Not a voice of reason. Just some English pleb on one of the worst micro-blogging sites in the world.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Dobby the Fat Elf has demonstrated traits of Cluster B (histrionic and narcissistic) and the Paranoid/Eccentric traits of Cluster A personality disorders.
This is typified by the way he reacts to criticism in public/in person (he was known for giving long thousand-yard stares when confronted with a worldview or opinion he doesn't like, or one that contradicts his set-in-stone beliefs, and was alleged to have devolved into sudden outbursts of tard rage at MCAD) and online, where his histrionic personality would deliberately antagonise anyone who he views as lower than him or opposed to what he views as "the mainstream school of thought"(a "school of thought" that he's both too lazy and retarded to properly research or learn about, which is why he got kicked off of the Social Justice circles due to both his anti-social behaviour and his past being so hypocritical, not even SJWs wanted to support him, which says a lot) for cool points. This was exacerbated by his spoilt upbringing in the midwest, where he would compartmentalise any perceived slight towards his interests (not just his own person, his interests, material attachments and metaphysical attachments) or the tiniest instance of a minor dispute as a personal grudge/vendetta. And this started when he was a child, the fact that he wasn't properly referred to a therapist at any stage of his youth, condemned him to his current fate of obscurity and eternal ridicule online and offline.
Hell, I don't even harbour any ill will towards Dobby(only losers and A-Logs hold any legitimate barrels of hated against such jokes to humanity). It's mainly on his shitty parents for sheltering his arse and capitulating too many times in his formative years. This is saying a lot from me, considering that my views on mental health are very, VERY low, negative and cynical because of individuals like the Fat Elf that is Dobby, who hide behind their disorders, diagnosed or otherwise, to justify and rationalise their fragile egos, slothly attitudes to self-application, penchant for bullying and intimidation and aversion to perseverance.
Though, if he WAS diagnosed with NPD, then the only way to deal with him is to AVOID HIM AT ALL COSTS!
Did Dobson suffer from paranoia? He seemed to believe that a secret society of dedicated, coordinated "mean trolls" was constantly meeting and discussing how to "harass" him pretty much 24/7 or something. Or did he just act this way in his never-ending quest for pity points?
It’s always a possibility. Though if he thought he did, he would have tried to milk it for everything he could. It would have blended will with his massive ego issues.
That being said, this is all just speculation on my part, so don’t take it as the absolute truth or anything.
#dobby#andydobs#tom preston#ego#paranoia#histrionic personality disorder#npd#mental health is a joke
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Xicor: the Character Who Didn’t Exist (A Tale of the 90s Internet)
The most important and influential Dragon Ball Z character in recent times is a guy who never existed at all, and was created entirely by Western fans playing a garbled game of telephone in the early internet, where lies and insane rumors could flourish unquestioned. In 1999, everyone had “a friend in Japan” who told them the next great Dragon Ball villain in the upcoming series was going to be a silent, intimidating Ivan Drago-like albino bruiser named Xicor, who is half-Saiyan and half-god.
There is some precedent for this. In the 14th Century, a forged letter spread among the people of Europe. A powerful Asian Christian king, Prester John, who lived beyond the domain of the Turks, offered to aid the Christians of Europe against the Muslims. There obviously was no Prester John, he was a fictional person from a fictional country (and skeptical people probably should have guessed that from the fact his letter mentioned he owned a griffin and the Fountain of Youth), but the search for Prester John changed real world history, even though this guy never existed. If you like this story, read Umberto Eco’s Baudolino, my favorite novel about the beginning of the Renaissance.
To understand where Xicor came from, you have to understand that, in 1999, the great currency of the internet were lies and tall tales about fannish entertainment. Every single website had a “News and Rumors” section that passed on absolute unverified lies that were sometimes pulled from thin air or made up on the spot. There were no official sites releasing news and casting on new release movies and television at all. You often only knew a show existed when you saw a trailer or, at best, if it got a prerelease pictorial in Starlog magazine. And because sites were in competition, a weird unsubstantiated rumor posted in one place was quickly posted everywhere else in no time flat.
To be clear, we were not that stupid. We absolutely took all of this with a grain of salt and an eyeroll. When a Nintendo fan site mentioned someone’s story about how they found a way to play as Luigi in Super Mario 64, the reaction by most was to roll their eyes. Nevertheless, we kept on reading the News and Rumors, because sometimes, once in a blue moon, something would turn out to be true. It was kind of like the technique of cold reading in that people remember the one time someone got a real scoop, and ignored the 12 times they passed on weird, false rumors, like the idea that Episode I was going to have an R-rated version when it was released on home video (I don’t have time to go into it, but ask any Star Wars fan around in the run up to the prequels who SuperShadow is).

In 1999, Dragon Ball was the biggest anime fandom and it wasn’t even particularly close, but the trouble is, the show finished in 1997 and there was no indication more was coming. It’s not clear and probably never will be who started it, but there were rumors that, in Japan, there was a new sequel to Dragon Ball called Dragon Ball AF (After Future). Since then, “AF” is hip slang meaning “extremely” (as in “Frank is strong af”) but nobody used AF that way in 1999, making this extra-funny with the passage of time. A single piece of fan art showing an evil albino Saiyan in Super-Saiyan 4 (his albinism showed this was Xicor, not Goku in some new transformation as was sometimes believed) was passed around as “proof” this series was coming. Nowadays, we know this is just fan art. But the fact that this fan art has an albino Saiyan foe and has the title Dragon Ball AF, tells us that the rumors existed first and this fan art was made later, and in a weird cycle, the fan art was later used as evidence of the rumors, and so on.
These rumors got crazier and crazier because there was no official denial of any of this, because nobody was really on the internet, nobody official kept tabs on fan communities. In 1999, the only people on the internet were nerds talking about Star Trek and anime.
The interesting thing about Dragon Ball AF is that the rumors stayed pretty consistent on what the storyline was going to be. In other words, everyone hallucinated the exact same fake show into existence. I guess everyone had the same “friend in Japan.” The opening of the series was always described like so. Years after GT, a pair of pods arrive on earth, and two beings emerge: one, a beautiful albino woman, and the other is a massive, intimidating silent albino bruiser named Xicor. The woman, we discover is a former Kai, and Xicor’s mother, who works as the brain to Xicor’s muscle.
Now we start to understand exactly who Xicor is. He’s a secret son of Goku and the Western Kai (who faked her own death), making him half Kai and half Saiyan, or a Super Saiyan God. He’s essentially Sloth from the Goonies, in that he is a massively powerful, mostly nonverbal, monstrous and deformed third son, commanded by an evil mother (Mama Fratelli), who can throw everyone around easily when he really gets mad. Goku’s two earlier kids are kind of like the two less effective, squabbling Fratelli kids, I suppose. Instead of tearing off his shirt to become Superman when enraged, Xicor became an albino Super Saiyan 4.

If you’re a long-time DBZ fan, you’ve seen the DB AF hoax image of Xicor so many times that it probably makes you pissed to see it now. Every 5 years, a rumor starts up that someone is going to do Dragon Ball AF “for real” this time, and it’s wrong every time…or is it?
This should be where the story ends, right? A crazy rumor from the wild west days of the fan internet created by wishful thinking. Alone, it would just be a story about how crazy the 90s internet was. But here’s the thing: the story didn’t end here, because that’s the thing about rumors. People wanted Dragon Ball AF to be real so badly they created dozens of fan comics about it. And because there were all these rumors that were weirdly consistent, a true oral tradition right out of pre-writing cultures (or like those filthy rhymes we all learned at summer camp that have no point of origin, like “I’m Popeye the Sailor Man, I live in a garbage can”), the details of Xicor (albino, red eyes, wears green and shoots green lasers, silent, half god, Goku’s third superpowerful evil son, bossed around by an evil mother) stayed the same.

The story of Xicor didn’t end here, because a funny thing happened; the guys who were big fans in the 90s started to run the asylum. That is, fans started to be put in charge of Dragon Ball Z. One person who made DB AF fan comics (and the idea of a “fan comic” of which there is no original is very funny to me) was Toyotarou, a fan comic artist. He was asked to do creative for the video game Dragon Ball Xenoverse. And…who were the villains of Dragon Ball Xenoverse? Mira and Towa, a mother-son pair of evildoers where the mother is the brains, and the son is a silent Ivan Drago-like bruiser who was pure intimidation.
The following is a fan comic done in 2000 by Toyotaro, the guy literally making Dragon Ball Super now:

By the way, in case you’re not convinced Mira and Towa were inspired by Xicor, here’s a look at Mira’s final, albino and beastlike form in Xenoverse 2:

It gets better. Traces of Xicor, a character who never existed in canon, are everywhere all over the DBZ revival, Dragon Ball Super, which is essentially a canon Dragon Ball AF. It’s as if fan desire wished the series into existence. When I first heard the title, Dragon Ball Super: Battle of the Gods, my immediate assumption was that they were making Xicor canon and the villain (side note, but my initial reaction on hearing the premise of Star Trek Nemesis back in the day is that Tasha’s daughter Sela was going to be the villain). And he wasn’t, but they canonized the existence of Super Saiyan God. In other words, the instant fans got the keys to canon, they made Xicor real.

It gets better. In a later DBS arc, there is a villain who is made from both Goku and a Kai, Goku Black, who is tremendously powerful for that reason. I guess the reason they went with Black is because Goku White would have suggested Xicor a bit too much! (Also, I wonder if the humorous viral clip would have been funnier….or less funny….if they said “don’t shoot, he’s not white!”) Personally, I think Goku Black would have been more intimidating if he didn’t speak, like the taciturn and laconic Xicor.

Interestingly, all this is a case of everything coming full circle. As I’ve written before, Dragon Ball was inspired by Chinese martial arts novels and shows, and the most popular martial arts series from China in Japan the year Dragon Ball was created was Bastard Swordsman, which inspired the Super-Saiyan transformation…except it turns you albino-white.

I’m not sure how to end this neatly except to bring up one thing: remember when I said the most annoying and persistent 90s internet rumor was that Luigi was somehow in Super Mario 64? Well…astoundingly, last year, a dump of Nintendo files leaked, revealing that Luigi was designed for Super Mario 64 all along. Xicor became real in every way but name, and Luigi was in SM64. Even SuperShadow’s insane prediction about Star Wars sequels came true. It’s like…the 90s internet rumors were right about everything, you just had to wait a couple decades.
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How about no. Palestine's an irredeemable shithole. DO NOT GIVE THIS LOST CAUSE OF A REGION ANY MONEY!
Why do I say that Palestine's an irredeemable shithole and that donating to Palestine is a really idiotic idea?
Let's start with the basics:
Palestine has no constitution.
While the region's Legislative Council has claimed to approve Basic Law back in 2002 and claims that "respect and sanctity for other divine religions" are upheld under this Law, they 1) REQUIRE all citizens to publicly declare their religious affiliation on identification papers, this means that if you're a citizen of the territory, you are tagged for whatever faith you have, and there are consequences for this invasive level of identification, since one the main issues (excluding the various geopolitical and historical issues) with both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank have been attributed to religious conflict. And 2) Islam is the official religion of Palestine, this means that preferential treatment is given to various Islamic institutions and places of worship, meaning that all that money you're giving them is going to the Offical Religion, so any minority Christian charities are shit out of luck here in both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
Additionally, because Palestine has NO CONSTITUTION, this means that Freedom of Speech is vulnerable to crackdowns and police intervention. For example, criticizing the Palestinian Government online sometimes leads to detainment in one of their finest shithole prisons.
-In 2012, a university lecturer Ismat Abdul-Khaleq was detained for two weeks under a defamation charge against the Palestinian President at the time, Mahmoud Abbas, for calling Abbas a "Traitor" and calling for his resignation.
-In February 2013, a 26-year-old man was sentenced to 1-year in prison for criticizing the Palestinian Authority.
-The Palestinian Authority uses 50-year-old Jordanian Law to suppress anyone critical of their management, governance, and general policies. Specifically, a law that regards "extending one's tongue" against the Monarch of Jordan, even though Jordan is a foreign country, and only maintains Waqf institutions in the West Bank.
-A journalist, Tarek Khamis, was detained for defending Abdul-Khaleq.
-A 2016 report from the Human Rights Watch, documented several reports of human rights violations conducted by Palestinian police and Hamas, notably a case where an unidentified activist was detained and intimidated by the police for criticizing the government for failing to protect a man with a mental disability.
-Selling land to anyone of the Jewish faith in Palestine is a crime punishable by death.
Palestine is also against homosexuality.
Palestine has no laws that protect anyone who is a member of the LGBT community from discrimination or harassment, and while male homosexuality was "decriminalised" in 1951 in the West Bank, it remains illegal in Gaza.
-In 2016, Hamas executed one of its leading commanders, Mahmoud Ishtiwi, for allegations of homosexual intercourse.
-And in 2019, the Palestinian Authority bans ALL members of the LGBTQ+ community from any activities in the West Bank, under the claim of "dubious parties working to create discord and harm civic peace in Palestinian society"
-It's gotten so bad that many members of the LGBT have fled to Israel to escape persecution, death and torture by the Palestinian Authority and even their own families.
Honour-killings, racism and sexism are very prevalent in Palestine
Honour-killings are very common in Palestine, according to a March 2000 UNICEF estimate, two-thirds of all murders in Palestine in 1999 alone were very likely attributed to honour-killings. In 2019, a 21-year-old woman, Israa Ghrayeb was beaten to death at her home in Beit Sahour as an honour-killing, for taking a selfie a day before her marriage. Really dumb, but it happened.
According to the US Congress' 2008 report on Global Anti-Semitism, Holocaust denial has been common in Palestine since the 1990s.
Hamas also bars children from learning about the Holocaust, with one of its religious leaders, Younis al-Astal, describing the UN's teaching of the Holocaust as a "war crime".
Former U.S. Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, was subject to various levels of ridicule and racial abuse in Palestine, with one cartoon depicting her with an armed monkey, with a caption reading "Rice speaks the truth about the birth of a new Middle East".
Palestine is also flagrantly corrupt.
According to AMAN(who are linked to Transparency International), almost 70% of Palestinians believe that their government institutions are corrupt.
According to a Sunday Times article from October 2013, the European Union's Court of Auditors accuses Palestine of embezzling over £1.95 Billion in aid donations between 2008 and 2012. So if you're still not convinced with my warnings, here's this one for free.
In 2017, money was embezzled into an airline that doesn't even exist.
And to add more misery and despair, 62% of Palestinians think that corruption has increased in the past 12 months.
And this is only the tip of the iceberg. I could go on, but the point is very clear, clearer than a clean window, so clear it's see-through.

Palestinians will tell you that one of their greatest wishes is that the world would not forget them; this is what their oppressors are aiming to do. Unfortunately the attacks in Sheikh Jarrah and Al-Aqsa mosque are just instances in decades of horrific oppression and ethnic cleansing. You can directly help Palestinians by buying from them and helping them take economic power back.
The above are some examples of the beautiful and high quality products available at including their honestly addictive Olive wood series and stunning embroidered goods (just to name a few).
!!! is a UK alternative !!!
Similar and equally beautiful products here too^
You can also donate to one of the emergency appeals here:
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Illustrations of mutated animals from Ulisse Aldrovandi’s 1621 text Vlyssis Aldrouandi patricii Bononiensis Quadrupedum omniu[m] bisulcoru[m] historia.
Full text here.
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Remember when BioWare was REALLY, REALLY, good?

Hyper Magazine #66, April ‘99 - Review of ‘Balder’s Gate’ on the PC.
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Why do I follow these people???
(Short story is) Because I can.
the long story is that it would be hypocritical of me to only follow people who I agree with. Too long, too bloody long have I seen people ostracise, excommunicate, fire and de-platform. And it has only harmed people. Especially those who do NOT intend to connect with others and see to it that they destroy things they don’t like and in addition, permanently view their non-interests as problematic.
No more.
I have been privy and subject(I am NEVER a victim, victim narratives are the purely bred cancer of all societies) to all fronts of the Autistic Political Spectrum for over 12 years of my short and meaningless life. Though a single candle DOES light up the many halls of darkness that is any scandalous spergery. For that alone, I no longer feel hatred or scorn for anyone within these circles.
It would also be remiss of me to not take the opportunity to selflessly follow people who I am interested in on their merits and merits alone. As a man, I have to do this. Because I WANT and NEED to allow discussion, free thought, diverse access to information and joy to run across the land and the sea. A cordoned-off world is a dying world. So it follows that I unconditionally follow people who are more than happy to burn me alive at the stake should I DARE to ask questions.
All of this makes me a stupider human being, but it makes me a better MAN than any cunt on the Left, Right, and Center of the Autistic Political Spectrum. I will sit down and wait. Because wise men never stand, scream and preach, they sit, wait and see for themselves what happens and what results at the end of this.
And no side is really on the side of truth. The Truth is not only an act of revolution, but it is also a side unto itself and picks no one.
No man who calls themselves wise ever is, and it is best to hold firm in golden silence and follow those you disagree with no matter what. It’s the only way to prevent such divisions from appearing in the first place.
All I really ask from those who I have burned, mocked, and disagreed strongly with, is to think for yourselves and never, EVER fight monsters lest you become the very thing you’ve sought out to destroy and exterminate. Good Night, and good luck.
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LoL, Tumblr
Ello, I’ve heard of your Autism and blatant disregard to media because you lot apparently have a very long and rotten wooden broomhandle rammed right up your sand-filled vaginas for the past 5-6 years. And guess what, I’m loving it! I’m loving your penchant for banning content that you don’t like on a moral level, even if the vast majority of it depicts fictional material, and therefore, SHOULDN’T be considered grounds for obscenity.
But also, the retarded plans for said artists to move from one dead, terrible, and redundant site to another one. Newgrounds has as much relevance as a square wheel from the 1880′s. Also, since Flash is going the way of the dodo in 1 year and a couple of months from now, what the hell are you all going to do there?
It’s also as if the promised land wasn’t filled with cheese roads. Hmm.
A few weeks back, The sensitive faggots that compose the higher-ups at Tumblr (most of them white, by the way, as are all soy-filled spergs who have moral quandaries over a fucking image on the internet), decided, in their infinite wisdom, to immediately stop the porn train and ban/censor all content that they don’t like.
And yes, I DO mean ban/censor as this is what they have done. Don’t mince words here, apologists. Corporate censorship is a thing and is a plague to North American freedom (The United Caliphates of Britbongistan has never been a free nation, you need a licence for freedom, as well as £800 up-front payment to some Autism centre).
The funny thing is though is that as a company, it should be in the best interests of all involved to allow lax limitations as to what is being shown and shared. But then again, since morality is the new policy for these people, even if they lose any money, then I can’t really stop them.
I was also planning to post my illustrations here too, but now I won’t. Unless spamming some of the staff’s emails with lewd lolis is a fun thing for me to do (hint, it isn’t). I’m also not moving to the so-called “Promised Lands” that are Newgrounds and Twitter, they’re dead sites. And have been considered dead and destitute for years thanks to the moronic antics of their managers and their propensity to “disappear” indefinitely.
So what is the future of this seldom-used microblog?
What Future? And what masks?
Exactly, there was never a future for me here at all. Since the internet and every political retard, left, right, centrist, authoritarian, libertarian, communist, facsist, and independent alike chose to lose ALL of their independent thinking skills, and have instead, chosen to throw shit at people they don’t like as if they’re a troop of juvenile Chimpanzees with severe mental handicaps.
Real short bus material, honestly and I have seen it practised in one way or another by the retards who I follow/stalk and have followed/stalked in the past. But to all involved, I sincerely hope bankruptcy befalls you all for your collaborative efforts to hugbox-stardom.
Also, from this point on, I will only make bi-monthly/tri-monthly updates, before finding a way to just abandon this shitty site whilst preserving the low-quality gibberish I have written for the past 4+ years.
Also, Tumblr staff, I sincerely hope that you all get STD’s and are unable to moderate. Or die. Auf Wiedersehen! Cunts!
#tumblr#censorship#nsfw#childish#retarded#freedom of speech#freedom of expression#freedom of information#freedom of access#freedom of art
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This is a little too important to leave in the dark. Earlier this Autumn, ED Admin Oddguy(the person, whose video is listed above) was contacted by a few sources (identities protected for journalistic and safety reasons) alleged to be a part of the animation industry in the United States. Some of the claims are particularly telling of how poorly run this once innovative stable of North American culture actually is.
One of the sources has claimed to have been blacklisted because of his critical viewpoints of the rampant unprofessional methods and practices some of the big players in this industry (Cartoon Network and Disney to be precise) are enacting. As well as this, also included in this video are a few, more sickening details involving and surrounding key people currently and formerly assigned to directional and creative roles in this industry.
Now, I must make it VERY clear as an outsider that these claims remain as allegations, though, if you ask me, said allegations explain a lot of loose holes I have been taking a fair few notes on this exceptional bunch for a while (3-4 years, in fact).
Hell, when I mentioned privately about how incestuous this industry really is, I assumed I was joking. But apparently, the reality is a lot more problematic than it really seems. Make of it what you will, and come to your own conclusions.
#animation#disney#cartoon network#cartoons#nepotism#journalism#corruption#drama#steven universe#adventure time#star vs the forces of evil#revalations
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Part One, the Pogo Non-Question
Earlier this month a video surfaced on the Tube, depicting a man describing the origins of his username. The end. Except, as with all things in life, it wasn’t “The End”. Rather it spiked a 3-5 day long sperg-show and the flames haven’t died down yet. How is this you ask Mr n0t?
Well, I failed to name names here, the man in question is Nick Bertke, a pretty popular guy don’t you think. What with over 730,000 subscribers and all. The user who “leaked” the live-stream fragment is VGCage. VGCage is a liar. Don’t believe me, well here’s her description:
Now, I want you to pay attention to the last paragraph in particular. This is where she contradicts herself. What’s funny is that I’ve never heard advocates of free speech support or call on others to deplatform someone who said something they didn’t like. Get’s better too. In the comments, she unironically pins comments that agree with her insane and draconian sentiments. To top it all off, those socialblade stats I listed, it shows a dramatic increase in Nick’s favour.
Really makes one think. Gets the Brain going.
I could go even further, but the matter is slowly closing down and Cage has gone even more silent than Nick has. Also, I’m not a fan of writing long posts of this so let’s move on to part 2 of what I missed recently.
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My dear, he’s returned. My dear, he’s bemused with himself.
Oh, my! It’s been a good while since I’ve written here. But enough about my life and chronic laziness (don’t bother searching, it’s not a real problem). Things have really taken a turn for the stupid. Will update in a couple hours...
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I’ve done fuck all here as I have been in the shitter for the past year or so. Not really liking where I’m going. Had a crappy year but the world doesn’t care about how much my life sucks and neither should anyone else.
Also, fuck complaining, I have to simply shut the fuck up and move on with my retarded life of being a waste of human resources.
I may not be back until mid-September/late-October as I have more important things to do in my life other than use a shitty microblogging site on the internet. I hate this fucking place, I also don’t really like most of the tards I follow and do NOT follow. I also don’t like the people running the site either.
Too much Autism has afflicted these people and some of them are becoming never-will-be’s too fucking soon. Also, they’re boring. ‘And cutting them off does fuck all in the long term. So hail war and famine. ‘And I’m still, not a box on the internet.
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Meaningless Thoughts 1
This month, the world has lost it’s shit again. What with pathetic political flame wars spilling out in the public eye, to the point where both sides are killing each other (with cars and fists of course). Oh and there’s drama between two nations that barely peak my interest escalation or no escalation.
On my Tumblr dashboard, nothing of interest other than self-promotion, shitty drawings, cars from the past and present, unfunny memes and dull as fuck posts about whatever the fuck happened last week. Typical really, I abandon the site for a couple of months and nothing has changed. It’s the sort of shit that leaves you wondering: “How is taking a break from things worth a shit when everyone I blindly follow sucks each other off?”
Also, I’m glad that some of the more lib-tarded people on my follow list haven’t changed. It gives me the sense that they really are dedicated to killing my brain cells every time I see your faux utopia crap. Also, a grand shout out to the neutral virtue-signallers who speak volumes yet you meekly add grams to any conversation you involve yourselves in! You’re doing a fucking EXCELLENT job providing a reliable service to promote logic and reason to an ever-increasing partisan and dichotomous landscape!
That is all really. It’s not good to be back on this shitty website. [I]Can’t leave as I hate deleting accounts with content on them.
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Been a While...
As those previous posts below have shown the few people who even glance at this shitty micro-blog. I was very annoyed. In fact, I was disillusioned by a lot of things really for the past 2-4 months. Art, video games, etc. However, now that various shitshows have aired their conclusions, I may or may not return to this shitty website. Where I may or may not use this micro-blog for written posts ONLY (drawings are for DA and Artstation[if I improve well enough to warrant that transition]).
The Weekend Airials are also dead. Not a shame really, pseudo-intellectual nonsense if you ask me.
See you next time!
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(via VERY important. Don’t be duped by the scientifically inept. Any reports of radioactive pollution currently present at Nuclear reactors have been greatly exaggerated.
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(via A quick glimpse into how weak the British Film Industry was in the political field during the late 1970′s to the mid/late 1980′s.
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Get rid of the annoying music players removing them from all the Tumblr blogs! This is NOT an ad. If you are triggered by Tumblr players for some odd reason then this is for you. I guess.
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