America this past week is like:
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I love these memes.
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This is why feminism is dead. We want to be hot, not smart.
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The Final Answer (TFP Redone)
Reposting this due to an offensive title that apparently upsets people. The Final Answer is going to be more appropriate anyway since there will be a question asked at the end of this series. ;)
So again, rewriting The Final Problem to be what it should have been, featuring lots of Johnlock, M-Theory and tying up a lot of loose ends! See previous posts for the Prologue. Part one is below. Part Two will be tomorrow. Hoping to post one part every day until the end.
Part One
The sound of the projector whirring in the background was just white noise to him and made the black and white image on the screen feel more nostalgic and romantic. The private theatre seat and the large viewing screen was all part of the atmosphere, and like his brother, Mycroft Holmes knew a thing or two about how to set a stage and how to create the right dramatic setting for the show.
Unlike his brother however, he preferred to indulge in such dramas privately.
“'You know, I could arrest you,” the tough law enforcement agent said in his gruff, sexy voice as he regarded the blond woman in front of him. The trench coat was classic for such a setting, as was the woman’s knee length skirt and red lipstick, although one couldn’t see the exact shade due to the black and white color scheme.
“What for?” the woman responded with a coy look.
Mycroft smiled to himself, relaxing just a little more and glad to be able to lose himself in his favorite film. It was a secret delight of his and one that would have likely shocked anyone who knew him; his fondness for old films and romantic dramas. Perhaps, he philosophized, because he was always guaranteed a happy ending. Life however….life never guaranteed that.
“Wearing a dress like that.”
“Would you like me to take it off?”
“Then I’d really have to press charges.”
“Press away.”
“Isn’t that how they got started?”
“Adam and Eve.”
Mycroft mouthed the words along with the actors and glanced over to the table next to him just in front of where the projector rested and grabbed his small glass of sherry with his free hand, his other holding his lit cigarette, even as he grinned to himself in a way he never did in public.  He would be mortified of course if anyone knew he was a closet romantic, but that was alright, because no one would ever know. Ever…
“Oh, them.”
“And that turned out OK.”
“You think so? I thought it was supposed to be the beginning of all human misery.”
“Now what was all that about arresting me?”
“Well, maybe not arresting you.”
“I could just keep you under close watch.”
“Very close?”
“Shame, I was looking forward to putting myself into the hands of the authorities.”
“You were?”
“Finger-printing, being searched thoroughly…”
The door to Mycroft’s private theatre was abruptly thrown open and the lights turned on. Mycroft jumped as if a clown wielding a machete had just burst into the room to attack him and he swore as he burned himself on his own cigarette and spilled his drink on his trousers with his own startle.
“Sherlock! What in God’s name—“ Mycroft began as he stood up to face this intruder, only to pale and tense as he saw he wasn’t alone. Gregory LeStrade was with him too it seemed, wearing a trench coat.
But Mycroft didn’t get a chance to ask questions as he was abruptly grabbed by his brother, wearing his own signature coat and hat and shoved him up against the nearest wall.
“WHERE IS SHE?!” Sherlock shouted like a man possessed. His icy blue eyes bore into his brothers, and Mycroft wondered if he was high again or otherwise mentally impaired. The last time Sherlock had gotten his physical with him, he’d been strung out after all. “Where is Eurus?!!”
The name made everything inside Mycroft go still, and Sherlock knew in that moment that his theory was correct as his brother tensed and his expression went ice cold. His own heart was pounding as well, though this time it had nothing to do with cocaine or any other form of narcotic.
He was motivated entirely by fear and a kind of raw desperation he’d never felt before, save perhaps once, when he’d been inspired to jump off a building.
“Where is she, *brother*? Tell me where she is right now!!” Sherlock shouted again.
Mycroft swallowed. “I don’t know who you’re talking about. I’ve…never even heard of anyone named Eurus.”
Sherlock scoffed bitterly, but didn’t let go of his brother’s collar. “Oh really? Well, let me refresh your memory,” he said darkly and pulled out a note and held it up to his brother’s face, even as he read it aloud.
“Dear Sherlock,
Did you miss me, brother? Come and play.
Mycroft paled starkly as the letter was read aloud and he reached for it.
“Let me see that!” Mycroft demanded sharply.
Sherlock’s eyes went cold. “Don’t remember her at all, I see,” he mocked sardonically as he saw Mycroft examining the handwriting with his eyes and going stiff and pale. “My conclusion is correct then. I have a sister! Second conclusion; you’ve locked her away somewhere. And third, you’ve gotten sloppy.”
Mycroft frowned at the third, and glanced up to meet his brother’s gaze.
“This shouldn’t be possible,” Mycroft said softly with a slow shake of his head and swallowed tensely. “Where did you find this?”
“In the home of John’s therapist,” Sherlock informed. “Or rather, my sister, pretending to be his therapist. His real therapist was found dead in that same house! And now John is missing.”
“Missing?” Mycroft asked incredulously.
Greg looked somber. “Molly was watching Rosie today and she called Sherlock this afternoon, frantic because John never came back from his appointment. He went to the therapist’s house and found the body and the note. We’ve searched all around the house and made inquiries with his sister and all his friends, but no one has seen him.”
Mycroft felt his blood go ice cold, but he kept his composure as best he could.
“Yes, well, Doctor Watson isn’t the most emotionally stable of individuals right now, is he? Perhaps he simply went on an impulsive holiday,” Mycroft said, handing the note back to Sherlock.
Sherlock’s eyes flashed with something dangerous at the suggestion and he abruptly punched his brother in the jaw.
“Sherlock!” Greg shouted in alarm, even as Sherlock shoved Mycroft forcefully up against the wall again, his arm to Mycroft’s neck as if to choke him.
“You listen to me, *brother mine*! If anything happens to John because of you….because you’re keeping secrets from me….I will kill you, blood or no blood!” Sherlock threatened darkly, almost shaking with vivid anger and….perhaps just a little terror at what might have happened to his—doctor. “This isn’t one of your government conspiracies where you get to play god with peoples lives! This is bigger than that. This is *his* life and mine! Now I want to know who Eurus is! Everything, Mycroft. I want to know everything! Why can’t I remember her? And where is she?!”
Mycroft stared into his brother’s eyes, so alive with….feeling. Sometimes he did envy Sherlock his ability to feel so deeply. Of course, Mycroft knew it was far more trouble than it was worth, and for the most part he was happy with his solitary and purely intellectual existence! But there were times like now, when he saw Sherlock truly moved and willing to do anything for someone, that he envied him that connection to people.
He truly believed Sherlock meant every word. He’d known from the beginning that John Watson would either make or break his brother. Truly, in this moment, he wasn’t sure which one had been accomplished. At one point he had…hoped….that John could be Sherlock’s salvation. Now, he feared that he may be his undoing.
Which he realized was possibly the plan all along.
“If we are going to discuss his, we shall do so privately. This is a family matter,” Mycroft said quietly, ignoring the pain in his jaw as he turned to look at LeStrade.
Greg held up his hands in surrender. “Fine by me. I’m just here to keep Sherlock from killing you,” he informed and then smirked. “You’re really watching ‘Paradise Found’?” he asked in amusement, the film having been playing softly in the background once he found the knob to adjust he volume. He was fond of old films himself, but never quite thought Mycroft Holmes was…the type. Surprise, surprise!
Mycroft went a quite obvious shade of pink. “Out!” he ordered with a frown, utterly humiliated that of all people, he would be the one to walk in and see his most private of hobbies.
Greg shrugged and walked out genially, just glad that Sherlock didn’t try to kill anyone this time.
As soon as the door was shut, Mycroft went over to the projector to turn it off the film completely, not meeting his brother’s gaze as he did so.
“I still believe it is impossible that Eurus was able to escape. I took every precaution.”
“Did you now?” Sherlock asked. “Well, as I said; sloppy. Now start talking, Mycroft! I want the truth.”
Mycroft gave a soft, scoffing laugh. “The *truth*?” he asked, and turned to look at his brother almost piteously. “Who was it that said that said ’the truth is rarely pure and never simple?’”
“I don’t care about your pedantic philosophies, Mycroft,” Sherlock dismissed coldly. “There were three of us then. You, me and Eurus; the sister I can’t remember. The ‘East Wind’,” he said with a bitter sneer.
Mycroft looked somber. “Our parents were fond of unusual names. Eurus is Greek for the god of the east wind,” he informed, as if speaking to a child again.
“I know what it means!” Sherlock snapped angrily and fisted his hands at his side. “You used that to scare me!”
“You turned my sister into a ghost story!” he further accused, pacing away and taking off his stupid, silly hat and tossing it down in agitation. Fuck, he wanted a cigarette!
“Of course I didn’t. I monitored you,” Mycroft insisted calmly.
“You what?” Sherlock demanded with a sharp look.
Mycroft looked grim.
“Memories can resurface. Wounds can reopen. The roads we walk have demons beneath…and yours have been waiting for a very long time,” he said softly and then sighed heavily, shaking his head. “I never bullied you. I used, at discreet intervals, potential trigger words to update myself as to your mental condition. I was looking after you!” he tried to insist.
That’s all Mycroft had ever done, it felt like. Trying to look after Sherlock… He knew he’d done a lot of damage over the years of course. His methods hadn’t always turned out expected results, but his intentions had been pure. No matter what happened, he did want Sherlock to understand that!
Sherlock’s expression remained neutral however as he stared at his brother all he more intently.
“Why can’t I remember her?” he demanded quietly.
Mycroft smiled sadly. “You do remember her, Sherlock….in a way,” he specified. “Every choice you ever made, every path you’ve ever taken, the man you are today is your memory of Eurus.”
“Enough, Mycroft!” Sherlock exclaimed, unnerved by that and the idea that….there was something missing in his mind. His mind was so important to him! It was a machine, finely tuned and designed for nothing less than excellence. The idea that there was a flaw somewhere…. Missing information…..a virus in his hard drive, a fly in the ointment….
He shuddered as he heard Moriarty’s voice in his head, mocking him, and he instead turned his brief lapse of attention back to his brother. “Just get to the point. What happened?”
Mycroft bit a lip somberly. “You know how I’m the smart one?”
Sherlock scoffed in response.
“We were tested more than once. I was remarkable, but Eurus was described as an era-defining genius. Beyond Newton. She was….incandescent…” he whispered, his eyes going distant as he remembered he girl with dark hair. “She was different from the beginning. She knew things she should never have known….as if she was somehow aware of truths beyond the normal scope…” he whispered, and looked visibly disturbed as he abruptly closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead, as if remembering images from a nightmare.
Sherlock frowned in confusion. He hated such unspecific details. And yet, as Mycroft spoke, he felt an eerie sensation, like a memory from a dream almost….  
“What do you mean? Examples.”
Mycroft looked almost haunted as he opened his eyes. “They found her with a knife once. She seemed to be cutting herself. Mother and Father were terrified. They thought it was a suicide attempt! But when I asked Eurus what she was doing, she said: I wanted to see how my muscles worked….” he quoted and felt a shiver as if he could almost hear her voice in his head, and could almost imagine her in the room with them. “So I asked her if she felt pain, and she said: Which one’s pain?”
Sherlock looked stoic at his, his emotions getting a little more in line now that he was getting facts, and yet he found himself watching Mycroft intently, seeing how disturbed he looked and couldn’t help but feel a chill in the air as well.
“Then what happened?”
Mycroft swallowed thickly. “Musgrave,” he said softly and a vivid memory of their ancestral home flashed before his eyes. “The ancestral home, where there was always honey for tea. And you played among the - funny gravestones.”
Sherlock didn’t know why, but that word….Musgrave…felt so familiar to him.
It was on the tip of his tongue…
He shook his head and ran a hand through his hair shakily. “Funny? Funny….how?” he asked, though he felt odd suddenly as if he could remember flashes of old stones with numbers on them. Wrong numbers…
“They weren’t real. The dates were all wrong. An architectural joke which fascinated you,” Mycroft said softly.
Sherlock closed his eyes as he heard something in his head; a distant voice like a little girl…singing in a sing-song voice…and an image of them sitting at a table while she sang…
Deep down below the old beech tree - Help succour me now the - East winds blow.
“East winds blows…. Sixteen by six….and under we go…” Sherlock whispered shakily, his eyes opening again as he stared distantly.
Mycroft watched his brother intently and swallowed thickly. “You’re starting to remember.”
Sherlock shook his head. “Fragments…” he dismissed, but paused and frowned as he remembered leaving the table and running out, wearing his pirate hat and wielding his little wooden sword, and calling a name. “Redbeard…” he breathed shakily and then glanced up to look at Mycroft in horror.
Mycroft nodded darkly. “Yes, Sherlock. Redbeard,” he confirmed quietly. “Eurus took Redbeard and locked him up somewhere no-one could find him. And she refused to say where he was. She’d only repeat that song. Her little ritual. We begged and begged her to tell us where he was! But she said: The song is the answer. But the song made no sense…” he said darkly.
Sherlock looked strained. “What happened to Redbeard?” he demanded intently, because he realized suddenly it was happening again. John…
Mycroft shook his head. “We never found him. But she started calling him Drowned Redbeard, so we made our assumptions. You were….traumatized,” he informed frankly. “Natural, I suppose. You were, in the early days, an emotional child. But after that, you were different. So changed. Never spoke of it again. In time, you seemed to forget that Eurus had ever even existed.”
Sherlock scoffed shakily in incredulity at the idea that he’d been…emotional! And that the loss of a dog had changed him so much! But granted, his memories of Redbeard were….both painful and happy at the same time and so very complicated. And yet it felt unreal that he was missing so much information! There was something not quite right about any of this…
“How could I forget her? We lived in the same house!” Sherlock argued, convinced his brother wasn’t telling him something.
“No,” Mycroft corrected. “They took her away. Not because of Redbeard, but because of what happened immediately after,” he said grimly. “She burned down the house. Almost killed all of us in our sleep,” he said darkly. “After that, our sister had - to be taken away.”
“Where?” Sherlock demanded tensely, because he had to believe that wherever she was, John was too. Or at the very least she could tell him what happened to him!
“Oh, some suitable place, or so everyone thought. Not suitable enough, however,” Mycroft informed casually. “She died there after starting yet another fire.”
“Damn it, Mycroft!” Sherlock snapped angrily. “That’s a lie!”
“Yes!” Mycroft retorted tensely. “But it is also a kindness, Sherlock. This is the story I told our parents to spare them further pain, and to account for the absence of an identifiable body.”
Severus scoffed bitterly. “And no doubt to prevent their further interference,” he accused.
“Well, that, too, of course. The depth of Eurus’s psychosis and the extent of her abilities couldn’t hope to be contained in any ordinary institution. Uncle Rudi took care of things,” he said softly.
Sherlock’s eyes sharpened. “Where is she, Mycroft? The truth.”
Mycroft bit a lip, before he sighed heavily in defeat. “There’s a place called Sherrinford. An island. It’s a secure and very secret installation whose sole purpose is to contain what we call the uncontainables. The demons beneath the road? This is where we trap them. Sherrinford is more than a prison, or an asylum. It is a fortress, built to keep the rest of the world safe from what is inside it. Heaven may be a fantasy for the credulous and the afraid. But I can give you a map reference for hell,” he said with dark pointedness.
The word ‘hell’ made Sherlock’s head snap up and he stared at Mycroft intently for a moment, going cold as words were echoed back to him in Mary’s voice.
Save John Watson… Go to hell, Sherlock.
His heart pounded quickly in his chest as he recalled another time when he’d spoken of hell itself. When he’d offered to shake Jim Moriarty’s hand there…
“Sherlock?” Mycroft queried as he saw his brother zoning out and his eyes doing that thing where they moved from side to side as if he were reading words in mid-air, a sure sign he was thinking and deducing quite quickly. “Whoever it was that killed that woman or left you that note, I promise you, it couldn’t have been her. That’s where our sister has been since early childhood. She hasn’t left, not for a single day!” he insisted.
Sherlock raised his eyes to his brother and then gave him a pointed, determined look as he grabbed Mycroft’s umbrella and tossed it to him.
“Well then, brother….let’s go prove it,” Sherlock said determinedly and then strode out of the room, fully expecting Mycroft would follow.
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The Final Solution (Part One) - (TFP Redone)
So again, rewriting The Final Problem to be what it should have been, featuring lots of Johnlock, M-Theory and tying up a lot of loose ends! See previous posts for the Prologue. Part one is below. Part Two will be tomorrow. Hoping to post one part every day until the end.
Part One
The sound of the projector whirring in the background was just white noise to him and made the black and white image on the screen feel more nostalgic and romantic. The private theatre seat and the large viewing screen was all part of the atmosphere, and like his brother, Mycroft Holmes knew a thing or two about how to set a stage and how to create the right dramatic setting for the show.
Unlike his brother however, he preferred to indulge in such dramas privately.
“'You know, I could arrest you,” the tough law enforcement agent said in his gruff, sexy voice as he regarded the blond woman in front of him. The trench coat was classic for such a setting, as was the woman’s knee length skirt and red lipstick, although one couldn’t see the exact shade due to the black and white color scheme.
“What for?” the woman responded with a coy look.
Mycroft smiled to himself, relaxing just a little more and glad to be able to lose himself in his favorite film. It was a secret delight of his and one that would have likely shocked anyone who knew him; his fondness for old films and romantic dramas. Perhaps, he philosophized, because he was always guaranteed a happy ending. Life however….life never guaranteed that.
“Wearing a dress like that.”
“Would you like me to take it off?”
“Then I'd really have to press charges.”
“Press away.”
“Isn't that how they got started?”
“Adam and Eve.”
Mycroft mouthed the words along with the actors and glanced over to the table next to him just in front of where the projector rested and grabbed his small glass of sherry with his free hand, his other holding his lit cigarette, even as he grinned to himself in a way he never did in public.  He would be mortified of course if anyone knew he was a closet romantic, but that was alright, because no one would ever know. Ever…
“Oh, them.”
“And that turned out OK.”
“You think so? I thought it was supposed to be the beginning of all human misery.”
“Now what was all that about arresting me?”
“Well, maybe not arresting you.”
“I could just keep you under close watch.”
“Very close?”
“Shame, I was looking forward to putting myself into the hands of the authorities.”
“You were?”
“Finger-printing, being searched thoroughly…”
The door to Mycroft’s private theatre was abruptly thrown open and the lights turned on. Mycroft jumped as if a clown wielding a machete had just burst into the room to attack him and he swore as he burned himself on his own cigarette and spilled his drink on his trousers with his own startle.
“Sherlock! What in God’s name---“ Mycroft began as he stood up to face this intruder, only to pale and tense as he saw he wasn’t alone. Gregory LeStrade was with him too it seemed, wearing a trench coat.
But Mycroft didn’t get a chance to ask questions as he was abruptly grabbed by his brother, wearing his own signature coat and hat and shoved him up against the nearest wall.
“WHERE IS SHE?!” Sherlock shouted like a man possessed. His icy blue eyes bore into his brothers, and Mycroft wondered if he was high again or otherwise mentally impaired. The last time Sherlock had gotten his physical with him, he’d been strung out after all. “Where is Eurus?!!”
The name made everything inside Mycroft go still, and Sherlock knew in that moment that his theory was correct as his brother tensed and his expression went ice cold. His own heart was pounding as well, though this time it had nothing to do with cocaine or any other form of narcotic.
He was motivated entirely by fear and a kind of raw desperation he’d never felt before, save perhaps once, when he’d been inspired to jump off a building.
“Where is she, *brother*? Tell me where she is right now!!” Sherlock shouted again.
Mycroft swallowed. “I don’t know who you’re talking about. I’ve…never even heard of anyone named Eurus.”
Sherlock scoffed bitterly, but didn’t let go of his brother’s collar. “Oh really? Well, let me refresh your memory,” he said darkly and pulled out a note and held it up to his brother’s face, even as he read it aloud.
“Dear Sherlock,
Did you miss me, brother? Come and play.
 Mycroft paled starkly as the letter was read aloud and he reached for it.
“Let me see that!” Mycroft demanded sharply.
Sherlock’s eyes went cold. “Don’t remember her at all, I see,” he mocked sardonically as he saw Mycroft examining the handwriting with his eyes and going stiff and pale. “My conclusion is correct then. I have a sister! Second conclusion; you’ve locked her away somewhere. And third, you’ve gotten sloppy.”
Mycroft frowned at the third, and glanced up to meet his brother’s gaze.
“This shouldn’t be possible,” Mycroft said softly with a slow shake of his head and swallowed tensely. “Where did you find this?”
“In the home of John’s therapist,” Sherlock informed. “Or rather, my sister, pretending to be his therapist. His real therapist was found dead in that same house! And now John is missing.”
“Missing?” Mycroft asked incredulously.
Greg looked somber. “Molly was watching Rosie today and she called Sherlock this afternoon, frantic because John never came back from his appointment. He went to the therapist’s house and found the body and the note. We’ve searched all around the house and made inquiries with his sister and all his friends, but no one has seen him.”
Mycroft felt his blood go ice cold, but he kept his composure as best he could.
“Yes, well, Doctor Watson isn’t the most emotionally stable of individuals right now, is he? Perhaps he simply went on an impulsive holiday,” Mycroft said, handing the note back to Sherlock.
Sherlock’s eyes flashed with something dangerous at the suggestion and he abruptly punched his brother in the jaw.
“Sherlock!” Greg shouted in alarm, even as Sherlock shoved Mycroft forcefully up against the wall again, his arm to Mycroft’s neck as if to choke him.
“You listen to me, *brother mine*! If anything happens to John because of you….because you’re keeping secrets from me….I will kill you, blood or no blood!” Sherlock threatened darkly, almost shaking with vivid anger and….perhaps just a little terror at what might have happened to his---doctor. “This isn’t one of your government conspiracies where you get to play god with peoples lives! This is bigger than that. This is *his* life and mine! Now I want to know who Eurus is! Everything, Mycroft. I want to know everything! Why can’t I remember her? And where is she?!”
Mycroft stared into his brother’s eyes, so alive with….feeling. Sometimes he did envy Sherlock his ability to feel so deeply. Of course, Mycroft knew it was far more trouble than it was worth, and for the most part he was happy with his solitary and purely intellectual existence! But there were times like now, when he saw Sherlock truly moved and willing to do anything for someone, that he envied him that connection to people.
He truly believed Sherlock meant every word. He’d known from the beginning that John Watson would either make or break his brother. Truly, in this moment, he wasn’t sure which one had been accomplished. At one point he had…hoped….that John could be Sherlock’s salvation. Now, he feared that he may be his undoing.
Which he realized was possibly the plan all along.
“If we are going to discuss his, we shall do so privately. This is a family matter,” Mycroft said quietly, ignoring the pain in his jaw as he turned to look at LeStrade.
Greg held up his hands in surrender. “Fine by me. I’m just here to keep Sherlock from killing you,” he informed and then smirked. “You’re really watching ‘Paradise Found’?” he asked in amusement, the film having been playing softly in the background once he found the knob to adjust he volume. He was fond of old films himself, but never quite thought Mycroft Holmes was…the type. Surprise, surprise!
Mycroft went a quite obvious shade of pink. “Out!” he ordered with a frown, utterly humiliated that of all people, he would be the one to walk in and see his most private of hobbies.
Greg shrugged and walked out genially, just glad that Sherlock didn’t try to kill anyone this time.
As soon as the door was shut, Mycroft went over to the projector to turn it off the film completely, not meeting his brother’s gaze as he did so.
“I still believe it is impossible that Eurus was able to escape. I took every precaution.”
“Did you now?” Sherlock asked. “Well, as I said; sloppy. Now start talking, Mycroft! I want the truth.”
Mycroft gave a soft, scoffing laugh. “The *truth*?” he asked, and turned to look at his brother almost piteously. “Who was it that said that said ’the truth is rarely pure and never simple?’”
“I don’t care about your pedantic philosophies, Mycroft,” Sherlock dismissed coldly. “There were three of us then. You, me and Eurus; the sister I can’t remember. The ‘East Wind’,” he said with a bitter sneer.
Mycroft looked somber. “Our parents were fond of unusual names. Eurus is Greek for the god of the east wind,” he informed, as if speaking to a child again.
“I know what it means!” Sherlock snapped angrily and fisted his hands at his side. “You used that to scare me!”
“You turned my sister into a ghost story!” he further accused, pacing away and taking off his stupid, silly hat and tossing it down in agitation. Fuck, he wanted a cigarette!
“Of course I didn't. I monitored you,” Mycroft insisted calmly.
“You what?” Sherlock demanded with a sharp look.
Mycroft looked grim.
“Memories can resurface. Wounds can reopen. The roads we walk have demons beneath...and yours have been waiting for a very long time,” he said softly and then sighed heavily, shaking his head. “I never bullied you. I used, at discreet intervals, potential trigger words to update myself as to your mental condition. I was looking after you!” he tried to insist.
That’s all Mycroft had ever done, it felt like. Trying to look after Sherlock… He knew he’d done a lot of damage over the years of course. His methods hadn’t always turned out expected results, but his intentions had been pure. No matter what happened, he did want Sherlock to understand that!
Sherlock’s expression remained neutral however as he stared at his brother all he more intently.
“Why can't I remember her?” he demanded quietly.
Mycroft smiled sadly. “You do remember her, Sherlock….in a way,” he specified. “Every choice you ever made, every path you've ever taken, the man you are today is your memory of Eurus.”
“Enough, Mycroft!” Sherlock exclaimed, unnerved by that and the idea that….there was something missing in his mind. His mind was so important to him! It was a machine, finely tuned and designed for nothing less than excellence. The idea that there was a flaw somewhere…. Missing information…..a virus in his hard drive, a fly in the ointment….
He shuddered as he heard Moriarty’s voice in his head, mocking him, and he instead turned his brief lapse of attention back to his brother. “Just get to the point. What happened?”
Mycroft bit a lip somberly. “You know how I’m the smart one?”
Sherlock scoffed in response.
“We were tested more than once. I was remarkable, but Eurus was described as an era-defining genius. Beyond Newton. She was….incandescent…” he whispered, his eyes going distant as he remembered he girl with dark hair. “She was different from the beginning. She knew things she should never have known….as if she was somehow aware of truths beyond the normal scope...” he whispered, and looked visibly disturbed as he abruptly closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead, as if remembering images from a nightmare.
Sherlock frowned in confusion. He hated such unspecific details. And yet, as Mycroft spoke, he felt an eerie sensation, like a memory from a dream almost….  
“What do you mean? Examples.”
Mycroft looked almost haunted as he opened his eyes. “They found her with a knife once. She seemed to be cutting herself. Mother and Father were terrified. They thought it was a suicide attempt! But when I asked Eurus what she was doing, she said: I wanted to see how my muscles worked….” he quoted and felt a shiver as if he could almost hear her voice in his head, and could almost imagine her in the room with them. “So I asked her if she felt pain, and she said: Which one's pain?”
Sherlock looked stoic at his, his emotions getting a little more in line now that he was getting facts, and yet he found himself watching Mycroft intently, seeing how disturbed he looked and couldn’t help but feel a chill in the air as well.
“Then what happened?”
Mycroft swallowed thickly. “Musgrave,” he said softly and a vivid memory of their ancestral home flashed before his eyes. “The ancestral home, where there was always honey for tea. And you played among the - funny gravestones.”
Sherlock didn’t know why, but that word….Musgrave…felt so familiar to him.
It was on the tip of his tongue…
He shook his head and ran a hand through his hair shakily. “Funny? Funny….how?” he asked, though he felt odd suddenly as if he could remember flashes of old stones with numbers on them. Wrong numbers…
“They weren’t real. The dates were all wrong. An architectural joke which fascinated you,” Mycroft said softly.
Sherlock closed his eyes as he heard something in his head; a distant voice like a little girl…singing in a sing-song voice…and an image of them sitting at a table while she sang…
Deep down below the old beech tree - Help succour me now the - East winds blow.
“East winds blows…. Sixteen by six….and under we go…” Sherlock whispered shakily, his eyes opening again as he stared distantly.
Mycroft watched his brother intently and swallowed thickly. “You're starting to remember.”
Sherlock shook his head. “Fragments…” he dismissed, but paused and frowned as he remembered leaving the table and running out, wearing his pirate hat and wielding his little wooden sword, and calling a name. “Redbeard…” he breathed shakily and then glanced up to look at Mycroft in horror.
Mycroft nodded darkly. “Yes, Sherlock. Redbeard,” he confirmed quietly. “Eurus took Redbeard and locked him up somewhere no-one could find him. And she refused to say where he was. She'd only repeat that song. Her little ritual. We begged and begged her to tell us where he was! But she said: The song is the answer. But the song made no sense…” he said darkly.
Sherlock looked strained. “What happened to Redbeard?” he demanded intently, because he realized suddenly it was happening again. John…
Mycroft shook his head. “We never found him. But she started calling him Drowned Redbeard, so we made our assumptions. You were….traumatized,” he informed frankly. “Natural, I suppose. You were, in the early days, an emotional child. But after that, you were different. So changed. Never spoke of it again. In time, you seemed to forget that Eurus had ever even existed.”
Sherlock scoffed shakily in incredulity at the idea that he’d been…emotional! And that the loss of a dog had changed him so much! But granted, his memories of Redbeard were….both painful and happy at the same time and so very complicated. And yet it felt unreal that he was missing so much information! There was something not quite right about any of this…
“How could I forget her? We lived in the same house!” Sherlock argued, convinced his brother wasn’t telling him something.
“No,” Mycroft corrected. “They took her away. Not because of Redbeard, but because of what happened immediately after,” he said grimly. “She burned down the house. Almost killed all of us in our sleep,” he said darkly. “After that, our sister had - to be taken away.”
“Where?” Sherlock demanded tensely, because he had to believe that wherever she was, John was too. Or at the very least she could tell him what happened to him!
“Oh, some suitable place, or so everyone thought. Not suitable enough, however,” Mycroft informed casually. “She died there after starting yet another fire.”
“Damn it, Mycroft!” Sherlock snapped angrily. “That’s a lie!”
“Yes!” Mycroft retorted tensely. “But it is also a kindness, Sherlock. This is the story I told our parents to spare them further pain, and to account for the absence of an identifiable body.”
Severus scoffed bitterly. “And no doubt to prevent their further interference,” he accused.
“Well, that, too, of course. The depth of Eurus's psychosis and the extent of her abilities couldn't hope to be contained in any ordinary institution. Uncle Rudi took care of things,” he said softly.
Sherlock’s eyes sharpened. “Where is she, Mycroft? The truth.”
Mycroft bit a lip, before he sighed heavily in defeat. “There's a place called Sherrinford. An island. It's a secure and very secret installation whose sole purpose is to contain what we call the uncontainables. The demons beneath the road? This is where we trap them. Sherrinford is more than a prison, or an asylum. It is a fortress, built to keep the rest of the world safe from what is inside it. Heaven may be a fantasy for the credulous and the afraid. But I can give you a map reference for hell,” he said with dark pointedness.
The word ‘hell’ made Sherlock’s head snap up and he stared at Mycroft intently for a moment, going cold as words were echoed back to him in Mary’s voice.
Save John Watson… Go to hell, Sherlock.
His heart pounded quickly in his chest as he recalled another time when he’d spoken of hell itself. When he’d offered to shake Jim Moriarty’s hand there…
“Sherlock?” Mycroft queried as he saw his brother zoning out and his eyes doing that thing where they moved from side to side as if he were reading words in mid-air, a sure sign he was thinking and deducing quite quickly. “Whoever it was that killed that woman or left you that note, I promise you, it couldn’t have been her. That's where our sister has been since early childhood. She hasn't left, not for a single day!” he insisted.
Sherlock raised his eyes to his brother and then gave him a pointed, determined look as he grabbed Mycroft’s umbrella and tossed it to him.
“Well then, brother….let’s go prove it,” Sherlock said determinedly and then strode out of the room, fully expecting Mycroft would follow.
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“The Next Act”
Finished and coloured. Initially I did not love this commission, since I’m not a shipper and I just cannot see Sherlock and John as something else than a wonderful couple of friends. However, now I’m fond of this drawing, and thanks to some priceless advice of thenizu, I’m quite satisfied with the result.
The title is taken from the first line of All I need, by Radiohead:
“I’m the next act Waiting in the wings”
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The Final Solution (last episode revision)
So I can’t live with it. Sorry, I just can’t! I’m re-writing the episode the way it should have been written, tying up all loose ends and making good on that promise to “make history”. What follows will be a chapter by chapter revision of The Final Problem, re-titled the Final Solution. Featuring M-Theory, M/M, Fluff, Eurus’ and Moriarty’s comeuppance and a kiss we should have gotten. It will feature scenes from the The Final Problem trailer and some actual dialogue from the original episode so you could argue the Final Problem trailer could apply to this story as well.
Here’s the teaser Prologue. Cue the comments and let me know if you want more.
The Final Solution ———————–      Prologue ———————–
All he could register at first was the cold. Though his mind was slow and drugged, he found himself pulled from blissful oblivion forcefully by the sensation of freezing limbs and shivers that shook his entire body. There was pain as well of course; his head pounded in a way that reminded him of the morning after his stag night with Sherlock. He’d been so drunk! And for good reason, he now realized.
Sherlock…. Was he speaking to Sherlock now? Yes, yes, he was! He remembered now. Sherlock had held him close as he cried, and he could still remember the scent of his aftershave and the way his elegant, soft hand had curled around his neck a little awkwardly, holding him close as he shamefully wept.
And then he remembered something else. His therapist, one blue eye and one brown…..a gun.
The east wind.
John Watson slowly opened light brown eyes to take in his surroundings, fully expecting to be in a hospital or perhaps, if he were quite unlucky, some version of the afterlife. He felt too groggy and too drugged to do more than blink a few times and move his head to try and figure out where he was. Definitely not a hospital…
Everything was too dark to make out at first, and yet there seemed to be some pale light streaming down from above, allowing his eyes to adjust and illuminate stone walls. He suddenly realized he was wet. Very wet! And sitting at the bottom of…..something. A well maybe?!
“Christ!” John swore as he started to try and pick himself up out of the water. He could die of hypothermia alone if he remained immersed in it! But where the hell was he?
“Hello?!” John called up towards the round opening at the top, even as he started to semi-blindly feel around him, hoping to find some kind of hand-hold that he could pull himself up and use to climb to the top, although admittedly that would be difficult as it was so high up. He moved freely…. He felt nothing weighing him down like a chain or anything, which was lucky he supposed. He did frown as he heard the clink of something at his feet and reached into the water which was waist deep and came up with…..bones….
“Shit,” John whispered softly, because the bones were small. Dog bones? He certainly hoped so! Although the femur….as he could see that’s what it was…tended to be angled more like a human bone.
There was a sudden vibration and then ringing in his pocket and John felt his heart pound in shock and hope as he realized he had his mobile phone on him.
Eurus….his therapist….the woman Sherlock had spoken to! Had she been so careless as to leave him a means of communication? And why had she done this? What was the plan? Why pose as his therapist and drug him with some kind of tranquilizer and then place him here? It seemed an odd game to play.
He suddenly wondered how his mobile could survive being submerged in water, but the answer was obvious as he reached for it, and it implied that him having it on him was entirely deliberate, as someone had wrapped the small device in a plastic, water-tight bag. John’s hands shook as he unwrapped it quickly and then answered the phone which was still ringing.
“Hello? Hello, Sherlock?!” John asked anxiously with a shamefully desperate waver in his voice, having not even glanced at the caller I.D. and somehow assuming that it would be Sherlock, who must be looking for him, right?
“Did you miss me?”
The voice one the other end of the line made him feel even colder than he already was. He literally couldn’t feel his own feet for a moment as he registered that Jim Moriarty was speaking to him! Or at least, someone who had a recording of his voice and sounded just like him.
“W-Who is this?” John asked and took a deep breath to steady himself. He had to stay calm. He was a soldier damn it, and he had to stay calm! “What sort of game is this?”
“It’s time for the final problem. Do you know what it is? Once upon a time there was a doctor named John!” Moriarty’s voice taunted him over the phone.
“This is impossible. You’re dead! You can’t be alive. This is a trick!” John insisted angrily, even as he looked around desperately for a way out. But it was then he noticed that the water level was….getting a little higher…
“John’s Daddy was mean to him and his Mummy died when he was little. So he decided he wanted to go to war and prove to his Daddy that he was a tough man’s man!” Moriarty continued as if he hadn’t heard him, saying ‘man’s man’ with a kind of mock-macho voice. “Only he wasn’t, was he? No, John has a secret. A secret he’s never told anyone!”
“Stop it!” John snapped sharply, even as he started to breath faster. The water was rising…. He wasn’t imagining it. “Just stop it, alright?! What do you WANT?!”
He didn’t care who it was now. Eurus or Moriarty or the devil himself. He just wanted out!
“John left the army and he made a new friend. A friend named….Sherlock,” Moriarty whispered softly, the name sounding like a caress on his lips. “Only trouble was, Sherlock already had a friend, and John just got in the way. And so….John had to go.”
There was a click as the phone and the line went dead. John’s heart pounded in terror as he glanced down and realized that Moriarty or whoever it was hadn’t just hung up! The entire phone was black with loss of power.
“No, no, no! Work! Work, you have to work!!” John exclaimed and tried for several seconds to power his mobile back on, but it was useless. It was as dead as the bones that lay at the bottom of the well.
John dropped the phone in disgust and as the water started to rise, he felt himself shivering again with the cold and treaded water to keep his head above it. He started to think about his life, and how it was likely to come to an end quite soon, and all the regrets he was going to have.
Mary was one of them. He’d known it was a mistake, but he’d gone through with the wedding anyway, and looking back that had been cruel to both of them! But she’d deserved better. Granted, he had too, he admitted to himself with a dark and bitter scoff. He hadn’t deserved the lies or the manipulation, but she had deserved someone who hadn’t thought about cheating on her or who had actually wanted to carpool to work with her! Someone who had….loved her….the way she deserved. It still killed him, her last words to him, and how she thought him so perfect and how grateful she had been to him. Even crying about it and admitting it out loud didn’t take away the sting entirely. He found himself grateful for Rosie though… She was something he could never regret.
But even greater than his regret over Mary was his regret over someone else.
“Sherlock…” John whispered to himself, closing his eyes briefly as he realized how much he’d left unsaid, and how much he had failed Sherlock too. He was still haunted by his actions back at the hospital, where he’d literally been beating Sherlock while he was down on the ground. In that moment, he had become the worst version of himself.
He had become his father.
And he’d never gotten the chance to apologize for that. He’d never gotten the chance to apologize for blaming him or for pushing him away or for….any of it. He should have done it that same day, he berated himself. The day when he’d finally let go and Sherlock had comforted him, though it was the last thing he deserved! But John, as always he realized, had been too wrapped up in himself and his own demons to consider trying to address Sherlock’s. And yet, he knew that even if he’d tried, it would be difficult because John had never been good with expressing his own emotions.
Which was why, he realized suddenly, he was going to die without ever having voiced out loud to anyone the truth. The secret which….somehow….Moriarty had known.
Too late now, he realized as the water rose faster and he had to struggle to keep from going under. He was going to die here, alone, at the bottom of a well. And Moriarty or Eurus….or maybe both of them….would go after Sherlock and there would be nothing he could do to stop them.
The thought brought tears to his eyes, which drowned in the water just as he knew he would, and though he treaded water with all his might to keep from going under, he knew it was only a matter of time before his muscles gave out and he ended up as just a pile of bones in the bottom of a well.
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The Final Solution (last episode revision)
So I can’t live with it. Sorry, I just can’t! I’m re-writing the episode the way it should have been written, tying up all loose ends and making good on that promise to “make history”. What follows will be a chapter by chapter revision of The Final Problem, re-titled the Final Solution. Featuring M-Theory, M/M, Fluff, Eurus’ and Moriarty’s comeuppance and a kiss we should have gotten. It will feature scenes from the The Final Problem trailer and some actual dialogue from the original episode so you could argue the Final Problem trailer could apply to this story as well.
Here’s the teaser Prologue. Cue the comments and let me know if you want more.
The Final Solution -----------------------      Prologue -----------------------
All he could register at first was the cold. Though his mind was slow and drugged, he found himself pulled from blissful oblivion forcefully by the sensation of freezing limbs and shivers that shook his entire body. There was pain as well of course; his head pounded in a way that reminded him of the morning after his stag night with Sherlock. He’d been so drunk! And for good reason, he now realized.
Sherlock…. Was he speaking to Sherlock now? Yes, yes, he was! He remembered now. Sherlock had held him close as he cried, and he could still remember the scent of his aftershave and the way his elegant, soft hand had curled around his neck a little awkwardly, holding him close as he shamefully wept.
And then he remembered something else. His therapist, one blue eye and one brown…..a gun.
The east wind.
John Watson slowly opened light brown eyes to take in his surroundings, fully expecting to be in a hospital or perhaps, if he were quite unlucky, some version of the afterlife. He felt too groggy and too drugged to do more than blink a few times and move his head to try and figure out where he was. Definitely not a hospital…
Everything was too dark to make out at first, and yet there seemed to be some pale light streaming down from above, allowing his eyes to adjust and illuminate stone walls. He suddenly realized he was wet. Very wet! And sitting at the bottom of…..something. A well maybe?!
“Christ!” John swore as he started to try and pick himself up out of the water. He could die of hypothermia alone if he remained immersed in it! But where the hell was he?
“Hello?!” John called up towards the round opening at the top, even as he started to semi-blindly feel around him, hoping to find some kind of hand-hold that he could pull himself up and use to climb to the top, although admittedly that would be difficult as it was so high up. He moved freely…. He felt nothing weighing him down like a chain or anything, which was lucky he supposed. He did frown as he heard the clink of something at his feet and reached into the water which was waist deep and came up with…..bones….
“Shit,” John whispered softly, because the bones were small. Dog bones? He certainly hoped so! Although the femur….as he could see that’s what it was…tended to be angled more like a human bone.
There was a sudden vibration and then ringing in his pocket and John felt his heart pound in shock and hope as he realized he had his mobile phone on him.
Eurus….his therapist….the woman Sherlock had spoken to! Had she been so careless as to leave him a means of communication? And why had she done this? What was the plan? Why pose as his therapist and drug him with some kind of tranquilizer and then place him here? It seemed an odd game to play.
He suddenly wondered how his mobile could survive being submerged in water, but the answer was obvious as he reached for it, and it implied that him having it on him was entirely deliberate, as someone had wrapped the small device in a plastic, water-tight bag. John’s hands shook as he unwrapped it quickly and then answered the phone which was still ringing.
“Hello? Hello, Sherlock?!” John asked anxiously with a shamefully desperate waver in his voice, having not even glanced at the caller I.D. and somehow assuming that it would be Sherlock, who must be looking for him, right?
“Did you miss me?”
The voice one the other end of the line made him feel even colder than he already was. He literally couldn’t feel his own feet for a moment as he registered that Jim Moriarty was speaking to him! Or at least, someone who had a recording of his voice and sounded just like him.
“W-Who is this?” John asked and took a deep breath to steady himself. He had to stay calm. He was a soldier damn it, and he had to stay calm! “What sort of game is this?”
“It’s time for the final problem. Do you know what it is? Once upon a time there was a doctor named John!” Moriarty’s voice taunted him over the phone.
“This is impossible. You’re dead! You can’t be alive. This is a trick!” John insisted angrily, even as he looked around desperately for a way out. But it was then he noticed that the water level was….getting a little higher…
“John’s Daddy was mean to him and his Mummy died when he was little. So he decided he wanted to go to war and prove to his Daddy that he was a tough man’s man!” Moriarty continued as if he hadn’t heard him, saying ‘man’s man’ with a kind of mock-macho voice. “Only he wasn’t, was he? No, John has a secret. A secret he’s never told anyone!”
“Stop it!” John snapped sharply, even as he started to breath faster. The water was rising…. He wasn’t imagining it. “Just stop it, alright?! What do you WANT?!”
He didn’t care who it was now. Eurus or Moriarty or the devil himself. He just wanted out!
“John left the army and he made a new friend. A friend named….Sherlock,” Moriarty whispered softly, the name sounding like a caress on his lips. “Only trouble was, Sherlock already had a friend, and John just got in the way. And so….John had to go.”
There was a click as the phone and the line went dead. John’s heart pounded in terror as he glanced down and realized that Moriarty or whoever it was hadn’t just hung up! The entire phone was black with loss of power.
“No, no, no! Work! Work, you have to work!!” John exclaimed and tried for several seconds to power his mobile back on, but it was useless. It was as dead as the bones that lay at the bottom of the well.
John dropped the phone in disgust and as the water started to rise, he felt himself shivering again with the cold and treaded water to keep his head above it. He started to think about his life, and how it was likely to come to an end quite soon, and all the regrets he was going to have.
Mary was one of them. He’d known it was a mistake, but he’d gone through with the wedding anyway, and looking back that had been cruel to both of them! But she’d deserved better. Granted, he had too, he admitted to himself with a dark and bitter scoff. He hadn’t deserved the lies or the manipulation, but she had deserved someone who hadn’t thought about cheating on her or who had actually wanted to carpool to work with her! Someone who had….loved her….the way she deserved. It still killed him, her last words to him, and how she thought him so perfect and how grateful she had been to him. Even crying about it and admitting it out loud didn’t take away the sting entirely. He found himself grateful for Rosie though… She was something he could never regret.
But even greater than his regret over Mary was his regret over someone else.
“Sherlock…” John whispered to himself, closing his eyes briefly as he realized how much he’d left unsaid, and how much he had failed Sherlock too. He was still haunted by his actions back at the hospital, where he’d literally been beating Sherlock while he was down on the ground. In that moment, he had become the worst version of himself.
He had become his father.
And he’d never gotten the chance to apologize for that. He’d never gotten the chance to apologize for blaming him or for pushing him away or for….any of it. He should have done it that same day, he berated himself. The day when he’d finally let go and Sherlock had comforted him, though it was the last thing he deserved! But John, as always he realized, had been too wrapped up in himself and his own demons to consider trying to address Sherlock’s. And yet, he knew that even if he’d tried, it would be difficult because John had never been good with expressing his own emotions.
Which was why, he realized suddenly, he was going to die without ever having voiced out loud to anyone the truth. The secret which….somehow….Moriarty had known.
Too late now, he realized as the water rose faster and he had to struggle to keep from going under. He was going to die here, alone, at the bottom of a well. And Moriarty or Eurus….or maybe both of them….would go after Sherlock and there would be nothing he could do to stop them.
The thought brought tears to his eyes, which drowned in the water just as he knew he would, and though he treaded water with all his might to keep from going under, he knew it was only a matter of time before his muscles gave out and he ended up as just a pile of bones in the bottom of a well.
-------------------- CUE INTRO MUSIC
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Dear People Who Think We Should Be Fine With This,
Maybe if it wasn’t implied that they would ‘pull the rug out from everyone’ and ‘make television history’, we would be. Maybe if they didn’t constantly talk about the need for representation, we would be. Maybe if they didn’t tweet about elephants or mention Sherlock’s sexuality every five minutes, we would be. Maybe if EVERY SECOND OF THIS SHOW didn’t imply it was building to a romantic conclusion, we would be fine with it! 
But that’s not what happened. We’re not fine with it. Screw you.
Dear Johnlock shippers (spoilers)
Just because there isn’t a kiss, doesn’t mean it isn’t canon. They rebuilded their appartment TOGETHER, they are solving crimes TOGETHER and they are rAISING ROSIE TOGETHER. How much more canon than that do you wanna go?
Not to mention, the part where Greg promised to lOOK OUT FOR MYCROFT.
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Fuck you. Fuck you for destroying the most beautiful and loveliest series I have ever known. Fuck you for choking Holmes and Watson once more. Fuck you for all this pain. Fuck you for almost making Sherlock say it, but not quite. Fuck you for your misogyny. Fuck you for your inability to tell stories. Fuck you for degrading queer people. Fuck you for invoking Oscar Wilde. Fuck you for invoking queen. Fuck you for silencing Holmes again. Fuck you for continuing their imprisonment. Fuck you for being conservative. Fuck you for forgiving Mary. Fuck you for betraying your own narrative. Fuck you for betraying queer people. Fuck you for betraying our hope. Fuck you for abusing us. Fuck you for calling yourself allies. Fuck you for not allowing Holmes and Watson to be free.
Above all, fuck you for what you did to us.
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SO MUCH SHIT!! I MEAN WHY?? Why even let us hope?!! ASSHOLES!!
Yes, I said it. Mofftiss and Gatiss....YOU ARE ASSHOLES!! 
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So....no Johnlock. No confirmation. After all of this, we get...nothing. Why did I hope? Why did I let myself believe? This sucks so bad. I’m going to go drown myself in games and fanfiction and try to forget this ever happened.
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If it’s real, how did John survive?
So I watched leak TFP and I don’t understand. They completely skipped over the idea of John getting basically shot by this woman! How did he get away? She locked the door, aimed a gun and shot it! There was like a one sentence explanation and that’s it. Can someone help explain ??!
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Reblogging this because I just got the extension from Google. ANYONE IN US WANTS TO WATCH BBC USE THIS METHOD!
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‘The real version’
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HAHAHA This kills me!
a harry potter au where potions is taught by gordon ramsay
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So here we have a guy who hates Obamacare, only to realize that his insurance through ACA (Affordable Care Act) is the EXACT same thing!!!
The ignorance of people never ceases to amaze me. I work in HR and thus have a LOT of experience with health insurance. I know a great many people have needed to rely on the ACA in order to get affordable coverage, and the pre-existing condition exclusions used to be a nightmare for people, but the ACA fixed that.
I would desperately BEG anyone who thinks Obamacare/ACA is a bad idea to do first do your research. Did you know that insurance companies have to give you a REFUND if they overcharge you for certain things under the ACA?
I agree, certain aspects were poorly executed such as the website, but we are in a better state now than we were before for the common person who needs insurance. PLEASE DON’T BE LIKE THIS GUY!  
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