pretended to be...whatever I knew you as? Or, at least, physically? I remem8er you 8eing a troll, or at least, I assumed you were. You definitely typed like one, at least!
Then again, I guess I never really knew you all that well. I just kind of extrapolated on what little I knew, and formed a mental image of you that turned out to 8e wrong? I don't know.
Should I even try to make sense of that precision comment? Or was its purpose to leave me confused?
I'd hardly say that my migraine is more important than the entire nature of your 8eing, 8ut if you'd prefer to talk a8out that, sure. Who am I to say no? It's not that 8ad — not right now, anyways. A few minutes ago, it was positively 8linding! Like a stray electric discharge decided its 8est possi8le path was through my head, and that 8oth my comfort and agency were accepta8le sacrifices for its greater purpose. It only lasted a minute or two, though, and I think I'm fine now.
What I looked like prior was jnot an accurate depiction of who I am, a simple Facade that was the by product of a time now completely gone. Such things exist only in memory and even now, they fade away, growing foggier till the truth itself is obscured and changed. 
The truth then becomes malleable and is decided by the last who remembers it. It’s as simple as that. No doublespeak or riddles here, I speak vaguely for precision is so terribly hard. However! Such matters are unimportant. Your migraine is the opposite.  
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neurotic8itch-blog · 10 years
Heya. We've met 8efore, right?
...Right, right. I remem8er. Whoops. Sorry a8out that. A 8it on the fritz, lately.
We haven't talked in a while, have we?
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neurotic8itch-blog · 10 years
Sorry, sorry. Just had a massive fucking migraine.
I'm glad for you...whatever that means. What does that mean, anyways? I mean, you've never really talked without any dou8lespeak, 8ut I just can't decipher that whatsoever.
Oh. Well, thank you. You're fun to talk to, too.
It’s nice to see you as well!
Even better since my present state is so much more fitting with who I am.  Before, you caught me within a transitional period.  The faded facade is so gone and now I am the true Me.  It’s lovely to speak to you too.  You were such a source of grand conversation. 
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neurotic8itch-blog · 10 years
So she's forgotten, once again? How she's longed for this day. The torment deep inside her head — Has it been cast away?
Or simply bound by hopeful chains, Fated some day to break? Will she, brought to this inner beast, Force sleep once more, or wake?
Fear not, dear friends, for I shall be Her Shepherd, Lord, and Seer. Run more, she won't, I will ensure She will embrace her fears.
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neurotic8itch-blog · 10 years
caligoascendant replied to your post:Oh, god. My head is pounding like you wouldn’t...
It has! Here I thought you had faded away.
To 8e honest, I pro8a8ly did. Don't ask where I've 8een; I've as much of a clue as you do.
Nice to see you again...er.
Ahem. Sorry. F8scar. There we go.
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neurotic8itch-blog · 10 years
Oh, god. My head is pounding like you wouldn't 8elieve.
I...wow. Three months? Has it really 8een that long since I've 8een here?
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neurotic8itch-blog · 10 years
Anything from here and later on this blog has the chance of being retconned. Past relationships will be retained, though everything from the past will be clouded by a thick layer of obscurity.
Otherwise, well...I'm back. ::::)
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neurotic8itch-blog · 10 years
Alright, so. Message to any past RP partners that still happen to be following me: I'm not dead.
My hiatus is (likely) over, though I've no intentions on resuming activity on this blog. At least, not at the moment.
For now, I'll be fucking around on my new Mindfang blog.
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neurotic8itch-blog · 10 years
schizo-vriska replied to your post “Good grief, have I 8een 8usy lately! Haven’t had much time to squander...”
Good morning.
...I fell asleep.
I am very sorry. I saw the opportunity, and needless to say, I took it.
Nevertheless, hello! Haven't talked to you in a 8it.
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neurotic8itch-blog · 10 years
Good grief, have I 8een 8usy lately! Haven't had much time to squander online.
Thankfully, I've got at least today off. Good morning to anyone currently awake.
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neurotic8itch-blog · 10 years
Ara took a cautious step backwards. What in the LORD's name was going on? She only seemed to be tugging harder and harder as time passed.
They weren't taking the blood sample. Why weren't they taking the blood sample?
"Did you hear me? I said to procure a blood sam—"
A brief moment of silence preceded the chaos. Only a few seconds of absolute bewilderment and abject fear. Time, with its cruel and mocking nature, would have them stare into the abyss just long enough for them to understand their fates, but not to accept them.
Despite her overwhelming urge to turn around, to madly dash for the exit, Ara stood still. She knew that she'd missed her chance to run. She couldn't outrun a Drinker.
Her confusion vanished, replaced by stark fatalism and morbid understanding. Archaeus didn't make mistakes. If she were to die here, it wouldn't be by accident.
He had sent her to her death.
One of the chains had broken. In the next few seconds, the other would follow, and then the glass between them. And then, they would all descend into utter hell.
Flash8ack [1.5 Sweeps] — O8ligatory Carnage
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neurotic8itch-blog · 10 years
Ara eyes the subject cautiously, feeling less assured by the Empire's safety guarantee than she'd like. The shackles appeared to be iron, as did the chains. She'd need strength far surpassing that of the average Jadeblood to break out.
Not entirely comforting. Despite the Empire's efforts, Rainbow Drinkers were a bit of an enigma. What they were truly capable of was a mystery.
She looked briefly at the guards flanking her. Tealbloods. Higher than Maryam on the hemospectrum, but just barely. Quite frankly, Ara believed that she could take them on.
Empire's assurance my ass.
But Archaeus was meticulous. He wouldn't send her anywhere without knowing exactly what would transpire. Nothing was going to happen to her. He'd make sure of that.
8est to just get it over with.
"Proceeding with Test 2.A. Procure a 8lood sample."
Flash8ack [1.5 Sweeps] — O8ligatory Carnage
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neurotic8itch-blog · 10 years
In other news, Alexis and I are going to continue to rp in a rather gruesome manner (because why not be terrible). Obviously, everything that occurred while Alexis’s Aranea was in BB is now retconned and didn’t happen. 
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neurotic8itch-blog · 10 years
Flash8ack [1.5 Sweeps] — O8ligatory Carnage
She wasn't quite sure why Archaeus was so interested in this experiment. Previously, it had been chalked it up to morbid curiosity, but that hardly explained why she was sent to carry it out.
Her involvement was...strange. Archaeus had methods of inter-universal transport. Why couldn't he have just sent some lackey to do this? Why take time out of one of the Ophanim's schedule just for some seemingly random bit of information?
As annoyed as she was by this, she could at least take some solace in that her task seemed simple enough. Conduct some litany of experiments on this poor Rainbow Drinker sap that the Empress' troops had captured. While live specimens of Drinkers were admittedly uncommon, she wondered why the Doctor had insisted on this particular Drinker, in this particular timeline. He had his reasons, she was sure, though she wished that he'd been a bit more transparent.
An alternate of Maryam, apparently. She wasn't overly fond of the idea of nearly starving an iteration of one of her friends to death, but she knew Seraph couldn't really be reasoned with — especially not on terms of emotion. Besides, this Maryam wasn't her Maryam; she couldn't be bothered to care about every single alternate that she came across.
Examining how Rainbow Drinkers behave when deprived of a source of blood. Specifically, how they behave as they approach the Feral threshold, and the time it would take to reach said threshold. She had to admit, she was a bit curious herself.
The experiment was reaching its final stages; the specimen had begun to show signs of Ferality. A closer examination than what could be done via camera was required. She'd have to conduct it in person.
Perhaps a tad too haughtily, she approached the glass that the Drinker was kept behind, eyeing the restraints that she was assured would be strong enough to hold her.
"Well. Shall we 8egin, then?"
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