League club
Every Wednesday at 7p.m. in east Lansing, MSU has a league of legend club that comes together and we just play league till around 10 p.m. It is a great place to meet new people and to have fun with them. The league team also comes around occasionally to it and will hang out with others just to play with them which is awesome in my opinion. Even though nowadays coming to and from ill fall on ice and hurt myself, but never my computer (thankfully) it’s a pleasant community that is slowly building and sometimes dissipating over the course of the year.
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Msu vs buggle
MSU fought against team Buggle Boys today in a tournament. During the first half of the tournament we got 2-0 by them, but now we 2-0 them. It shows our improvement as a team and that we have a chance to win the tournament of big ten. Even though we are probably going to win our conference because we know how to play as a team better, I still believe this match was a huge step in showing how much better we have gotten.
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In my ISS class, I wanted to do an extra credit and worked multiple hours listening to a court case on Scotus blog. I had to do questions of each of the justices and what their holding would be in my opinion. I emailed it to her, but apparently I had to put it in the drop box. So as time ticked down, I tried to copy and paste it but it needed a file, so I couldn’t send it. I felt very defeated not to get credit for the work I did. Though in life sometimes that’s what happens and you just have to learn to accept it. It wasn’t a bad experience, and I learned what a court hearing on the supreme court would sound like. There is always positives to negative experiences, we just have to look for them.
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Msu vs penn state
This weekend MSU faced PSU in league of legends and 2-0 them in a relatively short amount of time. The team say who was a captain and I automatically became it which was a surprise to me. It was funny though to see my picture and quote on the big ten network. I also played the best in the game and it really showed me as the captain even though I am a freshman of the school. MSU is currently 4-0 in the tourney counting the bye in the future. Our hardest matchup is going to be UofM, but even worse is Maryland. I hope the team can come through and win so all this effort wont be for nothing! 
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Well we beat OSU today 2-1 and had great communication games 1 and 3. Game 2 was very bad from us and were very upset on multiple issues that happened during that game, but I am happy it didn’t ruin our play for game 3. I even got to play one of my favorite characters, Yorick, who is like an undertaker that summons ghouls to do his bidding. League of legends isn’t the same as it was a couple years ago, but victories like these make the game fun again!
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Birthday galore
My family usually has a ton of bdays in the months of January and February and this year is no different. My mom and dads being in January and my sisters 3 days apart in February it can get pretty hectic on what people want to do. Though as years go on, birthdays don’t become as special as they once were. People would host parties with all their friends and family, theyd drink and eat whatever they want, party how they wanted, and even received gifts. As time goes on it becomes more of a close family and friend thing except for your 21 because we all know where we go that year xd. I think our priorities of whats important become more narrowed and realize that the only thing you need for a good bday is a couple close members of the family, some good food, and cake. 
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Rutgers vs Msu
I am currently on the MSU team as their top laner, and we faced Rutgers on Saturday. We beat them 2-1 after losing the first one. While I had the flu and my teammate was throwing up the in between games. It definitely was not the most pleasurable games I have played and my teammates as well, but we won it. I hope that if we win the next rounds we will be able to fly out to California. That is a big goal of mine and just want to be able to share that moment with my friends on the team!
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My Dads Bday!
Today I celebrated my dads birthday with him by going out to dinner with him. It was really fun and I am glad he enjoyed it as well saying “it was the best birthday party in the last 5 years!”. Moments like that make me very happy with decisions I make. I could have came or played for the ulol team at Msu, but I chose to come and celebrate because there won’t be many bdays left to celebrate. Our time on Earth is very limited and we should try to spend it with our family and friends as much as possible. It’s easier to regret not taking the option, than regretting taking the option.
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Michigan weather sucks
Michigan weather has the notorious saying of “If you hate the weather, wait 5 minutes.” Indicating that Michigan’s weather can turn from great to bad and vice versa. I have grown up in Michigan and I can say that I hate how the weather acts and how it can never be accurately predicted. Checking the news does nothing for me because it will usually change in the following hours of the weather. Multiple times the weather will say -10 with wind chill and it will end up being 15 without wind chill. OR if it says chance of rain, that means there will be rain. It is very annoying to me that I can not see what the weather is going to be in the future because I know it will change every minutes.
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So the new piranha plant was just release for smash ultimate, I am ready to play and test this new character because of it’s lack luster release for the game. A random piranha plant from mario, not even Petey The Piranha Plant, just a random one. I am glad that it is not part of the dlc pack of 5 and is thrown is a freebie. Whether the character is any good, i don’t know yet since I haven’t played him yet. Though, I am going to play him and see if he is any good!
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My Hiatus on the blogs
I was taking a little break from blogs because of the lack of events currently. Today, it was terrible out at 8 degrees with constant snow showers from morning to afternoon stacking up a considerable amount of snow. Now I do not hate the snow, but I hate being cold. Even being a Michigan-er, I hate it while livable. The roads been terrible too and people do not know how to drive in the snow if they aren’t from Michigan. Seeing multiple ambulances in the span of an hour, knowing that it was probably car accidents of out of state students. One international student crashed their brand new Camaro into the CATA buses. Now I usually don’t mind, but it’s sad that MSU wouldn’t cancel classes and put multiple peoples lives at risk for driving in bad conditions to get to class. I think it was a poor choice, but I can understand they want to stay open.
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Mood in life
I think a lot of people suffer with depression in life at times throughout the year. Me personally has suffered from depression at times, but a couple good pick me ups are thinking of what three things that you are grateful in your life or just vibing to music. A good pick me up song I enjoy listening to is “Your Soul”- Forrest. Very enjoyable song to just vibe to. Having a couple of rough days can be helped by just the little things that you can think of. I’m grateful for my mom, music, and my Friends!
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Martin Luther King day!
I thought it was great that the they stood up for what they thought is right and protested against the trump administration. While I am a trump supporter, I do believe in the right of protest and happy that the senator stood with them in the march. In this day of age, it is really critical to make sure your voice is heard and your ideas on the current political climate. Humans like to either be committed to politics, or avoid it all together, but if we avoid it, who’s going to handle them when the current politicians leave? Also, talking about it with your family is a big no no so I don’t expect that to ever happen. Some things should just be avoided at family occasions,
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Life etiquette
I am playing in a league tourney for a around 30 dollar prize for first place. There is an etiquette to how to treat other player and how they should treat you. Even though a comment may seem fine, another person may take it as offensive. We be on our very best behaviors to now offend anyone anymore because it is like stepping onto a land mine. It is blown WAY out of proportion and if you, deny it then you might as well start digging your own grave. While I think if you find something offensive and speaking about it is a great way to stand up for what you think it is right, it also shouldn’t be used as a platform to be high and mighty.
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Hey guys, Im a big fan of League of Legends.
I have played L.O.L. for a long portion of my life, nearly 6 years. While it has caused a lot of positive moments with friends, it has also caused its fair share of headaches. I highly suggest anyone in P.C. gaming to try it out. It is a Massive online battle arena (MOBA) that has 5 people versus another 5 people with the goal of destroying the enemy’s team base. There are over 140+ champions to suit your playstyle from dps to backline healers, every desire is met in this game. One thing I will gripe about though is how money hungry the game wants you to buy skins, the prestige edition skins and chromas are nothing special and highly discourage anyone from buying stuff from levels 1-30. It is free to play and should really shine as free to play game and that way you don’t have any money invested in it if you decide to quit playing. Thanks for listening!
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Hello World
Hello world, just starting my blog post for a writing class in college. Hope to learn a lot from doing this work and have fun while at it!
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