Akira Toriyama
Never personally got into Dragon Ball. I watched a bit of the original series growing up and watched a couple episodes of Z, but it wasn't really for me.
That said, even if I haven't read/watched his stuff, I cannot deny how influential and important he is to manga and anime.
I also cannot deny how important his work was to generations of people. So many people grew up with his artwork and many more got into it into adulthood.
I will always recognize that he was a hard working, imaginative and talented artist.
While I do not have a personal connection with Toriyama's work, my heart goes out to both those who are directly impacted by his death and those who mourn him as a fan of his work.
So many of you are sad because of his passing, which came way too early. Please take care. Try to be happy that he was able to create so many cherished memories over decades. Try and remember all the good times he brought you.
Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You touched the lives of so many people and your legacy will be remembered and felt forever more.
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Akira Toriyama
Never personally got into Dragon Ball. I watched a bit of the original series growing up and watched a couple episodes of Z, but it wasn't really for me.
That said, even if I haven't read/watched his stuff, I cannot deny how influential and important he is to manga and anime.
I also cannot deny how important his work was to generations of people. So many people grew up with his artwork and many more got into it into adulthood.
I will always recognize that he was a hard working, imaginative and talented artist.
While I do not have a personal connection with Toriyama's work, my heart goes out to both those who are directly impacted by his death and those who mourn him as a fan of his work.
So many of you are sad because of his passing, which came way too early. Please take care. Try to be happy that he was able to create so many cherished memories over decades. Try and remember all the good times he brought you.
Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. You touched the lives of so many people and your legacy will be remembered and felt forever more.
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SES Fist of Family Values
✍️ Q&A TIME 🕰️
But this question is for YOU, Helldivers: What is the name of your Super Destroyer?
A Helldiver’s flagship is a key component of their identity and their fight for the future of Super Earth. So, Helldivers, what did you choose to name your ship?

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Low orbit Democracy
Art by Lionel Schramm
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I didn’t take many photos this weekend, but you can enjoy this one that made me laugh.
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Have you reviewed Arcanine yet? I know you've done the hisuian form, but how about the regular form?
(Hisuian forms over here and here)
For the record, I do prefer the Hisuian forms for both of these guys. I feel like those forms added a bit more flavor to the line, with the theme being much more obvious and having additional details like Hisuian Growlithe's little bangs. I still like the originals, but the regionals added a lot to this line.
Anyway, that said, OG Growlithe is cute. It's mostly just a canine creature that is very loosely based off of a shisa (lion dog), but beyond that the stripes and wild fur always gave this line a bit of a distinct visual identity despite the relatively subtle theme. The orange color is pleasant and is complimented with additional cream fur, and the black stripes pop nicely.
That said, there are some weird visual quirks going on here—namely, the front paws. Seriously, what on earth is going on there?? It's so weird when it has proper back paws and Arcanine has all four paws as well. The ears are also a bit of a weird shape, something that the Hisuian version fixes.
Arcanine is the more distinct of the two, boasting a giant size (who doesn't want to ride a giant fire-breathing dog, really now), an even wilder mane, and more stripes. I like how it looks pretty strong and almost regal, befitting of the shisa concept. The extra spiky mane is also something rarely seen in modern Pokemon, which prefer smooth, easy-to-model shapes for fur instead.
Visually, I think Arcanine also smooths out some of the weirdness of Growlithe, such as the ear shape and the front paws. The way the head fur connects together to form a giant mane looks more natural than Growlithe's singular head tuft, and extra stripes are always a good thing.
My only visual complaint here is that the stripe patterning starts to feel erratic. The stripes on the legs have a triangular downward motion, while the stripes on the haunches are straight and have a forward motion... and then the stripes in the middle have a triangular shape but a backwards motion. It reduces the flow of the design and feels rather random, compared to picking one shape and direction for the markings and sticking with it. (Hisuian Arcanine does not fix this, but the markings are less noticeable due to the shape of its mane.) Otherwise, I do like it for what it is.
Site note: Arcanine's beta version was known as "wing", because the tufts on its legs were originally shaped like wings. This is why its Japanese name is Windie, why the Pokedex mentions it being able to run really fast, and why Hisuian Arcanine has the wing shape present in its front fur. It was mildly interesting, but it didn't really feel like it connected to Arcanine being a fire-type shisa in any meaningful way. Also, it didn't seem to have stripes in this version, which were a much-needed addition that help break the body up a bit.
Arcanine was also intended to be a legendary Pokemon at this point in development. It does kind of give off that vibe, but it probably makes more sense as just a cool normal Pokemon instead.
Anyway, not the most conceptual Pokemon out there, but still memorable enough and enjoyable in their own right even if the regionals are a little bit more thought out.
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MANAGED DEMOCRACY⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
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theres something so special about helldivers 2 where even if you’re losing its still a blast. its so comedic and dramatic that no matter how bad or good yr doing im having so much fun. goated ass game
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