nathedelstein ¡ 4 years
The sight of Nath at his side shouldn’t have been as earth shattering as it was. Yet, the feeling consumes him regardless, his head begging to ask questions that were none of his business to begin with. But if there’s anything Flynn has learned since the steady development between Nath and Eleanor, it’s that he was a secretly jealous creature. Whether that notion may be detrimental or not is still up for discussion and realization.
Nonetheless, he turns to the other, smiling warmly. The sight before them had begun to dissipate, the woman storming away in all her glory while the scorned man remained behind, a bouquet of beaten white roses in his grasp. “It’s gotta be. Mostly because I’ve seen this exact scene unfold with a friend of mine. He cheated and told her with flowers too, if you can believe that.” Flynn says, brows arching in amusement. He scoffs, “What, you think diamonds can reverse a scandal as big as cheating? I’m thinking a yacht would suffice, at least.” The English man turns once more, scanning their surroundings before allowing his eyes to rest upon Nath again. “I’m Flynn, by the way. Eleanor’s friend. I don’t think we’ve met yet.”
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The talk of diamonds and yachts — he doesn’t know what to think of it. He certainly had never cheated (their transgressions lay elsewhere) but still they’d known the regret sitting in their stomach, the apology rattling around in their throat. Nath was constantly apologizing. For their addiction, for their mistakes, for their existence. 
It’s why they feel the need to apologize to Flynn, a self-proclaimed “friend of Ellie’s”, as if their status as her partner (fake as it may be) somehow sullied her image. “Oh! Right, Flynn…” He trails off, nodding, extending a hand a beat late. “Funny how we’ve never worked together before — although, uh, maybe that’s a good thing.” They give him a pressed smile, shuffling on this feet. 
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nathedelstein ¡ 4 years
The moment both figures enter the cat sanctuary, a few feline ears perk up in delight. Geo has spent time at the animal shelter volunteer, there isn’t a single pet that goes unloved or unappreciated. Everyone puts in the effort when tasks are assigned. Though time is scarce and with limited hands, along with helping hearts and those willing to adopt, many of the pets on the property grounds fail to see life outside of these four walls. So any interaction is infinite joy. “People fail to realize that older cats deserve a home too.” An unexpected depth of despair flutters upon her falsetto, witnessing the felines wandering near them or napping in their open cages. “I know the fascination of kittens warms everyone’s hearts, but you won’t believe the kind, tender souls in some of these cats,” she expresses, “Plus, less of a worry in having your furniture ruined. Kittens love to scratch and climb on everything. It would be difficult to salvage something you love.”
It’s not her wicked way to sway Nath. Spending a multitude of hours with clients and learning behavioral patterns of animals gives her an upper hand with valuable advice. This advice is shared with a close friend to hearten their decision as Nath had asked of her. Softly, her mouth corners lift as hazel optics catch a brief glimpse of her companion. “They’ll like you.” She means it. Though, just like every human has a story, so does a cat. “Some will be friendlier than others. Think about what it feels like to meet someone for the first time ─ some people will be upfront about what they went through and feelings, whereas others are shy and take time to trust. Cats can be the same way,” she raises knowledgable facts.
Though, optics divert from her human companion to witness the last second of an inky cat dashing right past them. “I bet that cat’s name is Salem or something.” In a jest, Geo shakes her head while reflecting on her addictive Sabrina The Teenage Witch marathons days ─ a topic is for a latter date. Instead, she’s trailing behind Nath and witnesses the sight of an approachable orange tabby as a burst of confidence, and glee flutters her chest. Something about this particular interaction gives her hope. Or so, she’s hoping to reassure their concerns of being liked. “Goose,” she reads carefully from the tabby’s cage card, “Three years old, spayed and neutered, which are all good things.” A brief pause to catch her breath before proceeding. “It also says Goose’s owner was an elderly woman, and she had to give him up due to moving to a nursing home.”
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Nath takes in the information, nodding along. “I hadn’t thought of that,” he replies. They were in agreement about not older cats, mostly because he wasn’t sure if he could even handle a young pet. 
“Oh,” Nath whispers, mouth left in the shape of their utterance. A pang of guilt jolts his body(whatever it is, it shoots), wondering about other poor animals sheltered here. And then, their mind wanders to the hundreds of thousands of other animals not lucky enough to be put into no-kill shelters, hoping for some miracle to change their fate.
The guilt morphs into depression. They could change one animal’s life, but not thousands; not even hundreds. Just one measly little cat, or dog, who’d think the world of him — but the hundred they left behind believing him to be a scourge.
They rise, suddenly unsure of this whole trip, of even coming along with Geo, even as he watches the little cats with longing. “I - I’m not sure anymore. There’s just... so many animals, huh?” They look all around at the throng of cats. “Maybe we should look at the other animals?” 
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nathedelstein ¡ 4 years
Had their agents forced them to hang out for the first time at a grand event like this, Ellie was certain that this would all go differently. A part of her was grateful that they had time away from so many flashing lights beforehand, and Nath’s company provided comfort amidst all the chaos. Knowing that there was someone she could trust, that they were on the same team together. Her cheeks flushed at their comment, not quite believing in his words. Nath ought to deserve the attention as much as she did — and wasn’t that the purpose of their relationship, in the first place? Then his rambling came and she couldn’t help but smile, squeezing his hands gently in reassurance. “You’re not making me nervous. You’re helping me, actually. I never usually turn up to these things with anyone, so,” He reassured her all the same with his next remark, laughter spilling over lips with a shake of her head, although feeling her nerves calm down just the same. “I’m going to hold you to that.” 
“You know, do you fancy trading?” Ellie was almost envious that Nath didn’t need to get involved with any interviews, but rather allowed to take a break instead. Although before she could get an answer, her publicist came and pulled her away to said interview. Shooting one last look over at Nath, her facade returned at once, a smile plastered across her lips as cameras and microphones were thrusted too close to her face than she liked. 
The questions were always the same: Who are you wearing tonight? What’s your upcoming project? Who do you think will win tonight? Then it was peppered with questions about Nath, how they met, when did they start dating — and just like she practiced, her answers were sufficient enough to keep the press satisfied and at bay. As the interview came to an end, out of the blue, a man suddenly spoke over everyone else. Ellie! Are you finally happy now that you’re off the market? Have your parents met — I mean, would your dad approve of Nath? 
“Uh,” The questions threw her off, and Ellie blinked, opening her mouth but nothing came. Of all the events where she didn��t need to think about her dad, she would’ve expected tonight would be the night for that. Not once in an audition, a screen read did she ever choke. But she could feel the inevitable happen as panic clouded over her and her heart began to pick up its pace. “That, um…” Just say something.
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And he lets her go. Willingly, because he was ordered; and it feels strange now, because they’ve basically been inseparable since the start of this whole act. They were to appear as much of a real couple as they could, and being seen alone in public would only weaken that narrative. And so they’d done so, and inevitably, become acquainted to each other’s quirks as well. 
And her dad — he’d heard, bits and pieces, and even less from Ellie, but the way she reacted, his death was still raw so they didn’t dare push the topic. They knew what it was like from the publicity side of things, where every person and their mother wanted to know how they’d felt. At least he had the book to defer to. They’d bonded over the unspoken understanding of the hole in their lives — for her, a love ripped away, and for him, a love that he didn’t think he received. In the end, it’d resulted in the same thing. 
So he lets go, but he hangs back. It’s subconscious enough that their hand feels empty without hers (funny how a few weeks ago the very gesture had felt awkward), so he holds their hands out in front, fling that space. He catches a few words, almost proud at how natural she sounds, like everything about them were true. 
(Some of it is true, of course. Like that time he’d laughed so hard at her that spaghetti came shooting out of his nose onto his plate, or when he’d pulled her into a fountain because they’ve always been a clumsy bastard.)
But in the brief moment they don’t pay attention, squinting at some actor that he thinks he recognizes, everything crumbles. They look at Ellie, who’s stammering away, face slack and tight at the same time. They look around, wondering if their agent, her publicist, anyone would come to her rescue and save the interview before it went up for the entire world to see. Maybe some of it is selfish too; he knows that catching somebody like her at a weak point could be the errant thread that unravels everything else. 
Nath does what he does best. He acts. They stride forwards, unable to see anything but Ellie and the shrill blonde holding the microphone, and shoves himself into frame with a wide, but tight smile on their face. 
“Hey!” Nath looks between Ellie and the interviewer, grinning. “What are we talking about?” They don’t care that they’ve broken about a million of their agents’ rules, that muscling his way into an interview was about as bad as revealing the truth about their relationship, but he can’t help himself. Letting her flounder like a fish out of water seemed wrong, because even if she isn’t really his girlfriend, Ellie is still their friend.
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nathedelstein ¡ 4 years
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Lydia doesn’t always fit the upbeat blonde persona people expect of her, mostly because of the weight she shoulders, something other people know nothing about. Still, there was something about Nath — she wasn’t sure if it was his blue eyes or the fake relationship with her best friend — that made her want to get to know him. She knew she had to be upfront about knowing Eleanor, but she didn’t want him to think she was a gossip who was after information, because she wasn’t. “I have a feeling that I’ll be surprised,” the blonde offered a small smile.
Closing the book once the introductions were over she nodded. “Really good, if you’re into thrillers and horror stories. It’s called The Guest List,” she showed him the cover before pushing the book away, turning her body to face him as their non-alcoholic drinks were placed in front of them. “I do have a confession to make though— I knew who you were already, but not for the reason you’re thinking,” she was quick to correct herself, threading her words carefully. “I am Eleanor’s best friend and you’re supposedly dating her…?” Another smile in hopes to make him feel at ease with the subject, not that she wanted to talk about it, she just wanted to let him know that was a safe space in a way.
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“I’ll put it on my reading list,” he replies, nodding. Like everybody else, promising to read more is repeated far too often and never fulfilled. Hell, he’d bought some books a few months ago, but most of them have sat on his nightstand, untouched. 
Oh — so that’s how she’s familiar; Nath thinks that they’ve seen her around Ellie, but he’d always been insurmountably awful at faces. Everybody and anybody could look familiar, he thinks, if one looked at them the right way. He hears the skepticism in her voice, and immediately they look up, furrowing their brow. “Well, yeah. I’m dating her. What - I - supposedly?” Maybe they’re acting a bit too defensive for it to sound natural, but even Nath knows the urgency of keeping the true nature of their relationship a secret. “It’s been a few months,” he insists.
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nathedelstein ¡ 4 years
Award season was every aspiring actor’s dream to be a part of, and it was no different to Ellie, especially it was merely three years ago when that dream finally came true, waiting anxiously for the main event to happen to find out if she was deserving of the golden statue with her name engraved on it. That year, also marked the only time she didn’t attend to these events solo. As her father’s presence always worked well as a blanket of calmness to sooth her anxieties away — with her dad, she would know everything would be fine. Seeing him in the audience that year, it was close to being the happiest moment of her life.
Yet tonight, Ellie would be making the exception and turning up to said event with a date. With no other than her fake boyfriend, of course. The purpose of their attendance had nothing to do with the purpose of tonight’s event, but rather to stir the paparazzi crazy as cameras flashed away, blinding her to the point where she couldn’t note the features of the people behind the cameras anymore. It was not the same kind of nerves she felt as before, but rather she felt more jittery under the pretence to sell their relationship to the public. Bold as she tried to act around people, but she most definitely nervous tonight. 
Ellie could hardly hear Nath’s voice and she had to lean in closer, peering up slightly at him which only caused the lights to flash more rapidly around them. “Probably, but pictures are permanent and it’ll be too late if you do, anyway. If I had to smile anymore, I’m scared my face is going to stay permanently like this.” For a brief moment to ease the tension, her brows rose slightly, as if to imitate one of the housewives filled with botox. It faded just as quickly as it appeared, before finally, they were ushered down the red carpet, away from the cameras.
Rubbing her cheeks gently, Ellie wasn’t kidding about her smiling too hard. “So, what’s next again?” She asked when they moved aside for a moment, survey the crowd around them, before turning back to Nath as her professional facade fell for a second. “Are you okay?” She couldn’t help but add, her voice laced with genuine concern, knowing red carpet events could be rather overwhelming, as she was feeling so right now. 
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Another person would have missed the split second where Ellie’s face morphed from her usually sunny disposition to one of Botox-ridden horror — but Nath catches it in time, bursting out into a fit of laughter. It isn’t long before they are shuffled away from the main photo area, and they breathe a large sigh of relief. Finally. He adjusts his shirt sleeves, turning to look at Ellie with a tight smile.
“Yeah, yeah — I’m fine. Don’t worry about me; nobody’s looking at me with you by my side.” It sounds cheesy, but all too true. He had one of Hollywood’s most sought-after actresses on their arm, which meant, undeniably, nobody would care about some washed-up kid actor with an alcohol problem. They bite their lip, before shaking his head. “Well, I - I didn’t mean to make you nervous – I mean, if you aren’t, then… yeah. Crap, sorry.” Their palm makes contact with their forehead, and he sighs, shaking his head. “Listen, you’re killing it. I promise that if you fuck up, I’ll like... trip on my shoelaces or something. Make sure they don’t pay attention to you.” Nath nods. 
At the question of what they’re supposed to do next, Nath looks around the crowd. “I think you’re doing an interview, right? And I’m supposed to stand by, and not bother anybody. Look pretty, I guess.” He grins. “They probably don’t trust me yet to not put my foot in my mouth.” And at that, Nath has to agree. 
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nathedelstein ¡ 4 years
State of perplexity cascades over her naturally arched brows, scintillating features sharpen at Nath’s particular choice of words. Overreacting, no, this would’ve been the last thought to gripple her conscience because she doesn’t think anyone overreacts, nor does it exertion her, but their explanation of their strain is valid. Adoption is a big deal. After all, it’s the pre-test of having children phase that many people endure seeing if they have the capability of taking care of a newborn who will scream their head at uncontrollable hours of the evening. 
Though, she understands and doesn’t think their reaction is absurd to her. If anything, it gratifies her because having anxiety, as dreadful as it is and she knows firsthand, means Nath cares about this afternoon’s outcome. It’s something that deserves to be memorable for him. A decision that will change his life wholly since the four walls he returns to after a long day won’t be lonesome anymore. There will be an acquaintance awaiting for them and ready to smother with infinite love.
First, before even jumping into words, comes a shake of her pinned brunette tresses. “You’re not overreacting, okay?” A heartening, soprano falsetto acknowledges with glee-filled upturned mouth corners. “At least, don’t worry when you’re with me. I know Ellie and her brother, Rory, rather well. I’m used to them overreacting, crackhead ways ─ their words, not mine.” Prompt and stern with informing before the other can make lapse judgment that Geo would say this out of spite. When in reality, it was enormously encouraged by the two Hirsches to refer to them as such. So, why not?
Alas, they’re here to find a pet for Nath and to give an animal a forever home, not lecture each other on generation Z terminology. She focuses on taking the lead and waltzing up to the familiar counter of the Catalina Animal shelter with a steadfast beam signing in both names for the visit. It doesn’t take her long as she waves to the familiar volunteers in the back offices or on their break before strolling up to Nath’s side again. “Signed us both in. Let’s start by taking a stroll to those glass doors.” A nude, gel-coated nail points to the sight down the corridor. “That’s where the adult cats happen to be. I know many people shrug off the thoughts of adopting an older animal, but it does save you from having to plastic wrap your couch and chairs from their scratching. As well, they deserve another chance at a happily-ever-after,” the brunette pronounces her thought process with laborious optimism.
Navigating them to the slender corridor, a hand pumps  hand sanitizer from the wall-mounted as Geo glances over her shoulder, “Proper sanitization helps keeps animals healthy.” Afterwards, she rolls up her sleeves and heads into the cat sanctuary ready to follow Nath where they wanted to begin.
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Nath follows Geo in, taking a pump of sanitizer like she recommended. “I don’t mind an older cat,” they reply, looking around the sanctuary with a curious eye. “Honestly, it’s probably better anyways. I don’t know if I could take care of a kitten…” They’ve heard that cats were lower maintenance animals compared to dogs, but he couldn’t tell if any of the animals actually liked him. The array of felines are mostly quiet, either watching the two or wholly disinterested in their new visitors. “I don’t know. I just want them to like me, you know? I don’t want them to be scared.”
Nath hesitates, shuffling around. No two cats looked alike, each boasting their own specific markings and colorings. He walks over to a black cat, but it backs away, tail shooting up. Nath backs away as well, eyes swimming around the room before an orange tabby catches their eye, and he walks over to it. The cat stays patiently in place, eyes wide and mysterious. “Does this little fella have a name already?”
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nathedelstein ¡ 4 years
LOCATION: Carmichael Roses Co. SETTING: Afternoon. TAGGING: @catalinastarter​
This is the thanks I get? Fuck you, Mark! A woman from the rose garden wails, throwing a bouquet at a stunning looking man before her. Everyone is watching. In truth, how could they not? Making a scene in the middle of a large community garden. Flynn had been there gathering some ideas for flowers to send to his mother back in London. Her birthday was coming up and he was quite poor at cultivating presents, even for people that he loved dearly. But, now, he was simply enjoying the show. Flynn turns to a fellow onlooker, “What do you think this Mark bloke did?” He asks, “I’m thinking he cheated. He’s got the look on his face, he was caught red-handed.” 
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Ever since Geo had joked that Carmichael Roses were sustained on corpses, Nath had avoided the place like the plague. Even as a well-meaning prank, they still got a visceral reaction every time they passed by the place that only recently dissipated away.
Now, he was here by request of his agent, who sent him on a mission to purchase flowers for Ellie. And what better place to get them than Catalina’s own luxury rose garden, Carmichael Roses?
The estate is usually fairly peaceful, but today, the shouts of a quarreling couple is all they can hear. He looks up, right in sync to the other’s comment, but they don’t avert their gaze from the drama. It’s too hard to look away, like a train crashing over and over again. “You think that’s what it is? Pretty weak to get flowers after you cheated, don’t you think?” They squint. “I mean, at least something diamond.” 
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nathedelstein ¡ 4 years
for → @eleanorhirsch location: la — golden globes 2021 time: 6:30PM
Out of the fame and stardom that came with being an actor, red carpet events had never been Nath’s favorite. Perhaps it was because he’d grown up with the cameras flashing and people yelling at him to look towards them. And then, they’d be forced to sit in a seat either far too big or far too small for hours on end, watching as actors far more seasoned than them receive their awards. For young Nath, it’d been dreadfully boring and unbearably nerve-wracking all at once.
He supposes at some point, the drinking had helped with that feeling.
Over here, Nath! Over here! 
Bulbs flash and he raises his hand over his eyes, squinting. They’re out of practice, with his last public appearance being over a year ago, before his move to the island. They’d attended alone, the first and last event they’d done so in years. It hadn’t helped, of course, that his interactions consisted of questions probing about his impending divorce with Gwen. They don’t remember most of the night, after that. A week later, he’d checked himself into the rehab facility on the island, away from the nosy crowds. 
Tonight is different. There’s a new darling on their arm (as staged as it may be), and for once, they are inviting the gossip that would inevitably spread across the event. It’s their first official appearance together, which meant that nothing could go wrong. Per his agent’s instructions, they were not to diverge from the plan like they’d done the first time around. They’d get their photos taken together, and then they’d separate to allow Ellie to do her red carpet interview on her own. 
The lights flash again, and he grits his teeth, before leaning in to Ellie, voice lowered, lips barely moving. “Do you think they’d yell at us if I made a face?” 
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nathedelstein ¡ 4 years
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Marya Hornbacher, Waiting
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nathedelstein ¡ 4 years
Being nervous, especially when it comes to adopting an animal, is a justified response from Nath. It’s a change in one’s lifestyle along with a heap of responsibilities because, at the end, you’re taking care of life, and you can’t stick an animal in a corner. One has to go through rigorous coachings, such as infamous potty training in any form of parenthood. It may take time and plenty of patience, but all of the growth that she has seen in them over the years makes her proud to be apart of this new chapter ─ even if it’s classified as minuscule in other people’s books. 
Alas, Nath’s worries voice worries to her now cause her bottom petal to quiver. Her right-hand reaches up and pats him gently on the shoulder. “It’s going to be okay, and I mean it because you have me alongside,” her silvery falsetto attempts to raise his spirits, giving him a soft beam. The brunette would never let him tread into unwanted territories. If anything, it’s the last thing she’d ever do, considering both of them openly threw a fit at Wollstonecraft to get him to the restroom. Once more, adding, “We have all day. I’m sure the volunteers at the shelter will allow you to sit down and spend time with pets to spend more time with them.”
So she takes a moment, allowing the words to settle in the atmosphere to remind Nath this process has no limitations to her schedule. The brunette is aware the minute they step into the establishment, formidable emotions will grip the other in awe and wonder where to begin simply. Clearing her throat, and rocking on the heel of her Common Projects, head motioning toward the front door. “Let’s head in, and maybe we can start with the kittens since they are always first upon arrival? They let them sit in the window, so they probably are eager to meet you.” 
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In response, Nath nods, feeling some of his anxiety ebb away — Geo’s right, per usual. If they know anything about the woman, she is reliable. Possibly the most attentive and loving mother that Joanna and Asher could have, no doubt learned from her own lovely family that he often envied from afar. 
But they could have their own family. And though his marriage had long fallen away, already collecting a layer of dust, a pet — a companion would no doubt help them to feel more like the island is home. 
“Okay. Yeah. I’m —” and here, he chuckles, shaking his head lightly, “I was kind of overreacting, huh?” And with that, they walk into the shelter, leaving behind their nerves. 
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Immediately, he’s hit by noise. Mostly dogs barking, though from afar, he can hear the warbling squawk of some sort of large bird. Like Geo mentioned, the cats are right up front, stalking the length of their little cage, some intrigued at their entrance, others wholly uninterested in the new visitors. He decides to let Geo handle the people at the front desk, assuming to himself that she knows them, given that she is a vet.
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nathedelstein ¡ 4 years
Something about the island felt off. He’d just gotten back from the city a week ago. A lot had changed since the holidays. He lost everything. Just about everyone. Or that’s what it felt like. It was a struggle to even feel like he belonged in his own skin at this point. There was the contemplation of not returning to Catalina but he’d gotten far too used to the routine of running when he felt things weren’t fitting and it never got him anywhere. At least the island was a lot smaller than most cities. Usually his ever present optimistic side would tell him, “it’s easier to make connections here. To keep them. We can do this.” But even that voice was silent more often than not these days. 
The one plus side of the 39th existential crisis of his life is that he finally took the plunge doing something he’s always wanted. One day being suffocated by the weight of being alone, he decided to hit up the local animal shelter. It took all of ten minutes there to decide on a dog. A new companion. A reason to pull himself out of bed everyday. If it weren’t for the pup, Wolfe would still be entombed in house or worse by this point. But instead here he was at the park just across the street from the beach, coffee in one hand as he sat a picnic table watching gleefully as his new furry friend ran back and forth chasing and retrieving one of the at least 20 toss toys Wolfe purchased for the canine. 
The musician is so engrossed with the dog he doesn’t notice when someone sits at the other end of the picnic table. He’s startled when he finally looks over to grab one of his snacks to see a person sitting there. Laughing, he places a hand on chis chest in surprise. “Jesus! How long have you been there?” 
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Nath isn’t a loner by nature, but lately, they’ve take to traversing the island alone, headphones in his ears. His therapist had emphasized alone time as a way for them to feel more at ease with themselves and their decisions, but lately, his thoughts had become a crazy mix-up of negativity.
The park is surprisingly empty for a sunny afternoon — but then again, the sun in February on an island isn’t a rarity. There’s one other person in the park by the picnic table, throwing toys for the dog to retrieve, and they smile, sitting down at the end.
They don’t mean to intrude. Even just sitting amongst them in their little bubble is enough for Nath to be distracted from their own problems (and it’s maybe why he loves acting so much — it’s a chance to dive into somebody else’s head and not his own), and they sit there peacefully.
It doesn’t take long for the other to notice, and Nath slowly realizes it’s Wolfe, and their eyes light up in recognition. “Oh — hey! Sorry, I was just walking. Is this your dog?” He walks over, bending down to scratch the guy behind its ears. “Where’ve you been?” they ask, furrowing their brow.
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nathedelstein ¡ 4 years
Marley was Marley. She liked to dance, and flirt, and have a good time, though there were some who took her affinity for such as an invitation for more. Tonight had been one of those nights. She’d left the club with a generous buzz, hair let loose from the ponytail it’d started the night out up in. The cool Catalina air pricked goosebumps up her bare arms, the chill bringing a smile to Marley’s lips…until she’d been made aware of the sound of approaching footsteps behind her, and that smile quickly faded. Not wanting to panic over nothing, Marley smartly tested her fear, making an unnecessary turn here, picking up speed there, even slowing down…but no matter where she turned or how fast she did so, the sound of following footsteps remained. Now she was panicking.
Okay, Marley, think. She still had ways to go to get to Lafayette Square. In her unnecessary turning, she’d stumbled upon a street with a few stragglers ahead, but who knew when they would retire and leave her all alone. Her eyes roamed the street, looking for somebody, anybody, and her shoulders just about sagged in relief at the sight of a streetlight and a lone body underneath.
“Oh, you’re a saint.” Marley huffed in laughter as she approached, quick to embrace the other in a tight hug, long enough and quiet enough to murmur a “please just go with it” in their ear before pulling back with a smile. “Thank you so much for waiting.” If her whispered plea hadn’t gotten her point across, she hoped her widened eyes and tense shoulders would.
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At this particular hour, Nath is simply waiting to cross the street. On nights when all he could do in his bed was toss and turn, he’d go out on walks. Fresh air had always been good for him, and though they were still dreadfully alone with their thoughts, they could distract themselves with a some music or a podcast — things he would only half-listen to in order to fill the silence in their brain.
But the woman comes out of nowhere, engulfing them into a hug. He’s slightly confused, but it only lasts a moment before he hears her plea, and their instinct immediately kicks in.
“Hey! Of course — you ready to go back?” they adlib, smooth, without missing a single beat. The perks of being an actor, he supposes, is the subtle ease at which he’s able to lie at will. They spot the individual from the other side, who approached them with a sort of confident swagger only found in the most drunken of individuals.
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nathedelstein ¡ 4 years
SPECIAL DELIVERY TO: @nathedelstein​
LOCATION: Catalina Animal Shelter 
DATE & TIME: February 7th at 1:30pm
The rush of exultation Georgina woke up to exists for a multitude of reasons. Sunday, being the usual Livingston breakfast at Catalina Country Club, before playing a round of eighteen holes with her brother and father as the rest of the family hide from the glistening arrays. While she steadily looks forward to the weekly reunion with her family, sitting down and gathering the details of the past week, the plans of this afternoon will take her elsewhere ─ to the Catalina Animal Shelter to assist Nath with their new adoption.
Perhaps it’s the fact someone trusts her expertise, which again, how couldn’t they? After all, a degree in Veterinary Medicine is an accomplishment Geo is delighted by. It’s why she picked a career in something that she has always loved. The invitation to tag along had been extended to Nath significantly after Lilo and Stitch jumped on them during their erupt meeting at Step Beach. She was glad to see Nath’s message a couple of days ago. It felt even more surreal when the brunette pulled into the familiar shelter and began to make her way up to the entrance.
Taking the glee-filled strides, a hand waves in the air before silvery falsetto calls out to her friend, “Hey stranger!” The vibrant sea of words escapes into the vast surroundings with a broad beam. Georgina finally strolls up to Nath’s side, where she gives Nath’s arm a gentle nudge before dancing brows occupy her forehead. “Okay, please tell me you’re excited because I know I am.” Like a child on Christmas morning, or even in a candy shop. “We’re going to find you the perfect animal to bring home, and we’ll spend hours searching if necessary.” 
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Nath has no idea why he’s so nervous in the first place, when all he’s doing is giving some deserving animal a forever home, but still, all day, Nath cannot keep himself still. They’d gotten up early (a rarity for them, when their sleep schedule is as unplanned as his own), gone for a run (which he’d immediately regretted), and then had an entire pizza for lunch (which he’d also regretted).
As time ticked by, Nath arrived at the local animal shelter, fifteen minutes early, sitting by the bench before thinking against it, and took to shuffling around the front of the shelter with anxiety. 
When he sees Geo saunter over to him with a bright smile on her face, he feels his anxiety ebb away a smidge, nodding as they attempt their own smile. “Uh, yeah! So excited,” he replies, though they sound less than convinced. He shoves his hand into his pockets, buzzing with nerves. “Okay, okay — maybe a bit... nervous?” They bite their lip, and let out a pressed chuckle. “I - what if none of the animals like me?” 
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nathedelstein ¡ 4 years
Appreciate the island. That was one way of putting it they supposed, Lucian had simply realised this was where they were meant to be, even if there was always a feeling of wanting to run away again. That had been ingrained in them from a young age and they were pretty sure it would never go away. They just needed to keep grounded and remember that it wasn’t really necessary, there were people on the island who would be there for them, no matter what. “Always have… but in a few different ways,” they responded.
It wasn’t at all surprising that Nath questioned what they said in response. It seemed they hadn’t been too good at masking their feelings just lately. People knew there was more than meets the eye going on. “Not really, but there’s only so many times I can go over it before I go insane,” they admitted, shaking their head. At the suggestion of therapists they found themselves sighing, hands idly running through their hair. “Yeah? Might be a good idea.” As much as it pained them to admit that. “On both counts…” this time a breathy laugh escaped with the words.
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“Yeah?” Nath, perhaps, never thought about the island as home, but having been on the move for the past two decades of his life, they felt relieved to have finally had a place to stop. Even if they’d been pulled in and out of school during his childhood, Nath had still spent his formative years on the island, basking in the quaint island life, growing underneath the hot Catalina sun. 
“Seriously,” they repeat, hand reaching over to grip theirs. He just wants his friend to be okay. They’d always admired them for their passion and confidence, especially when he himself had none to spare. “Whatever you need. I’ll be there.” Already, he’s pulling out a slip of paper to write down the numbers and names of the suggestions he’s offered. “What do you wanna do first? Therapy or the spa?” Their tone is a touch facetious, trying to lighten the mood after it’d gotten so serious. 
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nathedelstein ¡ 4 years
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“You’re also kind of horrible at selling yourself, you know that?” There is still a kind smile on her lips. Maybe she should mention she is Eleanor’s best friend, but doesn’t know if that’ll cause Nathaniel to shrivel up. If she was being completely honest, his company wouldn’t be all that bad, especially when the book had reached it’s exposure part of the plot and while Lydia fully believed that exposures were needed for some people who were slower at following the story, they also kind of made her want to roll her eyes.
Did that make a snob out of her?
The blonde flags down the bartender and asks both for a refil on her iced tea and one for Nath. She’s not much of a media follower, and Eleanor had never disposed much information about them to her, so this would be a new experience. “Maybe we can start with an introduction? I’m Lydia Beckett,” she extends her hand. She doesn’t know where her confidence comes from, maybe it’s a mixture of curiosity and eagerness, a little boredom, but still, she reckons if he can’t take the lead at small talk, she’s quite good at it, she had sat down with plenty of authors who loved that, now she could maybe put her knowledge into use.
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“Well, that’s never been a strong suit of mine,” he counters, thinking about his rather wild past. “And even the people who were, well, supposed to get me out there. Yeah. Didn’t really go too well.” There really isn’t any humor in their voice, always far too morose when speaking about themselves and their past. 
He’s glad for the segue into introductions, managing to place a small smile on their face. “Lydia,” they repeat, “nice to meet you. I’m Nath.” He never knows whether to introduce himself or not, constantly worrying about how they appear to others. Leaves out the last name deliberately and reaches over, taps the cover of her book with a flick of his finger. “What are you reading, by the way? Any good?” 
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nathedelstein ¡ 4 years
💬 → geo.
Geo [9.50PM]: Well, I'm so glad this is happening 💖 Whatever species of animal you'll pick, I will be glad to examine of no charge.
Geo [9.52PM]: I can do around 1:30 pm, if that's okay? I'm spending time with my father in the morning and I never know how long he wants to be at the Country Club and on the greens. 😂
Nath [10.00PM]: No way???? That is the nicest effin thing anybody has ever done for me
Nath [10.01PM]: That's perfect! Don't worry about me, I don't want to cut into you and your dad's time on the course 👌
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nathedelstein ¡ 4 years
“Yeah, that’s not going to happen.” As sure as Lucian was that Nath was joking about that particular remark, they needed to go ahead and make that clear all the same. There’d been mention before that all of their time was spent on the island now, but that really wasn’t the point. The truth was, there was a part of Lucian that was probably the opposite now, they were desperate in a way to keep escaping, yet they couldn’t pinpoint quite why exactly. It needed addressing for sure, but that wasn’t really a conversation for today… one day though.
With their hands clasped in front of them now, they let a breath go very slowly, and then shrugged in response to Nath’s question. “I’m good,” they reassured the other. “I’m better.” That was probably a better explanation. They’d never be truly over what had happened to keep them in LA, but they were working through it now with the help of a couple of people. 
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“You appreciate the island, now, huh?” His tone reads as almost scandalous, as if being from the island meant that liking it makes it a sin. But Nath doesn’t judge, finding that lately, they’ve been experiencing it, a revitalization in how they see the island they so despised. 
In response, Lucian seems tired — maybe a tad hesitant to say their true feelings regarding their wellbeing. "Are you sure?” This is Nath, always pushing, always trying to swoop in to save somebody that neither wanted or needed it. “I know a few good therapists I can give you the number of, and oh — a really nice spa-resort place where you can relax...” These are the things they offer, shiny little bandaids to fix whatever is plaguing their friend. 
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