nega-quack · 4 years
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nega-quack · 4 years
Incorrect Quotes: Webby Reacts to Jack Stauber
Webby: Hey everybody! Welcome to another video by yours truly, Webby!
Louie: Hey-o, Webby. What'cha doing on the computer?
Webby: Oh, just about to react to some music videos.
Louie: Oh cool. :Sips Pep:
Louie: Well, I'll be watching Ottoman Empires. If you need anything, don't call me!
Webby: Okay!
Webby: Anyways, what was I saying? Oh yeah! Today I'm reacting to something that you guys have been wanting me to watch for AGES now!
Webby: And that is... Drumroll please, Dewey?
Dewey: [Plays Keyboard, presses wrong keys] Uh, heh heh...
Webby: [Cough] JACK STAUBER!
Louie: [Spits out Pep] Webby! You're gonna have nightmares!
Webby: What? PFFFFFT!
Dewey: [Presses Key - "Ooooooh!"]
Webby: DEWEY!
Dewey: Sorry...
Webby: Now, let's take a look, shall we?
[Presses play]
Webby: O-oh... So... AH! SCARY!
Louie: [Groans]
Dewey: And that's all the time we have for today, ladies and gentlemen!
Webby: (Crying in the background)
Dewey: STAY FROSTY- what...
Webby: Well- [Brushes shoulders] -I'll have nightmares. [Smiles]
Dewey: Did she just-
Huey: It's best not to ask.
Louie: What he said...
Huey: So, uh, what'd I miss?
Louie: Oh, would ya look at the time!
Dewey: Yeah, it's- oh, we gotta sleep now! OKAY GOODNIGHT!
[Turns out light]
F i n .
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nega-quack · 4 years
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Any OTPs ?
Yes, I have many actually, (I hope you don’t mind a little Top 10 ranking!)
#1: Gyro Gearloose x Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera #2: Mark Beaks x Della Duck #3: Mrs. Beakley x Donald Duck #4: B.O.Y.D x Webby #5: Launchpad x Della Duck #6: Mark Beaks x Gyro Gearloose #7: Louie x Webby #8 Darkwing Duck x Launchpad #9: Scrooge McDuck x Goldie O’Gilt #10: Gladstone x Daisy Duck  (Bonus OTP: Lena x Webby)
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nega-quack · 4 years
Nice theory! :D 
DuckTales Theory
So, I’m pretty sure you all know about the 1987 (Original) DuckTales, 1990 (Reboot) The Quack Pack and the 2017 (Reboot) DuckTales.
Well, I have a theory that connects all 3 together. Originally, this started with a theory about Gyro Gearloose, so here’s how all 3 connect.
ACT I: The Original
1987: Donald Duck joins the Navy thus leaving Huey, Dewey and Louie in the hands of Scrooge McDuck. 
Scrooge decides to hire some people to… Help around the house (Mrs. Beakley) Be a pilot (Launchpad McQuack) Count money (Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera) and be the Bin’s Security Guard (Gizmo Duck)
(The reason why Gyro and Duckworth aren’t listed is because I’m pretty sure they were already hired. Okay, back to the regularly scheduled theory.)
Mrs. Beakley brought her granddaughter; Webbigail to the mansion.  Webby always went unnoticed. She only made friends with animals because no one else pays attention.
ACT II: The Quack Pack!
1990: The boys were teenagers now, Donald left the Navy and Huey, Dewey, and Louie have moved in with their Uncle, who now has a girlfriend. Daisy Duck. 
Instead of Gyro, they have Dr. Ludwig Von Strangeduck. (Episode 1) With his newest invention they could become ‘T-Squad’ (just realized how much that sounds like T-Series) Also, their voices were probably higher cause of puberty.
[There’s nothing else to really go off of in Huey, Dewey and Louie’s lives other than their outfits. (We’ll come back to this.)]
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As for Webby, I’m going to assume that sometime around the first or second episode maybe? is when she started her spy training and Beakley was hired as an agent.
Gyro is currently on a well deserved vacation. Or did he just travel 26 years into the future? (We’ll come back to this.)
ACT III: The Reboot
2017: Now, there’s A LOT to go off of in the new series! So here we go.
Webby’s grown up. She’s now somewhere around 13, she’s basically a professional spy.
Huey, Dewey and Louie’s outfits have changed. I’m gonna say that Huey is 16, Dewey is 15 and Louie is 14, he’s still in that angsty teen era. 
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They’ve also forgotten about Scrooge because of all the adventures. Plus, teenagers wouldn’t really care about a rich uncle too much, would they? They just want a girlfriend…or three.
Duckworth is unfortunately dead, which is pretty clever. Donald and Daisy have unfortunately broken up and forgot about each other. Daisy was busy with her job and Donald is just living his best life. Or at least trying to… (We’ll get back to this.)
Scrooge has grown to like his nephews over time. –
[VILLAIN BREAK!] Ma Beagle: No longer wears her hair in a bun, wears makeup and changed her fashion up a bit.
The Beagle Boys: There’s more of them! [The Déjà Vu’s, The 5th Avenue Friendlies, The 5th Avenue Meanies, Black Arts Beagle, The Ugly Failures, etc.] Their home has downgraded to a Junkyard, they changed their shirts. Bouncer Beagle never skipped a day in the Beagle Gym.  Burger Beagle has S T I C K S for limbs.
The Aliens: They like rockets.
Magica De Spell: She has a niece now!  [VILLAIN BREAK: TO BE CONTINUED…]
ACT IV: Spies and Broken Hearts
Since Webby’s been in a mansion basically her whole life, she’s a sucker for adventures and magic! (We’ll get back to this.)
As for Della Duck - When she stole The Spear Of Selene in 1987, it was now her mission to get home. She made friends with an alien named Penumbra.
She finally got home, on Earth in maybe 2017 or 2018. Now we continue the love story of Donald and Daisy: In Season 3, Episode 5 - Louie’s Eleven, we see Daisy’s comeback.  Donald doesn’t recognize her, Daisy doesn’t recognize him. (I still ship it tho)
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Daisy was fired from her previous job - a news reporter - so now, who knows where she is in her life now. 
ACT V: Project B.O.Y.D.
Gyro hasn’t traveled 26 years into the future, he’s been on a well deserved vacation, he came back and made a new robot. 2-BO, or B.O.Y.D. A definitely real boy. Akita, however, did not like the idea of 2-BO being a ‘real boy’ so he overrode his programming.
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A few years later, Mark Beaks found ‘2-BO’ left in the trunk of Gyro’s car. While Gyro was in the store, looking for things to fix up B.O.Y.D,  Beaks thought that he could take B.O.Y.D and pretend he had a child so he could go to Doofus Drake’s birthday party. While B.O.Y.D was living with Doofus, Gyro decided to get a makeover.
Magica De Spell: She dyed her feathers!
Mark Beaks: That one kid who’s WAY ahead of his time and confuses everyone.
Flintheart Glomgold: Still wants to be richer! But he’s chubbier.
Goldie O’Gilt (Technically): She doesn’t have gray hair!
(just realized i did magica twice. oops.) [VILLAIN BREAK: TO BE CONTINUED…]
New Glasses / His old glasses were broken by B.O.Y.D due to a malfunction in the programming. New Shirt / The previous shirt he owned was not only uncomfortable, but was torn while testing B.O.Y.D for the first time. There was a malfunction, causing B.O.Y.D to attack Gyro. New Hat / The straps were uncomfortable. New Haircut / There’s no real reason for this other than he just wanted to change his style a bit.
ACT VI: Gizmoduck  Fenton had been working on Gizmoduck, improving the suit’s self defense system and stuff. Soon enough, Gizmoduck was everywhere! TV, the News, saving people! 
Also, Fenton’s skin/feathers changed because he probably got a sun-tan. 
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Waddleduck (Technically): Gizmoduck but he’s Mark Beaks.
Negaduck: He’s back and also has a double personality!
Magica’s Shadow: …gone?
ACT VII: Lena De Spell 
Lena was created by Magica De Spell, you all know this. But how did she learn to do this? Well, in the 1987 series there was an episode in Season 1 named ‘Magica’s Shadow War’ it wasn’t a 2 part episode or anything special. But it was the first appearance the Magica’s ability to create shadows and make a shadow army. 
With this new knowledge, she took it upon herself to first, improve her old outfit and get a more modern look. Less trickery and bribery. She was gonna get that dime…but she needed a puppet. She couldn’t do it herself.
Before she knew it, she was in Scrooge’s dime. The thing she wanted most, she was now shown on… But before this, she performed the same spell from all those years ago… And brought her shadow to life, she swore that if she found a puppet, that shadow would be connected to them for as long as she’s in that dime.
What if I told you… Lena’s not a shadow. She was bribed into being Magica’s puppet. Even though she said ‘No more trickery or bribery’ she had to so she could convince Lena to be her new puppet. 
Whenever she wanted, she could come out and yell at Lena to get the dime so she’d be free. 
When she finally had the dime, I bet you’re wondering how she could be banished to the SHADOW realm if Lena’s not a shadow. Well, that’s just it… She wasn’t in the shadow realm. She was in Limbo. 
The realm between life and death.
Lena was able to help every so often… Thanks to Violet Sabrewing and Webby, she was freed.
ACT IX: The Quack Pack! (2017)
Season 3, Episode 2: The Quack Pack! This is a short one, but remember when I told you to remember their outfits from 1990? 
Good! ‘Cause I never did. :) I just said ‘…other than their outfits. (We’ll come back to this)’ 
So, the 1990s Quack Pack was slightly different. I mean the outfits. 1. Donald had a Hawaiian type shirt. 2. Louie’s shirt was different and had a hat. 3. Daisy existed.
But anyways, they brought the outfits back! 
ACT X: The End.
TL;DR: ACT 1: Scrooge hires a bunch of people and only cares about money. ACT 2: The nephews and Donald forgot Scrooge and Donald is dating Daisy. ACT 3: Huey is 16, Dewey is 15, and Louie is 14. Duckworth died ACT 4: Webby loves magic and adventure now, Della was stuck on the moon for 20 decades, Donald and Daisy broke up, Daisy was fired from her old job. ACT 5: Gyro invented BOYD and then BOYD was stolen by Mark Beaks. Also, Gyro got a makeover. ACT 6: Fenton improved his Gizmoduck suit. ACT 7: Lena isn’t a shadow, Magica learned how to bring her shadow to life and cursed Lena until she got the dime and then Lena was stuck in Limbo for a while. ACT 8: The Quack Pack made a comeback in Season 3. ACT 9: You’re reading ACT 9, why did I add this one?
Everything here is a theory. Not facts. And I can’t believe this all started with a little theory about Gyro’s change of style!
Just gonna say this now: I totally ship Fenton x Gyro. Don’t @ me.
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