Neurodivergant Writing
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I'm Richelle. I have been a writer my entire life and I struggle with ADHD and mental illness. I have found that many normal writing tips don't work for me. So I want to create a place that helps people like me become better and more productive writers
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My favourite books are made of magic. Their words are like incantations, spellbinding hearts and bewitching imaginations.
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Writing prompt of the week: July 3rd- July 9th
Prompt: It is now time to ascend the throne as Queen of the Underworld, as you have come of age. At a young age you were given a protector who has stood by your side. You want him to continue to stand by your side. You have loved him since you were a teenager; he has seen you as nothing more than his duty to protect. To fully ascent to the throne, you must be mated by midnight of the next equinox. You only have two months to prove to this man what you feel is real and that he is meant to be your life mate so you two can rule together.
Genres: Dark Fantasy, High Fantasy, Mythic, Fantasy Romance
While I am using this as a way to help myself get back into writing, feel free to use these prompts to inspire your writing. I will post my draft following this prompt on Sunday of the following week. Feel free to submit your writing to me or tag me @neurospicywritingcollective so I can see what you create. I would love to watch this community grow past myself.
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An Introduction
Sometimes you need to go somewhere new to realize what is most important to you. Sometimes you need those new experiences to bring new life into you. Living in the same day to day routine can cause mental blocks that you may not even realize are there. It can become challenging to do the things that you love. 
For me, I am a writer. I eat, sleep, breathe writing. I am a writer by trade, as I write articles for a living. However, this eats away at me all the time. If you would have asked me growing up what I wanted to be, I would have told you I wanted to be an author. I wanted to publish books. I would be disgusted with myself that I haven't done any fiction writing since I earned my degree. I would be disgusted that I haven't published any fiction works. But it is the way of the world. I need to make money to pay bills. I am lucky that I have a job in my field, just not the industry I want. 
I have fought my way through imposter syndrome, feeling as though I could not be doing a good job even if I have the degree to know what I am talking about. But finally something clicked inside my brain that made me say "you know what, fuck it, I have a degree in writing, I have a writing job, no one can fucking say that I am not a writer. I have published works on the internet, even if they aren't what I wish they were." 
But I still struggle with that idea that I am not the writer I want to be. But I struggle creating. I am not in an environment that pushes me to create works of fiction. I spend hours each day working, and I don't want to sit around and write more at the end of it. Which I've been told that makes me a bad writer.  But I don't want to get burnt out. Writing is my passion, however, I can still be burnt out on it despite what many people believe. You can become burnt out on your passion. That doesn't mean anything is wrong with you, it just means everything is out of alignment. 
I do however want to get back into writing fiction. I love coming up with stories and writing them. I love working with characters and listening to them grow and develop inside my head. But getting back into that creative environment inside my head is difficult. 
Now being that I went to school to develop my writing skills I spent 6 years listening to various tips and tricks on how to be a better writer. I spent those years looking at those tips and wondering why they weren't working for me. Why couldn't I create a daily writing schedule. I tried. I'd wake up early and try to write. I'd stay up late to write. But then eventually I'd want to sleep and I would choose that over writing. Or I would have had to work. Something always found a way to distract me. Now most people told me that I never kept to it long enough to form a habit. Or they'd say I lacked the self discipline  to be a real writer. I'd feel defeated. All I have ever wanted to be was a writer. But how can I be a writer without a daily writing schedule? I can produce works with a deadline. But I'd wait until last minute to work on them. 
Fact of the matter is, those tips don't work for someone with a neurodivergant mind. They sound great and wonderful, But my mind races at a thousand miles a minute, bouncing from one topic to another that I will get distracted by a million things on my way to write. Nothing gets done. So why aren't there ways to help those of us who have some type of neurodivergence? Why is it neurotypical or nothing at all? I am a writer, and we all need ways to help us keep writing. Keep us excited. So that is what I aim to do. I want to create a place for us to keep writing even without the constant creative stimuli. I want a space where us writers can feel like the writers that we are, even if we aren’t perfect. 
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