Butch X Cassidy
24 posts
Proud Neoshipper since 2014! I pretty much just post neoshippingArtwork, fan fictions, amvs, etc.This blog will be kept pretty kid friendly so shoo if you’re looking only for the good stuff!
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neoshipping-hell · 5 years ago
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Long time - no updates here. Happy Valentine’s Day!❤️
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neoshipping-hell · 6 years ago
Sands of Time Chapter 1
So this is the first of my 2 ‘long’ fics. This one is set following the events in Sleight of Sand which we all know was Butch and Cassidy’s last appearance in the anime *sob* enjoy!
It was a cool, yet pleasant summer night in Suncliff Town - a quiet seaside retreat in the Hoenn region. It wasn’t a tourist hotspot. In fact unless you grew up in the area you wouldn’t know it was there… All stores had closed for the night and no traffic could be heard anywhere. Everything was silent and still…
The only exception was Cassidy. The blonde girl was standing over the balcony of the small apartment she lived in with Butch. She often came out here to think and reflect. The once fiesty and sassy Rocket had mellowed considerably in recent times. She breathed in the cool night air and the light breeze crept through her soft hair causing goosebumps to appear on her arms. She smiled to herself and stared up into the night sky, allowing her mind to wander back to 3 years ago… when everything changed…
The scorching sun blitzed down upon the Sinnoh desert. A couple of days previously it was announced that it had been confirmed to be the hottest summer on record and non-essential trips into the desert should be avoided…
Cassidy was dozing in the tent. She was useless at getting up in the morning, and took ages with her hair and make-up. It was not unheard of for her to be ready by lunchtime if Butch didn’t intervene and physically drag her kicking and screaming to their truck.
'Oi! Time to get your lazy arse up!’ Came a raspy growl from outside the tent. Cassidy scowled and sat up rubbing her eyes as the tent unzipped. Butch was standing there topless with his Rocket shirt flung over his shoulder revealing his muscular physique and his loose fitting trousers. Cassidy gazed for a few seconds then quickly came back into the room.
'I was already awake!’ She quiped, gathering up her clothes and sauntering out the tent. 'Come on Ponch, where’s your belt?! Don’t want to lose your trousers now…’
Butch rolled his eyes, smiled to himself and followed his partner. 'It’s Butch you cowbag…
As far as missions were concerned, this was probably the easiest (in theory!) they had been given by Dr Namba for a while. Capture a Hippowdon in the desert and bring it to the lab in Johto so the sand could be analysed. Of course it was going just fine until those 3 other Rocket twits and those stupid kids turned up. Fast forward after a spat of robot wars, being put to sleep and being blasted off in the most undignified manner, Butch and Cassidy found themselves dumped in the middle of the scorching desert, face down in the sand.
Cassidy sat up first. 'I will kill that bitch Jessie!’ She yelled, dusting the sand from her hair.
Butch eased his own head from the sand and rolled over sweaty and disorientated panting lightly. He had cuts and bruises on him. He glanced over at Cassidy.
'Are you alright Cass? Are you hurt?’
'No I’m fine’ admitted Cassidy. 'I have no idea where we are though, our navigation system got blown up with the robot’.
Butch frowned 'shit’.
The 2 Rockets peered around but all they could see was endless sand for what seemed miles. Butch got to his feet and pulled Cassidy up.
'We’ll have to pick a direction and head in it’ he said, placing his hand on Cassidy’s shoulder. 'It’ll be ok Cass’
Back at a top secret lab in Johto. Dr Namba grew impatient. Butch and Cassidy were supposed to check in with him at 3 o'clock to confirm the mission had been a success. When they were tardy with their time-keeping it did not usually end well! Their radio transmitter was down neither were carrying their cell. By 5 o'clock, in desperation, Dr Namba telephoned Giovanni.
'You haven’t heard from those 2 nitwits have you?! They were supposed to check in with base over 2 hours ago’
'No’ admitted Giovanni. 'If they have screwed this up and wound up in jail AGAIN I’m afraid there will be severe repercussions’
Dr Namba sighed. Yes he was a clever and evil scientist but he actually got on well with Butch and Cassidy. He and Butch had especially bonded over the issue with everyone getting their names wrong. He had gone from being irritated to angry to actually a little worried now…
'You could always uh…send out a search chopper’ he suggested to Giovanni
'HAH!!’ Shot the Rocket boss. 'I’m not wasting fuel on searching for those 2 bums. Be my guest if you want to send one of yours - I’ll just wait on their inevitable bail call’
With that Giovanni slammed down the phone. Dr Namba paced around for a minute or 2 before picking up the telephone once more…
'Search and Rescue? I need the Falcon in the air. Now.’
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neoshipping-hell · 6 years ago
So amazing 💚💛💛💚
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Getting into the Christmas spirit and drew a Neoshippy Xmas. Butch and Cassidy with their twins, my OCs Bella and Chase ☺️ have a Merry Xmas everyone ❤️
#neoshipping #xmas #Butch #Cassidy #Kosaburo #yamato #futurekids #twins
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neoshipping-hell · 6 years ago
Everyone join!
For years, Butch and Cassidy have been two of my favorite Pokémon characters and still my number 1 ship to this day. I would love to get the chance to talk about them more and share headcanons with friends who also like them and Team Rocket as much as I do! @cornstarr25 @webelieveinlovepower @neoshipping-hell @montanaskye27 would any of you be down to be in a Discord group chat? Anyone else is welcome too!
*This also goes for Rocketshipping and any other Team Rocket ships too! All interested are welcome; just DM me and we can figure something out!
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neoshipping-hell · 6 years ago
Home For Christmas
Cassidy scowled as she glanced at the clock for the umpteenth time that afternoon and irritably drummed her pencil on her desk. It was Christmas Eve and she was stuck at headquarters doing paperwork of all things! Outside it was starting to snow quite heavily and the car Park was slowly disappearing under a blanket of snow. A handful of much younger Rockets led by Mondo were already outside having a snow ball fight and Cassidy found herself getting distracted by the happy squeals and shouts from the teenagers.
“Stupid kids” she muttered as she twisted back on her chair. She tossed her golden hair over her shoulder and tried to lean over her desk as closely as possible. It was almost as if she was trying to get her paperwork to swallow her in with it. Eventually she decided this wouldn’t work either and with a heavy sigh, she despairingly referred to the clock once more…
“It’s 3:45 Cass. 5 minutes from when you last looked!” Snapped Jessie whom was working just across the office from Cassidy. Cassidy glared up at her rival.
“Oh wow clever girl Jess. Since when could you tell the time all by yourself?”
“Quite a while ago now. Maybe almost as long ago as when you got your roots done!” Sneered Jessie. “And kindly stop with your sighing and tapping, some of us are actually trying to concentrate on their work!”
“You were here at 8, you could just leave at 4…please!” Cassidy muttered bitterly.
“Hmm…nah! I’ll stick around. I’m in no hurry” replied Jessie. “Besides James said he’d meet me at 5 after he finishes shopping”
“Ah yes, more outfits to come out of the closet with him!” taunted Cassidy. “You must get so bored of being the man in the partnership!”
Jessie rolled her eyes. If she received a dollar for every time she had heard that one… She certainly wouldn’t be doing overtime on Christmas Eve that’s for sure!
“Say what you like Cass. At least I have my partner with me for Christmas. What’s for lunch tomorrow? Microwave turkey dinner for one? You might have to get used to it incase he never comes home!”
Cassidy opened her mouth, but no words would come out. For the first time ever, she was left tongue tied by Jessie! For Jessie it was a moment of what she perceived to be overdue triumph. Cassidy slammed down her pencil, grabbed her jacket and bag and stormed out of the office, her eyes brimming with tears. Jessie smirked after her until the door slammed shut. Then the smile fell from her face.
“Shit” she sighed as she continued uneasily with her paperwork.
Cassidy stormed down the corridor trying to muffle her angry sobs. She flung herself against a fire exit door and pushed it open. She paused to catch her breath as the cold air finally hit her. Now she was outside she finally sucummbed to emotions and broke down. As she sank to the floor her cries were the only thing that could be heard in the wintery silence.
There had been some civil unrest in recent months between Johto/Kanto and some far away lands. Some of their criminal organisations had been getting too big for their boots it seemed. The apparently genius solution was to enlist some existing members of Team Rocket into the armed forces as they would know ‘how criminals think’. To everyone’s surprise, Giovanni had been all for it. It was after all, a perfect opportunity to send his toughest agents for them to become stronger.
Mondo hadn’t had to go. He was too young. Ironically he would be turning 17 in the New Year so next time maybe. James hadn’t had to go either. It was all kept hush hush as to the reasons why but it was widely speculated his Father had paid off officials to spare him. It certainly checked out and he had been keeping a noticeably low profile since.
“Money talks!” Spat Cassidy into the cold evening air. A passing grunt glanced at her nervously before scurrying off to join Mondo and others. Cassidy pulled herself up, dusted herself off and began slowly walking across the grounds of headquarters back to her dorm that she shared with Butch.
Of course he had to go. Infact Giovanni had insisted on it. It would “discipline” him and help him manage his pent up anger. Cassidy hadn’t had a clue as to what anger Giovanni was referring to. He had clearly read something in Butch’s file that Butch himself had never shared with her. Abusive childhood? Drink? Drugs? Cassidy could only speculate in her mind…
He had asked her to shave his hair for him. He needed it as short as possible for the forces. She had obliged even though she didn’t want to and he had looked so damn different afterwards. Usually they had a laugh over the fact they both wore their hair in the same bangs style and light hearted arguments over who had copied who. Cassidy recalled having to place her fingertips on his head as she shaved him. His head was warm and soft and she saw the tiniest hint of goosebumps at her touch - he had been sitting there with his eyes closed the entire time! When he finally put his new uniform on he didn’t even look like her partner anymore…
“It won’t be forever doll” he had said to her when he left early that sunny September morning. “You wont even notice im gone!”
“Who the fuck was he trying to kid?” Thought Cassidy as she climbed the staircase towards the dorms. Her feet were tired and she could feel a headache coming on. At least once back in her dorm she could just hide away until new year with her T.V and food!
As she arrived at the entrance to their dorm she stopped for a moment and looked up at the picture of themselves they had stuck on the door. It was custom for Rockets to do this so you could tell whose room was who’s given they weren’t numbered. It had been taken the previous summer at Giovanni’s 60th birthday BBQ. Cassidy was wearing a blue summer dress holding a cocktail. Butch was stood beside her with a hand around a waist. He was wearing a green shirt and jeans and was also holding a cocktail and pulling a silly face. He wasn’t really keen on what he called 'girly drinks’ but if Cassidy recalled correctly she had mixed it up herself and promised him a kiss if he drank it.
Cassidy walked into the dorm, finally glad to be alone and away from that smug bitch Jessie. She flung her bag down on her bed and was just about to kick off her shoes when she noticed a familiar rucksack and boots at the foot of the other bed. Cassidy felt the blood leave her head and the room started spinning out of control. Just as she was about to sink the floor again a pair of strong, muscular arms appeared behind her and lowered her to the safety of her bed.
“Woah steady Cass. Anyone would think you’ve seen a ghost!” Butch laughed.
“Butch! But you’re…I mean…how?” Cassidy asked.
Butch shrugged. “Turns out we were only needed on standby. It became obvious a couple of days ago there were too many of us so some were sent home. Told you it wouldn’t be long eh doll?” He reached forward and gave Cassidy’s knee a pat.
“So why haven’t you decorated in here?” Butch asked curiously. Cassidy shrugged.
“Guess I didn’t see the point” she admitted. “And your hair is growing back!” She laughed as Butch removed his hat. He smiled and rolled his eyes.
“It’s ok to say you missed me babe!”
“Oh don’t flatter yourself Biff!” Cassidy laughed as she felt her face flush. “Just got a bit lonely…that’s all”
Butch edged closer to her, he had a bemused yet serious stare on him as Cassidy continued speaking.
“I mean it’s not as if Jessie hasn’t been winding me up about it! I mean what does she know?” Cassidy felt a few tears picking and angrily tried to blink them away. Butch was really too close for comfort now… Cassidy wasn’t sure if she should just cry or back away.
“…Because I’ve missed you Cassie…” Butch muttered quietly.
Cassidy lifted her head to look her partner in the eye. She bit her lip as he leant in closer… Butch planted a prolonged kiss upon her lips. Cassidy felt her whole body tingling as she closed her eyes and processed what had just happened. She couldn’t help but allow a small grin to escape.
“Damn you, complicating things…” She whispered.
Butch didn’t break his gaze from Cassidy, he reached up and stroked her hair. It was silky and sleek to the touch.
“You are so beautiful Cass…” He said.
“Oh stop it!” Cassidy replied haughtedly. She took Butch by the hand and guided him over to a cupboard in the corner of the room. She pulled out a box of Christmas decorations which she had been saving.
“Let’s get these put up then” she smiled.
Butch nodded and took the other end of some fancy bunting. Regardless of what lay ahead in the New Year, he had a feeling it was going to be a good one.
The End.
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neoshipping-hell · 6 years ago
“Santa baby!”
Butch frowned as he gently nibbled at the top of his pencil, deep in thought. Most people weren’t aware of the fact he was exceptionally gifted at maths. He had been top of his class at school. This had proved even more frustrating for his teachers given he also seemed to have a knack for getting into trouble even at a young age. Thankfully his skills had been put to good use when he joined Team Rocket. As Cassidy often pointed out to him “you can’t study for maths, your brain either gets it or it doesn’t!” and hers certainly didn’t. However, this particular financial pickle they had now found themselves in even Butch couldn’t find a way to make the figures add up…
“Hope your wishlist isn’t too big this year boy” Butch said to Mightyena as the wolf Pokemon appeared beside him to have his ear scratched. “Santa is skint this year!”
Mightyena gave a soft bark as he rested a paw upon Butch’s thigh. He couldn’t tell his master of course but all he wanted in the world was himself, Butch, Cassidy and all of their other Pokemon together. Butch however, did seem to understand as he petted his partner fondly.
“Well, least we have each other!” He smiled.
The door to their apartment opened and Cassidy walked in, having been to the gym that morning.
“Alright sweaty Betty?” Butch asked.
“Hilarious Ponch!” Cassidy eye-rolled as she flung herself down on the sofa.
“Any joy with those figures?” She asked Butch. He shook his head.
“No unfortunately not. We might have to move to plan B, I.e. a lottery win!”
“Well we better think of something!” Cassidy warned him.
“Well…you” she said with a devious smile. “Only because you come up with the best ideas” she added as she fluttered her eyelashes.
Butch scoffed and headed over to the balcony, reaching into his pocket for his cigarettes as he did so. Mightyena got up to follow him but Cassidy beckoned him over as she pulled a newspaper from her bag.
“Here mutt, take this for him” she said. “Reading the baseball scores might take his mind off it”.
Mightyena happily took the newspaper and went out onto the balcony with Butch. As Butch opened the paper he immediately noticed the seasonal jobs section. Taking a drag of his cigarette he started scanning the page…
By the time Butch came back in Cassidy was already in the shower. Mightyena went over to join Houndour and Sableye on the sofa and Raticate was curled up asleep on the rug. Butch grabbed his jacket and scribbled a quick note to Cassidy.
“Back in a while guys” he called to the Pokemon as he slammed the door behind him.
Cassidy emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later. She looked around surprised to see the Pokemon alone and a hastedly scrawled note:
Popped out for 20. Be back soon.
B x
“Did he say where he was going?” Cassidy wondered out loud. Mightyena looked at her for a few seconds before settling back down to rest. Cassidy glanced down again at the note. He wasn’t pissed off with her was he?
Suddenly her phone started ringing. Cassidy picked it up hoping it was Butch offering an explanation but Wendy’s face beamed back at her.
“Heeyyy doll! You ok?”
“Yeah I’m all good” answered Cassidy. “Ponch seems to be in a grump today, money worries blah blah blah”
“Urgh know that feeling” replied Wendy. “Hey listen as it’s Dom’s 21st on Saturday, me, Annie and Oakley were thinking of hitting the town if you fancy it?”
“Ooh sounds good, I could do with a night out it’s been a while” said Cassidy.
“Wicked I’ll text you later!” Called Wendy as she hung up.
Cassidy smiled as she tossed her phone down. At least something was going right today!
By the time Butch returned, it was late afternoon. Cassidy had since changed into a vest top and jogging bottoms with her hair scraped back into a messy bun. Only Butch ever saw her dressed down in such a fashion, she did have a glamourous reputation to keep up after all!
“Funny 20 minutes!” She said as he hung up his jacket.
“Heh, keeping check are we?” He replied.
“Well sorry for taking an interest!” Cassidy grumbled as she folded her arms.
Butch shook his head, sat down and began scrolling through his phone.
“So the girls are out next week for Dom’s birthday” she said.
“Really? That’s nice” Butch replied not looking up from his phone.
“You not coming?”
“I’ve got work Cass sorry!” Butch said.
“What work?!” Cassidy exclaimed.
“Just work!” Butch tapped his nose.
Growing irritated of his cryptic, cagey answers, Cassidy threw a pillow at her partner and turned away from him. Butch looked straight ahead and gave an exaggerated sigh.
“Look Cassie, just go out with your girlfriends and have a good time” he said reassuringly. “Don’t worry about me, I’m a big boy I can take care of myself!”
He reached forward and put a hand on her shoulder before going back to his phone. Cassidy gave a forced, small smile before turning back to the T.V.
“Come on Cass! Take another shot!” Shouted Domino as she returned to their table with a tray full of brightly coloured small glasses. Cassidy chose one with a mysterious purple liquid inside and downed in. It was Saturday night and the group had been out drinking since lunchtime.
“I really am getting too old for this!” Grumbled Oakley as she chose a green glass.
“So are we heading on to the club in Celedon?” Asked Annie.
“Of course!” Replied Domino. “If we go via the mall it’ll knock about 10-15 minutes off our walk”
The group finished up their drinks and headed towards the mall in Celedon City. It was just a couple of weeks before Christmas so late night shopping was in full swing!
“I do feel a little drunk!” giggled Domino as she skipped along hand in hand with Annie and Wendy. Oakley hung back with Cassidy and linked her arm in hers.
“You ok Cass?” She asked.
“Haha yeah!!!” Replied Cassidy, slightly tipsy herself. “Just Butch has been annoying me this week, so cagey i don’t know what’s going on in his head!”
“Typical men!” Nodded Oakley. “That’s why I stick with my sister for a partner!”
The 2 women laughed and continued along with Domino, Wendy and Annie. The mall was lit up beautifully for the time of year and excited shoppers were in good spirits. Annie however, stopped in her tracks and pointed towards the pop up tent that had caught her eye.
“Aaaaahhh it’s Santa’s grotto!” She squealed. “Someone should go and sit on his lap!”
“Not me” Oakley said immediately.
“No not me either!” Annie giggled. “Dom?”
“I’m not that drunk!” Laughed Domino.
“Don’t even think about asking me!” Said Wendy.
The 4 girls then turned to Cassidy.
“Are you joking?!” Cassidy said. Wendy, Annie, Oakley and Domino all howled with laughter.
“Go onnn Cass it’ll be funny!!!”
“Tell him what a good girl you’ve been this year!”
“Stroke his beard!”
“Fine!” Cassidy laughed as she stumbled towards the grotto. Every couple of steps she grinned back at the group who were squealing with laughter.
Butch sat in Santa’s special seat trying his best to put on a jolly voice for all the excited children. They certainly were eager to tell him what they wanted for Christmas and it looked like this queue would never end! Just as he finished off with the final little boy and sent him off with a high five, Butch caught sight of Cassidy staggering towards him!
“What the fuck…What is she doing here?” Butch whispered to himself. Cassidy strolled over and plonked herself squarely on Butch’s lap. He immediately felt his body temperature and heart rate start to go through the roof. What on earth was she playing at?
“Heeeyyyyyy Santa!!!!” Said Cassidy.
“She reeks of booze!” Butch thought to himself. He figured though he should stay in character.
“Ho Ho! Hello young lady and what would you like for Christmas?!” Butch asked.
“Ohhh Santa where to start??” Cassidy began. “A million dollars and a Lexus. Oh, and a size 0 body!”
“Oh ho ho, that’s quite a list my dear!” Replied Butch. “I’m sure you eat well and take regular exercise?”
“Oh I do” replied Cassidy. “Just need to look my best to get him to notice me…”
“What on earth????” Butch thought utterly bewildered. Beads of sweat were starting to form on his forehead.
“And who might that be my dear?” He probed.
“My work partner Butch” Cassidy wittered on. “He’s been a bit distant this week. Says he’s working.” She lowered her voice and leant in even closer towards Butch.“
"I really like him Santa… but I don’t know how to let him know how I feel…”
Butch’s heart was now racing so fast he thought it might gallop right out of his chest. He adored Cassidy, there was no doubt about that, but he had never told another soul and certainly not her. He thought there was no chance she would ever reciprocate. He discreetly wiped his sweaty palms on his trousers and spoke to Cassidy.
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neoshipping-hell · 6 years ago
“Santa baby!” Part 2
“W…well…I’m sure he’s very fond of you too. Did you say you’re work partners? Then you’re already a great team.”
“Well it’s thanks to him really” Cassidy admitted. “He’s the clever one. I don’t ever admit that to him though!” She added, laughing.
“Well you could start there” Butch answered irritatably, a little too much in his own voice.
“Huh?” Cassidy stared at Santa.
“Uhhh I mean…Ho Ho! Tell Butch all his good qualities and take it from there. I’m sure all your Christmas dreams will come true!” Butch quickly garbled.
Cassidy seemed satisfied with that response.
“Thanks Santa I’ll try!” She beamed as she clamboured off and went back to join the 4 giggling Rockets. She looked back at Butch and waved. He nodded towards her.
“Urgh. That was close! FFS though Butch, Christmas dreams! Really?!” Thought Butch. His sigh of relief was short lived however as he clocked an extremely overweight child thundering towards him to sit on his lap…
“Arsehole kids…” Butch muttered to himself as he arrived back at the apartment. “Back in my day I received an orange and a slap round the head if I was lucky!”
He had left his Santa suit at the mall and changed back into his jeans and a dark green jumper. He had been glad to get out of it, it was incredibly hot and that beard had made his face itch something chronic. Still, Butch suspected that was the closest he was going to get to having a beard like that…
As he opened the door and walked inside he immediately noticed the delicate scent of Cassidy’s perfume before anything else. It was his favourite smell! She was laying on her bed still in her ‘going out’ outfit. Butch had to laugh at her heels discarded across the room, she never could stand them for long!
“Oh hey Cass, I’d have thought you wouldn’t be back til much later!” Butch said brightly. Cassidy sat up and shook her head.
“No. We hit the club and I guess I’d sobered up a bit. Besides the girls had already started pouncing on some men and I was sat there with my drink” she replied.
“Ohh. Well what was to stop you finding yourself your own eligible bachelor?!” Butch asked with a smirk.
“You should know by now Biff, I don’t go for any old loser!” Cassidy said pointedly as she struggled out of her tight dress. Butch turned around out of respect but continued talking.
“Don’t I know it!”
“Anyway! How was work? Are you ever to going to tell me what you’re doing?!” Cassidy asked her partner. Butch shook his head.
“It’s a secret Cass!” He said.
Cassidy scowled and threw her dress across the room to join her heels. She stood facing Butch wearing nothing but her black bra and matching tights with her hands on her hips. Butch mistook the silence as a green light to turn round and immediately blushed as he caught sight of his partner.
“Oh Jesus Cassidy!” He exclaimed as he made a half-arsed attempt to shield his eyes. Cassidy said nothing but stepped forward and took hold of his hands.
“Listen Butch, I’m sorry I keep bugging you. You know I really appreciate everything you do. I don’t say it but you are the brains in this partnership. We wouldn’t get as far as we do if it weren’t for you…”
Butch went a delicate shade of crimson and awkwardly scratched behind his head.
“Heh…Well it’s nice of you to say Cass but you gotta admit you’re the balls of this operation and I..mmph!!!!”
Cassidy had stretched up and kissed Butch directly on the lips. He froze, completely unsure of how he should respond next. Could this really be happening???
Eventually Cassidy broke away and the 2 of them stood there in silence, Butch catching his breath.
“Well say something!” Cassidy said crossly after about 40 seconds.
“I uh….wow um Cass…I…” Butch stuttered. He gazed at his partner, the room was still spinning but she was still stood there in her bra and tights albeit looking slightly defeated now.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a while…” Cassidy muttered.
Butch gently took Cassidy into his arms and kissed her back. Deeply, passionately. He laid her down on the bed and continued making small kisses over her chest and neck area. They laid there for quite some time, neither quite brave enough to take the next step…
“Butch…” began Cassidy.
“Do you believe Santa can work Christmas miracles?” She asked him.
Butch thought for a moment. “Oh yes Cassidy. He knows a lot more than people give him credit for!”
“How so?” She asked him, confused.
Butch quickly reached under his bed and pulled back out his beard. He put it on and went “ho ho ho”.
Cassidy gasped. “NO fucking way!!!!!!!”
Butch laughed as he put the beard down and began tugging at Cassidy’s bra.
“Anyway young lady! Santa’s heard you’ve been a bad girl this year!!!!”
The End.
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neoshipping-hell · 6 years ago
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“To infect the world with devastation! To blight all people in every nation! To denounce the goodness of truth and love! To extend our wrath to the stars above!”
☄ Dammit I love these two! Here’s Cassidy and… Bill, no, Botch, no… Butch! Poor thing hahah I wish to see them again in the anime! 💜
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neoshipping-hell · 6 years ago
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Basically exactly what it says. I’ve been watching Chronicles recently and reading a lot of Neoshipping fanfics. These two are pretty underrated characters and it’s sad … I realized that I never drew them before, so I decided to practice. These are the first time I’ve ever drawn them. I used references and did them in about 15 minutes each character. Sorry for the terrible editing. I took the photo late at night, it was on folded paper, and there was a lot of school-related text I edited out. At least the mechanical pencil looks darker and more like pen. Enjoy and God Bless! Butch and Cassidy belong to Pokemon, Gamefreak, Nintendo, etc. Artwork belongs to me My Youtube:…? My Fanfiction:… My Toyhouse: My DeviantArt:
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neoshipping-hell · 6 years ago
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Butch and Cass as kiddies 😍 they came out so cute especially Cass and her missing tooth. And little green haired tough guy trying to look cool 😎. Love them so much.
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neoshipping-hell · 6 years ago
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Done while waiting for the plane ~ preparing for trouble!
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neoshipping-hell · 7 years ago
Amazing! 💚💛
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Butchy-babe trying to cheer up Cass after another mission not going as planned. I know it’s a little shabby and not perfect but still cute!
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neoshipping-hell · 7 years ago
This is actually my favorite drawing online right now ❤️💚💛
Neoshipping - post fight patching each other up
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neoshipping-hell · 7 years ago
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Butch: Barely….
In Character Questions!:
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neoshipping-hell · 7 years ago
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forever sad we never got to see them crossdress in the show
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neoshipping-hell · 7 years ago
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Pokemon Fanart ((I’m sorrryyy lmao they’re just so adorable together))
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neoshipping-hell · 7 years ago
THIS SONG IS NOW MY FAVORITE (lets just say I learned the artist)
neoshipping // playing with fire
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