nandestrue · 3 months
Saat itu terik matahari cukup menyentuh ubun-ubun. Jalan di trotoar yang tampak cukup sibuk. Jalanan juga sudah dipenuhi ingar-bingar. Seorang pemuda itu melihat ke sudut trotoar, ia melihat kakek tua yang sedang duduk. Kakek tua itu menundukkan kepalanya, sedangkan lengannya terulur, meminta belas kasihan. Pakaian yang usang, kulit yang menggelap, entah berapa lama kakek itu bersahabat dengan matahari. Hati pemuda itu tertegun. Keluhnya bagaikan kekuatan untuk seseorang. Meski terik matahari membuat pemuda itu mengeluh, tetapi terik matahari itu bagaikan kekuatan untuk si kakek. Meski kekuatan itu bersumber pada meminta belas kasihan orang lain.
Pemuda itu terus berjalan melewati kakek itu. Namun tangannya bergegas mencari dompet yang sulit dia temukan. Sampai di mana dia akhirnya mencapai dompet di sudut tasnya. Ia mengambil lembaran uang di dompetnya. Dia kembali ke tempat kakek tua itu dan mengulurkan lembaran uang yang tak seberapa itu ke tangan kakek tua.
Pemuda itu tersenyum tipis, berharap kebaikan akan selalu datang untuk si kakek tua.
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nandestrue · 3 months
Manusia seringnya bersyukur ketika mereka berduka. Mereka jarang bersyukur ketika mendapatkan kecukupan. Dan saya berharap, selalu bisa bersyukur dalam kondisi apapun. Terima kasih karena Engkau masih memberikan kesempatan untuk saya menulis hal ini hari ini.
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nandestrue · 3 months
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The tall, steep rocks near the forest are eerie. The night is not alone, it is accompanied by moonlight and stars like ornaments. There was a man sitting among the tall and steep rocks. His gaze was blank with a dull stare.
Occasionally he looked at the dark night, as if he was asking to disappear. He felt he was walking in the midst of unrest. His heart yearned to get out of the suffocating trap. The comfort of the moon and stars seemed to ask him to move on from his lament. The man with a blank stare laughed at the whisper of the moon and stars.
" I . . . " His tone was low and took some time to continue,
" You know what? I always get up a minute later after falling down. "
His voice choked, but he continued,
" No one is as determined as me to get out of a fall. But... "
The man held his breath and exhaled the heavy breath he was holding,
" Haaaa... for once, I would like to dwell in sadness for a while. Allow me to pause a little longer over the world that asks me to run. "
The moon and stars fell silent at the man's words. Slowly the moonlight and stars dimmed as if responding to the man. Like, giving time and protection to someone who bears grief.
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nandestrue · 3 months
Free to fly high to where you can express yourself. Flapping your wings without needing to look at the situation. You only think about how to be freedom itself. Until you can adapt.
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nandestrue · 3 months
Incomplete plot
" Look, you're someone who has rules when it comes to relationships. You're someone who doesn't want to be touched before being bound by a commitment. You're someone who never ceases to fascinate me with all your languages. You're someone who makes me willing to wait until you're ready to accept me. You're someone who always calls me a masochist just for not stopping chasing you even though you've rejected me umpteenth time. how can I stop? The person I'm chasing is you. I swear on my life, I will love you with all my heart. I will take care of you, babe. Can you trust me? "
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nandestrue · 3 months
Look, let's appreciate anyone who takes the time to talk to you. Time cannot be restored to the way it was. Just thinking about this, you should think twice about causing harm to anyone. And I hope that I'm not among those who bring harm.
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