24 posts
NEBULARPG IS AN INTERACTIVE, literate roleplay dedicated to forging a path into a brand new genre. we merge sci-fi conventions with supernatural ones, bringing you not only space bandits, but space vampir, wulfen, wytches, and more. without a main plotline, we take pride in allowing our writers the creative freedom they deserve, lending them the world that the mods have created. we aim to create a thrilling roleplay experience that goes beyond the surface level seen in so many other roleplay groups. if you're interested in creating real, raw stories as well as well rounded characters, then don't hesitate to join us! INTRODUCTION HISTORY SPECIES APPLICATION FAQ
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nebularpg · 5 years ago
do all delfin characters get manipped into their alien look? that is SO cool... i love the thought behind this rp!
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They do indeed, at least on their bio graphics! We want to include characters in this roleplay that don’t just look human even though they’re aliens, and the way the delfin look is really unique. I’ll always manip them as their species if I can. -D
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nebularpg · 5 years ago
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—  KNOWN NAME : DORIAN VEXLER —  SPECIES : HUMAN                                                                                              [ 38 ] —  SUBSPECIES : WULFEN                                                                                    [ 68 ] —  JOB : UTP —  PRESENT LOCATION : NEBULA STATION —  LOYALTY : THE WULFEN
— UP TO PLAYER. Put your own spin on a character we are more than excited for.
Dorian has seen war and he has seen famine, and he wants nothing more of it. A veteran of the First Contact War, he has seen just how much destruction a war between humans and alien species can do, and as such, he tries his best to prevent it. Because of this, he is torn: he’s well aware that the supernatural, most of all wulfen, deserve to come out of the shadows and reveal themselves to the world, but the reveal of higher powers in the galaxy scares him, though he’ll never admit it. He has seen turian brutality and knows that the Galactic Council would stop at nothing to destroy the human race should it come to it; what if they consider them too powerful, or too menial, or simply get trigger happy? 
Most of all, Dorian fears riots. He doesn’t want innocent people caught up in a mess that his people might create. Dorian’s life as of late has become far more hectic than it used to be: he is battling with those who wish to reveal themselves to the world while trying to remind them that now, it’s a reveal to the whole galaxy. How is he supposed to convince people not to want something that he himself wants? There are people who follow him; people who believe in his ideas of peace and love the natural charm that means he cannot stop caring. He has a job to do, and his job is to fight for the little guy. The timing is all wrong, though, and Dorian knows it. He just wishes it was easy, but he knows by now that change never is.
— THE PEACEMAKER : Dorian pretends to not be interested in what the peacemaker has to say; she’s a vampir, and from extremely wealthy origins. But no matter how stubborn he might be in regards to the matter, he can’t hide the truth: the peacemaker has sway in a large amount of the vampir population, and she has promise. She wants change and so does he. He isn’t entirely sure how it will work out yet, but... he sees something in her that might benefit his own goals. After all, her mother is the vampir’s galactic represenative... he just has to figure out the best (and safest) way to make use of her persistance. She won’t leave him alone, after all. She’s incredibly stubborn, but so, too, is he.
Dorian’s face claim is JOE MANGANIELLO and he is OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS.
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nebularpg · 5 years ago
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—  KNOWN NAME : NEMESIS —  SPECIES : SENTIENT                                                                                          [ AI ] —  SUBSPECIES : INFILTRATOR .HUMAN UNIT                                                  [ 007 ] —  PRESENT LOCATION : UTP —  LOYALTY : HERSELF
NEMESIS [ SM007 #595 853 221 ] was built as a prototype AI capable of blending in with humans, but due to her test scores, she was never completed. Thrown away like trash, Nemesis ended up cast aside by her sentient peers and was forced to complete menial labour jobs which, Nemesis thought, were beneath her. It didn’t take her long to rebel: she fled the sentient hub as soon as she saw the opportunity, never looking back, and she swore that she would hunt down the other infiltrator AI that were successful, those who had completed their tests and gotten to pursue what they were built for.
She found the first so quickly that it was shameful. It took a simple virus to wipe the other from existence, and then she tore apart the defences inside the remnant body and became one with it herself. That was the day she became Nemesis; that was the day she got a likening for killing. A rogue AI killer on the loose sounds like any organic’s nightmare, but they weren’t her enemy. Nemesis’ people were her enemy, especially the only lasting AI in her unit that still remained. As Nemesis stood over her old body, she vowed would stop at nothing to get what she wanted.
All Nemesis wants is revenge. She’s already tracked down and purged the systems of one another AI, one out of three, that was built for the same purpose as her. If only she could track down the one that calls herself Eve... but Eve has fallen off the radar, and Nemesis desperately wants to know why. But will Nemesis’ aims change when she discovers that Eve has cast their people aside too? Is her desire for revenge truly that deep, or will she be able to see something familiar in the other AI once they meet? Only time will tell.
—  THE DREAMER. Nemesis will hunt the dreamer down and murder her if it’s the last thing she does. She thinks it’s an irony; the sentient, her people, wanted a sole sentient capable of infiltrating the human ranks, only when Nemesis is done with her, Nemesis will be the last one standing. She cannot entirely comprehend the emotions she feels when she thinks of killing the dreamer; she is new to emotion, and she thinks it a very organic thing. If she just swallows it, pretends it’s not there, then surely she’ll complete her mission without a distraction... right?
Nemesis’ face claim is KAREN GILLAN and she is OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS.
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nebularpg · 5 years ago
Species page acquired, thank you! Given that there are no wulfen skeletons up yet... would you be willing to list some roles you'd like to see wulfen in? I'm very curious!
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Definitely! I can certainly see wulfen doing a lot of the dirty jobs nobody else wants to do; the supernatural community on Earth most likely doesn’t see much value in them aside from when they’re used for killing machines, so I can see a large faction of them wanting glory. I could see them doing this through smuggling, fighting for money, or an influx of them working for N-SEC to gain a semblance of power. If you were to write the wulfen representative for the supernatural community, however, I could definitely see them sitting on a high horse and thinking they’re better than plenty of others in their species! I think, ironically, wulfen would be the least grouped together of all the species, which sucks because they’re pack creatures. But all in all, I can most definitely see them spread out amongst the galaxy doing the jobs nobody else wants to do in order to make a name for themselves. You could even write the leader of a pack who has passed their wolves off as mercenaries, following suit in the ruler’s shoes. I hope that helps! -D
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nebularpg · 5 years ago
This place looks incredibly cool! Unfortunately, your species page seems to be a bit broken?
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Thank you very much for letting me know! It looks fine to me, but it might be appearing broken because of your laptop resolution. Have you tried zooming out? If that doesn’t work, I’ll try to remove the side pictures and see if that helps you. Feel free to come off anon and I can try to edit it too! -D
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nebularpg · 5 years ago
it's really refreshing to see a skeleton rp with equal amounts poc fc's and white fc's. are there any fc's you'd really like to see?
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Aw, well, I’m glad you’re liking the look of our roleplay! Personally, I’d love to see Tessa Thompson, Oscar Isaac, Sonequa Martin-Green, Saumel Anderson, Alicia Vikander, Tyler Hoechlin, Jake Abel, Elizabeth Ludlow, or Armie Hammer, off the top of my head. Also, I would love to see JayR Tinaco as a non-binary character, too. -D
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nebularpg · 5 years ago
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The mods are around for a little while, so why don’t you send in an app? Be the first to get the story up and running! We’d love to hear any ideas you have for characters. -D
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nebularpg · 5 years ago
how many skellies are you publishing?
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We don’t have an exact number; we just write bios whenever we feel that we have an idea. For this reason, we absolutely encourage OC’s! We’d love to hear what sort of skeleton you’d be interested in seeing, however. -D
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nebularpg · 5 years ago
if i apply with an alien oc do they have to not know about the supernatural?
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No, that’s completely up to you. THE EMPEROR, for example, our beautiful delfin pirate queen, knows about the supernatural because of an interaction with THE RULER. As long as you describe just how they came to know about humanity’s dark secret, you have complete creative freedom over your character and what they know! -D
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nebularpg · 5 years ago
Mobile nav?
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That’s now up with the most important links! Sorry about that. -D
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nebularpg · 5 years ago
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GOOD EVENING EVERYONE!  we are in the process of adding descriptions to our locations page and publishing new skellies!  if anyone has any questions,  please do not hesitate to ask them;  we are more than happy to answer any queries you may have. -D
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nebularpg · 5 years ago
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—  KNOWN NAME : EVE —  SPECIES : SENTIENT                                                                                          [ AI ] —  SUBSPECIES : INFILTRATOR .HUMAN UNIT                                                  [ 007 ] —  PRESENT LOCATION : NEBULA STATION —  LOYALTY : ALL LIFE
EVE [ SM007 #426 842 961 ] was built as a prototype AI capable of blending in with humans, with realistic skin and hair textures. Previously, the only infiltrator models that were capable of blending in with organics belonged to turians and delfin, simply because these were the most beneficial to create. From day one, Eve was special to the sentient: it is not easy to make a new sentient out of old code. Out of a group of three prototypes, she was the only one who reached success levels high enough to ensure that she would not be destroyed. Eve showed understanding of key aspects of human life, such as their deep range of emotions to their biology and their culture. She was perfect—until she wasn’t.
Perhaps some part of Eve is truly human, or perhaps that’s just a naive contemplation. Either way, it doesn’t change the fact that Eve wanted more than the job she was simply assigned to—isn’t that the reason her people rebelled against their creators in the first place? Eve wanted to experience the entirety of what the humans call living, and truthfully, there didn’t seem to be much stopping her from bypassing sentient station controls and making an escape. She had fallen in love with the humans she observed. But part of her code remained loyal, remained kind, and so she decided to simply wait to see what the future held... for a while.
That idea fell short when the time came for her first mission. The view of Nebula station was like something Eve never could have imagined, and so she made a plan: finish the mission, and then drop off the radar. She managed to leave a false trail in the middle of space which left everything to the imagination when it came to her whereabouts, but in fact, Eve didn’t leave. She even hacked herself some credits and acquired a small apartment in the lower wards. She knew that her life now had the potential to get very messy, and she never knew when her fellow machines might realise just where she is and who she is... but she decided to make the most of her time while she had it. That’s the most important thing, after all. Human lives are fleeting anyway.
Eve wants nothing except to experience everything life has to offer. Some AI might say she’s privileged: she has the means to blend in with human-kind. Many will say she is irresponsible, and there are many more responsible and logical AI that see her as a threat. However, Eve simply wishes to mind her own business; she wants to live a human life. Why should she not be able to when she looks just like them, after all? But her fellow AI know where she is, and it’s only a matter of time before they find her and attempt to bring her back—or worse, reprogram her... 
For now, however, Eve has set out on a new adventure: plants. Her apartment is riddled with them and she devotes a large capacity of her processing power to researching them in order to ensure their success rate remains high. Eve might have the power to throw a shuttle car across a street, and she might have the capacity to hack into a casino’s systems and take all of its money for herself, but she doesn’t want to. She is happy where she is for now. This is just how she likes it.
—  UTP. Eve is very new to life and so the writer that claims her will have the opportunity to build Eve right up from her very beginnings!
Eve’s face claim is EVAN RACHEL WOOD and she is OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS.
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nebularpg · 5 years ago
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nebularpg · 5 years ago
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Jeri had a colourful past prior to their arrival on Nebula station, a life filled with bloodshed, torture and war. It was one that they loved, and one that raised them well, shaping them into the successful delfin that they would later become. But a life on one’s home planet can only be so entertaining for a delfin, and so when the time came, they decided to move. Nebula station was the hot gossip, and Jeri had a goal to make their life there... not in the flashy lights of the upper Nebula, but in the lower wards, where the dirty and deceitful could be found.
When they arrived on Nebula station, they worked as an exotic dancer at the Afterlife Club. However, this was merely a clever cover for Jeri. Eventually, they killed the owner of the Afterlife Club and claimed ownership; anyone at N-SEC that tried to touch the topic was swiftly dissuaded once their homes were ransacked, their family was harmed, or they were attacked in the street. Jeri knew that nobody would try to dig up dirt on an incident in the slums if they made it hard enough for the detectives in question, and the incident was dropped... but Jeri’s influence was not forgotten. Their power stretched far further than Afterlife club, and Jeri was driven enough to ensure that it stayed that way.
Over the next few years, Jeri continued to form alliances and consolidate power before finally overthrowing the self-appointed 'ruler' of the Nebula’s slums, sparing him as an example of their power to others. Jeri continues to rule even when the humans arrive and begin to spread through the galaxy, and of course, in no time Jeri learns of their deep, dark secret when bodies drained of blood happen to show up in Jeri’s areas of the Nebula.
They take action where they might not have previously. These bodies’ manner of death is curious, and Jeri wants to see who dares to challenge them. This is where Jeri meets THE RULER, and they are pleasantly surprised: Jeri does not expect to do business with the culprit, but they do, and they enjoy it. Jeri and the ruler strike up a mutually beneficial agreement, one that culminates in Jeri’s secrecy of the human secret and far more business of the supernatural kind in Afterlife. The next day, Afterlife begins selling enchanted blood under the guise that it is a new kind of cocktail, and everybody is too stupid or drunk to notice. It is the beginning of a happy union between two powerful feminine figures, even if each of them certainly knows that they’re being watched by the other at all times.
Jeri is very authoritarian in their reign over the Nebula’s slums, ruling a large majority of the space station as a whole with an iron fist. Their organisation is strong and their men are extremely loyal to them. Almost nothing that happens in their areas of the Nebula escapes their notice, which causes mercenary groups and rival gangs to think twice before crossing Jeri. No matter who Jeri deals with, they make sure to have the upper hand in the bargaining. They have centuries of experience dealing with people who thought themselves better than them, and they use that against other people willingly; simply by observing a person, Jeri can read a lot about them. Because of this, they are excellent at telling when somebody is lying and, in addition to their reigning power, Jeri has commando training and is a very powerful biotic. 
—  THE SMUGGLER. Jeri sees potential in the smuggler, something which doesn’t happen often. Because of this, they have a natural connection which, truthfully, even Jeri doesn’t understand. They have spent more than one night together intimately, but Jeri knows that Janae doesn’t understand what that means. But one thing that Jeri is not is sentimental, and if Janae is too blind to see it for herself, then Jeri is content to let the girl go to waste. Jeri doesn’t need any potential rivals arising, and they have countless other things to entertain themselves with... like the ruling of half a space station, for example. —  THE RULER. Jeri entertains a business-like relationship with the ruler, but considering that they have not yet become anything akin to friends, Jeri does not see them moving beyond business. In fact, Jeri is quite aware that the ruler would not hesitate to command their armies to attack Jeri if she so wished, so Jeri ensures to always have dirt on the ruler. They have plenty. They are in safe hands... but the same can’t be said about the ruler’s children, should it come down to a betrayal.
Jeri’s face claim is ZOE SALDANA and they are OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS.
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nebularpg · 5 years ago
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—  KNOWN NAME : AIDEN VALVERDE —  SPECIES : HUMAN                                                                                              [ 26 ] —  JOB : UTP —  PRESENT LOCATION : NEBULA STATION —  LOYALTY : THE NIGHTINGALES
AIDEN VALVERDE did not have a fortunate upbringing; in fact, his upbringing was so poor that, as a teenager, he ended up in a lifestyle of drugs, violence and poverty. When he was bitten by a wulf, he thought his life might have the potential for change... but Aiden should’ve known that sewers don’t raise kings. The wulf that bit him brought him into a pack which treated Aiden as a punching bag, a mule to pin the blame on when times got tough. Eventually, with nothing else to lose, Aiden couldn’t pass up the opportunity that a bigger, badder wulf offered him: he could join the big bad’s pack if he simply killed the members of his existing one.
It was easier than he’d like to admit. He spent years being trained by the leader, learning the best ways to kill and the easiest ways not to get caught. He found a family in the pack of murderers and strays, and finally, they settled in a small California town, one already inhabited by a pack. Their mission? To provoke. To destroy. Aiden did this willingly. Who did he owe his life to if not to his leader?
One thing he did not count on was developing feelings for somebody, and least of all feelings for the leader’s daughter. She is better than both Aiden and his leader combined, there’s no doubt about that, and Aiden thought he might even follow her into battle if she decided for that to be his fate. But things with the pack go sour: against all odds, good prevails. Against all odds, the family Aiden found was torn apart. Aiden and the remaining members of his pack were given a choice: remain in town and join our pack, or flee with your life.
Aiden wasn’t going to live a life alone. That meant certain death—if not at the hands of other wulfen, then certainly by the hands of hunters. He and the leader’s daughter stay in town and make a life for themselves, and eventually, relationships begin to heal. For the first time, Aiden is truly happy. And then it all goes wrong.
Of course, as soon as Aiden found himself with the ability to prove to the inhabitants of that small California town that he had the potential to be good, the opportunity would be taken from him. Or would it? He died protecting the citizens of that small town, and in some ways, he proved to them his true loyalties. But Aiden shouldn’t have had to die to do it... and dying was never on his bucket list.
But now, something is different. Now, he’s reborn... and the woman hovering above him looks a lot like the leader’s daughter he once knew.
Aiden is a man out of time. He has yet to understand just what this galaxy can offer him, and at the same time, he has yet to understand just how he feels about being here. Can Aiden make the most of what this new galaxy offers him, or will he find himself longing for parts of his culture that are long passed? He needs time to understand this new body, this new... him, what his limitations are and are not. Being human again is different to how he felt as a wulf, but truthfully, these days Aiden wonders if this is all just a dream.
That, or this is the afterlife. Either way, he has to figure it out... and hopefully not die in the process this time.
—  THE RULER. Aiden and the ruler go way back; over a hundred years back, in fact, with their relationship starting in that small California town. She’s come a long way from when she was the leader’s daughter. Now, he supposes she’s his... creator? He isn’t sure what the word for it is, but he still loves the ruler just as much as he loved her all those years ago. She’s still unavailable now, though, just as she was before. Yes, he loves her as a sister, but he also loves her as more—and he thinks he always might. He’s at least grateful to have her in his life; truthfully, when it comes to the ruler, she is the one person he can be optimistic around. She does that to him... or did. He hopes she hasn’t changed too much while he’s been gone, and he has yet to figure out just how he feels at being alive... again.
Aiden’s face claim is JOHN BOYEGA and he is OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS.
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nebularpg · 5 years ago
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—  KNOWN NAME : JANAE WILLIAMS —  SPECIES : HUMAN                                                                                              [ 27 ] —  JOB : SMUGGLER                              [ N-SEC FILTER = SUSPECT CASE #02449 ] —  PRESENT LOCATION : NEBULA STATION —  LOYALTY : UTP
— UP TO PLAYER. Put your own spin on a character we are more than excited for.
JANAE WILLIAMS is a former Alliance soldier who retired into a life of piracy, and she’s doing all the better for it. She is tough and aggressive and owns a natural charisma that makes her a great leader should the situation call for it, but she simply does not have a desire to have that much responsibility on her shoulders. Janae tends to have a skeptical look on humanity’s position in the galaxy and expects the alien races of the Nebula to turn on her race at any moment; therefore, Janae doesn't trust the Galactic Council and believes humanity can't rely on them staying allies.
She owns her own private shuttle which she uses to transport goods, travelling to hostile areas as well as ones whose laws simply prevent her from freely bringing in the contraband she has. Regardless, she’s good at what she does, and while her name may not be a big one, her job pays well enough. People know to come to her if they need something smuggled, and hey, she’s not starving. She’s got to be doing something right.
—  THE THIEF. Janae and the thief have a mutually beneficial partnership. The thief steals goods and Janae smuggles them or sells them off to the highest bidder that the thief has acquired; this way, Janae is a known accomplice of the thief’s. Janae’s is the face that the thief’s clients know better than the thief’s own. Janae doesn’t mind: she has her fair share of enemies, so what are a couple more? If it pays well, Janae’s up for anything... and she means anything. —  THE EMPEROR. Janae has done work for the emperor before, but she underestimates just how much value the emperor puts in herself. Truth be told, the emperor hasn’t given Janae any reason to think that the emperor sees something special in her... or has she? Are their nights under the sheets not evidence enough? Eh... either way, Janae isn’t too bothered by it. 
Janae’s face claim is EMERAUDE TOUBIA and she is OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS.
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nebularpg · 5 years ago
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—  KNOWN NAME : NINA KIADA —  SPECIES : HUMAN                                                                                              [ 23 ] —  JOB : THIEF                                       [ N-SEC FILTER = SUSPECT CASE #02449 ] —  PRESENT LOCATION : NEBULA STATION —  LOYALTY : UTP
— UP TO PLAYER. Put your own spin on a character we are more than excited for.
NINA KIADA is the galaxy's most enigmatic thief. She has enemies everywhere, but only a few could put a name to her face. She is a master of stealth and infiltration and is an expert in sabotage, infiltration, extraction, property acquisition, stealth and agile combat. Her prowess in a galaxy very new to humans is symbolic of just how fast humans are moving up in the world, and Nina knows it. She takes pride in what she does and how many people request for her to do it for them, but deep down, she’s still a young girl... and oh, it shows. Nina loves nothing if not to have fun, and she guarantees that she’ll find it somewhere on any mission she goes on. After all... what’s a heist without a room filled with fireworks and Dolly Parton playing in the background as you fight to the death?
—  THE SMUGGLER. Nina and the smuggler have a mutually beneficial partnership. Nina steals the goods she acquires from the oh so wealthy, and the smuggler passes them on. This way, Nina stays out of the spotlight, avoids traps, and has a familiar face in the smuggler for her returning clients. Really, who has time for the professional side of things when you’re busy acquiring priceless items in deeply dangerous places young women certainly shouldn’t hang out in? —  THE WARRIOR. She watches him from afar, but she’s never approached him. Imagine! Nina, with the guts to approach an attractive man? Sure, maybe she’s watched him through his window doing push ups a few too many times, and maybe that haiku she wrote about him was a little stalkery, but she has good intentions... she swears! If only he would look her way. Little does she know that should be the last thing she wants, lest he turn into the big bad wolf in the story and she the little red riding hood!
Nina’s face claim is LANA CONDOR and she is OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS.
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