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norman speigner. 22. art major. potentas. bullshit persona.
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ncrmns · 6 years ago
📲 finn
flynn: fair enough.
normie: nah im fuckin with ya
normie: haha
normie: tell me the thng
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ncrmns · 6 years ago
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ncrmns · 6 years ago
task: 004
IN GENERAL: he vandalized and burned down a restaurant.
IN DETAIL: he was eighteen at that time. it was back in maryland. the peacock was one of the well-known restaurants in the neighborhood. people would go there on a friday evening for some lobster pasta and relatively cheap wine, it was a good business, a true success. however, the owner was nothing but a "racist piece of shit" as norman would call him. it was no secret. the man would spread rumors about the people of color who had moved into their neighborhood, he'd voice his absurd political opinions in an online forum for the people in their town. norman was introduced to these posts by emanuela, a girl who could truly be his soulmate. together, they had had this man on their radar for quite a while; since the very first nasty opinion he had voiced publicly. it's as if these stupid words on the internet were the last straw for the young, quite rebellious at that time, and opinionated duo. it happened one summer night, shortly after graduation. they dressed up in all white, wore homemade andrew johnson masks and broke into the restaurant. 3:30 am until 4:02 was the time of destruction. they wrecked the place completely, breaking windows, destroying the floors, spray-painting walls and pouring bourbon and gasoline over every surface. 4:04 was when they dropped the match. the neighborhood woke up to an explosion. when firefighters arrived there was nothing left to safe. the peacock was no more, insane amounts of money gone through the window within a heartbeat. the case appeared on the news early next morning. norman and emanuela watched it on the tv, at their friend's home in philadelphia. after the summer, the two split up. norman moved to new york and emanuela went to a school in washington. they never got caught. DOES ANYONE ELSE KNOW THIS SECRET?: no, only him and emanuela. IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOUR CHARACTER HAS TO HIDE?: he's a rather shameless and open guy, but there's this one other thing he doesn't want anyone to know about. so, um, tw: rape basically, plan was to go to a university in maryland, but before senior year of high school he was sued for sexual assault by an ex-girlfriend. he did not commit the crime. in fact, he was so confused when it all went down? people would turn against him, his ex-boyfriend beat the shit out of him. eventually, the girl admitted to lying. so, he was found innocent. but boy didn't press any charges. he just wanted to get the fuck out of there and put it all past him.
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ncrmns · 6 years ago
📲 finn
flynn: i can’t sleep and i got bored whittling this gnome, so let’s share secrets like we’re at a slumber party or something.
flynn: i’ll start.
flynn: i had a dream about you last night.
flynn: wanna know what it was about?
normie: no
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ncrmns · 6 years ago
Dante scoffed at him before taking the can back. “No, I’m not going to vandalize a home.” He put the can back in his bag. “I’m going to vandalize abandoned homes and buildings. There’s a difference.” He corrected Norman. “What are you doing? Besides being your typical self.” He wondered aloud, at what he was up to at this hour.
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"shit, what a fuckin’ reliever. i was startin’ to panic back there — ready to speed dial the nine-one-ones in case you were a fuckin’ criminal.” he manages to deliver the comment without even taking a breath. sounds rehearsed, yet, reeks of laziness. eyes rest on the other. “i was going to the shop. for ecstasy and frozen veggies.” 
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ncrmns · 6 years ago
as soon as mars head the words ‘the floor is lava’, they just leaped towards the first person they saw, acting on instinct and instinct alone. they flew threw the air like a tiny flying squirrel, going for the classic piggy back riding position, their legs around the waist and their arms slung around their victim’s neck. “my feet aren’t touching the floor! i win!”
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look, he did not leave his room to be assaulted like that. the worst thing? he can’t see it coming. he’s just there, about to take a sip of his boiling hot coffee when a whole person just wraps themselves around him. a surprised “huh” manages to escape, and the next second he’s falling to the ground. the coffee spills, hands come in contact with the pavement. what a huge fuckin’ bother. but, nothing he can do now. so, he stays on the ground, even letting his face touch the concrete. almost as if he’s given up. “are you fuckin’ dumb?” it’s straightforward, but he doesn’t sound angry— not necessarily. in fact, the tone lacks emotion.
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ncrmns · 6 years ago
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ncrmns · 6 years ago
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task: 005
CHARACTER NAME: emanuela allard FACECLAIM: taylor lashae AGE: 22 GENDER IDENTITY: cis-female PRONOUNS: she/her ARE THEY A LOCKWOOD STUDENT? WHAT DO THEY STUDY? WHAT YEAR ARE THEY IN?: IF NOT, WHAT DO THEY DO?: no, she doesn't go to lockwood, but she's a sophomore at a university in washington, studying theology. WHAT IS THEIR CONNECTION TO YOUR MUSE?: they've been real good pals since forever. basically, they're both from maryland, met in high school, freshman year. she's kind of the only person who was on norman's team when everyone turned against him. his parents love her and he appreciates her a lot. she seems to be one of the very few people who can actually talk to him, you know? the two of them genuinely seem to understand each other and together they're quite the power duo. DO THEY KNOW ANYONE ELSE IN THE ROLEPLAY? HOW?: maybe! i have this hc that she vists sometimes, so maybe some of normie's lockwood friends have met her! ARE YOU OKAY WITH THIS CHARACTER GETTING HURT?: um yes BEING INVOLVED IN THE CRIMES?: um yES GOING MISSING?: um m YES DYING?: dude yeah sure let's go DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS OF YOUR OWN YOU’D LIKE TO SEE DONE IN RELATION TO THIS CHARACTER?: atm none but pls feel free to go absolute NUTS ANY MORE IMPORTANT INFO WE NEED TO KNOW?: she was with him when he vandalized that restaurant !! woo i'll def get to making some moodboards for her soon so.. stay tuned !!
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ncrmns · 6 years ago
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aloof. it was the vibe that jasper put out most often, a cloud of smoke surrounding him as he blew out joint smoke as he sat on the roof of the fidelis building. it wasn’t uncommon to see him simply sitting up there, either laying up to stare up at the sky or doing nothing better with his time. his guitar was set to the side, a notebook full of songs he’d been writing flung beside it with a pen that had rolled away from it. he’d often heard the rumors that spread around him on the campus, that he was no good and was simply going to burn out but there he was, a senior, almost done with this hellhole. it felt like it was a prophecy of sorts, as if he himself had proven them all wrong. so, naturally, when he heard the door of the roof open, a smirk tugged on his lips, eyes overcast as he looked back. “figured no one would care if i smoked up here, got a complaint from the neighbors and wanted to be nice. i am considerate sometimes,” and with that, he went back to simply gazing towards the colorful sunrise that laid before him, giving him the proper wake and bake to start the day off for once.
norman appears in the door, representing mostly filth. hair is uncombed, messy brown locks shoved under a green bandana. he’s wearing a pair of brown boots, ones that don’t necessarily go with the long, blueish kimono. a mug rests in one hand, the other one shoved into the pocket of his loose pants, already reaching for a pack of cigarettes. eyes scan the surroundings from behind big glasses. expression remains dull as he approaches. “fuckin’, i care.” he makes his way over to the other. “get off my roof, ya’ dick. or i’ll fuckin’ deck ya’.” the threat sounds unenthusiastic, hardly serious as he plops down next to the other, snapping his fingers, turning them into a gun he then points at the boy. then, he pulls out a pack of yellow camels, opens it to reveal a singular joint he then places between his lips. hands begin patting the pockets, this time in search for a lighter. and of course, he doesn’t have it. and so, he turns his attention back to the other. “fix it up for me? fuckin’... please? little babies shouldn’t be exposed to fire hazards.” 
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ncrmns · 6 years ago
Dante was just the perfect amount of drunk for what he wanted to do next. It was the perfect night as well, not too hot and not too cold. He headed down the steps of his apartment and began to make his way down the street. Not even a minute after he left his phone buzzed with a notification. Taking it out to look at it caused him to be distracted long enough to bump shoulders with someone. This causing the contents of his slightly open back pack to fall to the ground. Contents that included, a few spray cans of paint and a bottle of whisky (that surprisingly  had not shattered). “Fuck..” He mumbled to himself and began to pick up his things, not worrying about the other person at all.
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he’s in the middle of sweet sunshine by beck when someone walks into him. cigarette almost falls out of his grip, accidentally brushing against the material of his jacket, leaving a small burn. he lets out a grunt; how inconvenient. earphones are jerked out in one simple motion, tired eyes moving from the boy before him to the pile of items on the ground. without a word, he crouches next to the other, a hand reaching for one of the cans. normie examines it before lazily holding it out to the owner. “good shit. are you ‘bout to vandalize a home?” 
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ncrmns · 6 years ago
remember when i was talkin bout open starters? me neither!! !!  no but seriously. my muse has been so low, 1/10 an d ... i mmight be dropping my current charas and starting fresh u know ?? i dont  but aside from that i’m sorry ive been gone for a while & i rly hope everyone is doing well! x
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ncrmns · 6 years ago
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“i’m am not wearing this.” memphis declared as she walked out of the bathroom with a look of disgust. she felt revealed and hated it, it wasn’t for her, walking around like this with eyes on her made her feel anxious just at the thought. “this is the last time i take suggestions…” the blonde groaned. 
"fine!” norman spits back from where he’s slumped in the corner. “so fuck you too.” he swings one leg over the other, glancing over to the girl, his eyes narrowed, but aside from that the expression remains mostly bland. when you’d think he’s moved on, norman opens his mouth to speak again. “is it the fuckin’ zipper? ‘cause, yeah, i, too, think that’s dumb, but the soviet flag on the back is goddamn glorious. what the fuck?” 
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ncrmns · 6 years ago
NORMAN is 100% that artsy kid who sits in the corner of a bar smoking cigarettes and imported beer and il that for him and u. and you're the sweetest and so welcoming and honestly, I just want to get to know you better okay
that is spot on, 120% legit norman our pretentious rat friend. did u know that rat and art are practically the same word??? anyway, i love u n rosie n im honestly so?? glad we’re talking
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ncrmns · 6 years ago
tbh u have big dick energy and i enjoy it sm. like when we plotted w/ maple and norman? gr8. 10/10, best vibes, firecrackers, i adore our pretentious children. but even then ur so fun to talk to bc you're so lively and funny and i live 4 funny stuff and u made me lAUGH like at something and i don't even remember what but like ?? i ??? love u and ur writing style so much and i can't believe we don't have a thread yet so UHHH B WE GOTTA THREAD and plot more so i have an excuse 2 talk 2 u xoxox
ok first of all im so happy u got ur account back bc ??? what the fuck i would stab a dude if all ur writing just went out the window like that lmao ?? honestly, u put so much effort into all ur characters and it shows so much !! and if that wasn’t enough, you’re so sweet n easy to talk to and ur ideas?? bomb. and these are such good qualities in a person i just . am stunned. if we dont plot before the end of the week i will call the swat myself 
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ncrmns · 6 years ago
norman is? a got dam king. a legend. i adore him and you and im so happy we got to plot nd i promise ill stop being a gremlin and reply to our thread soon bc i really am so excited to develop him nd romy honestly like? they'll be iconic bc u nd ur writing is just fucking a+
omf u huge sweetie ??? you’re so good, like, please i love all your work. n dont even worry bout it babey literally we’ve got all the time in the wörld asdfg
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ncrmns · 6 years ago
god i just cant wait to get to know you more and your characters more because i fucking love them ?? i watch them and u on the dash and im like. jealous ?? bc im like hi hello i want to rp with u i want to plot with u i love u so much i love everything and everyone u've created. ur mind .. it AMAZES me.
ok listen up ur so fuckin cute i legit cannot . believe !!! i would absolutely love to plot with u, sm pls just give me all . the threads im ready !! 
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ncrmns · 6 years ago
(neen hit ask limit so here i am) — i met u back at lockwood and astrid and norman were truly just ... the unlikely but hilarious pair we all root for. u have such an interesting writing style that is just so admirable and the talent really shines thru all ur muses
omg i genuinely p sure astrid was norman’s v first friend in lockwood?? pls they were so good, power pals. thank u sm for the kind words !!  writing with u was always loads of fun and honestly ??? i wish we had more threads together asdfhj
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