ndelphinusarchive · 10 years
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ndelphinusarchive · 10 years
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In honor of Day of the Dead, here’s a repost of my comic about the San Francisco Columbarium and the man who spent 26 years restoring it.
This comic originally appeared on Medium at The Nib. Go check out my other work there.
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ndelphinusarchive · 10 years
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ndelphinusarchive · 10 years
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They asked me what the most bizarre thing that happened during Horns was. I immediately knew that the answer was when I drank anti-freeze. And then thought, “This is Twitter so I really like - I’m just gonna have to say that and then leave you to it” x x
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ndelphinusarchive · 10 years
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ndelphinusarchive · 10 years
PSA: Slash or femslash is not progressive or revolutionary by default.
It is not progressive or revolutionary to romanticize abuse between characters.
It is not progressive or revolutionary to whitewash a character of color.
It is not progressive or revolutionary to use LGBTQ visibilitiy to justify racism, misogyny, or other forms of fuckery.
It is not progressive or revolutionary to ignore race and gender when talking about the impact of slash and femslash ships.
It is not progressive or revolutionary for rape, sexual assault, and/or sex between an adult and a minor to be the basis of a slash or femslash ship.
It is not progressive or revolutionary to erase or downplay the racial and ethnic identity of an actor of color.
It is not progressive or revolutionary to not have a single-issue analysis of media and fandom.
It is not progressive or revolutionary to prioritize the agendas of white LGBTQ people over LGBTQ people of color.
It is not progressive or revolutionary to demonize a female character (especially a female character of color) to advocate for a slash or femslash ship.
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ndelphinusarchive · 10 years
A reminder for today that supporting the idea that Oxford or Sir Francis Bacon or whoever wrote Shakespeare’s works is inherently classist and undermines the very essence of what makes Shakespeare great: the universality of his writing.
Shakespeare didn’t write to impress academics or to become reknown in literary circles, he wrote because he loved it and he loved acting and the theater, because he liked showing people up and he liked getting paid.
Shakespeare wrote a lot of plays where the main characters are noble, yes, but he wrote actors too — and teenage kids and poor grad students and nurses. His nobles aren’t memorable because they are grand but because anyone can relate to them, Hamlet’s not special to us because he’s a prince but because many of us can see our struggles in his thoughts and actions.
Do not let Oxfordians or Baconians take away what is special about Shakespeare: that he was an ordinary man writing plays not just for nobles or kings, for landowners or the highly educated elite but for ordinary people — for apprentices and butchers and merchant’s wives and maids. His company performed at court, but they also performed at the Globe, where you could get in for a penny if you didn’t mind standing in a crowd.
The Authorship Question isn’t really about discovering “who really wrote Shakespeare,” it’s about elitists being upset and confused and angry because the greatest works in the English language were written by the son of a well-off tradesman who never went to college. 
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ndelphinusarchive · 10 years
top five *events in tumblr history*
honestly like the biggest change was when they took tumblarity away, like it just changed the whole vibe of this site. tumblarity was kind of like the activity page except it gave you a tumblarity ”number” and also ranked your blog in your country and also across the whole site and like, if you got a popular post your tumblarity would increase etc (this was back when getting a thousand notes on a post would make you feel like king shit, too). and like people were fucking OB SESSED with this number. they would post about it, bitch about it, like ‘i logged in and my tumblarity went down by 40??? wtf?? i hate everything’ and it got to the point where people weren’t posting things they wanted to, they were just posting things that they knew would get a lot of notes and increase their tumblarity? it was like this weird insular popularity contest, it was definitely a meaner environment, very competitive. and then they took it away in one of the fifty bajillion updates (this was when they brought in the ask box too, before that we were using formspring lmao GOD) and people just started to chill and actually enjoy what they were posting and stuff, it was a complete about face. and staff said they were going to bring tumblarity back BUT THEY STILL HAVENT IT’S BEEN FIVE YEARS broken promises, full of lies
the great 36 hour catastrophe of 2011 where tumblr was down for a DAY AND A HALF and people were FREAKING THE FUCK OUT lmao remember the tumbeasts? the what to do when tumblr is down site? flocking to twitter just to bitch about tumblr? Like back before this, tumblr was SO glitchy like it would randomly go down all the time and you couldn’t access anything (most likely because it was still on shitty servers designed for a start up, you know) but after this it got a lot less glitchy/more professional. They also changed the layout (rip post icons that had ripped page edges that all fit together) and made all these dumb changes - no links in asks, no commas in tags, tag character limit blah blah blah - and we were all pretty bitter
back when tumblr was a lot smaller than it is now, it used to go through these weird phases that people called ‘tumblr’s boyfriend’. and like everyone would become obsessed with one movie and just post about it CONSTANTLY. first it was 2009 stark trek (jesus CHRIST this movie fucking saturated tumblr. it was EVERYWHERE), then it was inglorious basterds, then inception (the mad scramble to get urls like ‘theextractor’ or ‘arthureames’ never forget), then the social network (we dont fucking talk about this) and it was impossible to avoid and like 80% of your dash would just be about this one movie. it’s not really like that any more - again, tumblr is so much bigger than it used to be - but fucking hell it was A LOT
when they lifted the gif limit from 500kb lmao go back like, pre 2011 on anyone’s blog and all the gifs are so fucking pixelated and awful because you had to like make the gif black and white or get rid of all the saturation to actually be able to post anything jfc
THE DAY WE DISCOVERED MISSING E AND THEN XKIT can you imagine a tumblr where you couldn’t blacklist anything? where you just had to use this site in its basic form? IT WAS LIKE LIVING IN THE WILD, THANK YOU XKIT GUY FOR CIVILISING US poor missing e, the myspace of tumblr extensions
also shoutout to the fucking sharks vs cats CLUSTERFUCK, they tried to have this sitewide competition about which animal was more popular and you like chose a side and your icon got like a shark or a cat ~makeover it was so bizarre
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ndelphinusarchive · 10 years
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ndelphinusarchive · 10 years
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I have incorrectly been saying ‘burqa’ when I meant ‘niqab’ for maybe my whole life.
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ndelphinusarchive · 10 years
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As a 19-year-old sophomore at Stanford, Elizabeth Holmes decided to transform diagnostic medicine so she dropped out of college and used her tuition money to start her own company, Theranos. Ten years later, Holmes, pictured here holding a micro-vial, is on the cutting edge of medical technology — her new blood testing method allows hundreds of tests to be run using only a few drops of blood. And, Holmes’ methods are cheaper, faster, more accurate, and less invasive than conventional methods which often require a separate vial of blood for every test. As Holmes told Wired.com earlier this year, “I started this company because I wanted to spend my life changing our health care system. When someone you love gets really sick, most of the time when you find out, it’s too late to be able to do something about it. It’s heartbreaking… We wanted to make actionable health information accessible to people everywhere at the time it matters most. That means two things: being able to detect conditions in time to do something about them and providing access to information that can empower people to improve their lives.”
read more from A Mighty Girl
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ndelphinusarchive · 10 years
but like, does anyone think about the slytherins that joined up as death eaters with the intent to gather information for like the ootp or da and nobody knew because their identities had to be protected and so everyone’s all thinking slytherins are bad and evil but in reality some of them literally have the riskiest jobs because it’s not like ol’ voldy would just outright kill them if he found out. can you fucking imagine what would have happened to them? what probably did happen to some? and some of ya’ll are still here shouting about how slytherins are evil and shit
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ndelphinusarchive · 10 years
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ndelphinusarchive · 10 years
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Source For facts, Follow Ultrafacts
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ndelphinusarchive · 10 years
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ndelphinusarchive · 10 years
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Valais blacknosed sheep. Although the earliest mention of it dates back to 1400, this large, docile mountain sheep was first recognised as a separate breed in 1962. It has adapted particularly well to life in the high Swizz mountains and grazes even on the steepest, stoniest slopes. The black patches on its nose, eyes, ears, knees, hocks and feet and otherwise light woolly coats make it quite unmistakeable.
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ndelphinusarchive · 10 years
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A graduate student has created the first man-made biological leaf. It absorbs water and carbon dioxide to produce oxygen just like a plant. He did this by suspending chloroplasts in a mixture made out of silk protein. He believed it can be used for many things but the most striking one is the thought that it could be used for long distance space travel. Plants do not grow in space, but this synthetic material can be used to produce oxygen in a hostile environment. (Video)
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