#except for that part where no one would let a slytherin join the DA
flymyhp · 4 years
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Birds to Spellbooks Pt. 3
Pairing: George Weasley x Hufflepuff!reader
Summary: George and y/n spend the Yule Ball together, as friends. At first.
Words: 3,288
Warnings: Muggle song, yikes!! Same as last time, so much fluff it makes me sick. Enjoy!!
A/N: (Weird writing a character in who’s name is hannah when that’s my name) Sorry this has taken so long, ive been dealing with a lot. But here’s the last part! I made it a little longer than the first two as an apology. 
Tags: @wintrrrsoldier
The day of the Yule Ball, y/n was lying in bed staring up at the yellow fabric above the bed. Every other Hufflepuff in her year had already left for breakfast. She couldn’t get her legs to move. Nerves upset her stomach and overcrowded her thoughts. Of course she’d been comfortable around George last night, but being dressed up had her worried that he wouldn’t see her the same as he did last night. She didn’t want him to think any less of her.
Breakfast would be half over by now and she knew people would be asking where she was. Since she was seen with George so often now people had finally stopped teasing her and actually apologized. She had a decent group of friends. That is except for a couple of Slytherins, and a few people from other houses. But it didn’t bother her too much and she now had people that would stick up for her instead of joining in.
George had met her after their classes apart and walked her to her next, and they’d spent the afternoons together. But today was different. She forced her legs to move and set off to her wardrobe to fetch her robes. She sighed and took out her dress she was sent by her parents. An off the shoulder, off white long party gown, with dark gold accents. It fit her well, but her stomach did flips as she looked at it. Would it be enough? 
She put the dress back and grabbed her jumper. Straightening up her tie, she made her way to the great hall. The nerves in her stomach heightened when she saw him sitting at the Gryffindor table. They settled down a bit when she sat down with her friends. 
“Y/n! Finally out of bed, are we?” Cedric Diggory exclaimed, offering her a plate. She took it with a kind smile and picked out a very small breakfast, she wasn’t sure if her stomach would allow her to eat. Cedric gave her a smile and nodded over to Cho. 
“Aren’t you guys nervous?” Y/n started, picking her food apart with her fork. 
“A little bit,” Hannah Abbott started. “I’m mostly just excited, didn't get much sleep last night. I was looking at my gown. I can’t believe we’re having a dance, I thought only muggles got those.” She kept looking over her shoulder at Seamus and giggling.
Y/n couldn’t turn around to look at George. She wasn’t sure if he even knew that she was here yet.
Just then, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to face Ginny standing behind her, smirking. “For you.” She handed her a parcel, attached to it was a note.
Happy Holidays, bird! Decided to wait until the ball to see you, as is tradition. That’s a wedding tradition, but all the same, I didn’t want you to be worried that I don’t come around today so that’s why I sent this. I hope you like it. I’m excited to see you. You don’t have to write back or anything I just wanted to let you know. 
All my love, Georgie.
Her cheeks lit up along with her smile. A little embarrassed, she took the wrapping off of the parcel. Inside she found a flower bud. She picked it up, a faint ringing noise came from it and it shook in her hand. It grew in her palm into a yellow rose. 
“Isn’t it just so cute?” Ginny sat down next to her.
She held the rose in her hand, admiring it. It had also sprouted a pin on the back of it for her dress. Turning her head to find George, his face lit up when their eyes met. She smiled shyly at him and he winked at her. 
Leaning in to make sure no one heard, Ginny began, “I shouldn’t spoil it, but apparently he has something else planned.” Y/n’s heart raced with the same feeling she got when he first asked her, thinking it was a joke. 
“Like what?”
“Well, I didn’t hear all of it, but you won’t be spending the night in your dorm after the ball.” She raised her eyebrows at y/n. Y/n furrowed hers. “That’s all I know, it’ll be wonderful though. I’m going with Neville.”
With a breath of relief, breakfast was over. The rest of the day for Y/n and her friends was spent in the common room, 
“This is going to be perfect!” Hannah clapped from outside the girls dorm, the girls were showing off their gowns for a before-the-ball get together. Y/n was the last to be changed.  She wasn’t as nervous showing her friends as she was seeing George. She opened the door, Hannah and Susan Bones turned to face her. Hannah’s hands went to her mouth and she bounced up and down on her toes, Susan gasped. 
“That’s absolutely gorgeous! That must’ve cost loads!” Susan gushed, feeling the fabric in admiration. 
Y/n looked down. “It’s a hand-me-down. My mother’s.”
“It’s perfect. George won’t be able to stand when he sees you.” Hannah said, a proud smile on her face.
The three linked arms and strutted their way to the common room. The boys began clapping and howling at them jokingly. The girls laughed and unlinked their arms, striking poses.
“Lucky guys, those three are.” Cedric admitted, chuckling and offering them sparkling water. 
The next hour was spent joking around and dancing to music in preparation for the night. With only an hour left, the girls went back to their dorms to do their hair and makeup. 
They all went with a very natural makeup look. Hannah put her hair half up half down, Susan tied hers in a bun with a braid. Y/n let the girls do her hair.
“I’m thinking curls, Susan?” Hannah started. Susan agreed. Y/n prepared herself for whatever they decided looked best. After a long 20 minutes, “Ta-da!” y/n was able to turn herself towards the mirror and look. 
Her hair was curled, the sides pinned in the back with a diamond pin. The last thing y/n had to do was put her rose on her dress. She smiled looking down at it.
The girls didn’t want to be late, so they rushed toward the common room where the guys were waiting to head to the great hall. They all set off in a group. Y/n’s nerves settled in her stomach as they drew nearer. Turning the final corner where everyone was entering, Cedric nodded towards them and joined Cho. Susan also set off to the dance to find Seamus. Hannah and Y/n, with their arms linked, began down the staircase. 
Fred and George were standing with Angelina, who mid-laugh caught y/n’s eye and nudged George with her elbow and nodded up to her. Y/n’s heart raced in her chest, she focused on the steps and Hannah’s arm steadying her. 
“Confidence.” Hannah whispered to her. She watched as George turned to face the stairs and looked up at her, his mouth hung open slightly.
Fred laughed at George’s expression, but George couldn’t take his eyes off of her. “Gorgeous.” She couldn’t hear his whisper. She did her best to keep her eyes off of him, she didn’t want to fall. Or him see how red her cheeks were.
Chin held high as Hannah told her, they stopped at the last step right above the twins and Angelina. George offered his hand to y/n, she bowed slightly and turned her head to Hannah. “Don’t have too much fun.” Hannah said with a wink and went to find Seamus.
Y/n took George’s hand, who kissed it and helped her down the last step. He put his hands on her waist and looked over her face. “Hello, beautiful.” 
“Hello.” She said shyly. The butterflies in her stomach fluttered looking at him. “I like your outfit, Georgie.” She took in his gold vest that he matched with Fred. 
“Thank you, darling. But I must say, it doesn’t compare to you.” His hand found his rose on her dress and he smiled. “Do you like it? The yellow is for friendship, did you know?” 
“It’s beautiful. I didn’t know, but it fits, considering we haven’t made anything official.” She looked down at it.
He unpinned it from her dress. “I know, but I figured tonight would be a good transition.” 
She furrowed her eyebrows slightly at his words. “To what?”
He held it in his hands and smiled. “You should know, at least since last night by the lake.” He waited to see the look on her face. Her eyes lit up slightly, her chest rose faster and she smiled. He covered the rose in his hands, and opened them back up. The rose was a deep red now. 
“I’m sure you know, a red rose symbolizes love.” He held the rose in his hand. “But I should ask you formally.” Her eyes grew wider, she didn’t know what to do with herself. She knew at this point that George Weasley loved her. He’d never said it verbally but she knew. “Y/n. Will you be my girlfriend? Officially.”
She nodded before she could get any words out. “Oh George, you know I will.” He pinned the rose back on her dress and cupped her face in his hands, bringing her into a kiss.
When they pulled back, he held his arm out for her to take. They entered the great hall together, where everyone was awaiting the champions and their partners. They stood next to Fred and Angelina.
“You look beautiful, y/n” Angelina leaned over to tell her through the noise of everyone talking. 
“Thank you! You look gorgeous as well.” She gave her a bright smile.
“Finally did it, huh George?” Fred threw at his brother. 
George knocked his shoulder to Freds. “Been waiting a long time, couldn’t pass up the opportunity.” He replied. 
Y/n smiled to herself at their conversation. 
Soft music played over the crowd of students as the champions entered with their partners, arm in arm. Shouts and claps towards the champions grew louder than the music. They were the first to dance as tradition. Harry was the only one who seemed slightly out of place. Y/n felt bad for him, being only fourteen and having his name pulled from the goblet of fire. She knew from the very beginning he didn’t put it in, just based on how he acted when it happened. 
The champions danced first, other couples joined in once some of the professors began dancing. 
“May I have this dance, love?” George asked, offering his hand again.
“Always.” She replied, taking his hand.
He led her closer to the side of the floor. They’d been taught the dance so they didn’t have to worry about not being able to. George had his hand on her waist as they were supposed to, only he was holding her tighter and closer to him than recommended. He couldn’t help it, he wanted her as close to him as possible now that they were together. She didn’t mind in the slightest, she enjoyed it. 
He spinned her and watched her skirt and hair twirl with her, her smile made his heart leap. Lifting her into the air in sync with everyone else, she laughed. Everything was perfect. 
The dance ended and they were left to get drinks or food if they wished, or keep dancing. 
“I need something to drink, and then we can continue.” Y/n started off towards the tables and George caught up to her and grabbed her hand to walk with her.
They met Harry and Ron with their dates, looking dreadful.
“Aren’t you two going to dance?” Y/n asked them, her hand wrapped tightly around George’s arm. 
Harry looked up at her and then to Ron. Ron shook his head. 
“C’mon Ronnie, won't you waltz with me?” George pretended to dance to pick on his little brother. He laughed and y/n pulled on his arm. 
Ron looked threateningly at his brother. “Piss off.”
“Sorry guys, I’ll see you later on.” She gently shoved George off in the direction of the drinks. She leant down slightly to them. “Loosen up guys, it’s a dance. Don’t leave the girls hanging.” She winked to the four of them and started off towards George as the three-excluding ron-gave her a small smile. 
George was standing with Fred as she approached the two of them. He had a cup of water in his hand and a cup of what looked like blue fruit punch in the other, but who knew at Hogwarts. 
“I didn’t know which you’d prefer, so I got you both, I’ll drink whichever you don’t.” He held out the two cups. 
“If I don’t like the blue one can I have the water? If you don’t mind drinking after me.” She asked.
“Not at all, here, love.” He handed the drink to her.
It tasted like raspberries and blueberries, it sparkled under the bright lights. “ It’s wonderful, have you tried it?” 
She handed it to him and he tried it, he decided he’d throw the water away and get more punch. 
“Where’s Angelina?” Y/n asked Fred.
“Gone to the bathroom, should be out soon.” He responded. 
George took a sip of his drink and wrapped an arm around y/n’s waist. “They’re not actually dating, just friends.” 
Y/n stuck out her bottom lip. “Shame, they’re cute together. But I guess we did come as friends to begin with.”
“And we’re definitely cute together.” He chuckled. Angelina came back and the two of them decided to sit for a couple of minutes after the four of them chatted a bit more. “Ready?” George asked y/n.
“Away we go, prince charming.” She laughed and the two of them walked back to the center of the hall to dance. As they got there though, Baby I’m Yours by Arctic Monkeys began playing.
It wasn’t as slow as some of the others, but George held her and spinned her nonetheless. Strangely, he knew every word. Even stranger, he could sing, and he sang to her as he held her close and kissed her. 
“I’ve said this before, but I don’t want this to end, Georgie.” She mumbled into his chest, his hands wrapped tightly around her waist. 
He kissed the top of her head before replying. “I don’t either, bird. And I’ve said this before, but things will be better now. This won’t be the last time I dance with you, and it won’t be the last night we spend together. I’m sure Ginny’s already told you, but we aren’t going back to the dorms, me and you.” 
“Is it a surprise, or can I know now?” She lifted her head up to look at him. 
He kissed her and replied, “Surprise.” 
She smiled and grabbed his hands as they swayed. He lifted his arm and spun her once more. The night went on and they continued to dance, barely stopping. When most everyone had cleared out they were in the back still swaying to the last slow songs.
“I don’t want to be kicked out, so I think we should go.” George started, that wasn’t the biggest reason though. He was mostly excited for the rest of the night. 
They led themselves out of the great hall, they didn’t want to leave but George firmly believed that their next destination would be even better. 
He helped her up the staircases, leading her to what looked like the highest point of the castle. Thankfully, the staff was still in the great hall supervising the remaining students. 
“The astronomy tower?” She gazed at the view as they made it up to the very top.
“You can see the lake from here, too. I saw how you looked out into it.” He told her, leading her to the edge.
Her eyes couldn’t decide what to focus on, they landed up at the stars. “It’s absolutely perfect.” 
He watched her as she watched the sky, admiring every feature she possessed. “You’re absolutely perfect.” 
“That makes two of us.” Her hand on her chin, she gave him a grin. They stood like that for a little while longer until she broke the silence. “George?”
He didn’t care that she knew he was staring at her, he felt comfortable around her. “Love?”
“I’d like that confession now.”
Finally, his head hung slightly and his cheeks glowed in the moonlight. His hair covered his eyes slightly, so she moved it from his face and brought his chin up to look at her. 
“I was hoping you’d want to hear it, I’ve been dying keeping it from you.” He began. “For years, and especially recently, thoughts of you play in my head. Over and over, from holding you, to kissing you, to nights like these. I’ve beat myself up over you for so long and now I have you. It’s hard to wrap my head around.” Her eyes got lost in his and his voice. “I’ve never felt like this. And I believe you’re the only person I’ll ever feel this way about. I don’t care that we’re seventeen, we’re young and stupid, but you’re my person. I pray you always will be. I’ll do everything in my power to keep you, and to keep you safe and happy. You do enough to make me happy just by smiling. It lights every part of me up and my heart can’t take it. This past month, you’ve been everything to me, you’ve kept my world turning and you always will, darling.” He paused for a moment. “And,” His hand went to his pocket. “I have something else for you.” 
She was, once again, rendered speechless. She couldn’t find the words to say. 
Out of his pocket, he pulled a necklace. A copper chain with a ‘G’ charm. 
“It’s not exactly a promise ring, but we can call it a promise necklace.” He held it in his hand in front of her. “I hope it’s not too soon. I’ve been in love with you since the first time I saw you smile. Even if it wasn’t because of me. I hope from now on it will be.” 
All she could do was look from the necklace to him. Once she took everything in, she reached up to his face and kissed him, with everything she had she poured her heart into it as he had just done. 
“You are everything to me in this moment, George, since last night, you’re the only thing I’ve wanted. You’re right, darling, you were right last night. Things will be better. On my darkest days, you’ll be my light. On the best days it will be because of you. It’s soon for all of this, of course. It’s sudden, but that’s why it’s called falling. I fell in love with you last night, George. When I smile, it’s because of you.” She picked the necklace up from his palm, and looked at the ‘G’. 
He moved her hair out of the way and hooked the chain around her neck. 
“Even better.” He smiled at her. “I can’t wait for the rest of my life, as long as you’re in it.” 
She agreed, grabbing his hands and putting them around her and placed her head on his chest with tears in her eyes. Now she knew what above the bare minimum was, George had set the bar higher than she knew to be possible. He’d never settle for anything less and neither would she. 
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spaz8550 · 5 years
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Ch 34
Sinead remained hidden in Severus's rooms till the following morning when before breakfast under a disillusionment charm Sinead followed Severus to the apparition point.
"Albus said there will be an Order meeting. I'll see you then." Severus nodded with a small smile. He felt Sinead press her lips to his and she was gone.
A week later there was a brief Order meeting to go over observations from the watches on known Death Eaters. There was hardly anything new happening, most of the Death Eaters kept to a very typical schedule which only differed when they were summoned by Voldemort. Albus gave Sinead and Severus a wink when he saw them sitting next to each other. 
Sinead had looked at the shop in Hogsmeade both alone and with Trent who was thrilled with the idea. She had put in an offer and was waiting to hear back. Max was due to arrive in another week and when Sinead spoke to him on a web chat he was happy with being a part-time apprentice and working in the shop on the other days.
Severus had given Sinead a list of possible apprentices and had sent out owls to them about interviewing with Sinead. Out of the 5 former students he selected two declined since they were working for the Ministry but 3 were going to interview. One of the students was in Slytherin and two were in Ravenclaw. The Slytherin student was impressed with Sinead's lab but she could tell he didn't like the fact she was not pureblood. The Ravenclaw students were much friendlier and easier to talk to. Sarah was very qualified and knew who Sinead was from the improved Wolfsbane Potion. Henry was just as qualified but he informed Sinead that he was waiting on an acceptance letter to apprentice at Beauxbatons. Sinead had a feeling that Henry would be accepted and offered the position to Sarah who sent back an owl accepting the position within the hour.
It was early June when Sophia flooed Sinead saying Minerva McGonagall was in St Mungos. Max and Sara who had just started working with Sinead were left to continue brewing with Trent and Sinead flooed into St Mungos. Even though she hadn't worked there for sometime she was allowed to go see Minerva who was being checked over by a healer who worked with Sophia.
"Minerva, are you ok?"
"She was stunned by several people." The healer said as Sophia came into the room.
"Can I get you anything?"
"Sinead, I'll be fine." She replied tiredly. "That awful woman was going to get rid of Hagrid."
"She is awful, I didn't get to thank you-"
"Severus already did." She said with a small smile.
"I'm going to let you rest but I'll be back tomorrow." Sophia gave her a smile as Sinead made her way back to the house.
The next day Sinead brought some muffins and chocolates in the morning. She sat with Minerva for a bit making small talk until the healers came in to start giving potions. Sinead and Trent spent the afternoon making up a list of potions they were going to stock in the shop then Sinead went to go meet with the contractor who was updating the shop. It was late when she returned home to find Trent, Bill, and Tonks waiting for her.
"We just got word that Harry and some classmates are going to the Ministry. He thinks that Voldemort has Sirius, come on we need to meet at Headquarters." Trent said as Tonks started outside.
"Sirius is fine but it's a trap." Tonks added as they all walked to the apparition point and disappeared. When they arrived at Grimmauld Place everyone was there except Dumbledore who was on his way. Alastor Moody started giving out jobs he, Tonks, Remus, Sirius, and Bill would be going and Sophia and Sinead were to stand by incase of injuries.
"I should go, someone should be there who can heal." Sinead said as Severus shook his head.
"If you go then I go." Maggie said as Caleb started to fuss.
"Mommy, I'm scared." He said clinging to his mother.
"Sinead, you are right." Moody grumbled.
"Me too." Maggie said as Caleb started to cry.
"I'll go you stay with your son." Trent said as Moody nodded.
"Severus, name the students again."
"Potter, Granger, Longbottom, Lovegood, and the two Weasleys." Molly was near hysterics and Arthur was trying to calm her down.
"Molly, we will get them." Sinead said giving her a small smile.
"We want to go too." Fred said as George hit his arm and mumbled 
"Not the time." 
The group was moving outside when Severus grabbed Sinead's hand.
"Be careful." He said softly.
"I will, I love you. I'm coming back to you." She said kissing him quickly and hurrying after the others.
At the Ministry the DA members were having a difficult time fending off the Death Eaters. The Order members arrived in the Death Chamber and after Sinead healed Neville's broken nose he pointed to where the others were.
"Go, I'll cover you!" Bill shouted as he and Trent started fighting Death Eaters and Sinead followed Neville. Sinead quickly healed Ginny's ankle and started to heal Hermonie's large cut on her chest.
"Sin, we need you!" Trent shouted.
"All of you stay here. I'm going to lock that door behind me and don't move till I or someone from the Order come back for you."
"But we can help." Ginny said trying to stand.
"Your ankle still needs a bit to heal up." Sinead went out the door to see Bellatrix hit Sirius with the Killing Curse and he fell through the Veil. Remus grabbed Harry who was screaming for Sirius.
"Tonks, is down!" Trent said as Sinead watched Harry break free from Remus and chase after Bellatrix.
"I'm going after Harry. Start getting everyone back to Headquarters!" Sinead started running after Harry as she heard Alastor Moody bark orders at the others. Sinead caught up to Harry as Bellatrix started taunting him.
"Did you love him, Potter?" She sneered.
"Crucio!" Harry yelled as Bellatrix fell to the ground.
"Harry, no! She's not worth it." Sinead said as Bellatrix got to her feet and Voldemort appeared.
"Do it." He ordered as Dumbledore arrived. 
Bellatrix was going to jinx Harry and instead of using a spell Sinead threw a hard punch knocking the older witch to the ground slamming her head against the wall on the way down. Dumbledore pushed Harry aside as he and Voldemort started to duel. When Bellatrix came to she fled as Sinead moved in front of Harry using a shield charm to protect both of them.
"Do something." Harry said as Sinead shook her head.
"They are the most powerful wizards in the world. We wait here." She said pushing Harry back a bit. Voldemort disappeared but possessed Harry. After giving some threats using Harry's body and seeing Albus wasn't going to attack him Voldemort left.
"Sinead, go. The others need help." He gave her a nod as Sinead apparated to Grimmauld Place.
"Where is Harry?" Molly asked as Sinead walked through the door.
"With Albus, he sent me back here."
"I could use some help!" Sophia said as Sinead joined her in the kitchen where she was treating Hermonie.
"I started to heal her-"
"You did a damn good job, saved her life. Tonks, is upstairs in the second bedroom. She's next on the list to be checked out." Sinead walked up the stairs to see Remus sitting by the bed. Sinead quickly checked Tonks vitals and then cast a quick spell to wake her up.
"How are you feeling?"
"A bit woozy." Sinead took one of the bottles from the kitchen and handed it to her.
"This will help with your headache." Tonks drank the potion. "I'll give you two a few minutes."
"He's upstairs with Ginny and the others." Remus said with a small smirk. Sinead nodded and walked up the stairs to see Severus monitoring Ginny's ankle while lecturing the group.
"You all were so quick to run to the rescue-" Ginny bit her lip seeing Sinead in the doorway.
"Harry's all right, he's still at the Ministry with Professor Dumbledore. I think I saw Fudge arriving as I was leaving. Sophia is finishing up healing Hermonie, she's in very good hands."
"Can we see her?" Luna asked.
"In a few minutes." Sinead said with a small smile.
"Are you well?" Severus asked.
"Oh course. I said I was coming back." She said stepping forward kissing him as Ron snickered. Sinead and Severus broke apart.
"Weasley, if I hear one word about this then-"
"Ron, won't say anything. Right Ron?" Sinead said giving him a look.
"I won't tell." He said quickly as Luna and Neville nodded.
"I'm going to go check on Hermonie. Be right back." Sinead said as Severus followed her down the stairs.
"You know the whole school will know. What about my reputation?" Severus asked as Sinead smirked.
"I doubt Ginny, Luna, and Neville will say anything. Don't worry about Ron, I'll talk to him."
"I am going to head back to the school." 
Sinead nodded and gave him another kiss before he headed out the door. Sinead checked on Hermonie who was healed but would have a scar underneath her chest from where the curse hit.
"Everyone would like to see you."
"We have Orders to move the students to Hogwarts, now." Alastor said as the others started to look at each other.
"Everyone else can go to my house." Sinead offered as Molly went to get the others from upstairs. "If we apparate to my house then the kids can floo into Hogwarts."
"Good idea." Arthur said as Sophia took Hermonie with her. Molly took Ginny, Arthur took Ron, Remus took Neville, and Sinead took Luna. Sinead went to Hogwarts with the students to help Hermonie reach to the hospital wing. Poppy was expecting the students and Severus came in with some more potions to stock the supply closet.
"Sinead, did you heal Ms. Granger?"
"I started at the Ministry but my friend Sophia, who is a healer at St. Mungos did the rest. Neville's nose was broken as was Ginny's ankle but they are both healed up, Ron and Luna were hit by spells but they seem to be doing better. Do you want me to run diagnostics?"
"Yes, that will be helpful so I can give them the all clear."
"Sinead, go rest. I can check them in."
"I can do it, it will only take a few moments." Severus gave her a look and started the diagnostic spells on Ginny since Sinead had started with Neville. Hermonie looked over at Ginny when Severus moved on to Luna.
"Tell you later." Ginny mouthed with a grin. After seeing that everyone was in good health Luna, Ginny, Neville, and Ron were given the ok to return to their dorms.
"Go." Hermonie said tiredly.
"Yes, go get some rest. Ms. Granger will spend the night here." Poppy said ushering the students out.
"Are you sure you are ok? You weren't hit with any curses or jinx?" Severus asked as he and Sinead walked out the hospital wing.
"I'm perfectly fine. If I was a good host I would return to my house to check on everyone-"
"No, you are staying here with me tonight." He said as she grinned.
"I was hoping you'd say that." Severus quested Sinead about what happened as they walked to his rooms.
"You hit Bellatrix?" He asked with a small smirk.
"Yes and it felt damn good. That woman-she is so evil and Sirius is her cousin…" Sinead said tearing up as they reached Severus's room.
"Sinead, as much as I want to tell you that you'll never see someone murdered again I can't lie. It doesn't get any easier seeing someone die in front of you." Sinead wiped at her cheeks. 
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