Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
maybe she was a glutton for punishment. there was no other reason for her to be still standing there. she didn’t know why she felt the need to visit luca’s grave more than once that week. once was usually more than enough for her. maybe it was due to the shooting that she was there. something about tragedy seemed to make people do strange things. plus she hadn’t even been present at the meeting. yet she felt the need to go see the only person who she had ever loved that had resided in charming. he had passed only so many months ago which meant it was still almost impossible to wrap her head around. she knew she wasn’t handling it that well but she was doing her best.
her eye brows arched up at the sight of the pure white rather large husky at the man’s side. it took her all of five seconds to realize that he was a member of the devils. after all she knew some of them but she also knew faces. she was going to stand up straight, suddenly itching for a cigarette. she was shrugging as she glanced around before looking back at him,” never seen you here before,” she admitted,” normally when i come here it’s pretty much empty.” that was the truth since she tried to come when she figured no one would be around. it was usually better that way in case she couldn’t control her emotions.
“not intruding,” she admitted,” i’m just-i’m on edge and you surprised me.”
“I don’t come here very often, so that would explain it.”
Dark eyes flittering towards the tombstone that she stood at. Nej didn’t make it a habit of putting his nose were it didn’t belong. What did anyone come to a cemetery for if not to spend time with the people they lost. Nej wasn’t a very religious or spiritual man himself-- even though his parents did raise he and his sister in the Islam faith. However, after his parents passing -- probably a little before. He found himself not liking the idea of believing in something or someone that he couldn’t see. Funny considering he came to visit his parents more often than not. Nej knew they couldn’t hear him, he didn’t think they were smiling down on him or watching over him. It was more therapeutic, speaking his thoughts and feelings out-loud. People didn’t stare at you as much when you did it in a cemetery. And maybe the smallest part of him did go because he missed them. Her confession of him scaring her gave Nej pause. He was a big guy so he wasn’t sure how he could have surprised her. No doubt; she had been lost in her own thoughts. Large hands reached down to pet the dog that was whining for him to continue on. “ Hush Snow,” he admonished the husky quietly. “One edge? Because of the town meeting?” Nej had missed it himself. Being quickly brought up to speed when he got back into town. If it was as bad as he heard he couldn’t blame her for being on edge.
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her smile was only a little bit complacent, as she handed him a bottle instead of his tools. it was odd, to a degree, to be still gravitating around his spaces like she’d done before — on the bright side, it was comfortable too, and even though there was history there, and not all of it pleasant, natalie could relax herself around him, perhaps let down the sun-bright act she hid behind most of the time, because he’d seen what was behind it and they’d stayed, as surprising as it was, good friends in spite of it. it was odd, but it was welcome too: perhaps the familiarity, and their shared passion for the visual arts, only added to the reasons why she was happy spending a free afternoon watching him work. “not what you asked, but definitely what you need”, she smirked. in her hands was a similar bottle, but her beverage was non-alcoholic (better to just not touch anything addictive, they said: of course she still had to get the memo about nicotine).
a gesture of her hand waved his concerns away. “don’t worry. i’d like to take a walk for a change — and besides, it’s my first day off in ages, you’re gonna have to kick me out to get me to go home”. eyebrows perked in amused playfulness, she sipped at her ice tea and circled the bench he was working on, a curious gaze as she picked up at the veining in the wood, the colors, the glimmer of sunlight reflecting off it. “what are you making?”, she asked, one quick glance at him as she traced a vein in the wood with her finger.
Nej gave her a small scoff as he took a sip from the bottle. “ So now you know what I need?” his tone almost playful as he pulled his gaze away from her. The answer to his question was a loaded one he was sure, considering that she was his ex. The fact that they could be so close at all-- didn’t surprise him. If anything he was grateful. Nat remained an important figure in his life; there was something very comforting in the fact that he didn’t have to try so hard when it came to her. Nej wasn’t a talker, even his sister had fussed at him about opening up to people. Making genuine connections -- this was easier said then done of course. He didn’t doubt that own unwillingness being part of the reason why they were no longer together-- among other reasons. Funny, they weren’t a couple that he found himself sharing more than he did in the past. Only confirming in his mind the fact that them being this-- friends, was the best choice.
“You say that I would have to kick you out but let’s face it, you wouldn’t go even if I did.” the barest hint of a smirk played at the corners of his lips. His eyes trained on her form as she circled the slab of wood currently on the work bench. “ It’s a live wood edge bar top with a glass river going through it ...once I get the glass.” Nej leaned back on his elbows, Watching her finger glide across the surface of the wood. “ Careful, the last thing I want is to have to hear you cry about a splinter like last time.”
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“ Natalie, can you bring the drill bits? It should be on the counter.”
The echo of his hammer hitting against the wood frame surround him. The arm pulling back and swinging down towards the nail, as the shock of hammer meeting wood and metal shook up his arm. There were two instances for Nej to pull his work bench out into the backyard. It was either because he had an order that he needed to fill-- some kind of furniture that he was either commissioned to make or made as a gift. Or it was the hell project-- one that had no purpose or aim. Other than allowing the man a way to vent his frustrations that he might have. Pieces of wood and metal; cut and bent. Sawed, hammered and sanded, an eye sore for sure. When the Frankenstein of projects made an appearance it was best to keep your distance. Today-- thankfully. He was working on a commission piece. The light tinging of ice hitting glass gave him pause as he watched her walk out of the back door of his home. He wiped the back of his hand across his forehead . Dropping the hammer to the ground he approached to woman.
“That’s not what i asked for,” he teased reaching for the beer bottle he left at the top of the stairs. Nej took the seat on the top step; scrunching his nose as the warm beer hit his tongue.
“ I’m almost done, then I can take you home when you’re ready.”
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Where : Outside of Sweet Escapes
To: Open | @charmingstarter
He held the warm bag of sweetbread in his hands, as he stepped out into the early morning sunlight. He had some morning deliveries that he needed to make before heading over to headquarters. To start his day he would come to Sweet escapes for their freshly made cinnamon buns. Sit in the bed of his truck with Snow and share the sweet treat with his companion before they would head off to start their day. Today he had a thermos of his own coffee as he ripped off a piece of bread and popped it in his mouth. The low moan of the husky in the truck bed pulled the man’s attention as he frowned at her. “ You had the first bite last time.” he huffed tearing another piece off for Snow. Chuckling softly as the husky greedily eat it and lick his fingers. “ Next time I’m buying you your own.” Nej pulled off another piece holding it in his hand as he noticed someone approached,
“ You’ll have to buy your own if you want one.”
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Death seemed to be a constant companion for many in Charming. Especially recently, not that it should surprise him in the least considering the club he was in and the people he surrounded himself with. People he called family-- death wasn’t something that they could escape. It came with the territory. That didn’t make it any easier. This time around, he hadn’t lost anyone important to him. This time-- there was no saying what would happen next time. Today, he was visiting people that he and his sister buried some fourteen years ago.
A large white husky sat at his side. As the man sat in front of his parents graves. He didn’t know why he went there after tragedy struck but for some reason it was comforting. Nej never spoke, just sat there. Replacing the old flowers with fresh ones. Today was no different. Lifting himself off the ground, he whistled for Snow to follow. As they made their way through the cemetery. Noticing the woman as they passed and when she called out to him, Nej halted a few feet away. “Or maybe I came to grieve myself.” he deadpanned. His dark eyes taking in her slouched form before letting out a sigh.
“ Sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude.”
the local cemetery was not exactly a place that most people frequented. yet genesis found herself there at least once a week. after what had happened in their town she found herself there yet again for the second time since she had come home. she had been on a run when the town meeting had occurred. everyone was a mess and dealing with the aftermath. yet there genesis was standing near his headstone. she had paid for it herself even if it had been a dent in her own savings. of course she felt like it was the right thing to do. she found herself leaning down to pull at some of the weeds. only to realize that she felt a set of eyes on her. it was a familiar feeling and one she wanted to ignore. of course she knew that she needed to get going because she had some drops to do. however part of her wanted to remain right there where she was. it was the only place she felt even slightly at peace. she was very slowly rising to her full height,” is there something you need or do you just enjoy watching someone grieve?” @charmingstarter
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Nej’s kept his eyes on the inky substance in his coffee cup. How they called this shit coffee he didn’t know-- why he continued to order it every time he came to Hale’s? Was probably a sign of his own insanity. But he came less for the coffee and more so for the french toast. A light dusting of powdered sugar with fresh berries and clotted cream. For a diner it was pretty fantastic and always hit the spot. Especially on those late nights when he was either working on an order or developing his film. Nej looked up as the waitress returned to the table with his receipt: giving her a small nod of his head as he finished up the last of the slug in his mug. When he heard Nina’s voice he looked up frowning a little bit?
“ The last time you were buyin’ I ended up having to carry you home after you lost your keys.” he scoffed a little shaking his head.
Though there was just the hint of a smirk at the corner of his lips. Maybe it was a Nina thing, not many could get a smile let alone a smirk from him. Pushing out his chair he stood to his full height, Dusting off the crumbs from his flannel shirt and jeans. “ So long as I don’t have to throw my back out carrying you again.”
“ Let me guess you got the pancakes again.”
Location: Hale’s Diner
With: Nej Osman
“Oh, hey, you,” Nina said, when she walked out of her booth. It wasn’t lost on her how comical it was that she’d rather eat breakfast food – specifically, the creamy pancakes practically drowning in maple syrup, one of her favorite dishes in that diner, by far – when it was already dark out, but she already felt the need to let loose a little after such a long day at work, and she knew that she can’t go drinking on an empty stomach. Why not hit two birds cravings with one stone? She managed to spot her friend just as she was walking towards the entrance and after a quick glance at the empty plate, she gestured towards the door. “Mind keepin’ me company over at La Luna? Come on, I’m buyin’,” Nina said, showing Nej a smile she hoped was encouraging and convincing enough for him to not shoot down her request.
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Name: Nej Osman
Gender: Cis male
Pronouns: He/him
Age: Thirty-two
Face Claim: Can Yaman
Occupation: Devil’s Disciple Member
Length of stay in Charming: Twenty years
+ diligent, Innovative, observant - ill-tempered, brusque, haughty
How do you feel about Charming?
“ What kind of question is this?” He blustered, mumbling under his breath. Something a kin to I have better things to do could be heard. “ It’s home, it’s been home for me and mine for the past twenty years. Our parents were buried here; I’m probably not to far after them.” The frown marring his features holding steadfast. He wasn’t one to give too much away. Only on person that could get him to lower his defenses and if sure as hell wasn’t them. “ Charming is home alright. Next question.”
How do you feel about the Devil’s Disciples and the Wicked Wolves?
“ Devil’s Disciples are kin.” Nej shrugged. Aside from little bear the Devil’s Disciples were just as important if only slightly bellow her. Nej owed them his life on more than one occasion. “Remember that bit I said about dying? If I do it’s going to be because I looked out for these assholes.” A beat, “ I’m purposefully ignoring that part about Wicked Mutts; not about to waste my breath on them. Next.”
What’s the most important thing to you?
No one would be more important to him then little bear. He had basically raised her after their parents died; He was eighteen. He knew fuck all about kids he was a damn kid himself. Still, the wouldn’t let the system take her from him. He had help of course. Good Samaritans that lived in the same complex as he did. The DD’s giving him work so that he could provide for her. Without them he’d have lost her years ago; before anyone she came first. And if anyone thought they were going to pull that information from him- they were dead wrong. His eyes delivered the message; a low growl a clue for them to move this questioning along.
What are you most scared of?
“ Death, anyone that says they aren’t scared of dying is a liar.” Nej supposed there were other things to be scared of but his fear was death. More specifically losing little bear. Resigned to the fact that in this life he was bound to die but she? She needed to live a long and happy life.
Do you have any plans for your future?
“I barely plan what I’m going to wear when I wake up the next day.” Truth, Nej was good a planning. Thanks in large part to raising his kid sister. He had dreams of opening up a little workshop. Carpentry he learned from his dad. Wood work helped calm him down. In the process, he got to create some thing useful. “ Maybe I’ll open up a wood work shop or something. Live a nice quiet life,” scoffing humorlessly.
If you could have a million dollars right now, what would you do with it?
He’d give it to his sister, “ I’d give it to my kin. Make sure they are all set up.” He didn’t care much for money, didn’t care much for material things really. Little bear was the one that forced him to buy things for himself. “ All that money is too much of a headache. I’m a simple man I don’t need or want to be a rich one.”
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Hiya! Here is my newest and grumpy papa bear Nej. Part of the Devil’s Disciples , feel free to give him a hard time :D
sᴋɪɴ ᴅᴇᴇᴘ
↠legal name: Nej Osman
↠Age: 32
↠Height: 6′1
↠Status: single
↠Sexuality: Heterosexual
↠DOB: August 10th, 1991
↠Zodiac: Leo
↠Status: Single
↠Occupation: Carpenter / devil’s disciples member
↠Negative traits: Ill-tempered, brusque, haughty
↠Positive traits : Diligent, Innovative, observant
↠Alignment: Chaotic Good
↠Temperament: Choleric
↠Intelligence type : Spatial
↠Spoken languages: Fluent- Turkish and English
↠Personality type: Protagonist ENFJ-A
ᴅɪɢ ᴀ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴅᴇᴇᴘᴇʀ
|| His mother often joked that he was born with a furrowed brow. Nej grew up a very serious child. Not because he couldn’t have fun or didn’t know how too. He mostly took after his father in the personality area. Taught at a very young age; that a mans worth was more than just his physical appearance ... but also his word. “ If you know you can’t keep a promise don’t make it. Because then you are a liar and Osman men are never liars.” Nej adored his father -- both of his parents. They were good and kind people. Something that Nej wanted to strive to be. He had a good upbringing, parents that loved him. He didn’t think life could get better than that. Then little bear came along.
|| His little sister was a piece of work. Suddenly, everything changed and he hated it. He couldn’t understand. She was the cute one, everyone wanted to see her and he felt lost in a way. It was his mother that passed along a gem of wisdom. “ You are going to be the most important person to her even before your father or I. You are her big brother, the person she will look up to most. The one she will judge other men bye. Protect her , and love her. That is your job.” It was easier said then done; but slowly it began to click for him. She was a fighter, but playful like a bear cub. hence where the nickname came into play. During storms she race into his room and huddle on the her blanket next to him, when she was hurt she ran to him for help. When their parents passed, they consoled each other. Now it was just the two of them , and he would be damn if he let the system put her in a home. So an 18 year old Nej joined the Devil Disciples.
|| He already had a skill, but doing wood work and make unique furniture pieces only provide so much. He needed to make sure his sister could still be a kid and do the things that teenage girls did. It was a means to and end... but his fathers words still sounded in his ear. Over and over again. The Disciples asked for loyalty- and Nej knew that his loyalty would always be divided between them and his sister. Still, he did his best not to let that get in the way. He followed orders he listen, watched and learned. Kept to himself a lot and developed relationships with other member slowly over the last 14 years as a DD. || Nej considers these men and women to be an extension of his family. They were the family that he didn’t know he needed. He works tirelessly to continue to show good faith to them all . And what they do. Even with all of this, above all else little bear will be his priority. If the day comes where he has to pick between the two? Well, lets just hope it won’t ever have to come to this.
Exᴛʀᴀ Tɪᴅʙɪᴛs
↠ Man of few words, you’re lucky to get more than a grunt-- and that is if you know him.
↠ When he does speak there is intent and a thoughtfulness to it.
↠ hates chocolate.
↠ does not drink alcohol .
↠ Is going to tell you point blank if he thinks you’re being a dumbass. No matter who you are.
↠ Learned how to play the saxophone at the age of 10 . Currently owns a alto sax.
↠ Lives a clean life style. No smoking, no drugs, fresh foods and protein.
↠ Has done a few exhibit for his photography work and goes by the alias of Ten.
Open for all connections that you’ve got. So feel free to throw kiddos at him.
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Can Divit Outfits - Episodes 40, 41, 42 & 43
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