natiscore · 2 years
"Her charming spell" PT.2 (LAST PART) 2/2
By Nati
I sat with my feet hanging off the bridge for a few hours and went back to my room i was thinking about writing her a letter before putting myself to an end in the letter i wrote as tear fell down myself “ Dear Rose i am writing this letter to you as my goodbye as i will be going to a place far away i know your mad at me right now for hurting Kyle and i'm sorry i don't know what got over me when i did that to him but you don't know how crazy i am over you i went to war with myself, for you i have liked you since the day we met on that bridge near the lake you drew memories in my mind that i could never erase  you painted colors in my heart i could never replace you taught me to feel things i've never ever felt before i looked at you and i realized what love is that day when you fell into my arms crying i felt my world crash down into pieces i felt 1000 needles pierce my heart and im so mad i wasnt able to tell you these words in person Rose i love you im so sad the moments we made will turn into memories i may die but my feelings for you will remain but please dont be sad about me find someone who deseves you, not just wants you if you ever feel lonely remember to look up at the night sky and look at the moon i will be the moon i will  be there to light up your nights i will end everything where it started”…  - Jack. i folded the letter went to school the next day took one last glance at her and slid the letter into her locker and ran off as she yelled my name “Jack wait!” she opened her locker and saw the letter she teared up and fell to the ground as was in shock she got up and ran to the bridge and looked at me in shock as i stood over on the edge i glanced back at her as i jumped off and she let out a painful scream and said “JACK IM SORRY I LOVE YOU TOO!” as i was falling i heard her say “i love you too” i regretted jumping off and not giving her a chance to speak to me… right now i wish i could turn back time in another life.. We will meet again.. Till then goodbye my love… 
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natiscore · 2 years
“Her charming spell”  PT.1 1/2
By Nati 
 I remember it just like it happened yesterday her bright smile and her silky long brown hair and her honey brown eyes we hanged out every single day i always felt myself getting caught in her smile the days passed and i felt myself falling deeper for her every time i was around her i felt like i was floating in the clouds but her eyes weren't always on me… they were always on my best friend Kyle she liked kyle with all her heart she thought of him as her prince charming me in my head i was the second male lead i couldn't do anything but watch them get closer i asked my mom for advice and she said “Even though it is painful to sit back and watch try to be happy for her don't you love her? As long as she's happy support her help her get together with your friend Kyle” it was like my mom really didn't understand me but i followed her advice and helped them get together each time as i helped them it felt like needles were being buried into my heart a month passed they were together as a happy couple but as that month passed i felt myself getting lost each day me and her spent less time together i felt so much pain in my heart as we were slowly going from friends to strangers i just wanted to die and disappear without a trace at the time but i told myself “You need to compose yourself and be good to help her at any moment!” i tried keeping myself in a positive mindset one day she came to me in tears and hugged me i felt my heart sink as i saw her crying in my arms she told me “Please just let me cry in your arms for a bit don't ask me why…i don't really wanna talk about it” i respected her wishes she her and Kyle slowly got into a bad place in their relationship i tried being there for her she would never tell me what was wrong and Kyle was barely seen around i was so sad i never saw her give me that smile again i felt as if something was stolen from me…i tried not to worry too much i just focused on helping her feel better weeks passed i barely saw her at school and if i did her hair would be messy she had dark bags under her eyes and she looked skinnier as if she hadn't been eating she was always sleeping in class and Kyle that bastard was dating another girl while she was here being eaten alive its like she lost her soul and was just a bag of skin and bones i felt so bad i felt anger inside of me build up i got up and yelled “KYLE!” she looked in my direction and Kyle had said “What's up dude?” but before he finished his sentence I punched him in the face and broke his nose. I pushed him to the ground and was punching him over and over. His girlfriend watched looking at me terrified then she was there watching me with tears in her eyes and screamed my name she said “How could you! You know I love him, why are you hurting him…STOP IT NOW!” i got off of Kyle looking at my bloody hands i was disappointed in myself she look at me angry and said “I can't believe you stay away from me don't ever talk to me again…” then she had ran off the words i don't ever wanna hear came out her mouth it i felt my heart being crushed i got called over to the principal's office and got suspended for a week my mom kept questioning me “WHY WOULD YOU DO SUCH THING!? HE'S YOUR FRIEND COMMON NOW I TAUGHT YOU BETTER” I had no energy i just sat there and let her yell at me then i went up to my room i felt as if my life was over all i could think was of ending it all and not waking up again all i ever wanted was her i ran out the house while my mom was in the kitchen i ran to the bridge where me and her first met thinking of how something good could turn into something bad..
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natiscore · 2 years
How To Never Stop Being Sad
"Repeat to yourself that they're not really gone
Time has proven
That fooling yourself into believing a lie
Is the most effective way
To deal with things you have no control over
Keep listening to the mixtapes they made you
Overanalyze every single word you hear
"Was this a sign that things were going wrong"
No no, you were the one that cared too hard, not them
Stay up every single night staring at your phone
Either attempting to gather up the courage
To turn these demons, these constant reminders
Of your loneliness into nothing more than a bad dream
Or praying just for one second you could feel
The warmth of equally returned love
Go out for coffee four times a week by yourself
Always bring your notebook, never stop writing
Leave little comics and thank you notes with you tip
Watch them smile as you get in your car
Talk down on yourself whenever possible
My life is shit because I deserve it, right?
You must have done something real bad
It's nearly impossible for you to cry now
Avoid your friends for weeks even though
They're the only sense of consistency you have
Left in your life, if they really wanted
To see you they'd come. But they won't (who cares?)
Allow yourself to lose interest in things you love
Watch as you begin to take a backseat
To the world around you, don't fight it
Become a secondary character in your own motion picture
But most importantly
Drown every single one of your feelings
In old stolen rum
Learn to love the taste of it dripping down your throat
Find comfort in the warmth coming from your stomach
You're drinking bottled love now
You don't need other people to drive away your loneliness
You just needed to find a way to talk to it"
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natiscore · 2 years
Welcome to Natis Blog! You can call me Nati, ill be posting about quotes that maybe helpful to people and I will be posting a short stories and post them on here🌙!
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