João Martins
251 posts
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johnny--style · 3 years ago
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[ENG] The last evolution of the grass starter Pokemon of Hoenn!! ......................................,............................,......... [PT] A última evolução do inicial de planta da região de Hoenn!! . . . #johnnystyle #pokemon #pokemongo #pok #nintendo #mon#sceptile po#pokemoncommunity #anime #pokemoncards #pokemonart #pokemontcg #pokemonswordshield #art #pokemontrainer #shinypokemon #pokemoncollector #nintendoswitch #pokedex #pokemonfanart #pokemonfan #gamefreak #fanart #fffで繋がろう #pokemoncollection #shiny (at Curitiba, Paraná)
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johnny--style · 3 years ago
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[ENG] Never is too late!! So we bring the Cruzes Challenge of the month!! The goal was make a warrior furry this time... ....................,.........................,............................ [PT] Antes tarde do q mais tarde... #cruzeschallenge do mês tá na mão senhor @leandrocruzes!! Objetivo do mês erra criar um guerreiro furry!! . . . #johnnystyle #panda #furry #furryart #furryfandom #furrywarrior #kungfu #furrydrawing kung (at Curitiba, Paraná)
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johnny--style · 3 years ago
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[ENG] Today my little brother @_tommymartins_ is celebrating his #birthday, so that's my tribute to him!! Wishing you all the best always bro!! Happy birthday!! Love you!! ................................................................................ [PT] Hoje é #aniversário do meu irmãozinho Thomas, então essa é minha pequena homenagem a ele!! Tudo de bom pra vc sempre!! Feliz aniversário!! Te amo!! . . . #johnnystyle #happybirthday #brother #littlebrother #cartoon #caricaturadigital #presente #tribute #homenagem #felizaniversario #irmão (at Curitiba, Paraná)
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johnny--style · 3 years ago
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[ENG] A wip of Gymleader Kakashi!! ........................................................................ [PT] Uma parte da arte do líder de ginásio Kakashi!! . . . #johnnystyle #pokemonfanart #narutofanart #animefanart #mangafanart #nintendofanart #desenho #ilustração (at Konoha Gakure)
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johnny--style · 3 years ago
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No Way Home HQ . . . #johnnystyle #spiderman #spidermanfanart #marvelfanart #marveluniverse #marvelcomics #spidermannowayhome (at Curitiba, Brazil)
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johnny--style · 3 years ago
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Kuririn!! . . . #johnnystyle #dragonballart #dragonballfanart #dragonballz (at Planet Namek)
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johnny--style · 3 years ago
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Hajime Saito!! . . . #johnnystyle #rurounikenshin #rurounikenshinart #digitalart (at Mafra, Santa Catarina)
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johnny--style · 3 years ago
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[ENG] #treecko was my first pokemon of Hoenn region, and pokemon Ruby and Sapphire was my favorite game of the saga!! So we go with #grovyle today, to make a #artwork of my favorites starter Pokemon!! ................................................................................ [PT] Treecko foi meu primeiro pokémon da região de Hoenn, e Pokémon Ruby e Sapphire é meu jogo favorito da saga!! Então nós vamos com o Grovyle hj, para ter uma arte do meu inicial favorito!! . . . #johnnystyle #pokemon #nintendo (at Hoenn Region)
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johnny--style · 3 years ago
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[ENG] Yesterday @officialasroma was the first champion of #uefaconferenceleague I'm so happy about it!! So I couldn't let this event pass without a post!! .............................................................................. [PT] Ontem AS Roma foi o primeiro campeão da Conference League!! Eu estou muito feliz!! Então não poderia deixar passar em branco!! . . . #johnnystyle #asroma #totti #champion #soccer (at Estádio Olímpico De Roma!!!)
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johnny--style · 3 years ago
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[ENG] Exactly one year of this art of my love @dniffermartins!! ............................................................................. [PT] Exatamente um ano dessa arte do meu amor!! . . . #johnnystyle #girlfriendart #girlfriend #love #loveart #cartoonart #cartoongirl (at Curitiba, Paraná)
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johnny--style · 3 years ago
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[ENG] Cuz' we couldn't let this version without a normal post!! 🎶 IT'S TIME TO DUEL🎶 ................................................................................. [PT] Pq não podíamos deixar essa versão sem um post normal!!! 🎶SUA VEZ🎶 . . . #johnnystyle #yugiohduellinks #yugiohcards #yugioh #konami #darkmagician #magonegro #yugiohcommunity #yugiohfanart (at Dominó City)
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johnny--style · 3 years ago
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[ENG] Another #cruzeschallenge done!! This time our job was to make an original character (OC) of one of my favorites sagas, Dragon ball!! I made a Demons creature (Makaijin) called Dakyura, obviously, inspired on Count Dracula!! Hope you ALL enjoy!! ............................................................................... [PT] Outro desafio do senhor @leandrocruzes feito!! Dessa vez o objetivo era criar um personagem original de uma das minhas sagas favoritas, #dragonball Eu fiz uma criatura demônio chamada Dakyura, obviamente, inspirada no Conde Drácula!! Espero que todos gostem!! . . . #johnnystyle #dragonballz #dragonballgt #dragonballheroes #dragonballlegends #anime #mangaart #fanartfriday (at Makai)
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johnny--style · 3 years ago
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[ENG] Another shirt print for those who are missing!! Slakoth on!! ............................................................................ [PT] Mais uma estampa para quem já estava com saudade!! Slakoth na área!! . . . #johnnystyle #pokemonshirt #pokemongo #pokemon #nintendo #shirtprinting #estampa #camisa (at Curitiba, Brazil)
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johnny--style · 3 years ago
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[ENG] Just pouting some color on the B&W classics!! ................................................................................ [PT] Só colocando um pouco de cor nós clássicos de preto e branco!! . . . #johnnystyle #pokemongo #pokemon #nintendo #ashketchum #oldcartoons #ilustração #artedigital (at Curitiba, Brazil)
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johnny--style · 3 years ago
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[ENG] In the Star Wars vibe yet!! A little gift to my gf @dniffermartins Hope you all as like as she!! ................................................................................. [PT] Ainda na vibe de Star Wars!! Um pequeno presente para minha namorada Dniffer Martins Espero que vcs gostem tanto quanto ela!! . . . #johnnystyle #starwars #darthvader #lego #legostarwars #disney ##obiwankenobi #fanart imperial (at Coruscant, Galactic Empire)
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johnny--style · 3 years ago
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[ENG] Today we go with another #cruzeschallenge This time the goal was made a character as a 30's cartoon... Was pretty fun and my first time doing something like that!! .................................................................................. [PT] Hoje nós vamos com mais um challenge do senhor @leandrocruzes Dessa vez a premissa era fazer um personagem como um cartoon dos anos 30... Foi bem divertido e foi minha primeira experiência fazendo algo do gênero!! . . . #johnnystyle #cartoonart #cuphead #pokemon #30scartoons #nintendo #cartooning (at Kanto Region)
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johnny--style · 3 years ago
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[ENG] Neon Orc process!! ............................................................................... [PT] Etapas de criação do Neon Orc!! . . . #johnnystyle #orc #neon #neonvibes #illustrationgram #desenho #ilustração (at Curitiba, Paraná)
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