Perfectly fine with never had been called this. I will spit on the nig that disrespects me by doing so. Sad how self respect and respect period is thrown out the window. My son will be one of many few kids to grow up knowing how to respect his selfas a man, respect others that respect him, and most definitely women. He will be taught and know that women are not inferior to him, made to do for him, or his bitches or hoes, but as women one made equal to him and deserves respect as such. God created woman from Adam's rib, the side of him, not beneath, above, in front of or behind him. But how you respect yourself, others respect you, and how others respect you all is watched by your child(ren). Call yourself a bad bitch, your child will be fine with being called a or call other women bitch(es)....#IJS #JustMyOpinion #BringEmUpRight
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