namco-why · 3 years
Wandering for the last three days had left Reverse Anti cranky. He was used to taking things rough; spending a few years living in tents and makeshift shelters, eating whatever food one could get their hands on, it had been his norm for some time. That didn't make it any more enjoyable.
Somehow, this was worse. More than once, he'd been mistaken for one of the remarkably human robots of this world, and treated accordingly. Other times, he'd been mistaken for a small child, lost without his parents. And while, technically, he did qualify for some of those qualifiers, it still pissed him off.
His stomach growled lightly. He hadn't ate much today, on account of having very little money - he'd had to scrounge for dropped change to get what he did. Maybe a nap would make him feel better. With that in mind, he made his way in the direction of a nearby park he remembered passing.
He hadn't expected to see a familiar face when he arrived. Another familiar hero, but not the one he despised so much. He ducked behind a hedge, antennae perking up as he looked over Bravowoman.
Had Bravoman been foolish enough to tell her about him? He'd made it very clear that there would be consequences, and he doubted he was courageous enough to do anything after the beating he gave him.
... If he was still alive.
He pushed that unpleasant thought out of his head. No, it would be fine. If Bravowoman was here, maybe he could find out something useful from her. Something that could help catapult him back into the heroic spotlight. So, after a moment to rehearse what he'd say to her once she noticed him, he stood up and began to approach.
Smoke and Mirrors
((Closed RP with @namco-why))
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namco-why · 3 years
Anti found his heart filled with... pity. It was painful, to see Bravoman in that state. To find him after so long only for him to be on the brink of death... the universe was cruel, wasn't it.
With a quiet sigh, he turned and allowed the doctor to lead him away. He would keep an eye on Bravoman, but he wasn't whether he'd be back.
Anti wanted to explain that it wasn’t that. Sure, the sights and scents made him feel sick to his stomach and caused tingling phantom pain, and he wasn’t really comfortable here, and yeah seeing Bravoman in this state was distressing, but the problem was something more worrisome. It was the way Bravoman had panicked when looking at him. Sure, the doctors said it was nothing… But he wasn’t sure he could believe that. There had to be something to his reaction, and Anti didn’t want to make him worse.
Wordlessly, he nodded, keeping his gaze on the floor. It was easier to pretend he was ok if he didn’t look people in the eye.
The doctor couldn’t help but feel pity for the poor child. He must have been so scared and confused… and to have to deal with these things all by himself… it wasn’t fair.
“You can use the phone at the front desk to call your parents,” they explained gently as they led him out of the room and down the hallway towards the elevator.
Passing by the door of the boy’s friend, they peeked in to check up on him. His eyes were squeezed shut, hair wild and clinging to his sweaty forehead as small hands gripped tightly onto his bedsheets. He didn’t look like he was in any condition to be having visitors afterall.
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namco-why · 3 years
Anti wanted to explain that it wasn't that. Sure, the sights and scents made him feel sick to his stomach and caused tingling phantom pain, and he wasn't really comfortable here, and yeah seeing Bravoman in this state was distressing, but the problem was something more worrisome. It was the way Bravoman had panicked when looking at him. Sure, the doctors said it was nothing... But he wasn't sure he could believe that. There had to be something to his reaction, and Anti didn't want to make him worse.
Wordlessly, he nodded, keeping his gaze on the floor. It was easier to pretend he was ok if he didn't look people in the eye.
Anti nodded slowly, listening grimly to the doctor’s explanation. Yes, that did make some sense. It lessened his worries somewhat, but at the same time, new ones took their place.
For one thing, he worried about what had made Bravoman distressed enough to make him sick in the first place? Was it him? Was the thought of being around him so distressing that it made Bravoman sick? It wasn’t that outlandish of a thought.
“Maybe I shouldn’t…” he mumbled, downcast.
The doctor offered the purple boy a kind and understanding smile. “It’s okay if you can’t handle seeing him like this. It’s scary. Your feelings are completely normal and it’s fine to feel this way. There’s no shame in waiting for a better day.”
They stood up to approach Anti and offered out their hand. “Would you like me to take you back down to the lobby?”
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namco-why · 3 years
Anti nodded slowly, listening grimly to the doctor's explanation. Yes, that did make some sense. It lessened his worries somewhat, but at the same time, new ones took their place.
For one thing, he worried about what had mad Brovoman distressed enough to make him sick in the first place? Was it him? Was the thought of being around him so distressing that it made Bravoman sick? It wasn't that outlandish of a thought.
"Maybe I shouldn't..." he mumbled, downcast.
This whole situation was exhausting. By the time the doctor had arrived, Anti had started to nod off without even realizing it. As soon as he realized he wasn’t alone in the room, he jolted, nearly falling out before quickly climbing to his feet. He didn’t try to play it cool like he normally would, his mind filled more with worry. Looking up, he was relieved to find the doctor’s expression was only calm and serious, and didn’t bare the grim look of someone about to share bad news. It calmed him. Slightly.
“Is… is he okay?” he asked in a quiet, slightly hoarse voice.
The doctor, thankfully, didn’t show any sign of amusement at his reaction. But they did offer him a small smile.
“There is… a small chance that he could develop pneumonia,” they answered honestly, “but I believe that he will be just fine.”
The doctor walked over to one of the couches to take a seat. They looked like they needed a moment to rest. “He seems to be a little confused. A few times, he behaved as though he thought that we were attacking him. He may be suffering from…”
The doctor paused and looked Anti over for a moment. He’s just a little kid. Rethinking their phrasing, they continued.
“We think that… maybe, the medicine that we gave him to make him not hurt as much, is what’s making him confused. It’s like… he’s dreaming while he’s still awake. He began to choke because he got sick to his stomach. But the tube that we put in his mouth made it hard for him to, er… let it all out. He breathed in his… well… puke. By accident. We had to help him get it all out, before he got himself hurt even more.”
The doctor pushed up their glasses. “He’s resting now. You can go back and visit him, if you want. But if he begins to act strangely, please don’t take it personally. It’s just the medicine.”
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namco-why · 3 years
This whole situation was exhausting. By the time the doctor had arrived, Anti had started to nod off without even realizing it. As soon as he realized he wasn't alone in the room, he jolted, nearly falling out before quickly climbing to his feet. He didn't try to play it cool like he normally would, his mind filled more with worry. Looking up, he was relieved to find the doctor's expression was only calm and serious, and didn't bare the grim look of someone about to share bad news. It calmed him. Slightly.
"Is... is he okay?" he asked in a quiet, slightly hoarse voice.
He wanted to follow and make sure that everything was okay, but stopped himself. No, he’d just get in the way.
Following the nurse’s directions, he made his way towards the waiting room, where he slumped heavily against the wall, not even bothering to sit in a chair.
Was this his fault, somehow? Bravoman freaked out not long after he spoke. The rational part of his brain told him no, that was stupid, it wasn’t his fault. The other part of his brain couldn’t shake the feeling though. His stomach twisted in knots, and he was suddenly very glad he hadn’t eaten recently. With a deep shuddering breath, he reached up and rubbed a hand down his face. As he pulled it away, he realized that he was shaking. Thank the stars he was sitting, otherwise he worried he might fall.
Please let him be okay.
If it was any consolation, he got to have the waiting room all to himself. It was more dimly-lit than the one downstairs, kind of warm and inviting, complete with actual couches instead of the standard benches and chairs. Probably to offer as much comfort as possible to visitors. The clock mounted on the wall was digital, possibly to help maintain an atmosphere of peace and quiet.
No doubt, this room had seen its share of bad news over the years. One could only hope that Anti wouldn’t be the next one to receive some heavy knowledge anytime soon.
Minutes went by. Tens. Dozens. Maybe even a whole hour had passed. But finally, someone did end up coming for him. It wasn’t any of the nurses that he’d seen before. Rather, it was the doctor. Their face was completely calm, if a little tired. There was some pale pink stains on their coat, but no outright signs of blood.
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namco-why · 3 years
He wanted to follow and make sure that everything was okay, but stopped himself. No, he'd just get in the way.
Following the nurse's directions, he made his way towards the waiting room, where he slumped heavily against the wall, not even bothering to sit in a chair.
Was this his fault, somehow? Bravoman freaked out not long after he spoke. The rational part of his brain told him no, that was stupid, it wasn't his fault. The other part of his brain couldn't shake the feeling though. His stomach twisted in knots, and he was suddenly very glad he hadn't eaten recently. With a deep shuddering breath, he reached up and rubbed a hand down his face. As he pulled it away, he realized that he was shaking. Thank the stars he was sitting, otherwise he worried he might fall.
Please let him be okay.
He slowed to a stop in front of the two women, his nerves briefly getting the better of him. He wrung his hands together as he began to speak.
“I- I think something’s wrong! He got panicked all of the sudden and started coughing and I’m worried he might be choking?” Should he have stayed and tried to help? No. No this was the correct thing to do. He hoped.
The two women immediately shifted into emergency mode. The one in the flowery scrubs stepped out from behind the large desk to hurry in the direction that the boy had come from. The other was quick to whip out some sort of device to ping for help.
Rushing out from behind the desk as well, she paused to place a hand on Anti’s shoulder. “Here, sweetie, we have a little room that you can wait in,” she spoke softly but with an urgent tone in her voice.
It wasn’t long at all before the sound of rushing footsteps could be heard. A doctor came running down the hallway, another nurse following close behind. Whatever was happening to Bravoman, it must have been serious to warrant so much attention.
As the pair rushed by in mid-conversation, one word in particular stood out; aspirating.
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namco-why · 3 years
He slowed to a stop in front of the two women, his nerves briefly getting the better of him. He wrung his hands together as he began to speak "I- I think something's wrong! He got panicked all of the sudden and started coughing and I'm worried he might be choking?" Should he have stayed and tried to help? No. No this was the correct thing to do. He hoped.
There were two nurses at the station, smiling and chatting away as they sorted through their daily paperwork. He recognized the lady in the flowery scrubs. She gave Anti such a sweet smile and a friendly wave when he passed by earlier. From the twinkle in her eye alone, it was obvious that she either really liked kids, robots, or both. It was nice to see someone so kind and genuine working in a hospital.
Hearing the rushing footsteps, both women looked up from their work to see the tiny boy heading straight for them. Immediately, their expressions became serious. The lady in the flowery shirt was quick to stand up.
“What is it, hon? What’s wrong?”
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namco-why · 3 years
That. that didn't look good - or sound good - at all. With a quick nod, Avery turned hurried back towards the door God why was everyone so big here - the door handle was nearly eye-level for him. Pushing it open, he whipped his head back and forth, trying to remember where the nurse station was, before dashing in the correct direction, looking for any doctor that could help.
The brief change in demeanor was almost imperceptible, but Avery didn’t miss it. He wasn’t sure why, but for mere seconds, Bravoman had appeared scared. Was it something he did? Or was something wrong?
He didn’t have long to dwell on it. Brow knit with worry, he stood back up, all pretenses of playing cool gone. “Is something wrong? Should I go get help?”
H-he didn’t know… he wasn’t sure if… oh stars…
Bravoman began to cough painfully, feeling like the tube running down his throat was suffocating him all of a sudden. He could feel something trying to rise up and struggled to swallow it back down, but he wasn’t doing too good of a job. A splash of fluid tinged with pink tricked down the tube in his chest as he choked and struggled to breathe.
Breathing heavily through his nose, he nodded quickly. This felt worse than a usual coughing fit.
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namco-why · 3 years
The brief change in demeanor was almost imperceptible, but Avery didn't miss it. He wasn't sure why, but for mere seconds, Bravoman had appeared scared. Was it something he did? Or was something wrong?
He didn't have long to dwell on it. Brow knit with worry, he stood back up all pretenses of playing cool gone. "Is something wrong? Should I go get help?"
Why wasn’t he talking? Anti had to remind himself of what the nurse said. A part of him worried that he had somehow caused this. He had tried to be gentle when bringing Bravoman to the hospital, but needing to hurry had limited how careful he could be.
At least he seemed to get the idea of what Bravoman was trying to ask him. He let out a long sigh. How was he doing? Not terrible, per say, but anxiety certainly wasn’t doing him any favors. Anxiety over Bravoman, anxiety over being here, anxiety about what his dad might be doing right now… it all added up to one big bundle of nerves.
“Could be better, could be worse,” he admitted. Some small part of him kept him from saying more. This was his rival he was talking to! As much as he wanted to just spill all his worries, he had to keep up some air of mystery. Keep him at arms length.
He huffed quietly through his nose in an attempt to laugh. There he goes again… Mr. Cagey. Two whole years they’d known eachother, and still it seemed like Anti would open up to just about anyone who wasn’t him. Eh… he couldn’t take offense to it. After his time in… in the other, uh… with…
For a brief moment, Bravoman’s entire demeanor changed as memories flashed before his eyes. He could have sworn that Anti’s gaze sharpened just now, his shadowed face darkening into something hateful and twisted. Bravoman’s eyes widened, fingers digging into the bedsheets as he stared at the other in terror. He could feel his heart begin to race as his mind screamed for him to run, to call for help, to push him away. If he decided to attack now, he couldn’t…
… but just as suddenly as it began… it was over… Bravoman blinked in confusion, his panic replaced with dizziness. He didn’t feel so good… weakly, he tried to reach his hand towards Anti, but let it go limp as his head fell back on the pillow.
Sick… he felt sick…
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namco-why · 3 years
Why wasn't he talking? Anti had to remind himself of what the nurse said. A part of him worried that he had somehow caused this. He had tried to be gentle when bringing Bravoman to the hospital, but needing to hurry had limited how careful he could be.
At least he seemed to get the idea of what Bravoman was trying to ask across. He let out a long sigh. How was he doing? Not terrible, per say, but anxiety certainly wasn't doing him any favors. Anxiety over Bravoman, anxiety over being here, anxiety about what his dad might be doing right now... it all added up to one big bundle of nerves.
"Could be better, could be worse," he admitted. Some small part of him kept him from saying more. This was his rival he was talking to! As much as he wanted to just spill all his worries, he had to keep up some air of mystery. Keep him at arms length.
Anti let out a single huffed laugh. The playful response helped him relax ever so slightly. He took a second to look around and, after realizing there was a chair nearby, reached over and pulled it up so he could sit down. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could stand, anyways.
“I… wasn’t expecting to see you here,” he admitted after a moment. “Not after…” He trailed off and shook his head, deciding not to dwell on that subject. “How are you feeling, anyways?”
That little puff of air combined with the faintest smile from Anti was enough to lift Bravo’s spirits, even if just a little bit. The last thing that he wanted to do was make the kid worry. Didn’t he have enough on his plate already?
Gosh, he had no idea how he managed to carry him all the way here, with that awful wound in his belly. He hoped that he wasn’t too shy to ask for something to ease his own pain while he was here.
Bravoman thought over the question, then finally turned his hand from side-to-side in a universal gesture of not good, not bad. His pain could be so much worse, all things considered. He was glad to have something in his system to dampen it, even if he was still hurting all over. As for emotionally? … well, he was still figuring things out.
Worry over Anti’s stitches coming back to the forefront of his mind, he pointed at him and slightly arched a brow, as if to ask how he was feeling.
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namco-why · 3 years
Anti let out a single huffed laugh. The playful response helped him relax ever so slightly. He took a second to look around and, after realizing there was a chair nearby, reached over and pllued it up so he could sit down. He wasn't sure how much longer he could stand, anyways.
"I... wasn't expecting to see you here," he admitted after a moment. "Not after..." He trailed off and shook his head, deciding not to dwell on that subject. "How are you feeling, anyways?"
Perhaps it had something to do with the strength behind the full-powered suit Reverse Anti had. It was a question Bravoman currently couldn’t answer, but was something he’d have to remember for the future.
To Anti, Bravoman looked so much worse up close. He had to fight the urge to back away. Taking a deep breath, he put on a facade of calmness and began to speak. “Hey, um…” He wrung his hands together nervously. “How… how are you feeling?”
Bravoman dearly wished that he was still asleep. He wished that they’d put him on one of those wacky painkillers that would keep him numb to everything that was going on with his body, too. But the doctor emphasized that it was important for him to at least be somewhat-lucid right now. It was something to do with his breathing, he was having trouble remembering. He told him when he was barely awake, afterall.
His eyelids twitched at the sound of a familiar voice. He hadn’t even realized that someone walked into his room. Was that… Anti? Anti!
With no small amount of effort, a pair of soft brown eyes cracked open to gaze at the purple visitor. Anti’s own glowing eyes and dark silhouette sent a shiver up his spine. He knew that he was completely harmless, but a pit of anxiety formed in his stomach nonetheless.
Bravoman lifted an incredibly heavy hand to give the boy a thumbs-down. Even in such a dire state, he somehow managed to give him a playful smile.
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namco-why · 3 years
Perhaps it had something to do with the strength behind the full-powered suit Reverse Anti had. It was a question Bravoman currently couldn't answer, but was something he'd have to remember for the future.
To Anti, Bravoman looked so much worse up close. He had to fight the urge to back away. Taking a deep breath, he put on a facade of calmness and began to speak. "Hey, um..." He wrung his hands together nervously. "How... how are you feeling?"
He was slow to enter the room, hesitant to look. Hesitant to see just how bad things were. Bile threatened to rise in his throat when he saw just how bad off Bravoman was. He shuddered and had to force himself to calm down before his stomach could get any worse.
For a moment, his mind drifted into dark memories. Every breath painful, unable to move, laying for hours waiting for his father to come back…
He… he couldn’t focus on that right now. If he didn’t focus he’d lose himself to bitter memories. Taking a deep, shuddering breath, he took a few steps closer, not realizing that he was shaking.
The damage done to his body was worse than he’d let on. To be fair, Bravoman had no idea just how badly he’d been hurt. People broke ribs all the time. He knew kids in school who had broken a rib or two, and they didn’t even need surgery or anything like that. They just had to take some painkillers and take it easy for a while, no big deal. It wasn’t like breaking an arm or a leg.
But, this? This was so much worse than a nasty fall or a sports accident. Not even a speeding car should be able to do this to him while he’s wearing the supersuit, it had been built specifically to take hard hits. It should have protected him from darn near any accident! He should have been fine!!
… and yet, here he was. With a machine helping him to breathe, and a hole punched into his chest. Bravoman had no idea how lucky he was to be alive, and it was all thanks to Anti finding him completely by chance.
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namco-why · 3 years
He was slow to enter the room, hesitant to look. Hesitant to see just how bad things were. Bile threatened to rise in his throat when he saw just how bad off Bravoman was. He shuddred and had to force himself to calm down before his stomach could get any worse.
For a moment, his mind drifted into dark memories. Every breath painful, unable to move, laying for hours waiting for his father to come back...
He. he couldn't focus on that right now. If he didn't focus he'd lose himself to bitter memories. Taking a deep, shuddering breath, he took a few steps closer, not realizing that he was shaking.
He nodded slowly, feeling numb as he followed through the halls. He’d long since gone nose-blind to the scent of the sterile environment, but it did little to help him feel comfortable here. Especially as they made their way to the upper floors. His gut told him to run, that it wasn’t safe to be so far up, where escape would be harder if something went wrong. But he did his best to force that thought out of his head.
With a loud inhale, he quietly asked, “How bad is he?”
The woman’s smile faltered. This one was so small, and he seemed so young. She didn’t want him to go into that room all by himself. She didn’t want him to have to see his friend that way. But if it was true that neither boy had a medical record here, and this one didn’t know any phone numbers… well, there was no other choice than to let him face this alone, was there?
“… he’s…” She sighed. “… that costume of his. It really is something else. Never seen anything like it before in my life. When we took it off, we weren’t expecting… well, we had no way of knowing that…”
An intense guilt weighed down her shoulders. “… that it was his life-support system.”
The woman stopped and turned towards Anti. She got down on one knee and placed a hand on his tiny shoulder. “… hon… if you’re afraid to see him, you don’t have to. You can come back another day.��
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namco-why · 3 years
Anti's gaze clouded with confusion as she hesitated, only becoming more confused the more she spoke. "His... what?" How could the suit be some sort of life-support system? And yet the more he thought about it. The more it made some ammount of sense. Their suits were certainly flimsy at a glance, but something about them just always seemed to make them more... durable. Able to take more hits.
He shook his head slowly, realizing that she'd been talking to him. "I... I need to go in," he decided. He needed to see how bad it was, find out if he was going to be ok.
He nodded slowly, feeling numb as he followed through the halls. He’d long since gone nose-blind to the scent of the sterile environment, but it did little to help him feel comfortable here. Especially as they made their way to the upper floors. His gut told him to run, that it wasn’t safe to be so far up, where escape would be harder if something went wrong. But he did his best to force that thought out of his head.
With a loud inhale, he quietly asked, “How bad is he?”
The woman’s smile faltered. This one was so small, and he seemed so young. She didn’t want him to go into that room all by himself. She didn’t want him to have to see his friend that way. But if it was true that neither boy had a medical record here, and this one didn’t know any phone numbers… well, there was no other choice than to let him face this alone, was there?
“… he’s…” She sighed. “… that costume of his. It really is something else. Never seen anything like it before in my life. When we took it off, we weren’t expecting… well, we had no way of knowing that…”
An intense guilt weighed down her shoulders. “… that it was his life-support system.”
The woman stopped and turned towards Anti. She got down on one knee and placed a hand on his tiny shoulder. “… hon… if you’re afraid to see him, you don’t have to. You can come back another day.”
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namco-why · 3 years
He nodded slowly, feeling numb as he followed through the halls. He'd long since gone nose-blind to the scent of the sterile environment, but it did little to help him feel comfortable here. Especially as they made their way to the upper floors. His gut told him to run, that it wasn't safe to be so far up, where escape would be harder if something went wrong. But he did his best to force that thought out of his head.
With a loud inhale, he quietly asked, "How bad is he?"
Perhaps the reason he was being ignored was… because he’d been mistaken for a robot? It had already happened once today, it wasn’t outlandish to think that might be the case again. A part of him was bothered, but he was mostly just relieved to have some peace and quiet.
The longer he waited, however, the more anxious he became. If it was too serious, they would have come and got him, right? it couldn’t be that bad. Bravoman had been through worse, right?
He couldn’t stand the thought of something happening to him.
For a while, he distracted himself by messing around on his communicator. It didn’t hurt to see how much of it worked here. But eventually, even that couldn’t distract him from the quiet waiting.
A look at the clock would have told him that hours had managed to ticked by. He didn’t need to look at the clock to know that, specifically, it was already lunch time.
People who came to the hospital in small groups would occasional send one of their own out to bring in something to eat that was heartier than vending machine snacks. The wait time was a little much for everyone, it seemed. And the smell of food was doing him no favours whatsoever.
It was beginning to look like no one was going to come for him. Until, finally, a woman wearing blue scrubs approached him with a gentle smile.
“Excuse me, little one. Are you, perhaps, waiting on a friend,” she asked softly. There was a knowing look in her eyes. “Would you like to come with me?”
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namco-why · 3 years
He looked up and blinked dumbly for a moment, before his antennae flicked up and he sprang to his feet. He dusted himself off quickly, ignoring the growling of his stomach, and gave her a nod. "Is- is he ok?"
He began to follow after the woman, keeping his arms drawn inwards. He was already small in comparison to the people here, but his posture just made him look even smaller than before.
Perhaps the reason he was being ignored was… because he’d been mistaken for a robot? It had already happened once today, it wasn’t outlandish to think that might be the case again. A part of him was bothered, but he was mostly just relieved to have some peace and quiet.
The longer he waited, however, the more anxious he became. If it was too serious, they would have come and got him, right? it couldn’t be that bad. Bravoman had been through worse, right?
He couldn’t stand the thought of something happening to him.
For a while, he distracted himself by messing around on his communicator. It didn’t hurt to see how much of it worked here. But eventually, even that couldn’t distract him from the quiet waiting.
A look at the clock would have told him that hours had managed to ticked by. He didn’t need to look at the clock to know that, specifically, it was already lunch time.
People who came to the hospital in small groups would occasional send one of their own out to bring in something to eat that was heartier than vending machine snacks. The wait time was a little much for everyone, it seemed. And the smell of food was doing him no favours whatsoever.
It was beginning to look like no one was going to come for him. Until, finally, a woman wearing blue scrubs approached him with a gentle smile.
“Excuse me, little one. Are you, perhaps, waiting on a friend,” she asked softly. There was a knowing look in her eyes. “Would you like to come with me?”
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namco-why · 3 years
Perhaps the reason he was being ignored was... because he'd been mistaken for a robot? It had already happened once today, it wasn't outlandish to think that might be the case again. A part of him was bothered, but he was mostly just relieved to have some peace and quiet.
The longer he waited, however, the more anxious he became. If it was too serious, they would have come and got him, right? it couldn't be that bad. Bravoman had been through worse, right?
He couldn't stand the thought of something happening to him.
For a while, he distracted himself by messing around on his communicator. It didn't hurt to see how much of it worked here. But eventually, even that couldn't distract him from the quiet waiting.
He responded with a nod, then adjusted his scarf as he began to walk off. Only a few steps away, however, he paused as he noticed a bit of red sticking to his gloves. He started walking again, staring at the blood as he made his way towards the bathroom. It must have gotten on him when Bravoman had been coughing earlier.
Blood mixed with water in the sink basin as the faucet ran. When had he gotten here? How long had he been here? Anti had lost focus at some point. He shook his head violently, trying to clear unpleasant thoughts, and turned away from the sink, the water automatically stopping.
He returned to the waiting room, a soft growl emanating from his stomach as he looked at the vending machine. Unfortunately, he had no money, so it looked like he’d be dealing with an empty stomach for a little while. He sat down, paying no attention to the others in the waiting room.
The waiting room here was no different from the kind in his own world, save for the fact that the humans here were… big. Weirdly big.
Admittedly, Anti and Bravoman had always been a little on the small side, but this is not a case of a few extra inches. Anti is no bigger than a very young child. Which is easy for him to see, considering that there are children here. It sure doesn’t help with one’s confidence, when they’re a fully-fledged highschool student.
Luckily for the young hero, while he paid very little attention to any of the people around him, the people in the room also paid him surprisingly little mind as well. That’s… actually kind of refreshing. Heroes, and people who dress more than a little oddly in general, usually draw at least a few stares here and there. But, here? It’s like… he’s normal.
Had he raised his head and taken a look around, he’d have noticed that there were robots in the waiting room, each one completely different and unique from the other. This hospital only served human patients, right? Those robots must have been here to escort their squishier, more delicate friends.
… time was beginning to drag on. One after the other, people were being called in to see a doctor. One after another, more patients walked in to take up empty seats. People come. People go. And yet, no one had come for Anti yet. There were no updates on Bravoman’s condition. No kind reassurance that he would be okay. At least no one was telling him that he needed to leave.
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