neuronmate · 2 months
Oh wow I haven’t updated in a while. But it uhhh
Language Journey Update-中文
Long story short it hasn’t been going well. It’s been challenging studying Chinese when I don’t know when to stop ruminating on the same grammar points.
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neuronmate · 2 months
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Umm ummm ummm umm here’s some doodles i did
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neuronmate · 2 months
I just found my Chinese textbook I used in college and I’m soooo happy to have a basis to follow!
these are just sentences I’m making up.
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neuronmate · 3 months
Reblogging this for easy access for any mutuals that may run across Chinese artists and want to complement their work but don’t know what to say
chinese art compliments/replies
as a follow up to my post on online drawing vocab, here is a collection of comments you can use to compliment others' art :-)
the basics
喜欢 [xǐhuān] - i like it
好好看 [hǎohǎo kàn] - looks good
厉害 [lìhài] - amazing
好漂亮/帥/美 [piàoliang/shuài/měi] - so pretty/handsome/beautiful
太有才了 [tài yǒu cáile] - so talented (similarily, 画画天才 => drawing genius)
好神 [hǎo shén] - godly
神迹 [shén jī] - miraculous
仙品 [xiān pǐn] - high-quality product
好鮮活 [xiān huó] - vivid/lifelike
it’s cute
可爱晕了 [kě'ài yūnle] - so cute i fainted
可爱死了 [kě'ài sǐle] - so cute I died
可爱鼠了 [kě'ài shǔle] - so cute I died (in a cutesy/meme way)
卡瓦 [kǎ wǎ] - kawaii
好米 [hǎo mǐ] - so cute/beautiful
太萌了 [tài méngle] - so adorable (originating from japanese word moe - 萌え, lots of different meanings, but mostly refers to happiness you feel when you see something really cute), can be used like 萌到我了/被萌晕/心被萌化了
basically any XX死了 or XX暈了 comment works
我去 [wǒ qù] - damn
卧槽/我草/wc [wò cāo] - censored vers of 我操 => oh fuck
牛逼 [niú bī] - (fucking) awesome
哇/哇塞 [wasāi] - wow
啊啊啊啊 - aaaaaa
哇啊啊啊 - wahhhh
responding to compliments
被老師跨了,能力暴增 [kuà...bào zēng] - (if responding to commenter who's also an artist) compliments from teacher make my ability surge
爱您主人 - love u op (主人 refers to original commenter)
嘿嘿谢谢喜欢 - hehe ty for liking
可以当头像吗 [tóuxiàng] - can I make it my pfp
可以自印吗 [zì yìn] - can I print it out
可以收集吗 [shōují] - can I save it
求原图 [qiú yuán tú] - original image pls
这么时候接稿 [jiē gǎo]- when will you open commissions
抱走/拿走 [bào/ná zǒu] - carrying/taking it away
蹲蹲 [dūn dūn] - if someone has posted a WIP, waiting (for the finished piece/shop listing), direct trans. = squatting
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neuronmate · 3 months
See this is why I need a tutor for this because how do y’all manage to make it to this point???
I’m so jealous.
My least favorite Chinese character: 着 (著)
My least favorite Chinese character is 着 (著) because its many pronunciations are always tripping me up 😭
【1】 着(著)zhe - aspect particle indicating action in progress or ongoing state
【2】 着(著)zháo - to touch / to come in contact with / to feel / to be affected by / to catch fire / to burn / (coll.) to fall asleep / (after a verb) hitting the mark / succeeding in
【3】 着(著)zhuó - to wear (clothes) / to contact / to use / to apply
【4】 着(著)zhāo - (chess) move / trick / all right! / (dialect) to add
If you're learning traditional characters, you’ve got a 5th pronunciation to contend with.
【5】 著 zhù - to make known / to show / to prove / to write / book / outstanding
Some words have multiple pronunciations for different varieties or standard vs. colloquial speech. I'm always second guessing myself with these words.
着想(著想)zhuóxiǎng or zháoxiǎng - to give thought (to others) / to consider (other people's needs)
着落(著落)zhuóluò or zháoluò - whereabouts / place to settle / reliable source (of funds etc) / (of responsibility for a matter) to rest with sb / settlement / solution
着急(著急)zháojí or zhāojí - to worry; to feel anxious / to feel a sense of urgency; to be in a hurry
着凉(著涼)zháoliáng or zhāoliáng - to catch cold
怎么着(怎麼著)zěnmezhāo or zěnmezhe - what? / how? / how about? / whatever
Zháo vs. zhuó is quite tricky for me. When I see a brand new word, I will usually guess zhuó but am not very confident.
That being said, the worst offender IMO is 穿着 (穿著). Is it chuānzhe (wearing) or chuānzhuó (attire)? This one has tripped me up so many times.
他穿着一身黑衣。 -> chuānzhe
对我来说,穿着打扮很重要。 -> chuānzhuó
Usually I can figure it out from context, but if I'm confused about other parts of the sentence, I struggle with the pronunciation.
I'm not fully grasping the meaning of 小气 here, so I'm not sure if 穿着 is chuānzhe or chuānzhuó 🥲 Honestly I would have guessed the first one is chuānzhe and the second is chuānzhuó, but I feel like that doesn't make any sense 🆘
Definitions are adapted from MDBG.
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neuronmate · 3 months
You know I’m curious about something…
Bonjour! Je m’appelle Rien. J’ai 24 (vingt-quatre) ans. J’ai étudié les français pour quatre ans mais je pense que je n’améliore pas. Le raison je n’améliore pas mon français c’est parce que je n’utilise pas. J’aime français et le culture. C’est magnifique et intéressant. J’aime étudier psychologie. Je pense je vais étudier français en le futur.
How’d I’d do?
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neuronmate · 3 months
I remember my French professor saying something that resonated with me. For French she said, in order to get comfortable with speaking and conjugating, use verbs and words that you use daily. For me it was courir, aimer, pleurer (we all know why it was college) étudier etc etc. that helped me out immensely and I thought… why not use that for Chinese and Spanish. I know there’s no conjugating in Chinese… but to get used to the tones and grammar… why not learn words that I use frequently?
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neuronmate · 3 months
New Vocabulary used in this post
跑步 (pǎobù): to run, jog
健身房 (Jiànshēnfáng): Gym
有氧运动 (yǒuyǎng yùndòng): Cardio
常常(Chángcháng): usually adverb
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neuronmate · 3 months
Hello everyone, today I studied a little bit of Chinese. Although writing characters is difficult, I need to practice.
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neuronmate · 3 months
Welcome to linghxr
For my 250th post on this blog, I created a new pinned post to introduce myself!
About me:
I’m a Chinese American learning Mandarin Chinese to connect with my family and heritage.
I started learning Chinese at a young age but became more serious about it in college. My native language is English.
Interests: Cpop/Mandopop, Chinese idol survival shows & reality singing shows, cdramas (mostly suspense/mystery/crime genres)
My top resources:
Pleco Chinese dictionary app
Anki flashcard software & mobile app
MDBG Chinese dictionary
教育百科 Chinese dictionary
Zhongwen browser extension
Readibu app
Chinese Grammar Wiki
Chinese Zero to Hero YouTube channel
每日中文课Free To Learn Chinese YouTube channel
If you are on my blog, click the tags below to see posts on topics I often post about!
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neuronmate · 3 months
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you heard the man
Twitter | Ko-fi
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neuronmate · 3 months
你好 Falco! 谢谢!我学了法语在大学。我也觉得法语很有意思。我觉得法语很容易的学但是难练习。
Okay here we go- my first attempt at using Chinese daily…
I hope it makes sense… I recognize there will be mistakes but it’s about learning from them right?
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neuronmate · 3 months
A thank you for those who commented. After mulling it over I decided to switch to Traditional Chinese Characters. It’s more interesting and to be honest I think it has the potential for more social interaction in terms of making friends with those in the Chinese community. Such as those in Taiwan.
I think what I’ll do is just go through my textbook and create character sheets but make them traditional. It’ll be more work but tbh it’ll make for great review!
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neuronmate · 3 months
I need this
Official Chris and Leon Jackets from Death Island
Well, this was a nice surprise!! I'm especially impressed since Chris isn't really *known* for his jackets, but Leon definitely is.
And now it's official-- Leon and Chris jackets! Leon's is a replica of his jacket from the film, of course, but Chris’ is labeled as an MA1 (Bomber jacket). So if you have $683 USD for Leon’s or $277 for Chris', the pre-order link is here.
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And here's some more detail shots. The photos that were posted aren't *that* high of quality, so I can't tell exactly what the inscriptions read beyond their names, but still, very interesting.
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neuronmate · 3 months
Official Chris and Leon Jackets from Death Island
Well, this was a nice surprise!! I'm especially impressed since Chris isn't really *known* for his jackets, but Leon definitely is.
And now it's official-- Leon and Chris jackets! Leon's is a replica of his jacket from the film, of course, but Chris’ is labeled as an MA1 (Bomber jacket). So if you have $683 USD for Leon’s or $277 for Chris', the pre-order link is here.
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And here's some more detail shots. The photos that were posted aren't *that* high of quality, so I can't tell exactly what the inscriptions read beyond their names, but still, very interesting.
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neuronmate · 3 months
In light of Duolingo laying off its translators, here are my favourite language apps (primarily for Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, and te reo Māori).
Multiple Languages
Anki is a flashcard programme and app that's not exclusively for languages. While making your own decks is ideal, you can also download shared decks for most languages.
If you're learning Japanese, specifically, Seth Clydesdale has websites for practicing alongside Genki's 2nd or 3rd editions, and he also provides his own shared Anki decks for Genki.
And if you're learning te reo Māori, specifically, here's a guide on how to make your own deck.
TOFU Learn is an app for learning vocabulary that's very similar to Anki. However, it has particularly excellent shared decks for East Asian languages. I've used it extensively for practicing 汉字. Additionally, if you're learning te reo Māori, there's a shared deck of vocabulary from Māori Made Easy!
Mandarin Chinese
Hello Chinese is a fantastic app for people at the HSK 1-4 levels. While there's a paid version, the only thing paying unlocks is access to podcast lessons, which imo are not really necessary. Without paying you still have access to all the gamified lessons which are laid out much like Duolingo's lessons. However, unlike Duolingo, Hello Chinese actually teaches grammar directly, properly teaches 汉字, and includes native audio practice.
Renshuu is a website and app for learning and practicing Japanese. The vast majority of its content is available for free. There's also a Discord community where you can practice alongside others.
Kanji Dojo is a free and open source app for learning and practicing the stroke order of kanji. You can learn progressively by JLPT level or by Japanese grades. There's also the option to learn and practice kana stroke order as well.
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neuronmate · 3 months
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A small assortment of lesser-known official PMD2 art.
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