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Janae Gilmer
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nae2020-post · 7 years ago
SUSPENSEFUL ***”All the President’s Men” movie review
“All the President’s Men” a 1976 drama film staring Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman directed by Allan J. Pakula, was about The Washington Post trying to get the scoop on the a big story covering the Watergate scandal of Richard Nixon. With many dead ends and threats in their way they still managed to get all the pieces to get the top story.
I really enjoyed this movie i’m a big fan of old movies the I like the way the characters dressed the grandness of the film and also the technology such as the pay phones or the rotary phone loved the sound effects of the type writers and the phones going off. the scenes in the movie also developed well gave the audience a mystery and kept your attention the whole way.  
I also feel this movie gave a perspective on the life of a journalist the cutting edge the disappointing moments the fight to get a story published and how the information unravels and one of the most iconic scenes and television where bob played by Robert Redford had the secret meeting in the parking lot with “deep throat”.
in all this a much watch rating 🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶our 5  
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nae2020-post · 7 years ago
Spotlight Thesis
After watching the movie spotlight it broaden my knowledge of the plot of the movie, this lead me to the thesis of that not all but most some priest around the world are molesting children and its still in some cases being swept under the rug and this is now being a issue in our city of buffalo ny. 
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nae2020-post · 7 years ago
Chapter 7 “Covering America Textbook”
Chapter 7 was the time of advancements the 21st century things I found interesting was the Time magazine, the creation of NBC network and the emergence of the radio.
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nae2020-post · 7 years ago
Chapter 6 “Covering America Textbook”
Chapter 6 “Covering America Textbook”
In this chapter it talked more on journalism and the early newspaper business a few things I found interesting was the practice of journalism in America, how they trained reporters and the exposing of reporters.
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nae2020-post · 7 years ago
Chapter 8 of “Covering America Textbook”
In this chapter it talked about a bad decade for news and reporters and how the u.s economy caused misery also the rise of fascism.
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nae2020-post · 7 years ago
Chapter 5 review of “Covering America Textbook”
In chapter i found it very interesting with the rise of the news paper and Joseph Pulitzer. also a more in depth of muckraking and how big it was and yellow journalism. this chapter was also really big on exposing they newspaper wanted to expose everybody especially the corruption of the government.  
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nae2020-post · 7 years ago
“The Paper” BEST JOURNALISM MOVIE? 2.26.18
This 1994 movie is hands down very entertaining and a good watch. Starring Michael Keaton, Glenn Close, Robert Duvall and other good actors who help make the scenes come to life, with the high speed of New York and the embodiment of the accents made you feel really in the time. The paper really shows you how journalism functions with the fast breaks of getting the scope or being the underdog, being in competition, what columns to make and the way papers were made. The busyness of the newsroom and all the people complaining and talking made you feel like you were in the scene and also the camera work and prop sounds going throughout the movie like trains or telephones ringing people typing etc.
The paper is about an editor from the Sun a tabloid paper trying to get the scope on a past incident of two black teenagers being charged for the murder of two white detectives the murder turns out it was actually a mob hit and the two teenagers were innocent. With some great scene development of the moving trains or the bathroom scene where Michael Keaton and Randy Quaid are trying to get the cop to spill the beans it really helps develop the storyline of a journalist trying to get information before a deadline
I cannot see how this movie could be overlooked there is all these subplots that really bring the movie together and gives a connection to viewer and a realism to real life journalism overall give “The Paper”
🌶🌶🌶🌶 out of 5
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nae2020-post · 7 years ago
Chapter 4 of “Covering America Textbook”
some observations from this chapter is 
1)how involved slavery was in the papers
2)how involved Fredrick Douglass was in journalism of news and all the papers he had.
3)how the u.s tried so hard to stop the talk on slavery and how wrong African Americans were being treated.
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nae2020-post · 7 years ago
“The Paper” BEST JOURNALISM MOVIE? 2.18.18
This 1994 movie is hands down very entertaining and a good watch. staring Michael Keaton, Glenn Close, Robert Duvall and other good actors made the scenes come to life with the high speed of New York and the embodiment of the accents made you feel really in the time. really shows you how journalism functions with the fast breaks of getting the scope or being the underdog being in competition whats columns to make and the way papers were made, the busyness of the newsroom all the people complaining and talking 
The paper is about an editor from the Sun a tabloid paper trying to get the scope on a past incident of two black teenagers being charged for the murder of some white detectives the murder was actually a mob hit. with some great scene development of the moving trains or the bathroom scene where Michael Keaton and Randy Qauid trying to get the cop to spill the beans. 
I cannot see how this movie could be overlooked there is all these subplots that really bring the movie together and gives a connection to view and a realism to real life journalism overall give “The Paper” 
🌶🌶🌶🌶 out of 5
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nae2020-post · 7 years ago
Chapter 3 of “Covering America Textbook”
after reading chapter 3 i made a few observations
1)how fast the news distribution was changing 
2) how vivid the wrote back then when describing the dead
3)a lot of competition 
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nae2020-post · 7 years ago
Review of “Washington Post” story of film critic suspended for buying twitter followers 2.13.18
In this article it talked about Richard Roepar from Chicago suns times who admitted buying millions of twitter followers which are artificially generated followers and due to his actions he was suspended.
 Dozens of people from politicians to athletes buy followers to either promote themselves or their work to either make it seem as they have a bigger platform or are more influential then they really are. l agree that it gives a false impression and the argument that these actions should be considered fraud is agreeable, because the influence with the fake big following is getting brand recognition and are being paid for being a so called big influence. As far as this being a crime I would not think of it as so, its a misrepresentation of the people who chose to buy followers and creates a dishonest view of their work. the article states “ it violates a bond of trust and accuracy between journalist and viewers” but since these actions have came forward certain companies have been outed and now rules are being place.
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nae2020-post · 7 years ago
1.21.18 Pentagon Papers
After listening to the podcast I found my own article called “Pentagon Papers on In the article it talked about Daniel Ellsberg the guy who exposed the top secret information, the author said how Daniel opposed the war and thought the information that he attained from working with the government should be available to the american public. The article also went on to talk about John F. Kennedy domino theory and how if they lost the war they'd loose Asia and would be worried about Russia attacking the U.S
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nae2020-post · 7 years ago
“On The Media” podcast-Pentagon Papers 1.21.18
I listened to the podcast about the pentagon papers before going to see the movie “The Post” to get some more insight, the podcast was very interesting and helped me get some more knowledge on the situations, with some other movie critics giving their input and someone who worked with the pentagon papers giving there feed back I gather some notes.During the podcast the host mentioned that president Nixon actually tried to make people believe that the war was necessary and tried to justify the killings which was not as shocking because Nixon tried to cover up a lot of wrong doings during his time of presidency. Another note I took was from Leslie Gab director of the pentagon, said it was not how it was portrayed in movie that they pentagon papers started as a request to answer questions about the current affairs so they decided to answer 100 questions about it he stated that they had no actual documents from the government. 
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nae2020-post · 7 years ago
Chapter 2 of “Covering America Textbook”
from reading chapter 2 I made a few observations
1) the few journalist that were did not write about what they did  not see
2)war leaves devastating consequences on citizens such as harsh new laws or taxes similar to present day america.
3)american rebellion is very common for the day of age everyone felt they had a right of independence and shouldn't be hushed or threatened also  similar to present day america  
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nae2020-post · 7 years ago
Chapter 1 of “Covering America Textbook” 1.28.18
From reading the first chapter I made 3 observations.
1) The north got most of its cultural advancements from Europe
2)others did not feel like publishing newspapers were a priority
3)London was already ahead in newspaper publishing in the seventeenth century while Benjamin Franklin was just learning the printers trade in the eighteenth century.
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nae2020-post · 7 years ago
2.7.18“The Post” Flop or Not
“The post” starring Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep directed by Steven Spielberg, Was not a flop at first glance it would seem to be a non interesting movie but Spielberg never disappoints. By telling the story of competitive journalism and government secrets about the Vietnam war and how over the span of 4 presidents told U.S citizens lies, It also showed how a woman living in the 70’s came into power of her family owned business and how the Washington post became one of the biggest news papers.
 I’d recommend this movie it does a good job of tying things into future incidents with our president trump and government triumphs with the talk of war in North Korea and lies from the government history repeats itself. The story structure was great the scenes didn’t lag on gave you enough  information to catch you on to the pentagon case even for young viewers or if you didn't know about the pentagon papers or true state affairs, the movies dialogue and scenes made it easy for the audience to understand. 
The Post uses flashbacks using actual clips from president Nixon and Kennedy talking on the war in Vietnam on t.v and on radio. The actors seem to characterize well with their part and role made the audience feel in that time frame or want to be in the time frame and  connect you to the era. With well developed intense scenes with the main character Katherine and her struggles trying to voice herself to the “big” businessmen and Ben a writer for the post getting a hold of such powerful information and trying to release it in the right way, Meryl Streep developed a great personality for her character you can sense her overwhelming and her unsteadiness as she tries to make the right decisions between her friendship with the presidents and people who worked on these top secret files and the right to inform the public. The camera work and scenes I believe were well developed with using smooth spins from characters to a room full of people and the lighting during intense scenes like the scanning the top secret files camera work always makes the movie a make or break. Even though the movie was made in such short time Spielberg has done it again another well developed film. 🌶🌶🌶 out of 5
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nae2020-post · 7 years ago
1.25.18 "The post" flop or not
“The post” staring Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep directed by Steven Spielberg. Was not a flop, at first glance it would seem to be a non interesting movie but Spielberg never disappoints by telling the story of competitive journalism and government secrets about the Vietnam war and how over the span of 4 presidents told u.s citizens lies, it also showed how a woman in the 70’s came into power of her family owned business and became the Washington post. The movie uses flashbacks like using actual clips from president Nixon and Kennedy talking on the war and characterization to show historical fiction and make you feel connected to the era with we’ll developed intense scenes with the main character Katherine and her struggles trying to voice herself and Ben a writer for the post getting ahold of such powerful information and trying to release it in the right way. The story structure was great scenes didn’t lag on gave you information to catch you on to the pentagon case. I’d recommend this movie it does a good job of tying things in to future incidents with our president and government and the talk of war and lies from the government history repeats itself. rating 🌶🌶🌶 out of 5.
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