fallin' like stars
26 posts
@astriloquum on ao3Not a writer but I try :/ || chn/eng
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astriloquuhm · 2 years ago
empty space is coming back!
it's been ages but i'm almost done with the last chapter of this first part!! i'll explain my plans and also what happened in my long hiatus when i drop the 6th chapter :) so please watch out for that! <33
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astriloquuhm · 3 years ago
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found a couple of cute pink/green fits on Pinterest and so I couldn't resist drawing Alex Fierro aka love of my life in them :3
also neon green underdye is such a look
(keep in mind I designed these outfits with the age I gave her/him in my fic so therefore this is age appropriate seeing that s(he) is an adult)
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astriloquuhm · 3 years ago
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I feel like Magnus and Alex would go on dates in summer eating ice cream. (Actually I drew this because I just wanted to eat ice cream)
[ID: A digital drawing of Magnus Chase and Alex Fierro holding hands. Magnus is on the left and Alex is on the right. Magnus, holding an ice cream cone, has a ponytail and is wearing a dark green t shirt and beige pants. He has a black bracelet on his right hand. Alex, holding a red lolly ice cream, is in a pink off shoulder shirt and green shorts. She has hair pink hair pins and two small earrings on her left ear. Both are looking at each other with a smile. The background is yellow-green. End ID.]
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astriloquuhm · 3 years ago
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fierro chase my beloved
reblogs appreciated!!
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astriloquuhm · 4 years ago
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Here's some fits I've been imagining Alex in ✨
btw you can see her/him appear in these in my fic here :)
(*cries* green/pink combination sounds amazing but is rly hard to execute)
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astriloquuhm · 4 years ago
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Like Danny DeVito’s magnum dong,,, the new chapter is up folks
Make sure to read the notes pls! <3
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astriloquuhm · 4 years ago
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Here's some fits I've been imagining Alex in ✨
btw you can see her/him appear in these in my fic here :)
(*cries* green/pink combination sounds amazing but is rly hard to execute)
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astriloquuhm · 4 years ago
Some Israeli!Percy Headcannons
Percy has a rough time celebrating Chanukah because that’s the Jewish #greekssuck holiday and he feels conflicted. By the time he’s older, though, he’s celebrating it with no regrets, because he’s mature enough to realize that he doesn’t have to love everything about Greek culture and history to be a proud Greek demigod.
In a similar vein, he has some issues with Camp Jupiter, especially when the camp leadership talks about the great battle tactics used in 70 CE and during the Bar Kokhba revolt. Like, he’s not here for that.
His Bar Mitzvah had only one (1) monster in attendance, and it was Tyson. Side note: Tyson got a little excited when he was lifting Percy up on the chair and our poor boy still has a knot on his skull.
Annabeth learned Hebrew so that she, Sally, and Percy could talk shit about people behind their backs.
Percy and Sally go fucking out on Yom Ha’atzmaut because BLUE
For his birthday one year, Leo makes Percy a kippah that can turn into a Magen David.
Percy is OBSESSED with preserving Lake Kineret and takes Grover with him on ecological programs to Israel.
Percy curses out monsters like an Israeli and everyone is proud.
Percy and Annabeth get married under a chupah Athena wove as a peace offering, and when Annabeth walks around Percy 7 times and vice versa, they both cry because this is their something permanent.
Annabeth decides to convert about a year after they get engaged because she’s never felt more loved than when she met Sally’s relatives from Tel Aviv, and she loves the tradition of questioning that the Talmud perpetuates. Also— god wrestling has always been Annabeth’s fav past time.
Sometimes Percy struggles with his belief in one God and his parentage, but after talking it over with Samirah, he makes his peace with it.
Percy loves Bamba more than most people and soon has every camper hooked.
When Percy’s an adult, he gets a timeshare in Eilat so he can go surfing twice a year.
Percy’s Blundstones are somehow still in perfect working order after two fucking wars and he is not surprised in the least. He buys a pair for Annabeth one year and she has never been more in love with him because damn these boots are everything. He still prefers his Naot though.
Percy’s favorite Israeli slang word is סבבה. He calls Annabeth his נשמה or חיים שלי and she blushes so hard.
Also— he uses Hebrew in the bedroom. It’s a fact. Annabeth loves it.
Percy struggles a lot with the whole “respect your father” thing because? Poseidon? is? problematic?
He cries at his son’s Brit Milah and at his daughter’s naming ceremony.
He says the Mourner’s Kaddish for every single demigod who dies and sits shiva after every battle. He also has trees planted in their names.
Percy and Magnus bond over their mutual adoration of falafel and tahini.
Percy takes those awful mud glamor shots every time he visits the Dead Sea like the worst sort of tourist. Annabeth won’t be seen with him.
On a side note, Annabeth is definitely one of those people who reads while floating in the Dead Sea.
Piper finds out that Percy has vegetables for breakfast and doesn’t talk to him for a week and a half.
Whenever Percy is feeling fed up with being a demigod, he remembers that he is part of another thousands-year-old community that loves and accepts him, and will never abandon him, wherever he is.
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astriloquuhm · 5 years ago
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this is my official debut for my fic “Empty Space” and ive been very excited to share this lil project so i hope y’all check it out and enjoy it :)))
its been too long since the last time ive drawn in this style so pls excuse the fact that it looks kinda wack (and also the fact that ive never drawn a comic page looking thing before lol) 
fic playlist
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astriloquuhm · 5 years ago
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A single clear memory hit me: nothing special, just breakfast at Café 19 in Valhalla…
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astriloquuhm · 5 years ago
Writing Motivations
Hungry for Validation
Make readers go “Wow!”
Make readers go “Oh!”
Make readers go :’((
Whom else is going to write this if not me??
They Gave Me a Keyboard and Cannot Take it Away Now
I Invented Several Languages and Must Use Them Somewhere
These characters are REAL and have things to do
I Like to Suffer
I like to be gay and unhinged but in a productive way
I care about my OCs and so must you now
I have issues I need to project on SOMETHING
Love is not fake and here is why, an entire book
Words Pretty
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astriloquuhm · 5 years ago
I’ve completely revamped the fic playlist as well! The songs are supposed to give you a general idea of the mood/feeling of the fic. (Some of these songs are references to events that happen in the fic but i wont tell you which ones ;)) ) 
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astriloquuhm · 5 years ago
Restart // Good news
Hi everyone! I don't know how many of you remember my fierrochase fic (which was the main reason I made this account in the first place). Those of you who have read it and kept up with it might know that I had decided to discontinue it. I had deleted the fic and changed my username. BUT because of quarantine, I had relooked at the drafts and chapters I didn't post, and I've decided to rewrite the fic! 
- WHAT IS THIS FIC? I started writing my fic “Empty Space” because I saw the lack of content for fierrochase and despite not being a dedicated writer (i make fanart), I wanted to tell a story with the characters. I feared imperfection and so despite the support I gained from the fic, I was still very self-conscious about it which was one of the reasons I decided to discontinue the fic. (Another reason being I had moved on to a different fandom) 
- BUT THEN WHY AM I REWRITING IT? It was my baby brother’s 9th birthday recently and naturally, I gifted him my sacred Percy Jackson collection as his present, and (just like me) he took a very big liking to the Magnus Chase trilogy. He asked me to read it out to him (because he was too lazy to read it himself) and as I reread the series with him, I remembered just how much I loved these characters. This isn't all of it though. Recently I've met these two lovely ladies online who write fanfiction for the haikyuu fandom and after reading their fics I wanted so badly to write my own. But there was a problem: I didn't have any good ideas. So to find inspiration I dug through some old drafts I had on my computer and, surprise surprise, I found my old fierrochase fic. I had a really cool idea of how I wanted the story to go but I didn't know how to execute it in a way I liked (plus I had terrible grammar, still do but just slightly better now). And so I thought why not restart? I started rewriting it just to challenge myself (i had a minor art block and needed something to keep me busy) and I realized that I liked what I was doing. My sentences made sense, I was inspired by my new improved taste in music and I had a lot more knowledge about the English language than I did in previous years. 
- WHEN CAN WE EXPECT THIS FIC BY? I've already rewritten half of the first chapter in just 2 days. Right now I'm at around 2k words but I imagine by the end, I'll have 4k words in the first chapter. If I continue at the rate I'm going at, we might get the first chapter by the end of this week/beginning of next week. I've got quite some time on my hands right now and I intend to use it well. Of course, things might move slowly again after I get out of my art block and finals start but I’ll try be more reliable and consistent.
- WHATS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THIS VERSION OF THE FIC AND THE ORIGINAL FIC? You see, in the original fic, I intended for there to be just fluff but my writing was two dimensional. The characters were flat and the story didn't really make sense. Now I've decided to build on their characters and give them life. This will be a love story, it was and will still be but the big difference now is that the characters will face trials: they will argue, they will fight. I want to show vulnerability and conflict. No one is perfect and certainly not these two characters. But I want them to grow together and I want to tell a story that depicts a REAL and mostly* HEALTHY relationship. 
*i say mostly because i want to deal with mature themes like substance abuse, depression, anxiety and negative body images THAT WILL ALL BE OBSTACLES THEY OVERCOME IN THEIR RELATIONSHIP.
I'm very competitive, sometimes it becomes so extreme it demotivates me to try new things. So this is a step to my personal growth, I want to enjoy doing things I may not be the best at. I want to experiment. I don't need to be the best straight away because that's based on hard work. I can't expect myself to be good at something straight away and i want this to be a reminder. 
I'm very excited about the rewritten draft so far and I hope to share it with you soon! 
TL;DR: I will be rewriting my fierrochase fic “Empty Space”. It will contain mature themes (depression, substance abuse, self-esteem issues, etc) and a relationship with growth between two people. I will be rewriting the fic as a reminder for my personal growth. I'm super excited and I hope y’all are too :)
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astriloquuhm · 5 years ago
Heyyo waddup!
So I’m gonna announce that I HAVE taken art this year and I am still alive and kicking. Haven’t drawn any fanart yet in class but my teacher is so close to losing it already. Literally everyone else only makes fanart.
I am dying on the inside, everyone is a potterhead or marvel fan, my teacher is trying her hardest not to cry.
All is well.
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Art and maths teacher: OK, you need to paint something with maths in it. It’s for a very important project and competition
Me: *draws fanart*
And this is why I don’t take art. Its because I would only disappoint the art teacher with excessive amounts of fanart and she would probably want to kill herself by the end of the year.
(click for better quality)
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astriloquuhm · 5 years ago
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Some flowers
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astriloquuhm · 5 years ago
A scream that high could only be Magnus.
Alex Fierro (The Ship of the Dead by Rick Riordan)
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astriloquuhm · 5 years ago
“After so many centuries, trying to figure out your heritage when it’s been buried under so much else- Olmec, Aztec, Spanish,Mexican. How do you know what’s true? How do you reclaim it?”
-Alex Fierro, the Latinx Queer POC we needed
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