nadiaestermont · 4 months
nadia cannot believe she's gotten herself into this mess. why did she agree to come on this tour in the first place? no, why did she agree to come to the capitol at all? she should've stayed home. but no, the lady of greenstone had wanted to show that she is strong, that no amount of time spent captured could break her.
but it had. and now here she is, trapped yet again but in a perdicament of her own making, or at least she thinks so. the prince's frantic valyrian is not so easily translated by her, but she does understand it.. for the most part, at least.
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"if.. if it won't be lady velaryon or lady qoherys then who?"
Aerea recognized neither the man nor the drink on the table, though it brought to mind vague stories of Essos and sorcery. Though she understood what prince Viserys said, she did not share his hesitation. Drink or die, and the choice was made clear.
"Either we take the chance it's poison or we're trapped here. Both seem like unpleasant deaths." High Valyrian came fluently to her, as it did for some of the others in the room. She would rather not be trapped with some strangers, some people she barely knew, but choice had been denied to her before this too.
"If none of you want to drink, I can be the sacrificial lamb." Part of her yearned to get it over with, to see if she would fall writhing to the floor or simply escape unhurt, though how a simple drink could get them from this situation Aerea did not know.
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nadiaestermont · 6 months
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♡ pam hughes via instagram ( pamalaaam )
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nadiaestermont · 7 months
You can't catch me now, I'm higher than the hopes that you brought down.
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nadiaestermont · 7 months
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✧ LAURA HARRIER Cosmopolitan (September 20, 2022)
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nadiaestermont · 7 months
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LAURA HARRIER as Tatiana White Men Can’t Jump (2023), dir. Calmatic
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nadiaestermont · 7 months
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J.R.R. Tolkien, from The Lord of the Rings: Appendix B
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nadiaestermont · 7 months
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THE BALLAD OF SONG BIRDS AND SNAKES Rachel Zegler and Tom Blyth as Lucy Gray Baird and Coriolanus Snow
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nadiaestermont · 7 months
nadia gasps as he speaks of the ruckus she makes or the way she stomps, placing a hand on her chest to feign hurt. "wylliam!" she exclaims, unable to stop herself from laughing though. he isn't wrong. she's always been clumsy, always been prone to accidents. it's left a handful of marks all over various parts of her body from all the tumbles she's taken. some of which he's been able to witness, hence why he knows her nature so well.
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"perhaps i will then," she says, sticking her nose up in a pretend show of snobbery. once again though, she laughs, unable to take her own actions or words seriously. her head back down at eye level, she looks at him and smiles once again. and when he offers her his arm, she takes it gently. and there they go, nadia and will, walking through hordes of lords and ladies from all across the realm.
gods, he is her rock. the only one able to keep her sane in times like this. it is funny how they both manage to do that for one another. despite nadia being the more outgoing of the two, she still does lean on him for support in situations such as this one. and what a support he is.
"so i've heard," she replies. "well you know, a lady's wedding day is one of the most important in her life... is it driving arthur mad?" she quickly asks, unable to suppress her giggle for any longer.
"the whole of the stormlands nobility, or close to it," she agrees. however will he manage? with her by his side, of course. "i wouldn't miss it, will."
"there is also the realistic possibility that my ears have become entirely used to hear the ruckus you create each time you move." he responded, vivid, warm dark orbs looking over the brightness of a smile that stretched over her face. there had never been moments where wylliam swann found nadia estermont as beautiful as when she was smiling; teeth and all. there was no way she would realise the way in which she was able to always pull him in, her very presence magnetic; as though she were the sun, and he was the water reflecting on the surface.
"you've gone from plodding to stomping." he spoke, unable to stop the chorus of laughter that slipped from his mouth as she moved to gently push his shoulders. "perhaps next you'll be flying, dragging me along with you by my collar." he never liked when people touched him. he never had an issue with her touching him, of closing the physical distance between them, even in the most innocent of ways. and so, as he began to walk, he extended his arm for her to walk beside him, almost mimicking the formal tone she used in addressing him by my lord. they only addressed one another with titles before others, when it was expected. otherwise, it was always will and nadia. nadia and will.
he was content with never saying anything, if it meant things would forever remain this way; truthfully, nadia estermont had no way of knowing just how much wylliam swann appreciated her presence. her friendship. she seemed to silently understand all of his quirks, the way he would sometimes need time to process things differently, or actually allow him to get his thoughts and his words together before speaking. never would she talk over him, or try to fill in the words for him: she always just waited. she was always just there, and perhaps she found him odd. he was odd. but she never made him feel any different, and that in itself, was more precious than any geode or gemstone to the second son of stonehelm.
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"you know arthur is to be married next month." he began, trying to ignore the thumping feeling of his heart in his chest at the feeling of her arm around his. there was another event coming up in stonehelm. "his bride is apparently losing her mind over it. wants a cake that towers. and dances. organised dances." lord arthur swann, the eldest of the swann children, was to be married. he was sure she would be there, considering the estermonts would need to be in attendance. the entirety of the stormlands would be in attendance. but he wanted her to be there, with him specifically. was that a strange request? he wanted her presence, her companionship. the way she was able to end conversations so skilfully and kindly when she noticed he was beginning to feel overwhelmed and disassociate.
"so many people." he uttered, half laughing again - for they both knew what that meant. more of her saving the day. "you'll be there, right?"
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nadiaestermont · 7 months
nadia does indeed, bear the marks of all that had happened to her. scars of various kinds scattered all across her fragile body. even worse are the ones etched into her mind, her heart, her soul. she's sure that if her mother and brothers were not there to hold her in that moment, that she would've collapsed as soon as she stepped foot on those docks.
eyes of amethyst meet those of a similar shade as she looks upon her brother, upon luc. dia he calls her... the nickname almost makes her smile. a childhood nickname, back from when he was so young it was difficult to say the full name of 'nadia.' and it simply stuck, lingering on all these years later.
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cautiously, she reaches out. she grabs hold of his arm, clinging to him like a lifeline. she holds tight, looking up at him and nodding. "is.. is something wrong?" she asks in a shaky voice, unsure of why they are seemingly being rushed off the docks. as they march forward, she nearly looks back at her captors. yet she cannot bring herself to ultimately do so, not when she is finally free.
nadia was not lost to them, of that he was certain. each dawn that broke since her abduction whispered this truth to him. their family alone bore the burden of this quest; no other souls scoured the seas, no other eyes sought her face among the sails. the expanse of the waves held the key to nadia's return, somewhere amidst the pirate ships that sailed on the shimmering waters.  it became the two estermont brother’s mission to find their sister and bring her home to them alive. the waters were being patrolled by their many ships and all the port of bravvos and the other free cities were being watched. if anyone moved inside of a pillow house they wanted to know.
days stretched like languid waves
rolling into weeks,
 then swelling into months.
 yet, through the passage of time, the flicker of hope remained. it grew with every sunrise, and every coin put into their sister’s reward. at last, the news reached them, carried by the wind and whispered across the waves - the captors would return her, safe and sound, for a sum and safe passage in their waters.
so they waited, the two brothers and their mother, their breath mingling with the salted air at the docks, eyes fixed on the horizon where their sister would arrive.
the reunion would be no easy thing. he braced himself, understanding that nadia would bear the marks of her trials, hidden scars that time alone could reveal.  she would be safe once more in their care and never again would either of them let anything like this happen. and then, as if summoned by longing and faith, she was there, encircled by their brother's fervent embrace, held so closely, so protectively. their mother, too, was warry to release her.
"dia," he breathed, a tender whisper, his gaze drinking in the sight of his sister, now returned to them. the urge to rush forth, to enfold her, was held in check, mindful of her fragility, respectful of her boundaries if she did not wish to be touched so soon.
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there was still more of this plan to go and his role right now was to get nadia and their mother as far from the docks as possible, back to safety. a nod passed to his mother, who led the way, her steps resolute on the weathered planks. luc extended his arm towards nadia, ready to enfold her if she so willed. he needed her to know that choice rested in her hands, that he would walk beside her, not a step ahead. "come with me, dia. we must go."
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nadiaestermont · 10 months
setting: after nadia has been returned to her family and the pirates have been dealt with
it's been.. gods, how long has it been? she cannot even recall the last time she saw her family. or anyone that wasn't those wretched men who held her captive for all that time. she lost count of how long she had been there at least a month into their journey, when they caught on to her carving it into the walls and stole away the tool she'd been using.
nadia is first in the arms of their brother, holding on to his trembling sister while trying to speak calmly to the pirates who have brought her back to him. they go on and on for far too long, as if they were not the ones to steal her away in the first place. as if they had not been the cause for house estermont's heartbreak.
she's pretty sure her brother has never held her this way. he never did seem to care very much about her before she was taken. maybe it's true, maybe people truly do not know what they have until it is gone. maybe that is the case for her.
then their mother makes her way over, grabbing hold of nadia and pulling her in for a tight hug. she's frozen for a moment, still trying to get used to gentle touch. the pirates had certainly not been kind to her, so she isn't used to all this.. she isn't used to being held with such care.
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finally, she makes her way to lucerys. gods, when was the last time she had seen him outside of his maester robes? certainly long before she had disappeared. he looks so different. she tries to smile, but it doesn't meet her eyes at all. they're so dull. "luc..." she croaks out.
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nadiaestermont · 10 months
"sneaking? i would hardly call that sneaking, will," she laughs. after all, she had nearly sent them both toppling over. nadia is pretty sure she couldn't sneak up on anyone even if she tried, for she's just a bit too clumsy. that clumsiness has gotten her in trouble with her septas quite a few times growing up, always accidentally pricking herself during needlework lessons, or misstepping when learning how to dance.
her hands now clasped behind her back ache to be holding his once again. perhaps if they weren't in such a public setting, she would have no problem holding on to them as she had been just moments before. but here, there are too many prying eyes. they could easily become subject of nasty rumors and that is something neither of them needs right now.
when he makes his little quip, she cannot help but to smirk. still, she unclasps her hands though and gently pushes his shoulders. "enough of that!" she laughs, smile as bright as the sun. gods, how can he be so funny when he's hardly trying to be?
"yes! that is precisely how i felt. i never thought i'd see the day where i feared the oceans but gods..." she lets her voice trail off as she shakes her head at the memory.
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nadia nods her head, "it is, isn't it?" she smiles. the lady has always loved a good party but knows that her companion does not exactly feel the same. so she will happily walk off with him. "lead the way, my lord," the title is said teasingly, as they are certainly beyond such formalities.
he had forgotten whose nameday they were here to celebrate; some targaryen no doubt, one of the royal family. truthfully, will was so detached from the courtly life of kings landing that he struggled to put names to the faces of those passing he saw: they all looked the same, until he realised those were the children of the hightower queen. and then he saw the children of princess rhaenyra, and believed even they looked similar; upon encountering any of them, he merely addressed them by 'your highness' to avoid getting the name wrong. and how he were waiting for the moment he could return home.
his eyes wandered the crowd, wondering how he had found himself detached from the wylde brothers and his own siblings; there had been so many people, and he had momentarily dipped into the crowd to settle the distant buzzing at the back of his head. too much laughter, too much drinking; he were not miserable, only momentarily overwhelmed with the amount of people. he missed the quiet sound of rainfall, or the sound of the ocean crashing into rocks, or the sounds of twigs snapping, or the sound of laughter as the rain hammered down and…
no. that was not what he was doing this time. there was no use getting into his own head about matters, considering he resolved to tell the lady of estermont how he felt about her time after time. so many times he felt as though the words were on the very tip of his tongue, so many times he had barely eaten and toyed with his food as he debated on saying what was on his mind: and he never did. only he knew she was here too, considering the brief glimpse he saw of estermont flags flying upon the ships docking at the harbour when he were out running an errand for his father.
and then suddenly, almost by miracle itself, there was sudden movement. the sound of rapid footsteps, ones that seemed familiar, ones that did not cause a sense of alarm within him: he turned, just in time for her to almost run directly into him. "hello to you too." he spoke, a laugh slipping from his lips as he looked down at her. "sneaking up on me when dragons are about?"
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it was no use to pretend as though she did not have his heart directly in the palm of her hand.
there came a slight smile over his face, one that he was unable to stop from creeping over him at the sight of the individual before him. "we can confirm your eyes work then." he made no effort to stop the smile that crossed his features, trying to ignore the swelling in his chest to know she had been looking for him. he barely feels her hands drop out of his own; only remembers what they felt like clasped with hers. "gods, were they awful for you too? there were multiple times i was ready to accept i would become food for the fish."
he took a step forward, meeting her striking amethyst gaze and indicating for her to walk with him away from the sounds of the music if she chose. his hand was outstretched towards a garden path. "it's too loud in there. i was going to go for a quick walk. you can come, if you'd like."
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nadiaestermont · 10 months
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a miraculous return...
despite there seemingly being no hope in the search for the lost lady nadia estermont, word of a reward for her return reaches an unlikely party-- the very same pirates that boarded her ship and stole her from it. her brother lucerys's promise of a handsome reward for whoever returns his beloved sister is just too tempting. tossed aside is the plan to sell her to a pillow house in lys, and the dreaded ship then sails for estermont after sending word that they have the lady in hand. the pirates are promised safe passage to estermont. they are given just that, despite it being quite obvious that they were the ones who stole the lady in the first place. once nadia is safely in the hands of her family and the pirates have left estermont waters, the attack is launched. the pirates are easily taken out by estermont forces. she is worse for wear, but the lady is home.
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nadiaestermont · 10 months
where: in the midst of the festivities in the king's landing
the young estermont lady makes her way through the crowd. she had been told to stick by her brother but she cannot help herself, she has to wander. there is a certain something-- or someone-- she is looking for that just must be found. he has to be here already, she tells her herself. she saw the ship, the one that belongs to house swann. the one she's seen docking on her own shores dozens of times.
violet eyes scan the crowds in search of one familiar face. others speak to her along the way but they go mostly ignored. a polite nod there, an "mhm" here. just where in the hells is he? he can't be far, she tells herself. most of the stormlanders have stuck to themselves and she suspects that her dear wylliam would be no different.
then finally, those valyrian hues land on him. lord wylliam swann of stonehelm. her will. a smile grows and grows on her full lips as she picks up her skirts to rush over. the lady stops short in front of him, very nearly running him down with how excited she is. she grabs hold of his hands as she approaches him, giving them each a squeeze.
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"will!" she exclaims. "i've been looking for you everywhere." suddenly, she feels a bit shy as her cheeks heat up with embarrassment. dropping his hands, her own clasp behind her back in a more proper manner. "how were your travels? the seas here were a bit.. rough, at least for us."
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nadiaestermont · 2 years
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following growing tensions due to the war in the iron islands, lady nadia estermont had been sent a raven requesting that she return home at once. this came as quite the shock, considering how father has never shown this level of concern for her. she is reluctant, due to her recent reconnecting with lord wylliam swann, but the dutiful lady knows she cannot ignore an order from her father.
as her ship sails into stormlands territory, the seas become more and more tumultuous. the men of the ship attempt to reassure the lady that all will be fine, but it is in that moment that a particularly rough wave rocks the ship.
nadia estermont never returns home. the ship carrying her is unaccounted for and all attempts to at least find its remains come up with nothing. by all accounts, it has vanished. though, there is no hope that anyone aboard the ship has survived.
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nadiaestermont · 2 years
warm, dark orbs looked over her golden features as she looked upon him as though she were golden rays of sunlight itself; he could not tell whether she was offended by his choices that night, whether she should be offended by anything for surely there was no reason for her to feel hurt - it was hardly possible that anyone like her would ever feel anything toward him, and yet, perhaps the bold words of one of his closest friends had only made it apparent… he needed to be clear with his words, his choices, and what it was he truly wanted. who it was he truly wanted.
the music remained in full swing, and someone like her should be in the middle of the dance floor living the best of her life; a smile upon her face, a smile he would try his hardest to ensure he saw each time their paths crossed. “outside may be better.” he spoke, his tone loud enough for her to hear as he watched a soft smile cross over her features, golden curls framing the face he had come to know so well; how beautiful she looked in this moment, dressed in the finest of dornish clothing, and yet it was the sight of her hair dripping and running across the wet sands of estermont that truly made his heart beat.
with that, he ensured to walk beside her as he lead her toward a door that exited toward a fountained area; careful not to walk too far ahead of her, but walking beside her naturally, as though that was where their places should be. upon either side of one another. stepping out among the sound of the fountains, the distant sounds of laughter and music and the slight buzz of various insects, he looked upon her; no doubt he looked frazzled, nervous even, and there was a reason for that.
“yes.” he admitted, as though the gates themselves had opened; it was unusual for him to openly admit that there was something indeed something weighing on his mind, and yet, he knew this conversation needed entire honesty. for even if she did not feel the same way, he wanted her to at least know, know everything about why he had behaved the way he did for so many years; and why he had seemingly vanished from her life. “you - you are on my mind, nadia.” his words blurted out, and he could not handle such titles now, lady estermont, lord swann; that was never how it had been. 
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“i once thought i would always find you on that beach in estermont. in that stupid, frankly unsafe rickety rowboat you would drag me on, even in the hammering rain - and you have no clue how many times i thought about your face.” always, always she had muttered to him. 
there was a moment of silence as he ran his hand through his dark curls, a sign that he was indeed nervous; though the sight of her steady smile seemed to only cause his heart to feel as though it was ready to completely burst from his chest. this was something he should have done years ago, not now, when she was moving on with her life. would she want to involve in something like that again, put her heart at risk? 
“i just told my best friend she could not have my heart.” his words fell like a pin-drop as he thought of the tears that rolled down the cheeks of kat mallister, how he never thought he would find himself in such a situation; and yet, at the end of the day, there was no real choice to be made. “because it is yours. it has always been in your hands, whether you realised it or not.” he felt as though the world was spinning fast now, taking a step toward her, before stopping himself - no, no. “i just… need you to know.”
she has never heard will speak in such a way. sure, they had always spoken freely with one another before. still, he always had an air of formality to him. or at the very least, he remained reserved to a certain extent. he would blurt things out without properly thinking through his words, but not like this. it is new and it shocks her. so she turns to face him fully, hands clasped in front of her.
her brow is furrowed and though she opens her mouth to speak, no words come out. so she lets him continue on instead. there is clearly a lot to be said and she needs to let him finish in order for her to be able to answer properly. she cannot help but to laugh when he mentions that little boat they had sailed upon. it is a fond memory. though, when he speaks of how thoughts of her face had been on his mind, she cannot help the light blush that falls upon her cheeks.
ah, it makes sense now. of course that woman would be so upset at the mere sight of wylliam with another woman. well, she had been his best friend first. for years and years, before her marriage and the war and how everything had gotten ruined then.
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what he says next shocks her. words she had been waiting to hear for so long. during those years before her father had married her off. perhaps even when she had gone away, in the form of a letter. it would’ve been wrong but didn’t care. she wanted to hear this, even if their feelings could not have been acted upon. because she needed to know if he truly felt the same as she did.
“wylliam, i...” gods, she’s at a loss for words. how often she finds this to be happening in his presence. nadia has never been the most bold, yet when she sees him take a step forward she cannot help but to do the same. she takes his hands in her own, looking up at him with a timid smile. “you cannot imagine how long i have been waiting to hear those words from you.”
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nadiaestermont · 2 years
who: @nadiaestermont​ where: the dornish ball, sunspear
numb; that was the only word he could use to fully describe the feeling that coursed through him, following a revelation that had resulted in shouting and tears. it was so unlike the both of them, to put within such a situation, when they would usually be within the corner of that room watching that very same drama unfold. how the situation had seemingly changed, and how a part of him felt guilty for not realising what the situation had turned into far sooner, not until it was right before his very face. 
he had remained outside longer than lady mallister, who had eventually walked away after saying what she needed to say and hearing what she needed to hear. how matters of the heart had been crossed, and how much of an ache he felt at knowing he would not be able to give her his own; for it had already long since been within the hands of another. reentering the festivities, winding around the dancers and musicians beating drums he had never seen before. the look on his face was one of sadness, of confusion as to where this had all come from; and yet he knew where he wanted to end up. 
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a familiar set of golden curls, clad in emerald green, had caught his eye sat a table; and upon seeing the expression on his face, he knew she could tell something had gone entirely wrong. sat with some associates of house estermont and his carron cousins, he cleared his throat as he slipped into the chair beside her. “sorry about that.” he muttered, quiet enough for only her to hear as he reached forward to pour himself a glass of wine, an unusual move. why did he feel the need to tell her, as though he wished nothing but complete openness between them?
taking a drink of the wine before placing it back down, he turned his body to look toward her, their knees touching beneath the circular table they were sat upon; and yet, such closeness did not feel unusual or strange. “would now be a good time to talk?” he asked, allowing her to take the lead; gods knew, he had some things to get off his chest.
to say the actions of one kathryn mallister had caught her off guard would be an understatement. nadia had always been taught that noble ladies must be polite and kind, no matter who it is they are facing, much less a fellow noble. was it because their loyalties differed? even then, the lady of greenstone isn’t sure where her loyalties lie. 
but she isn’t foolish and she needs to be honest with herself. nadia estermont knows the look of a woman in love.. and that is what she had seen in the riverlander. in love and scorned by the simple action of him walking in with another on his arm. she can understand. perhaps she would’ve done the same, had the situations been reversed. it doesn’t help that alcohol is involved.
she lets him go and engages in useless conversations with the other stormlands lords and ladies. she doesn’t care much for what they have to say but rather, watches the archway carefully, awaiting the appearance of wylliam. and finally he does, causing her to smile softly. even with all the mixed feelings she has towards him, she will always wear a soft smile for him.
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“no need to apologize, my lord.” she allows for a beat of silence, knowing she should not pry. it is none of her business, after all. it has been so many years since she and wylliam last shared their every thought. “is everything okay?” yet she can’t keep herself from asking anyways.
the simply brushing of limbs does not go unnoticed. in fact, it sends shockwaves throughout her body. electrifying, just like the storms they had found themselves caught in so many times before. even all these years later, that has not changed. “always, wylliam, always.” her voice is so light and so kind. “is there something on your mind?”
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nadiaestermont · 2 years
truth serum: what do you think of the woman who seemed very upset with will during the celebration recently? lady mallister, no?
"i found it.. odd," she says with a furrowed brow. "lord swann and i had just entered and we were engaged in our own conversation. i'm not really sure why she was so upset." nadia did not see how merely not interacting with her right away was such a slight.
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@malcontentswanns , @ofseawings​
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