neohotline · 3 years
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-ˋˏ Hey guys!!! ˎˊ-
⋆ ⊹ Nice to meet you ⊹ ⋆
I’ve always wanted to write and I’m glad I finally took the chance to co-own a blog and I’m so glad I did it. ˖⋆₊ ⊹ It’s so nice to be here,,⋆。˚
Please don't be shy to interact with me or message me, I’d love to be moots* ˚ ⋆。˚ ⋆
-Admin 2
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8 notes · View notes
neohotline · 3 years
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“I have daisies in my heart”
they bloom just for you”
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Chapter 1- Part I : He loves me, He loves me not
⚘Pairing: Hyunjin x Female!reader
⚘Genre: Fluff, Slight angst, eventual smut
⚘Warnings: rated pg-16
⚘Word Count: 5.4k
⚘Summary: He loves me, he loves me not or She loves me, she loves me not (originally effeuiller la marguerite in French): a game of French origin, in which one person seeks to determine whether the object of their affection returns that affection.
“Wouldn’t hurt to try, I mean, it's just a game"
“He loves me”
Prologue is right here  ♡
⚘Disclaimer: Hey guys!!! Thank you for the support!we really appreciate it <3 This is the first part and we hope you guys enjoy it. Please don’t forget to give us feedback, we’d really appreciate it :D
© Please don’t repost, or share without credit
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It all happened way too fast.
You could barely even begin to process when the feelings started developing. As hard as you tried your best to ignore him, you couldn't help but be overwhelmed by his mere existence alone. What can you say, you were entirely bewitched. But can we blame you?
Usually it’d was the little things he would do for you, like waking you up with the cutest pout on his face and you later surprising him with boba tea, not willing to admit you did it mostly because of the way his eyes lit up when you do.
Soothing and comforting you when you’re feeling overworked or him just being his silly little self to make you crack a smile for him. I mean come on this was more than enough to make you feel utterly defenseless. You're not a robot for god's sake, your heart had always been weak for cute boys with pretty smiles and, truthfully, you didn’t mind it that much.
It didn't.
As much as you prayed for it all to fade away like it usually does, it just got worse, immensely worse. You started noticing minor things about him, much to your dismay. Like the way if you looked close enough you’ll see that he had the cutest little mole under his eye and that he talks in his sleep, which used to freak you out back then but now it’s kinda endearing.
As much as you prayed for it all to fade away like it usually does, it just got worse, immensely worse. You started noticing minor things about him, much to your dismay. Like the way if you looked close enough you’ll see that he had the cutest little mole under his eye and that he talks in his sleep, which used to freak you out back then but now it’s kinda endearing.
The way he almost never fails to trip over himself when he laughs a bit too hard at one of Han’s jokes and also every time he tries to push his hair back from his face, there’s always a few strands that tend to fall back in his face and it never fails to make him look like a greek god.
It’s honestly embarrassing how insufferable all of these things become once they all start to pile up. You wished it’d be easy to ignore these things. You figured you’ll be fine if you just suffer in silence for the time being.
Of course you forgot about your two idiot friends, who would rather die than leave you alone. The moment those two found out, everything went to hell. They were constantly hounding you about your not-so subtle crush on the pretty boy.
Han and Sana were currently sprinting after you, begging you to plan some elaborate scheme to somehow magically get you two together. You know, as all friends do. You obviously ignored their attempt at being “matchmakers” multiple times, only later giving up for the promise of free coffee. You're a simple girl after all.
You were currently sandwiched between each of them, the cafe’s usual cozy atmosphere did nothing to help deter either of them. Although strangely enough, they haven’t even spoken a word about Hyunjin, instead they were just chatting about something else entirely, almost dancing around the topic, eyeing each other to see who’ll crack first. You wait patiently, rather amused by your friend's antics. Han cracks first.
“I didn’t take you for the type,” He teased, taking a sip of his water. “Thought you’d be more into a dark and mysterious type of guy, not a locally well known instagram model.” He snorted, clearly entertained by the way his typically level-headed friend automatically stiffened at the mere mention of the boy.
“Well,” you ponder, taking a sip of your tea, “I didn’t think so either.” You shrugged, you knew fully well that he was a little more on the popular side, unfortunately it wasn’t enough to completely suppress the crush you have for the boy.
“Yet here we are,” Sana added playfully, “Okay so, back to business, what now?” her eyes going back and forth between the both of them.
“Alright, I was thinking of a romantic picnic at the beach,” He suggested, dramatically gesturing across the table, “Maybe a nice candlelit dinner to set the mood, if you know what I mean.” He teased, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Ew, no, that’s exactly what we’re not gonna do,” Sana cringed, “I want it to be effortless, like “two lost souls not knowing what love meant till they found each other" type of thing, ya know.” She added, falling theatrically against the chair.
It went on like this for a good hour, or so, before they finally agreed to just leave it for now, their usually synced brains not coöperating for some reason. You finally relaxed against your chair, at least they’ll be out of your hair for now. The conversation eventually switched to something a little more entertaining, after a half hour, all of them decided it was best to go home, since the cafe was close to closing by now.
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After a few days the group decided to go skating, which you agreed to, since Han’s constantly talking about going on a trip like this for weeks now. The next evening they all took Han’s car and drove to the skating rink just a little outside of town. The drive took about at least 20 minutes, when they stepped out it looked as lively as one would hope. Kids running around and throwing snowballs, a bunch of families and couples strolling around probably going about their day.
Eventually you all entered the building. Once you approached the front desk, Sana suddenly spoke up, causing the whole group to look back.
“Oh my god, I-I think I forgot my phone,” She panicked, hands feeling up her pockets, “Shit, I think I left it on the counter.” She hissed, hands running through her hair.
“Okay, I’ll take you back.” Han proposed, already searching for the keys, both of them already scrambling to go back to the car, while you and Hyunjin stared at them.
Wait. The cogs in your head started to move faster, if they were going to leave, that meant that you and Hyunjin were going to be alone and we can’t have that. The last thing you need is to be alone with him right now. The thought of it just screams disaster honestly, you might make a fool of yourself or worse. You had to think of something quick but before you could come up with some type of excuse-
“It’s alright, you guys go, y/n and I will go on ahead.” Hyunjin assured, waving them off, already heading towards the front desk to rent the skates.
“Thanks a bunch guys, we’ll be back before you know it.” Sana hurried, grabbing Han’s arm and dashed out the entrance. When the car sped off, Hyunjin spoke up again.
“You don’t think they did it on purpose do you?” He joked half-heartedly, eyes dancing with childlike mischief. You two stared at each other for a minute, before bursting out with laughter, almost toppling over one another.
“Yeah, no, that would be crazy.” You wheezed, holding your aching side, before it dawned on you that no, it wouldn’t be that far-fetched knowing them. Already mentally preparing the lecture for when you get back home.
“Yeah, it’s not that I wouldn’t mind or anything.” He replied casually, before sauntering off, looking immensely pleased with himself and grabbed the skates on the counter, leaving you behind stunned. You desperately tried to calm the bundle of nerves in the pit of your stomach.
He handed you your skates, as he proceeded to skillfully put them on himself and tie them up. You sat beside him, observing him before carefully trying to put those hazardous things on your feet.
Although they weren’t too difficult to put on, Hyunjin eased down to the ground either way to help you out of pity. He gently moved your feet onto his lap to expertly slip the shoes on with ease. You couldn’t help but stare at the boy, his usually swept back hair was now styled gracefully, a few stray strands framing his features rather delicately. His clothes switched from it’s usual dark tone to a more softer one. Today it seems that he went for a more gentle approach, making the boy look even more beautiful than before.
You couldn’t take your eyes off of him, his deft fingers who were peeking out from under his sweater were working nimbly against the rough-looking laces. When people suddenly started to look your way, eyeing the boy in front of you, probably recognizing him from his account, you shooed him, trying to finish up the last shoe on your own. Hyunjin, although confused, stepped away nonetheless. You released a breath you didn’t know you were holding in. Any closer and you wouldn’t have been able to breathe.
Once you were done, you realized something. You have never skated before in your life.
Never having any reason to do so before, you thought you'd just wing it for the most part, mostly counting on Sana to try and teach you how to properly skate. But now, with her being gone, you didn’t know what to do exactly.
You could ask Hyunjin, seeing that he probably knew what he was doing, but still, you couldn’t risk possibly embarrassing yourself like that in front of him. Maybe you'll just wait for Sana to come back or something. Going back and forth between both options, you dialed her number, making it ring a few times but no one picked up. Great, just when you needed her to answer, she didn’t.
Hyunjin, being the perceptive boy that he is, seeing your slight fidgeting from a mile away, picked up on your fairly well hidden anxiety and plucked you from your seat, wrapping your arm around his shoulders for support. The two of you struggled towards the opening of the rink, muffled laughter and side glances between the two of you could be heard.
Hyunjin guided you to the middle of the rink, “Woah, what are we doing?” You stammered, gripping his bicep tightly, barely noticing the almost nonexistent space between the both of you.
“Don’t worry, I got you.” He chuckled, voice reassuring you enough to help you calm down a bit. He tried to steady your wobbly figure, distancing his body a little bit from yours. You looked as graceless as a newborn fawn, with trembling eyes you followed his every move. He tried hard not to laugh at the cute image.
He made sure you didn't fall over by holding you by the waist. While trying to balance yourself and after finally getting the hang of it with Hyunjin's help, you still somehow manage to trip over your own legs, colliding with Hyunjin causing him to fall as well.
With Hyunjin breaking your fall, you noticed the position you two were in, you laid in between his legs, faces within close proximity to one another. His cold breath fanned your face and you could make out his mole under his left eye, he then licked his lips, eyes scanning your face until they landed on your mouth. You followed his gaze, noticing where his eyes landed and proceeded to hold your breath. For what, you’re not sure yet.
What is going on?
The moment was rudely interrupted by an elderly woman asking if they were alright. No, actually, I’m not alright grandma.
The both of you scrambled off each other, as you struggled to stand on your own he couldn’t help but laugh at you before eventually helping you out, your bodies pressing flush against each other, with your face squished against his chest you tried not to panic and quickly propped yourself up. You could faintly hear a soothing melody in the background. Barely registering anything, the heat of his skin on yours making you feel unsteady.
Slightly pushing yourself away from him, his clammy hands timidly reach out to take yours, he casts an unsure glance before carefully leading you. You felt your heart race with each step that you took. Hand in hand you two skated carefully across the rink, you built up the courage to finally take a good look at him again.
The corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, his soft eyes gleaming with energy. Almost as if sensing your gaze, you locked eyes and never had he looked at you with such - tenderness, before he swiftly averted his gaze.
Is he happy? With you?
Even a fool knows this
You're the best thing I've got
Once again towards you
One more step, I will never stop
I shouldn't run away.
With the help of Hyunjin you were able to stabilise after a while. He wanted to show off his skills, so he made sure there was enough space between you and effortlessly did a make-shift pirouette, landing oh-so gracefully on the ice. A few people who were ogling the boy gushed over his impressive stunt, making you roll your eyes playfully at the display. He giggled shyly, not used to the extra attention, he then glided back to you and picked you up by the waist, your feet dangling at least twenty centimeters from the ground, causing you to yelp.
“Let me down you weirdo." You shrieked, writhing against his tight hold.
Ignoring your protest, he does a small stunt, twirling you around while making sure you don't fall. You held onto him tightly, clinging on for dear life, he let out a small giggle at the sight before him. The two of you joyfully laughed like mad men, before you continued skating, pinkies linked, for who knows how long. After an hour or so, you wanted to warm up a little, the cold already biting at your cheeks.
"You wanna take a quick break?" Hyunjin offered, warming up his hands. His cheeks were already flushed because of the temperature, making him look like a puppy. Your heart ached at the sight.
"Yeah, I'd like that." You replied fondly.
There was a small hot chocolate stand outside the building, Hyunjin grabbed your hand, leading you to it. His hands were warm, soft even, and significantly bigger than your own but somehow managed to fit almost perfectly in yours.
While waiting for your hot chocolate, you noticed that he still didn't let go of your hand, which didn’t stop the quickening heartbeat against your ribcage, but you ignored it as much as your mind would allow it.
After a while your other hand started to get a bit too cold, wanting to warm them up, you tried to wiggle out of his grasp. Noticing your shivering figure, he quickly reacted by taking both of your hands and clasping them together to blow on them. You could feel the blood rushing to your cheeks, trying to process his actions. He rubbed them together until he was satisfied with it, “Is this better?” He mumbled, the sincerity in his voice did little to get rid of the butterflies in your stomach. He eyed you through heavy-lidded eyes, almost waiting for some kind of reaction. Plush lips forming a slight pout, his eyes bore into yours making you feel small.
Does he know what he’s doing to you? You’re not sure how much more of this you can take.
Thankfully you were interrupted by the shop-owner, meaning that the hot chocolate was probably done. After you two found a place to sit, you took in your surroundings. Many families had already left the area, probably warming up in their homes, leaving only a few couples behind. The setting looked incredibly serene and it was also extremely quiet, you both felt relaxed in each other's presence. You looked at the stars, taking it all in and took a deep breath.
“It's nice out here." He exclaimed, shoulders relaxing against the bench. “Yeah, it's really peaceful, I like it." You agreed, taking a sip of your hot chocolate. It’s actually really comfortable being here with him.
"You’re really cute, ya know." He mused nonchalantly, making you almost choke on your drink, eyes bulging out of your skull, nearly having a coughing fit. “Hey, are you okay?” He snickered deviously, patting your back, making sure you don't die because of him.
“I’m good, I’m good.” You dismissed him, face heating up from embarrassment- can’t you catch a break. You cleaned up some of the hot cacao that spilled on you with a napkin.
Luckily, you didn’t make too much of a mess, although out of the corner of your eye you saw his hand reach out towards you. “You got a little something-” before you could properly react, he gently held your chin and wiped your upper lip, his brows furrowed in concentration, your faces mere inches from one another. You didn’t know what to do, brain malfunctioning, making your entire body go rigid.
He then proceeded to shamelessly lick off the excess moisture, dark eyes glinting with something indecipherable. You swallowed, eyes following the action, feeling something stir deep within you. You felt way out of your depth, not believing you’re even in this situation right now.
You two stared at each other for what felt like eternity before he started to lean in, still holding your face in his hand. You held your breath, mind running a hundred miles per minute, quickly shutting your eyes in anticipation.
“Do I make you nervous y/n?” He purred, knowing damn well the effect he has on you.
It didn’t start until a couple weeks ago actually, there were many instances where he caught you staring, gaze lingering a bit too long for his liking. At first he didn't really pay any attention to it, but more peculiar things started happening after that, for example your voice would change to an unusual shaky one or it’d start cracking a lot more whenever he would talk to you, which he found hilarious at first but he soon started to look forward to making you nervous. I mean he can’t say he didn’t enjoy it.
On the contrary, this made him want to observe you a little bit more, out of curiosity, of course. He’d pay attention to how you would react when he would approach you a certain way. Whenever he would inch a little too close, you'd get all clumsy and turn unusually quiet, or the moment he’d enter the room, you'd try to make an excuse to leave the next second.
He didn’t immediately assume anything bad at first, but it kept on happening. Now that he thinks about it, this was actually the most time you had spent with him for the past few days. Initially, he thought he might've overstepped some boundaries, maybe scaring you away with his personality or something. However after piecing everything together, he thinks he might’ve come to a definite conclusion.
You like him.
He likes that.
It didn’t make that much of a difference whether other girls liked him or not, to be honest, he barely even remembers let alone knows any of them to any extent. The boy lost count by the time he turned 18, but this, this was different, way different. Had he dismissed your entire existence, he would’ve missed the absolute beauty that was you. You are a bit too innocent for your own good, and god, he’d be damned if he didn’t want to take advantage of that.
Now with this newfound purpose, he closed the small gap between the two of you, lips hovering over yours, eyes searching your face for any kind of uncertainty. You didn’t give any sign to stop, eyes still endearingly clenched shut. Fuck, you’re so cute.
He wasted no time and eventually dove in, pretty lips capturing yours in a tender kiss, your lashes fluttering, warmth spreading throughout every part of your body, melting against him. It was soft and slow, and entirely too dizzying for your dumb brain to make sense of. His hands were trailing all over your body closing the distance between you even more.
He was an intoxicating mix of his shampoo and cologne, engulfing you, making you feel lightheaded. All you could focus on was him, him, him. He maneuvered your body to make you comfortably sit on his thigh, so that he could get a better angle. Tasting faint traces of your hot chocolate, he deepened the kiss, tongue slipping past your lips savoring it, your lips move in perfect sync and you kissed for what felt like ages, only separating when the need to breathe was getting harder to ignore.
When you guys pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours, your breaths mingling for a bit, eyes filled with warmth. It felt like you two were the only people there, underneath the dark sky, where your only audience were the stars.
You can’t believe what just happened, every inch of your being was singing with joy, you bit your lip, already missing the press of his lips on yours. As if he knew what you were thinking, he gave you a quick peck, you felt him smile into the kiss, then immediately bursting into a fit of giggles thereafter. You wouldn’t mind freezing to death if only to hear him laugh one last time. In fact, you wouldn’t trade this for the world.
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neohotline · 3 years
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“I have daisies in my heart
they bloom just for you”
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Chapter 1 - Prologue: He loves me, He loves me not
⚘Pairing: Hyunjin x Female!reader
⚘Genre: Fluff, Slight angst, eventual smut
⚘Warnings: rated pg-16
⚘Word Count: 5.4k
⚘Summary: He loves me, he loves me not or She loves me, she loves me not (originally effeuiller la marguerite in French): a game of French origin, in which one person seeks to determine whether the object of their affection returns that affection.
“Wouldn’t hurt to try, I mean, it's just a game"
“He loves me”
⚘Disclaimer: Hi guys!!! This is our very first fic series and we’re really happy and excited to show you our work. Please don’t forget to give us feedback, we’d really appreciate it :D
© Please don’t repost, or share without credit
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You weren't particularly a romantic person.
You never really got into the whole “boys” thing, only having a few meager crushes here and there, like any normal person would. You weren't a romantic by any means, knowing all too well how "love" can sometimes be complicated and, in your opinion, too much to handle.
So you opt for a way out, by spending more time with your friends and paying more attention to your studies.
Which brings you to the decision of going to a University recommended by your friend, Mina. The girl's been practically begging you to attend her school for months now. That's why you now find yourself at Mina’s doorstep, carrying multiple bags full with necessities for your stay at the new school. You knocked a few times before the door finally opened.
You were greeted by a very disoriented-looking Mina, who looked like she needed a fat double dose of caffeine in her system right about now.
"Oh, heyyy~" Mina greeted cheerfully, grabbing your wrist to come inside.
Once inside you looked around the small but well furnished living room. A few stray papers strewn across the floor, indicating that the girl might've been in a hurry beforehand.
"Sana headed out to class earlier, she'll be back later." She exclaimed, as she plopped onto the couch, grabbing a handful of sour candy nearby, shoving it in her mouth.
"Oh, alright."
Putting your luggage next to the couch, you sat down next to her.
"Wanna check out the campus?" Mina prompted, handing the candy packet to you.
"Yeah, why not." You shrugged, figuring it's best to get to know the place a little better.
After you two went sightseeing trying to take in the cultural differences, you had grown a bit tired from the constant walking and had asked Mina to drop you off at your dorm.
With your luggage in hand, you knocked on the door a couple of times, the exhaustion finally setting in, turning your usual calm demeanor into a much more agitated one.
You huffed, knocking with a bit more force than necessary, when it finally opened to a very bright haired boy, standing at least a few inches taller than you and chubby cheeks adorning his tiny features.
"Oh, you must be the new roommate," He announced, stepping aside, allowing you to enter, "Come on in." He chirped, carrying your luggage for you.
Upon entering the room you saw a very good-looking black haired boy, sitting comfortably on one of the couches, his hair swept back, revealing a handsome face, pretty plump lips forming a frown and long legs tapping restlessly against the floor.
Oh god, is there still a chance you can change dorms
It looked like he was just mindlessly scrolling through his phone, sporting an utterly bored expression on his face.
It didn't take long for him to notice your presence, peeling his eyes away from his device to you awkwardly standing behind the sofa. When you two made eye contact, you felt your cheeks heat up as he gave you a once-over. He then nodded as a form of greeting and then continued lazily tapping away at his screen.
You sighed as you walked towards the hall, this is gonna be a long year. You search for an empty room while the blonde boy carrying some of the luggage trailed behind you.
He gestured to the room on the left, stepping inside to properly show you the layout. You noted that the room was surprisingly a bit larger than expected, but still a nice size. He dropped your luggage near the bed, “I didn’t even introduce myself, I’m Han Jisung but you can call me Han.” He reached out his hand for you to shake.
“Oh yeah, haha, I’m y/n.” You said, shaking his hand.
You eyed the other guy sitting on the sofa outside, still not bothered enough to pay attention to his newest roommate.
Han cleared his throat, grabbing your attention, “Don’t mind him, he tends to not give a shit about anything else but himself.” He teased, voice loud enough to make the pretty boy look up from his screen.
“Heard that!” The boy glared at the other, then turned his attention back on his phone.
"That's fine, It’s an honor being in the presence of royalty.” you commented, Han’s eyes widened and he laughed before quickly hiding it behind a cough. You nearly missed the way the other boy’s eyes lingered on you a moment too long.
“No but seriously, It’s nice to meet the both of you. I hope we can become good friends." You smiled politely before walking back towards your room.
Before you could close the door, Han stopped you.
"I have an idea. Why don't we all go to the café nearby tomorrow. This way we can get to know each other better," He suggested, “and maybe we can get Mr. Perfect over there to loosen up.” He whispered half-jokingly.
"Alright, is it ok if I ask some of my friends to join?"
"Yeah that's totally fine." He waved you off, striding towards his door. You closed the door and sat on your bed, ready to text Mina about the meeting.
The next day went smoothly, mostly because Han and Sana clicked from the start, making sure the atmosphere never stayed dull for too long. You discovered that Han was a Music, Theory and Compositions major and the other boy named Hyunjin was a Dance Major and had a part time job as a model.
Slowly but surely, Hyunjin was able to open up to the rest of the group. You soon noticed that he was a very witty, energetic and sometimes a clingy person; he would always help keep you busy when you felt drained from all your studies and happily give you a distraction when needed. The two of you inevitably hung out a lot more over the past few weeks, naturally getting comfortable with one another. Everything was going smoothly. Or so you thought.
next part:  ♡
102 notes · View notes
neohotline · 3 years
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Admin 1
𑁍 Kiki
𑁍 She/her
𑁍 21
𑁍 Scorpio
𑁍 Multistan
➽ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ❥
Admin 2
✵ Fai
✵ She/her
✵ 19
✵ Scorpio
✵ Multistan
➽ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ❥
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