Rants amidst other things.
13 posts
I talk nonsense. 18, London.
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natural-koishite · 12 years ago
It’s awful that people do this but it happens all the time. SasuHina fans have also edited fanarts. For example those water colour Shel Yang arts and this very popular SasuSaku fanart was also edited into a SasuHina one. I hate it too but it’s not nice to generalise the entire SasuSaku fandom. Just go to the person who created that art and tell them off really well. Otherwise SasuSaku fans will tell us we have edited art too and it’ll go back and forth and we don’t need that in the tag right now. ._.
It happens all the time but stealing art is never okay. Just tell off the person who stole that artwork~
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SasuSaku fans are stealing and editing the SasuHina fanarts. What the fuck?!
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natural-koishite · 12 years ago
In order to be satirical, in an oral sense, tone must be implemented clearly. If not executed properly, the true premise of your commentary will not be identified. If too subtle, obviously it will be taken literally by those who haven’t identified the irony and of course others are going to take offence.
As a long term subscriber, I’m familiar with Alex Day’s humour, so I did not think much of this video and knew he truly meant no harm. His views are the exact opposite of what he stated in that video (I don’t think any less of him and i’ll still remain a subscriber) But, this doesn’t mean that the people who did identify his satirical tone should criticise and insult those who took offence and question their anger.
They have a right to be angry at something that was arguably too subtle and poorly executed. The extent to which they do so is debatable, but with body images being a factor of numerous insecurities and self esteem issues, it’s completely understandable.
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natural-koishite · 12 years ago
A lot of things annoy people. People who I follow reblog a lot of things I don't like but I don't go straight to their faces and say "I hate what you're posting. Stop, it's pathetic." I just ignore it and move on. If it's kept within the tag it shouldn't really bother you. I'd understand if people were tagging in other shipping tags but I've honestly never seen anybody do that. If it's because it's in the character tags, then I suggest you just ignore it. I don't understand why other pairings can post in the 'Naruto' tag but crack pairings can't. It isn't hurting anybody so why should it bother you? Calling people delusional and insulting their sanity over fictional characters isn't a mature way of handling this and quite frankly it's very mean and could potentially hurt people who can't help but take these things to heart. My friend received death threats in her inbox for shipping this pairing and she's one of the less vocal fans who only tags her stuff as "SasuHina." I hope you agree with me when I say that's unacceptable. Yes, it even annoys me sometimes when people react over panels, but they're just happy. Is that bad? If it truly bothers you then express your distaste in the anti tags, please. If not, just be aware of the possibility please that people would want to reply and defend themselves. I admit, that isn't the mature way of handling it either, but they would never have responded if people didn't question their state of mind over fictional characters. If somebody called you delusional and pathetic over something so trivial, I'm sure you'd feel the same way.
The sad thing is that SasuHina fans don’t get why they get the hate, when other people have told them countless times.
You get the hate because you shove your ship down other people’s throats, by claiming that your ship, in which two characters have never interacted in more than 14 years of this…
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natural-koishite · 12 years ago
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Artist: Kou Takamura
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natural-koishite · 12 years ago
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SauceNAO failed me I think.
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natural-koishite · 12 years ago
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natural-koishite · 12 years ago
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Artist: Kou Takamura (He doesn't have a website I believe)
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natural-koishite · 12 years ago
I'm going to start spamming fanart to push away the hate so I hope all of you are ready~ Just ignore them, they just don't understand, that's the only reason why. I suggest we all just spam fanart. Please source the art if you're going to though, please.
And if you antis happen to be reading this. We haven't shouted or proclaimed our ship anywhere. Are we not allowed to tag in the Naruto tag? I guess i'll just tag all of this fanart i'm about to spam in the Inuyasha tag because that's the series Sasuke and Hinata are from. /sarcasm
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natural-koishite · 12 years ago
Guys, if you see hate please just ignore it. They don't understand that we're just easy to please shippers. They don't understand that we don't even think they will become canon. They don't understand that we don't give a fuck.
To be honest we're a lucky fandom. We're happy with just interaction or anything, they don't even need to be romantically involved and we'll be satisfied because we didn't expect anything to begin with. Whereas whenever Kishi reveals the end game couples, if it opposes their ship they will wallow in their own sorrow and argue that "Kishi can't write for shit" so I don't know where they're coming from saying that we're delusional or messed up in the head. Getting angry over ships, pffft.
We're just chill and sailing on our submarine. Because we actually give no fucks and they do not understand.
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natural-koishite · 12 years ago
That's a really mean thing to say to somebody who wrote those theories not to prove anything at all. She's one of the nicest and open minded people in the SasuHina fandom and just likes to speculate and do these things for her own enjoyment, not because it's all in her "screwed up" head that SasuHina will eventually become canon. I don't normally join in with discussions like this but please don't make your own assumptions, especially towards someone as nice as her. I hope you understand.
Alright. After reading the last chapter of Naruto, even rereading the past chapters full of NaruHina- ness, and reading a very convincing blog by a certain individual(, and watching a vlog or two I’ve decided that I’m not…
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natural-koishite · 12 years ago
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natural-koishite · 12 years ago
Headcanon: Hinata and Sasuke’s parents were acquainted with each other. Upon taking a walk with her mother, she sees Sasuke’s father teaching him Katon jutsus and her mother explains that Hiashi and Fugaku are friends. Hinata’s mother leaves Hinata to visit Mikoto.
Sasuke fails to impress his father in which Hinata is reminded of the same harsh words she receives from hers. However, Sasuke doesn’t give up and Hinata is left in awe, seeing somebody work so hard even after being compared to somebody else. She continues to watch Sasuke everyday from afar wishing that she had the same courage and drive as him.
By chance, the two eventually become very good friends, working hard together and sharing their dreams and troubles with their siblings/parents. Hinata admires Sasuke’s level of hardwork and intelligence, plus his popularity in the academy, whereas Sasuke appreciates her silence, her potential to be strong and ability to give him space unlike other girls. While not saying it out loud, they both become each other’s best friend.
The Uchiha massacre occurs, Sasuke is left with unimaginable pain and suffering. Hinata hugs Sasuke for the first time and cries for him. Remembering Itachi’s words that he must kill his best friend in order to obtain the Mangekyo Sharingan, he pushes Hinata away. He states that they can no longer be best friends but does not tell her the reason why and runs away. (He cannot bare the concept of ever killing somebody so precious to him) He vows to never speak or look in her direction again. Hinata is left confused and hurt, but still wanting to be there for Sasuke and waits everyday at the spot where Sasuke trained and trained to master the Katon jutsu in hope that one day they could be friends again.
After giving up, not having somebody to confide in and with constant verbal abuse from her father, Hinata finds refuge in Naruto. Hardworking but misunderstood, reminding her of the best friend she had lost. She fell in love with him because his smile had saved her and watched him from afar just like she did with Sasuke. Sasuke sees this and looks downwards in agony.
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natural-koishite · 12 years ago
So i'm new to tumblr and I love to rant about anything. My first post just had to be about one of my Naruto OTPs.
I love crack pairings. I super love them. I never seem to be the normal one to ship the regular canon pairings because I always like to think about how these two characters would come together. That however does not mean I don't ship canon characters. Of course I do. It's just that I never seem to like them as much as crack pairings. 
One of my pet peeves is when fans of canon pairings say that they like crack pairings but can't accept SasuHina because it's apparently senseless. Excuse me? Perhaps it is, but crack pairings are ships that have no chance of becoming canon. So automatically, in a way, yes, it doesn't make sense in the canon-verse, but the shipper has a right to voice their head canons and make fanart and all the things. Don't hate on that, please.
If you think it doesn't make sense, more power to you. However, therefore you shouldn't be saying that you like all crack pairings other than SasuHina because no. All crack pairings therefore don't make sense if they have no chance of being canon, right? I'm not saying it's wrong to hate SasuHina because no, of course not. Everybody has a right to dislike/like what they want but honestly. How can you like crack pairings but dislike SasuHina because it's senseless? Crack pairings generally don't make sense. But it's the shippers who breathe life into these pairings and make us think of what could be. We use our imaginations to indulge ourselves in what would happen if they had interacted. 
Just as these haters don't know how SasuHina got so popular, I for one don't understand how it got so much hate. If you like crack ships then you should understand why people ship them? But oh nope, you hate only SasuHina because it doesn't make any sense apparently. MOST CRACK SHIPS DON'T. Honestly, don't pretend to like crack pairings if you don't truly ship them. Because then, if you do say that you like crack pairings but hate SasuHina because it's senseless then you're contradicting yourself. If you hate SasuHina because of the lack of interaction, no development, etc. then those are valid reasons but therefore shows that crack pairings may not be your cup of tea as most of them contain these traits. 
Honestly, I just think that SasuHina gets so much hate because it involves two very popular characters that could potentially get in the way of the alleged canon pairings. Haters like to emphasise that they are a crack ship so much (in which they are, but the haters use this in a negative light) so why are you so hateful towards something that won't become canon? You feel totally threatened and i'm flattered that you think that they have a chance of stealing away a character from one of your ships. 
It just annoys me when people say they'll ship pairings such as Shino x Hana or Itachi x Temari (super sexy pairings by the way) in which these characters have no development and they've never spoken to eachother, etc. But dislike SasuHina for the very same reasons? How in the hell are you shipping those crack pairings then?? I just don't understand. If you hated all crack pairings then fair enough but honestly. I wish people would give SasuHina a chance rather than hate on it because it gets in the way of their canon ships. We have such beautiful fanart/AMVs despite there being no interaction together and the fandom is pretty cool with the exception of a few tards but every fandom has those. (Although it's very small within this fandom)
But I suppose everybody has their preferences. Everybody has a right to dislike/like what they want, but the amount of hatred SasuHina gets in comparison to other Naruto crack pairings is absolutely ridiculous. What makes it so different from the others that it generates more hate than them? I genuinely want to know. I may ask this question in the anti-sasuhina tag because i'm curious. I'm not hating on the haters for hating. Not at all. I just genuinely want to know why they would ship other crack pairings but not SasuHina if they contain similar traits? What makes SasuHina so different? Please, don't say it's because it doesn't make sense. Because that is not a valid answer if you ship other crack pairings. 
To conclude, yes SasuHina may be senseless to you but it makes sense to others. It has a right to be popular just like any other pairing. 
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