✨She Who Shines Brightly✨👑✨
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She/Her, Bi, 21+, Marvel/DC, SuperCorp Fan
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natashasilverfox · 2 months ago
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Ad Astra Per Aspera
Tony - Steve - Bucky 
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natashasilverfox · 2 months ago
“Forgive yourself for not knowing what you didn’t know before you learned it.”
— Maya Angelou
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natashasilverfox · 2 months ago
Some random agent dude: Do you like your coffee like you like your men, tall and dark?
Natasha: No, but I do like my coffee like I like my women: sweet, strong, and able to keep me up all night.
Some random agent dude: What?
Clint: What?
Maria: What?
Natasha: You all hear me.
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natashasilverfox · 2 months ago
The 26th of December
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Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Word Count 4k
You first met at the Shield base. She was ahead of you in the cafeteria line.
Natasha was alone. You’d never seen her before and you guessed she was a new agent. She was slightly jittery. She held herself unnaturally still but her eyes darted around the room. Barely noticeable, but you caught it. 
Her red hair was tied back in two perfect braids, her pale face was fresh except for dark shadows under her eyes. You stood next to her in the line, holding a plastic tray and feeling like a school-child all over again. 
Natasha held an apple in one hand and a bottle of water in the other. Her grip made the plastic crackle. 
‘You know, it’s not so bad here.’ You mused aloud after a minute, enjoying the way her head whipped around at the sound of your voice.
Her breath hitched and then she regained herself. You watched her expression move immediately from panic to calm. You took note of the emotional control. Not a typical rookie agent. 
‘Maybe for you. They’re training me with Robin Hood.’ She answered after a beat.
‘Oh.’ You pretended to consider. ‘Well then, I guess you’re fucked.’
Her answering laugh rasped through you like an electric current.
You ended up sitting at the same table,whilst you ate. Natasha was a mix of conflicting signals. Her smile was easy but it rarely reflected in her eyes. Her shoulders were loose, but her posture was stiff.
She ate her apple slowly. You tried to make small talk between bites of your own meal. You started to hear the trace of a Russian accent in her short responses. 
Natasha was down to the apple core before she told you anything about herself. Even then, it was just fragments. She’d made a deal with Agent Barton, she’d held up her end of the bargain, now she was here.
You didn’t press for more details. You didn’t think you could.
Instead, you pushed your plate to the centre of the table and gestured to the untouched fries.
‘Well.’ You said lightly. ‘Maybe this ridiculous place can be your home.’
Natasha’s lips twisted into something too complicated to be a smile.  
‘I don’t think I know what home is.’
You glanced at her hand, sneaking to grab a fry. You grinned.
‘Don’t worry.’ You promised. ‘It’s not that complicated.’
Conversation with Natasha was like trying to fill in a blank sheet of paper. Sometimes, you felt like your threw conversation topics into the air, trying to guess what she wanted to talk about.
It was easy to spend time with her. Despite different routines and training, you made a habit of eating together.
The habit became easy.
Every mealtime, you found yourselves together at the same time and same place. 
Through her first months at Shield, you watched Natasha’s demeanour change. 
Her smile became easy with others. She didn’t tense up in crowds anymore. When your friends came occasionally to sit at your table, she always seemed to welcome the company. You couldn’t tell for sure if she liked them but she never seemed to hesitate when she found herself in a group. 
She definitely preferred socialising with you there. You knew she’d declined a few bigger get-togethers with other agents. 
You thought maybe she liked that you’d known her so long. Longer than anyone except Agent Barton.
Her eyes sparkled whenever she started talking about an inside joke between the two of you. If people were around, she’d meet your gaze daring you to share the story behind it.
Your mind still lingered on what she’d said about home, on the first day that you'd met her.
You wondered what she thought about it now.
Every so often, you’d catch the mask slipping. A wince after training, when she sat down at the table. A worried expression that smoothed itself immediately into an easy smile. A momentary stormy look aimed at nothing in particular.
The shadows that lingered under her eyes, darkening and fading with a cyclicality that worried you. 
Sometimes, she’d steal a piece of food from your plate and give you a look too fatigued to be playful.
It was after one of those looks that you invited her back to your rooms at the Shield base.
You had to finish some work, you told her, but you’d like the company anyway.
It felt obvious, like a natural next step that should’ve happened months ago.
You couldn’t help lighting up inside when she said yes. 
That evening you typed on your laptop from the sofa, enjoying absentmindedly Natasha's exploration of your space. Her casualness was undercut by tiny hesitations. 
She wandered in and out your kitchen like she was on a guided tour, you heard muffled noises and knew she was rustling through your rarely used spice rack. She wandered back through to your living room, and you tried not to smile obviously when she touched the edge of your fluffy rug experimentally with her foot. She studied the cushions on your sofa and the house plant by the door. You watched her finger trail down the spines of several books on your bookshelf. 
Every time she moved on from something, you waited for her to finally settle. To sit next to you on the sofa, to switch on the TV, or start to talk. 
It was when you heard the rubber duck squeak in your bathroom, that you finally understood. Why would she know how to make herself at home?
‘Natasha.’ You called, looking up from your laptop screen. Natasha’s head popped around a doorway.
You smiled automatically and watched her match it with a smile of her own.
‘You know, you can do whatever you want here’ You told her, tone light but still serious. ‘Mi casa es tu casa.’
Natasha rolled her eyes. You knew then that you’d been too forward. You’d acknowledged her discomfort but she hadn’t wanted you to see it in the first place.
You didn’t feel sorry. You meant what you said. You rose from the sofa to make you both some coffee. 
You touched her shoulder with absentminded affection as you walked past. Natasha went still at the action. You turned before you entered the kitchen, wanting to double check if the touch was okay.
You watched Natasha smile secretly down at the ground. She lifted her head, feeling your gaze and rolled her eyes again. Her smile only got stronger. 
You walked into the kitchen feeling lighter than air. When you returned five minutes later, Natasha was sitting cross legged on your floor. 
She gave you a small smirk when you handed her the coffee mug. You sat on the sofa, just to the side of her. You watched silently as she ripped blank pages out of one of your old notebooks. Her fingers worked deftly as she made snowflakes, origami shapes and chains of paper dolls. 
You watched her with a mix of awe and something undefinable. You thought about home. How the definition of it was starting to change for you too.
After some time, you couldn’t help but reach over, picking up the red biro pen that was lying on the coffee table. Natasha startled then relaxed readily, when you moved to sit beside her. She watched as you messily coloured in the hair of the nearest paper doll. The bright red was almost obnoxious.
Natasha elbowed you lightly when you scribbled ‘Romanoff’ on the doll’s dress.
When Natasha left, you hung the paper dolls above the TV.
Agent Barton told you about Natasha’s dilemma before she did. You’d never spoken before but when he caught up with you in the hallway, he addressed you by your first name. It took you a moment to realise that he knew exactly who you were. It turned out, Natasha talked a lot about you. 
Natasha’s annual vacation time was mandatory and had to be taken, but she hadn’t booked any of it. Clint didn’t need to explain why. You’d known Natasha for nearly six months now and she’d never spoken about anyone except the people she’d met since joining Shield. 
Clint lay the problem out matter of factly. 
Natasha had nowhere to go and she didn’t seem to want to leave.
It was the easiest solution you’d ever come up with.
You found Natasha in weapons training. She was easy to spot with her usual red braid falling down between her shoulder blades. Her arms were raised as she aimed a gun. Ears covered and focus exact. 
She still spotted you almost immediately. 
You waved awkwardly as she lowered her gun and removed her ear defenders. 
‘What are you doing for Christmas?’
Natasha’s head tilted. At first, you thought she hadn’t understood the question. It took a second, before you realised that she didn’t understand why you were asking. She thought it was obvious that she didn’t have plans.
‘Maybe we could rent a place for the vacation time.’ You suggested. ‘We could go somewhere snowier than here.’
Natasha watched you for a long moment and then you watched her lips life into a small smile.
‘I like snow.’ She said at last. 
The next few weeks passed slowly. A new anticipation crept into your life. You rented a cabin in the middle of nowhere for the holidays. In theory, it was the perfect background for an idyllic snowy Christmas. Trees surrounded it on three sides, it was one step away from a true nature retreat. 
When you described the vacation home to Natasha. She’d just nodded seriously, like you were giving her a rundown of details for a future mission. You tried not to let her reaction worry you, she was relatively quiet for the rest of the day.
The next day, Natasha joined you for breakfast with obvious intent. Before you'd had time to say hello. Natasha asked you about the clothes and other essentials you were planning to pack. You found yourself head first into a detailed conversation, full of follow up questions about things like the capacity of your car trunk.
It was then, as she nodded seriously to each of your answers, that you realised. Natasha didn't know what to expect.
The realisation made you feel a sudden sense of responsibility and freedom. Natasha had no expectations for what the holiday could be. But she'd still said yes. It was a good feeling to be trusted.
You observed her sitting across the table. Natasha chewed her lower lip as she thought about her next question. Her fork spun thoughtlessly against her plate.
You realised, that everyone in this place knew either Agent Romanoff or the Black Widow.
You were the only one who knew Natasha.
Natasha cleared her throat awkwardly, her voice came out quieter and she leaned forward slightly. 
‘Could we?’ She hesitated. ‘Should we bring fairy lights? Would that be festive?’
You’d never smiled harder in your life.
‘Yeah.’ You agreed enthusiastically, reaching over to pause her fork mid-twirl. ‘That would be amazing.’
You’d once sat opposite a blank page but now Natasha was a watercolour.
The vacation time came at last and together you drove away from the Shield base full of anticipation. 
Natasha was silent, her focus turned to the world passing outside the car window. You fiddled with the radio and tried not to overthink her quietness.
Just over an hour into your drive, you realised that her eyes were sparkling. Another quick glance over to her and you saw the small smile hidden on her lips.
You let some of your excitement trickle back in. You switched the radio to Christmas music and watched her hand quietly tap against her thigh.
Natasha was your best friend. She was starting to become your family. 
You felt your heart squeeze with a new happiness when you heard her deep intake of breath as you drove up to the cabin. The wooden exterior was framed with a thousand golden fairy lights. You’d called the rental agency and asked for a favour. You hadn’t been able to resist.
You watched Natasha’s expression as she stepped out of the car. For the first time, any trace of uncertainty was forgotten. Her wide eyes filled with curiosity and excitement. 
Her foot crunched on the frozen ground and her eyes shot to the snow covered forest floor with a muted joy. You laughed and her gaze found you instead. Her red hair was loose and long, she’d combed out her braids during the car ride. It framed her face prettily. 
Natasha rolled her eyes at your expression but then she started to smile widely.
You held up a finger in a silent request for her to wait a minute before you hurried to the trunk of your car. You fished in your bag for a few moments and retrieved a pair of festive felt reindeer antlers. 
Your face hurt from smiling so hard as you walked back and fixed the pair of antlers onto Natasha’s head. Natasha’s bare fingers reached up and traced the soft material. Her expression was undecided and then it relaxed into another bright smile. For the first time, your heart pounded nervously at her proximity. You’d never seen someone look so beautiful. Natasha moved her head and the bells on the antlers tinkled.
‘Come on.’ You murmured, another persistent smile tugging at your lips. ‘You’ll get cold.’
The next few days were illuminating. It became clear just how embedded Natasha’s lifestyle was, as you watched her invent and stick to a new regimented schedule. There was something fascinating about how naturally she followed a routine, even with no real pressure to keep it.
Early morning runs, chopping wood for the stove, yoga, completing stolen work assignments, reading spy novels, undertaking thorough research into unusual topics.
Your schedule was something different. Unlike Natasha, you reverted immediately to a more relaxed way of life, happily shaking off the Shield agent lifestyle. 
You woke later in the day, always after the sun had decidedly risen. You scrounged breakfast from the fridge. You let any passing whim decide your day’s activity. A stroll to find a nearby frozen lake, a sudden urge to make gingerbread.
You realised soon enough that Natasha’s busy schedule was really paper thin. It only took an invitation and she was eager to join yours instead. She told you all about her spy novel when she joined you on your rambling walk to find the frozen lake. She told you about trying to run in the snow outside as she helped with the icing for your gingerbread house. 
That was the other thing that you were starting to notice about Natasha. You’d known her for nearly a year now. You knew you liked her company. You could tell she liked yours. You realised that every minute you spent together only made you want a thousand minutes more.
On the third morning, you woke up to the smell of coffee. You opened your eyes readily, you’d been moments from waking up at your usual time anyway. Natasha cleared her throat and you startled before seeing her standing awkwardly in the doorway. She was holding two mugs of coffee, clearly unsure. 
You smiled automatically at the sight of her. Natasha’s shoulders relaxed and she smiled too. Her hair was tied back in a messy ponytail and she was wearing green winter pyjamas, straight from a cheesy catalogue. 
‘Morning.’ You yawned as you sat up.
‘Morning.’ She echoed, handing you the coffee.
‘You’re the best.’ You mumbled happily, taking a sip.
You felt Natasha hesitate, trying to decide if she should leave. You patted the bedspread beside you. It was an easy invitation. Natasha curled up in the space next to you, hands cupping her mug.
‘I like your pyjamas.’ You said with a smirk.
‘Shut up.’ She said dryly, but you could tell she was pleased. 
‘Very festive.’
You drank coffee in silence for a few minutes and then you started to talk. 
At first it was light things, another book she’d just read, how cold it was that morning. 
Then the conversation shifted. She started to tell you real things.
Pieces of childhood. The way the tree branches bowed over the walls of her childhood home. The deep chill of Russian winters. Her favourite American Christmas movie. Where she’d been when she first saw it. 
You thought about all the light talking she’d been doing this vacation as you passed your days together. You wondered if she’d been trying to find the courage for this. With every smile or nod from you, the words kept coming from Natasha. Difficult things. Happy memories that lived with an undercurrent of sadness.
You felt a lump in your throat listening to her, wishing you could explain how much you liked hearing her talk like that. How much you liked her.
It was all special.
That Christmas Eve, you suggested a drive to the nearest town for supplies. Natasha looked confused but she only smiled and agreed. She didn’t mention your full kitchen pantry and stacked fridge, already full to the brim with enough ingredients for a full Christmas dinner.
This time, she didn’t stare out the car window for the journey. Instead, she played with the radio dials until she found a Christmas song to sing along to. Her quiet singing made your chest tight with an overwhelming kind of feeling.
You pulled up outside a second-hand store. Natasha looked even more confused as she read the sign on the store. You dragged her in with you to pick up the order that you’d called ahead to see if they had in stock.
In the car, Natasha held the DVD of her favourite American Christmas movie like it was her first ever present.
You only pulled the car over one other time. The very last Christmas tree left in the parking lot beside the small hardware store was cheap and hard not to take pity on. 
Together that afternoon, you adorned the tree with some fairy lights taken from the outside porch and for the rest of the evening, Natasha made paper decorations. You put on an old CD of Christmas music that you'd found, before sitting next to Natasha and starting one of the spy novels that she'd already told you the entire plot of.
As she made the decorations, Natasha began to sing again.
You didn’t swap presents on Christmas Day. 
Natasha had asked you about that weeks before and you’d promised her not to worry. 
It started like the days before it,  Natasha walked into your room with her usual quiet hesitation and two mugs of coffee. She started grinning when she saw you, sitting up and ready with the pair of reindeer antlers already on your head. 
She gave you your mug and curled familiarly into the space beside you.
‘What do you want to do today?’ She asked, the question feeling completely natural after the last week. 
You turned your head towards her and watched Natasha try not to laugh when your antler’s tinkled.
‘I want to see the best Christmas movie that you’ve ever seen.’
Natasha's eyes closed when she smiled in response. Her head rested gently against your shoulder.
Spending a day with Natasha was the easiest way to spend a day.
It was a good Christmas.
Natasha nudged your door open on the morning of the 26th of December. Your last vacation day. You were already awake; she offered you your coffee before she started to speak. You held your breath in anticipation when she cleared her throat nervously.
‘I wanted to say thank you.’ She said carefully. ‘For letting me come here.’
She stood awkwardly at the foot of your bed. She was still wearing her festive pyjamas and you thought that they might be your favourite thing in the world. Her hair was tied back in its usual long braid. She chewed her lower lip and you watched her eyes try to dart nervously before she focused them on you.
‘Natasha.’ You tried to find the right words, cupping your hot mug. ‘You’re my favourite person in the world. You don't have to say thank you. It wouldn't feel like home without you.’
That was the moment. When the last piece clicked. 
You watched Natasha walk slowly around your bed. You watched her place her coffee mug on the nightstand. You felt the bed shift as she crawled into the familiar space beside you.
Her thumb brushed your cheek when she kissed you. Her touch was warm from the coffee mug.
She tasted like home.
Things fell apart slowly and then all at once. 
You returned to the real world. 
Natasha’s training had been becoming more specialised for a long time. Director Fury’s plans for her became clearer and more intentional. Her time was less her own. 
You were careful never to push. Natasha became more distracted, her eyes held their secret exhaustion again.
You cherished her when she was there. The first time an additional training session ran through your usual time for dinner, you didn’t let yourself be upset. 
That evening, you heard a knock on your door and knew it was her. Natasha's tired eyes were worried and full of unspoken guilt. You pulled her towards you with a feeling of sudden urgency and happiness that came from the simplicity of seeing her standing there.
You kissed her for a long moment and Natasha met your lips with eager relief. Then, you led her to your sofa, ignoring her protests as you insisted on trying to find enough food in your rarely used kitchen to constitute a meal for her. 
She slept in your bed that night, curled familiarly into the space next to you. You listened to her steady breathing and knew that you loved her in a way that wouldn’t change.
Her missions got longer. Natasha was trusted with more. She saved more lives with each mission and you watched her start to forgive herself for the things she could barely say aloud.
You did your best to accept that Natasha might choose a future that didn’t include you so easily. She was exceptional, in her kindness, bravery and skill. 
You knew Natasha could feel the impending future too. The busier she became with work, the more effort she made to spend every other moment with you.
You felt like a pocket of steadiness in her world of chaos. You knew it was a privilege.
You can't always hold onto your home.
Natasha was given a long-term undercover mission. When she told you about it, you felt a horrible sinking in your chest. It was a feeling that you’d been anticipating.
You knew what her job meant and you knew her talent at it. 
All you could really think about in that moment was that she’d clearly been crying. Her shaky breathing stuttered as she tried to tell you the news. 
You wondered if you knew her so well, or if she wasn’t trying to hide at all from you anymore.
You hugged her tightly and tried to absolve her of her guilt. 
She was going to miss your next Christmas. 
You kissed her forehead and told her that you loved her. Natasha tangled her fingers with your own. She squeezed your hand tight. She kissed the back of your hand softly.
The next day, you walked her to the airstrip. You felt unnaturally still as you tried to stop your chest from heaving with a loss it could already feel. 
Before she walked onto the jet, Natasha turned around. Her small, awkward wave echoed your own. You watched her braids hit her back as she turned again and walked onto the aircraft.
Months passed.
You lived a strange empty life.
You didn’t remember the world before Natasha, you still expected to see her at every mealtime.
Christmas day arrived.
You decorated your small plastic tree with the paper dolls that had hung above your TV for nearly two years. You watched a Christmas movie that was someone else's favourite.
On the 26th of December, you got a phone call. It was Clint and it was the middle of the night. You were in your car before he’d finished talking. 
Home is the place that you are loved.
You found her about a mile from the Shield base, it was just past midnight. 
Natasha was walking along the side of the river with her hood up, bathed in the orange glow of the streetlights. 
She noticed you almost immediately. She came to a stop, eyes wary and shoulders braced.
You gave a small, awkward wave and she remembered herself. 
She moved toward you, pace quick. 
When she reached you, her head pressed desperately against your thick winter jacket. 
You kissed the soft fabric of her green hood and held her tight.
The sound of the river and the shaking of her cries. 
Home was in the sound of the river and the shaking of her cries.
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natashasilverfox · 2 months ago
So sad to see the series go but loved reading all the shenanigans!💕
A Feline Connection Part 10 (Final)
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary: Goodbyes are always hard, but sometimes they’re necessary. Natasha understands that better than most.
Masterlist Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10
Warnings: light angst, light fluff
Words: 2239
Natasha tucks her hands into the pockets of her jacket, her boots making soft taps against the floor as she walks slow circles around the lone table in the small, stark visiting room.
On the surface of the table, Widow mirrors her movements, her tiny paws following her in smaller, deliberate circles as if mimicking her pacing.
From his spot near the door, Tony groans dramatically, his patience clearly worn thin. He throws his head back against the wall with a loud sigh.
“Oh my god, stop moving! You two are making me dizzy.”
Natasha pauses mid-step, turning to fix him with a flat, unimpressed stare.
Widow, as if in solidarity, halts her pacing and copies Natasha’s expression, letting out an annoyed yowl aimed directly at him.
Tony points a finger at the cat, his tone exasperated.
“Hey! Don’t you start with me, furball. Do you know how many strings I had to pull to even get you in here?”
At his gesture, Widow suddenly collapses onto her side with a pitiful meow, tilting her head to Natasha with what could only be described as a dramatic cry for help.
Natasha smirks at the feline’s theatrics, scooping her up and cradling her against her chest. She strokes her sleek fur, her voice soft but playful.
“Is Tony bullying you again?” she asks.
Widow chirps in response, nuzzling against Natasha’s arm.
Tony gasps, mock outrage written all over his face. 
“I didn’t even touch her!”
Widow lets out another exaggerated meow and burrows herself further into Natasha’s embrace.
Groaning, Tony throws his hands up in exasperation.
“You know what? I’ll just wait outside,” he grumbles, storming out of the room with a huff.
The metal door creaks closed behind him, leaving Natasha alone with the feline perched contentedly in her arms. The room falls quiet for only a moment before the other door on the opposite side creaks open.
Natasha’s breath catches as you step through, your eyes meeting hers the instant you lift your head.
The guard with you unlocks your cuffs before nodding curtly to Natasha and exiting, leaving the two of you alone.
For a moment, neither of you speaks. The silence is heavy, but it’s not uncomfortable.
Finally, you break it, your voice soft.
“Hey,” Natasha replies, her tone matching yours.
Widow wriggles in Natasha’s arms, leaping to the floor and sprinting toward you with an excited chirp. She circles your legs a few times before hopping into your arms when you crouch to greet her.
“It’s good to see you too, Widow,” you murmur, running a hand over her fur as she purrs loudly in response.
You glance up at Natasha, an amused smile tugging at your lips. 
“They allow pets to visit criminals now?”
“After an extensive search, yes,” Natasha replies dryly, a playful glint in her eyes. “But in this case, technically, she’s not visiting a criminal anymore.”
Confusion flashes across your face as you stand, cradling Widow.
Natasha steps closer, pulling a folder from her jacket and handing it to you.
You open it, skimming the documents inside.
“It’s an updated ruling on your case,” Natasha explains. “Parole with the possibility to reduce your sentencing time.”
Your head snaps up, surprise written across your features. 
“How did you manage this?”
Natasha crosses her arms, leaning against the table.
“I told them how you helped me take down the weapons deals and explained how much of your recent actions were…influenced by someone else.”
Your expression tightens at the mention of Whitney, but you keep your gaze steady.
“She’s still causing trouble, isn’t she?”
“She’s under tight surveillance now,” Natasha assures. “Whatever connections she’s trying to pull to get her out of this, I’ll make sure they don’t reach you or Widow again.”
A small, grateful smile crosses your face as you stroke the cat absently.
“What about everything else I’ve done?”
Natasha shrugs lightly.
“Most of the victims dropped their charges. I guess they didn’t want to return the insurance money they got after you stole from them.”
“Typical,” you scoff, not surprised by the actions of the wealthy people you’ve always targeted. 
“And as for the facilities and buildings…” Natasha smirks faintly. “I may have convinced the owner to let it go.”
You laugh softly, the sound incredulous. 
“Well, I’m glad Stark’s not one to hold a grudge.”
“Oh, don’t mistake it for that,” Natasha says with a small chuckle. “His ego’s still bruised, but I think he’s impressed more than anything.”
The room falls silent once more, the only sound being Widow’s soft purring. The feline seems entirely at ease, her warmth a small comfort in the charged quiet.
You tilt your head slightly, studying Natasha with a mix of curiosity and skepticism.
“So…what’s the catch?” you finally ask, breaking the silence.
Natasha arches a brow. “Catch?”
You sigh softly, your voice cautious as you clarify.
“Why are you doing this? What’s in it for you?”
Understanding the weight behind your question, Natasha takes a step closer. Her posture relaxes, her gaze softening as she considers her response.
“A long time ago,” she begins, her voice quiet but firm, “when I thought there was no way out of the life I was living, someone gave me a second chance.”
She reaches out, her fingers brushing gently over Widow’s fur, the motion grounding her. Natasha’s eyes meet yours again, and a small, earnest smile graces her lips.
“So that’s all this is,” she continues, her voice steady and sincere. “Just a second chance. What you do with it is entirely up to you.”
For a moment, you simply watch her, the sincerity of her words settling heavily in the air between you. The faint tension in your shoulders eases as you realize she’s serious—no ulterior motive, no hidden agenda. 
Tilting your head with a faint smirk, you decide to challenge her words lightly. 
“And if I decide to go back to being a thief?” you tease, raising an eyebrow.
Natasha’s lips twitch into a slight smirk of her own as she straightens her posture and crosses her arms.
“Then I’ll have to stop you,” she replies without missing a beat, her tone teasing but underpinned with a playful warning. “Being a hero and all.”
A quiet laugh escapes you at her response, soft and genuine, but the humor fades as your gaze drifts down to the cat in your arms. You run your fingers gently along Widow’s fur, your thoughts growing heavier. 
When you speak again, your voice is barely above a whisper.
“And if I decide to leave?” 
The question hangs in the air, the vulnerability in your tone pulling at something in Natasha’s chest. She hesitates for a brief moment, the thought of you leaving tugging painfully at her heart. 
But she steps closer, her hand reaching out to gently tilt your chin upward, lifting your gaze to meet hers. Her eyes are steady, unwavering, as she offers a reassuring smile. 
“Then I’ll always cherish the memory of the thief and her little black cat who stole my heart.”
Your breath catches at her words, her sincerity cutting through the lingering doubt.
For a moment, time seems to pause, and the world around you fades away, leaving only the undeniable connection between you.
A soft huff escapes you, somewhere between disbelief and gratitude. Shaking your head lightly, you murmur in admiration.
“You really are something else, Miss Black Widow.” 
Natasha’s smile lingers, soft and bittersweet, even as she watches you board the shuttle to leave the prison a short time later. 
Widow presses her tiny face against the glass, her golden eyes watching Natasha intently. In response, Natasha raises a hand in a small wave, her gaze lingering on you and the feline until the vehicle pulls away.
Even after the shuttle disappears from view, Natasha remains standing, her heart heavy yet resolute. She knows she’s done the right thing, giving you the freedom to choose your own path—even if it means you’re no longer in her life.
Tony’s arrival beside her breaks her reverie, his expression equal parts amused and curious. 
“I can’t believe, after all that, you didn’t get the girl,” he quips, clapping a hand on her shoulder. “Seriously, Nat, next time you’ve got a crush, I’ll give you some tips. They’re foolproof.” 
Natasha rolls her eyes, brushing his hand off as she turns toward the car that’ll take them back to the compound.
“Let’s go,” she says, her tone firm but calm. “We’ve still got work to do.”
Tony follows her, grumbling under his breath, but Natasha doesn’t hear him. Her mind is already returning to a life of training and missions, even as the faint echo of your parting smile lingers in her thoughts.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
The seasons have changed since that day months ago, the vibrant green giving way to winter’s icy embrace. Barren trees stand silent and still, their branches dusted with frost, while a fresh layer of snow blankets the ground.
The world moves on, but some things remain the same.
Natasha’s breaths puff visibly in the cold air as her steady footsteps crunch against the frozen trail. 
As usual, running and training is still her method of escape, a way to clear her mind and soothe her thoughts. 
Today, her pace slows as she nears a familiar spot.
She stops by the same tree she had stood beneath all those months ago, her hands resting on her hips as she catches her breath.
The world around her is silent except for the faint wind rustling through the branches above. The chill of the morning air feels sharper here, but it’s not enough to distract her from the wave of nostalgia washing over her.
Natasha glances upward toward the branches, her eyes scanning the limbs as if expecting to see a flash of black fur clinging precariously to one of them.
But like many times before, the branches are empty.
With a small sigh, she shakes her head, chiding herself for entertaining the idea.
It’s been months since she last saw or heard from you and Widow. You had both disappeared from her life after your release, and she told herself she shouldn’t dwell on what she couldn’t change. 
It was your decision.
Just as she’s about to move on and continue her run, she hears it—a soft, curious meow.
From below?
Natasha blinks, her head snapping downward to find a familiar pair of yellow eyes staring up at her from the base of the tree.
The cat sits neatly by her feet, tilting her head in that same inquisitive way Natasha remembered, her gold tag jingling at her collar as the inscribed name glints off the metal in the early light.
“Widow?” Natasha whispers, her voice laced with disbelief.
The cat meows again as if confirming her identity before turning her gaze to the tree behind her. Without hesitation, she leaps and latches onto the bark, her claws digging in as she prepares to climb.
“Oh no, you don’t,” Natasha mutters, quickly lunging forward. She catches Widow mid-climb, cradling the cat securely in her arms before she can get herself stuck again.
Widow lets out a protesting meow, swatting at Natasha’s chin in mock indignation.
Natasha laughs softly, the sound tinged with fondness as she holds the little troublemaker close.
“Some things never change,” she murmurs, stroking her fur gently.
A crunch of snow behind her breaks the peaceful moment.
Natasha turns, her heart skipping at the sight of you approaching.
You walk toward her with a small smile, your hands tucked into the pockets of your jacket.
Stopping a few feet away, you tilt your head, a teasing glint in your eyes.
“You have my cat,” you say, your tone light but familiar.
Natasha huffs a small laugh, shaking her head slightly as the familiarity of the moment settles between you.
“Your cat was about to get herself stuck in a tree again,” she replies, her voice laced with amusement. “I saved her.”
Widow, seemingly unfazed by the interaction, stretches lazily in Natasha’s arms before giving you an expectant chirp. 
You step closer, reaching out to scratch behind her ears. The cat purrs contentedly, leaning into your touch.
“Always the hero, aren’t you, Miss Black Widow?” you quip, your gaze flicking up to meet hers.
Natasha smirks, her eyes narrowing slightly as they drop pointedly to the black leather jacket you’re wearing.
“Well, I’m no thief,” she retorts, her voice dry but playful.
You grin unabashedly, tugging the jacket closer around yourself.
“Finders keepers,” you say with a casual shrug.
Natasha shakes her head in mock exasperation, though there’s no mistaking the warmth that spreads through her chest at your familiar banter.
“Mind if we join you?” you ask, your voice softening as you gesture toward the trail.
Natasha glances down at Widow, nestled comfortably in her arms, then back at you. Her lips curve into a genuine smile, her tone light as she responds.
“I’d like that,” she says before adding with a teasing lilt, “But Widow stays with me.”
A soft laugh escapes you as you step closer, falling into stride beside her.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” you reply.
Together, the three of you continue down the trail, the cold morning air no longer biting as it’s replaced by the warmth of laughter, soft meows, and the unexpected connection brought together by a little black cat.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10
a/n: First fic post of the new year on here, and it's the finale of a series 😅. Endings are always bittersweet to write, and this one was really sad to let go.
Thank you all for reading and following along with this series!
The responses to this story have been amazing considering this originally started with just a simple oneshot about Natasha becoming friends with a little black cat. It was fun having their relationship grow and develop so much further, and I'm glad you all enjoyed it.
So technically, the main plotline is complete, but I may still come back to this universe with little side stories in the future, just because I am fond of these characters, so in happier news, it may not be the completely last time we see them. 😁
Taglist : @cd-4848, @carifletchersgirl, @skittlebum, @queen-of-chaotic-surprises, @ima-gi--na-tion, @rainix13, @gay4hotmilfs, @imaginexred, @caramelcat123, @2silverchain, @nowthisisliving27, @waltermis, @scarlettbitchx, @self-indulgent-writer, @ashadash0904, @alowint, @littlyamadeus, @so-to-aqui-pelas-fic, @imthenatynat, @transparentflapfarmsludge, @natashasilverfox, @mousetheorist, @btay3115, @samfunko, @wandaromamoff69, @lost-in-the-ice, @ahsatanizgay, @stonemags, @karsonromanoff, @wandanatlov3r, @l1kepeps1cvla, @esposadejoyhuerta, @fxckmiup, @panickedbabygay, @esposadejoyhuerta, @azaleavolkova, @gay4wandanat, @escapereality4music, @caspianalexander007, @henkermen, @xxnaiaxx, @alyssa-bessse, @alianovnasposts, @mrsriovidal, @thelonewriter247, @azaleavolkova, @tiffthemarvelnerd
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natashasilverfox · 2 months ago
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natashasilverfox · 2 months ago
Anyone who knows anything about Steve Rogers knows he’s the most stubborn person in the world (especially when it comes to people he cares about) so tbh I really can’t see a reality where he gets to vormir to return the soul stone and calmly accepts that his partner and closest friend of the last eleven years is dead and gone and moves on rather than getting there and doing something reckless and insane to try to get her back
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natashasilverfox · 2 months ago
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Stephanie Foo, What My Bones Know: A Memoir of Healing from Complex Trauma
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natashasilverfox · 2 months ago
Fluffy bunny living his best life
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natashasilverfox · 2 months ago
Love in a Mug
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Pairing: Bucky X Reader
Words: 573
Warnings: Fluff, ridiculous tooth-rotting fluff
Summary: Every morning you find your coffee and muffin waiting for you but who is the mystery barista?
Another fabulous request from my darling friend, @bubbabarnes​
Divider by @whimsicalrogers​
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Five days in a row you had shuffled into the kitchen desperate for your coffee and muffin to find it already waiting for you. For five mornings, your favorite oversized mug (featuring the characters from Labyrinth with the phrase “Should you need us” scrawled across it because, let’s face it, you’re a geek) was filled with coffee, two sugars, and a dollop of cream with a muffin nestled beside it could be found on the kitchen counter waiting for you. However, the mysterious breakfast maker was never around. 
So, here you were on day six with a hidden camera, trying to find the benevolent culprit. As you played back the video from the morning, your grin widens as you watch none other than James Buchanan Barnes fixing your coffee. He picks out a muffin and carefully places it on a napkin next to your mug. You make a note of the time stamp and spend the rest of your day giddy at the thought of catching him in the act.
Keep reading
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natashasilverfox · 2 months ago
Agatha at school with Nicky waiting to go in
Some woman: Oh he’s so cute
Agatha: Thanks he definitely got some of his looks from me
Woman: And obviously some from his dad
Agatha: His what?
Woman: His dad? I assume you two are together by your wedding ring?
Agatha: Oh god no! I would never marry a man, I have a wonderful (if crazy) wife, the two of us are Nicky’s parents
Woman: Oh that’s wonderful! Using a donor then
Agatha leaning down to Nicky: Sweetheart why don’t you go and find your friends okay? I’ll take you inside in a minute *Nicky agrees and runs off*
Agatha: Okay listen you seem slightly less annoying than the other women so I won’t shout at you but my wife, Rio is the “dad” in this situation, she got me pregnant and there was absolutely no man involved, just some lingerie, a strap on and a knife
Woman:…a knife?
Agatha: Anyway hon it was lovely to meet you! *walks away to her arriving wife*
Rio: What did you say to that poor woman?
Agatha: She accused me of sleeping with a man to have Nicky, I had to set her straight, unlike me
Rio sighing: Baby you know the principal said you’ve gotta stop telling the parents about how we had Nicky, they’re very progressive but even the school has its limits
Agatha: I’ll stop when these people stop assuming the worst of me
Rio: it’s a good thing I love you so much
Agatha: I’m the only one you’ve ever loved
Rio: Don’t I know it
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natashasilverfox · 2 months ago
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It's something of a legacy 💘
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natashasilverfox · 2 months ago
crazy how most of us made friends on here because we were going insane about the same 2 freaks at the same time. like oh you’re up thinking about them too?
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natashasilverfox · 2 months ago
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“the red room took everything from me. but it didn’t take my soul." — natasha romanoff ⧗
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natashasilverfox · 2 months ago
“why do you still use tumblr?”
listen— i have to keep track of my hyper fixations somehow
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natashasilverfox · 2 months ago
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Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Word Count: 1.1k
Tony laughed loudly when he first saw the grey woollen hat. 
It had a white pom pom on the end and Tony snorted when he caught sight of it bouncing.
Natasha paused momentarily and her eyes flickered over to him, sipping coffee as he read over a Stark Pad.
‘Sorry.’ He grinned unashamedly. ‘It’s just not very Black Widow.’
Natasha rolled her eyes pointedly, before letting your hesitant tug on her hand pull her away.
In the elevator, you watched the quiet embarrassment roll through her. Natasha regarded herself in the mirrored walls as you descended the skyscraper. Her eyes lingered on the hat. 
Her gaze wasn’t critical. You almost wished it was. There was something childish in her vulnerability. You read the indecision in the way she bit her lip. 
Your heart seized with a strange sadness. You’d never really seen how Natasha viewed herself, not until then. Tony’s comment had thrown her completely off.
Just before you reached the ground floor, Natasha’s hand raised to remove the hat. You instinctively lifted your fingers to brush her wrist. She froze at your touch.
‘Leave it.’ You murmured, taking the moment for a brief kiss of her cheek. ‘You look great.’
Her voice was husky in uncertain disagreement.
‘I look ridiculous.’
‘You look cute.’ You promised truthfully, your lips lingering next to her cheek. ‘That’s not a crime.’
Natasha took a small breath and you heard the shakiness of it. Your arm wrapped around her side. 
You met her gaze in the mirror, just before the doors parted.
‘Cute.’ You repeated, enjoying the way her eyes sparkled as her smile returned. 
You couldn’t be certain, but you had a suspicion that the moment in the elevator didn’t leave Natasha’s mind. You knew for sure that it didn’t leave yours.
You settled together into your planned day of Christmas shopping as you wandered through the cold, busy streets. You passed a clothes store with a large winter sale on, and both slowed down to peer into the window. Inside the store, you walked thoughtlessly in sync. Together, you roamed through the aisles with that easy familiarity that comes with time. 
When you found the mittens, you held them up questioningly to her. They were the same silver grey as her woolen hat.
Natasha’s face smoothed immediately. You watched her begin to dismiss your suggestion automatically as a joke. 
Then, you saw the same lingering uncertainty return to her face.
‘I don’t know.’ She admitted suddenly and her voice was raw. 
Customers weaved around you, uninterested in anything but the retail deals on offer.
‘I’ve never had mittens before.’ Natasha told you, unwarranted embarrassment flitting into her expression. 
Your stomach flipped and you didn’t know why. Maybe it was her shyness at such a minor secret.
‘Then, these are a must buy.’ You determined with sudden decisiveness, taking her hand and leading her to the checkout.
The cashier easily read your relationship as you approached the counter. Despite the bustle around you, she gave you both a small smile, handing the mittens purposefully over to Natasha.
Maybe it was the cold, but Natasha’s cheeks were glowing pink before you’d left the store.
Her woolen mittens matched her hat. Her pleased smile matched her eyes.
That was when you decided that the day was going to be something else.
Natasha’s brow furrowed in confusion when your course altered. You led her purposefully across the busy street, away from the storefronts. 
She first protested as you weaved through the pop up stalls, selling anything from winter themed street-food to Christmas tree baubles. She reminded you about the presents that you both still needed to buy.
As you approached the ice rink, Natasha stopped in her tracks entirely. She stood a few feet away from you with wide eyes.
Her head shook slowly. 
‘No.’ She whispered, her mittens slipping self consciously into her coat pockets. ‘I don’t know how.’
You shrugged, keeping your eyes steady on her.
‘We don’t have to.’ You promised, never wanting to scare her. 
You closed the distance between you carefully. Natasha’s lips were pressed together. The same nervous indecision worried her expression. 
‘I don’t know how.’ She repeated in a small voice, the words almost an apology.
You brushed her shoulders gently.
‘That’s not a crime.’ You hummed softly. ‘Do you want to try?’
Natasha’s stare was sudden and piercing. There was something unashamed now about her exposed vulnerability. She didn’t mind that you had seen her quiet fear.  
Pride stamped your chest as you realised that Natasha knew you were on her team.
You anticipated her answer before she said it.
Before anything else, Natasha was brave.
‘Okay.’ She determined, a soft mitten seeking out your own gloved hand.
The next few minutes moved with surprising simplicity. You brought back the skates from the rental desk.
You laced up your pair quickly, excited to get on the ice.
Natasha started laughing gently beside you.
You looked over and caught her grin. Her eyes sparkled with mirth. She raised her mittened hands helplessly and you started smiling too.
You knelt before her, tying up her laces with extra care. 
‘Thank you.’ Natasha murmured as you finished. You glanced up, surprised by the rush of warmth you felt from her gaze. 
A mitten brushed your cheek softly, and you felt your smile widen at the touch.
As you stepped onto the ice, Natasha’s grip was tight on your hand. 
The fairy lights above threaded together like a wedding arch.
You took an extra step forward, ready to skate. 
Natasha hesitated and you turned around, ready to skate slowly backwards as she practiced.
Your breath caught as you watched the lights sparkle in her eyes. The green and gold dappled together and Natasha seemed ethereal.
You could read the worry on her face before she said it aloud.
There was something inexplicable about the glowing softness of her. The woolen hat, the ringlets, the reddened cheeks.
Natasha’s lips parted as she exhaled anxiously.
‘I love you.’ You told her, because it was the only thing to do.
Natasha’s breath caught and her eyes sparkled impossibly more.
‘That’s not a crime.’ She considered aloud, her grin teasing.
You kissed her gently, wanting to live in this moment forever. 
She tasted much warmer than you’d expected. 
When your lips parted, Natasha hummed in satisfaction. Her forehead affectionately touched yours. The feeling of being entirely wanted spread over you like a blanket.
Natasha wobbled on the ice, but you held her steady. 
Christmas music crackled over the overhead speakers.
For a moment, there were only the bright lights and the pair of you. 
Then, with alarming speed, two teenagers skated past. You both startled.
Natasha sighed gently as she extricated herself from your hold. 
‘Come on.’ She said, taking your hand resolutely in her mittened one.
‘It’s time to go fall on my ass.’
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natashasilverfox · 2 months ago
Pickup Game
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Word Count: 3509
Warnings: Flirt, Fluff, Smut, Oral (f rec)
Summary: An after party game of pickup lines leads to a confession and an even more fun night in bed.
A/N: Special thanks to my hype princess & beta reader @whisperlullaby.
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The after party of just Avengers and close friends was in full swing. Drinks and laughter flowed as you enjoyed each other's company.
“Okay, okay. Your best pick up line! Let’s have ‘em!” Clint yells over the most recent spate of laughter. “Tony, whatcha got?”
Tony smirks before opening his arms wide and declaring, “I am Iron Man.” He grins as everyone heckles him, “What can I say? Works every time!”
“Really?” Pepper raises an eyebrow.
“Used to! Used to work,” Tony backpedals. “Rhodey, save me here, buddy!”
“Okay, okay,” Rhodey laughs as he glances at Natasha who is standing by him and tugs at his sleeve, “Feel my shirt. Know what it’s made of? Boyfriend material.”
"Nice," Natasha scoffs.
"Let's hear yours then!" Rhodey huffs.
"Ever had a White Russian?" Natasha asks, holding up her glass.
"No," Rhodey looks at her suspiciously.
"Want to?" She says seductively. 
Rhodey chuckles, "Smooth. Okay, Clint, what've you got?"
Clint bats his eyes at Sam, standing next to him and says, "Well, here I am. What are your other two wishes, big boy?"
Sam laughs while rolling his eyes, "So, what you guys are telling me is that you have no game?"
"Give us your best then, Rocket Man!"
"You know, dating is a numbers game. So, can I have yours?" Sam grins.
"Boooring!" Tony heckles. "Steve, what's your favorite?"
"I've never been good with pickup lines. That was more Bucky's territory," Steve tilts his head towards the dark-haired super soldier. 
"Thanks," Bucky says sarcastically,  "I'm a little out of practice with pickup lines."
"Aw, come on, Buck, give it a shot," you pipe in and then try to hide your embarrassment at having drawn attention to yourself. Even though you hoped he'd test out the line on you. Your attraction to the man was undeniable and you'd harbored a crush since you'd met him. You leaned back against the wall with your hands behind your back and raised your eyebrow in challenge to him. 
Bucky's face betrayed a moment of discomfiture before he straightened his shoulders and stepped over to you. He placed a hand on the wall above you, leaning in with a small smirk, "If I told you you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?"
You could hear some chuckling and comments in the background but it faded as you stared up at Bucky. God, he was fine as hell and you were doing your best to control your erratic heartbeat.
"Sorry, doll, that wasn't very good, huh?"
You don't know where the gall came from but, before you realized what you were doing the words slipped out of your mouth. "Don't worry, Buck, I'm not big on being picked up. I prefer to be pinned down." Your eyebrow raised as you said the words and you smirked, bringing your glass to your lips for a sip. 
Bucky's jaw drops as the room erupts in laughter and cheers. Tony crows, "She wins!" 
Clint laughs heartily as he agrees, "Hands down!"
After a few moments, you reach up and close Bucky's mouth, “And to answer your questions, yes, I would,” you whisper with a wink as you walk away. 
A little while later, the party was winding down and you decided it was time to slip out. Your nerves were getting the better of you. Thoughts ran amuck as to what Bucky thought of you and whether the attraction you felt was reciprocated. He’d been in a conversation with some of the guys since the game ended and you hoped to catch a glimpse, some sign of mutual interest but now you were walking away with your tail between your legs. God, what must he think of you and that brazen comment. 
Hitting the button for the elevator, you berate yourself for thinking you ever stood a chance. Your head snapped up when a deep voice whispered, “You know, you have a beautiful body.”
Grinning, you turn and press yourself against Bucky, “Is that so?”
“Yeah,” Bucky smirks at you. Without warning, he stoops and picks you up as if you weigh nothing. 
“Bucky!” You squeal as the elevator doors open. 
He carries you in, hitting the button for his floor with his elbow, “Don’t worry, doll. I know you aren’t big on being picked up but I’ll have you pinned down soon enough.”
You raise your eyebrow at him, “It was just a line, Buck.”
His confidence falters for a second, “Oh, uh-”
“Don’t worry, baby. I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t mean it,” you smirk.
“Oh, you’re naughty,” Bucky laughs.
“I prefer ‘playful’.”
“I like playful,” Bucky adjusts you in his arms so that your back is pressed to the elevator wall and your faces are at the same level. 
You use the opportunity to wrap your legs around him and look at him expectantly. 
“Can I kiss you?” He asks. 
You’re surprised by the request after the way he’d handled you. It warmed your heart that he would seek your consent and you couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face, “Please.”
The kiss is intense. He presses into you as his lips move over yours. His tongue slips out seeking entry and you oblige him immediately. You separate only when the elevator dings your arrival. He lowers your legs gently and takes your hand. Leading you down the hallway, Bucky says awkwardly, “I, uh, was kind of surprised when you, um, said that tonight.” 
“What? The pickup line?” You tilt your head as you look at him. 
“No, the… thing you whispered afterwards.”
“Really, why?” You thought your feelings for him were fairly obvious. 
“I mean, I’m a mess and you’re so put together. I just,” he shrugs, “kinda thought you were out of my league, ya know.”
“No,” you laugh, “no, I don’t know. I have never thought of myself as put together.  Thanks for that but I’m kind of a mess, too. I think we all are in our own ways.”
“Yeah, I guess that’s true,” Bucky smiles as he opens his door and guides you in. 
You suddenly feel awkward as you walk inside the room. The passion displayed in the elevator had mellowed as you walked and talked together into a camaraderie. You were unsure how to get back to it. 
“Would you like a drink?” Bucky asks as he comes up behind you, his lips brushing your neck and his hands caress your hips. You jump a little at the unexpected contact. 
“I think I had enough earlier,” you breathe, heat pooling between your legs. 
“I haven’t had enough, I haven’t had nearly enough. I need another taste,” Bucky says as he turns you around to capture your mouth. You oblige him willingly, snaking your arms around his neck as you arch into him. 
Abandoning any reserve you would normally have, you reach for the buttons on his shirt. He reaches for the zipper of your dress but his hands still. You pull back to look at him curiously. 
“You’re sure?” He asks. 
You smile and pull the tails of his shirt from his pants while saying, “Barnes, if you don’t get me naked and pin me down, I will never forgive you.”
He pulls you against him forcefully, grinning as he pulls down your zipper, “We can’t have that.”
Clothes are discarded quickly as he backs you to the bed. Bucky slides his hands into your panties to grab your ass and you gasp when he picks you up. Laying you on the bed he pulls your panties off. You expect him to follow you down but instead his eyes take a slow path up your body. Propping yourself on your elbows, you resist the urge to cover yourself but tremble as he studies you. He smiles, grabs a discarded t-shirt, and rips the bottom half from it. Your eyebrow raises at the display. 
“And what do you plan to do with that, Sgt. Barnes?”
His smirk as he advances has butterflies dancing in your stomach. He grabs your arms, twists the shirt around your wrists, and hauls them above your head as he pins you to the bed. 
“Happy now?” Bucky rumbles as he kisses your neck. 
“Almost. I’d like these off,” you use your legs to pull at the underwear he still has on, “and an orgasm or two would be nice.” 
Holy shit, you don’t know where this confidence had come from. Maybe because Bucky wanted you. Maybe because of whatever drink that was that Natasha had handed you. Whatever it was, you were enjoying the results. 
“Only one or two?” Bucky teases as he nibbles along your clavicle. “I bet I can do better.”
“Is that so?” You gasp as his tongue plays over your nipple. 
“Mm-hm,” he murmurs before plucking at your other nipple with his lips. He lets go of your hands that are still bound above your head as he slides his tongue down your stomach. Your breathing picks up when he reaches your navel and proceeds to kiss his way down to your mound. Your eyes screw shut to take in every sensation. When he spreads your legs further apart, you feel the contrast of warm skin and cool metal on your thighs. Anticipation builds, making you lick your lips and you can’t help the whimper that slips out when you feel a gentle finger trace your slit. 
“Fuck,” Bucky whispers reverently before his tongue follows the same path as his fingers. His metal arm curls around your leg and he rests his hand on your abdomen, effectively holding you in place as he explores your folds. It was almost unbearable, the way his tongue slid around to touch everywhere but where you needed him most. 
“Bucky, please,” you whimper desperately. 
His chuckle rumbles against your core. His fingers replace his tongue, taking the same lazy path. “Poor baby, am I not giving you what you want?” His finger tip barely grazes your clit and you whine. “Are you feeling needy?” His finger circles your entrance and his tongue gives the softest lick to your clit. Your hips flex, desperate for more friction, making Bucky press his metal hand more firmly against you. “I like seeing you like this.” Another small lick to your clit. “Wet, under me, and so desperate.”
“Bucky, pleeeaase,” you can’t keep the whine out of your voice. You don’t think you’ve ever been quite so turned on and the teasing was making you a writhing mess. 
“Say please again and maybe I’ll give you what you want.”
“Please!” the word rushes out of you. His fingers and tongue driving you mad. 
His tongue moves slowly, lapping back and forth over your clit while his finger still teases. It’s maddeningly delicious but not enough at the same time. He holds your hips hostage, not allowing you to move. You mewl with each motion of his tongue over you, your body on fire and screaming for just a little more until your mouth opens to plead, “More! Oh, god, I need more!”
Bucky lifts his head, a devilish smirk across his mouth, “Oh, precious, you didn’t say please. We’ll have to start all over again now.” His finger goes back to tracing the slow path over your cunt. 
“What?” You gape at him as he plays with you. 
“You didn’t say please, doll,” Bucky repeats, allowing his lips to brush over your thigh, far too far from where you wanted his lips. 
You felt like crying. You felt like screaming. You felt like ripping off your bindings, flipping him over, and riding his face until you came all over it. Unfortunately, you knew you’d never overpower him and, if you were really honest with yourself, this little game he was playing was hot as fuck. You’d never been treated like this and he had made you a gushing mess. 
“I’m sorry, Bucky. Please, please, I need more,” you whimper at him with doe eyes, hoping for a reprieve. 
“You need more, precious?” Bucky’s finger grazes lightly over your clit. 
“Oh, please!” Your hips try to buck against his hold but he merely chuckles as he holds you in place easily. His finger circles your clit slowly as his tongue takes a meandering path up your thigh.
“Please, baby, please!” You whine as he makes his way back to your apex and are rewarded when his tongue takes the place of his finger. His motions are still slow and deliberate while his finger brushes over your entrance again causing you to clench around nothing. Desperate for more, you start to say the one word you know will earn you some relief, “Plea- OOH!!!-” In the middle of your plea, his finger had entered you and he sucked on your clit suddenly. “Yes, fuck, please, please, please…,” the word became your only mantra as he fucked you with fingers and tongue. Your legs began to shake and then he curled his fingers into that perfect spot, making bright white flash before your eyes and a scream rend from your throat. You came hard, your muscles clenching. Your legs try to close but Bucky’s broad shoulders between them keep you open to him. He laps at you through the aftershocks.  
“Fuck, I could stay here for days,” Bucky groaned. His fingers curled slowly as his tongue made gentle licks.
You gasped and moaned, words and thoughts hard to come by in the haze. “Bucky,” you finally manage to whisper his name as if it was the sweetest endearment. 
“I know. I know, doll. Don’t worry, I’m not done yet,” his mouth nuzzled you as he said the words. Flicks of his tongue came closer together, “I need another one from you, precious. Gotta hear you make those sweet sounds again.” 
“Bucky, oh, fuck. Please, it’s so good,” you gasp the words out, nearly overstimulated and yet still desperate for his touch. 
“You know how hard I am hearing you say that?” Bucky groans against your clit, vibrations coursing through you. His tongue begins moving faster, making swift circles. 
“I… I- fuck. Please,” you stutter, unable to form sentences anymore. Bucky’s fingers curl more firmly into that spongy spot inside and your back tries to arch despite his arm holding you firmly in place. He was moving his tongue as if his sole purpose in life was to make you fly into a million pieces. You were a whimpering mess, unable to form words and so close to the edge again. When he growled against you again, your eyes flew open and you looked down your body at him. His cobalt eyes met yours and the intensity in his gaze was a hit straight to your core. Your muscles began to spasm as you watched him, so focused on your pleasure and aroused by your responses. Your scream is stifled by the overwhelming intensity of the orgasm that rips through you. Your hands flex around the bonds that hold them in place. 
As Bucky kisses his way back up your body, you manage to come back to yourself… mostly. You wanted to touch him, to hold him against you, to run your hands over his body. You attempt to untwist your hands from the scrap of t-shirt but the deceptively loose looking knot doesn’t budge. 
“Bucky, baby, please can you untie me?” You whisper. 
Bucky had paused at your breasts to show them some attention. They were deserving of the most reverent of worship in his mind. His tongue traced your nipple before he spoke, “Why? I’ve got you tied up, pinned down, and perfectly on display for me.”
“I want to touch you, please,” you gasp as he takes your nipple into his mouth to gently suckle. 
“Hmm,” he muses as he makes his way to your other breast, giving it the same loving attention. “If you’ll answer a question for me.”
“Anything,” you sigh, enjoying each motion of his mouth over you. You feel the rumble of his chuckle at your quick response.
“How long?” He asks. 
You slide your leg to brush against his cock, still covered by his boxer briefs before saying cheekily, “I didn’t bring a measuring tape with me but I’d say more than adequate.”
Bucky lets out a small moan at the contact and then chuckles, “Not what I meant.”
“Then what did you mean, baby?”
“How long did I waste not having you in my bed?” Bucky asks as he brings his face level to yours. 
“You mean, how long have I wanted you or are you asking how long I’ve liked you?”
“Both,” Bucky narrows his eyes but gives you a small smile. 
“If I’m really honest, I’ve always wanted you. You’re kinda hot, ya know?” You smile and bite your lip. 
“And the other?” Bucky asks, flexing his hips into you so that his hard cock nestles between your legs. 
You gasp and arch into him, “About five minutes after meeting you.”
“Seriously, when?” Bucky scoffs gently. 
“You were so sweet and a little self-conscious and I just adored you,” you nudged his nose with yours, encouraging his lips to find yours. He kissed you, long and lovingly, while he released your hands. You both seemed to settle into each other as your hands explored, finally free. The heat began to return, hips flexing into each other, craving the friction, but before things got too carried away, you cradled Bucky’s face in your hands and forced him to look at you. “How long?” You repeat his question. 
“Always,” he whispers passionately before taking your mouth again. 
It was all you needed. You reached for the band of his underwear, wanting nothing left to separate you. You managed to get the offending garment off of him and circle his cock with your hand. He takes a sharp intake of breath and then groans. Definitely more than adequate, you think to yourself. 
“Doll,” Bucky presses his forehead to yours, “I need to be inside you.”
“Oh, precious, you didn’t say please,” you tease him, rubbing the head of his cock through your slick. Your core aches to be filled but you can’t resist the chance to tease him just a bit as he’d done to you earlier. 
Bucky chuckles, “Knew I should have kept you tied up.”
You rub the head of his cock over your clit and whimper loudly in his ear, “I still haven’t heard it.” You pump him in your hand but still won’t let him slip into you despite his attempts to maneuver his hips. 
“Fuuuuck, please!” Buchy growls, sending a jolt of pleasure through you. 
You waste no time lining him up with your entrance. He presses in a few agonizingly slow inches before grabbing your hands and hauling them above your head. He stares into you as he growls out, “I should pin you down,” he sinks in a little more, “and tease you mercilessly.” His hips slide slowly forward until he’s fully seated inside of you. “But I don’t think either of us would survive it right now.” He slides out a couple of inches before snapping his hips forward, taking your breath away. He sets a slow but driving pace, staring into your eyes as he fucks you. His hands slide down to hold your face and he kisses you fiercely, his thrusts coming a little faster as he does. You wrap your arms around his chest, pulling him to you, sliding one down to grab onto his ass. You encourage every movement, the drag of his cock tipping you closer to the precipice. 
He buries his face in your neck, whispering praises and encouragement, “Shit, you’re squeezing me so tight, doll.”
“Bucky, fuck, I’m gonna-,” your breath catches as you fall over the edge. Your body sings as you come, trembling and moaning with each wave. 
“You’re so fucking pretty, doll. So fucking pretty,” Bucky grits out as you clench around him. It only takes a few more sloppy thrusts for him to lose himself inside you. His hips flex with each aftershock that hits him. 
Rolling to his side, Bucky pulls you against him. You nuzzle his chest as you both catch your breath. Despite the lethargy settling over both of you, Bucky's hands wander continuously over your skin and you bask in the attention. 
“You'll stay, won't you?” Bucky whispers.
“I don't know,” you say sleepily, “Do you hog the covers?”
Bucky chuckles, “I'm pretty good at sharing.”
“Mmm, then I'll stay,” you yawn and a little giggle escapes you.
“What?” Bucky smiles at your mirth-filled eyes. 
“That's the first time a cheesy pick up line ever worked on me,” you giggle again.
“I'll have to come up with some others. See if I get lucky again,” Bucky laughs as he kisses the top of your head.
“I'd say your chances are pretty good,” you smirk at him, “But maybe next time, I should be the one to pin you down.”
“Only if you say please, doll.”
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