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dropping in to say hi ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
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Fanfiction Club: The Rules
This idea came to me when I woke up first thing this morning.
Part 2: “I want you to write me a fanfic.”
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Video Games
Week Ending August 7th, 2017
Dream Daddy
Persona 5 +2
The Sims 4 −1
Mystic Messenger −1
Splatoon 2
Final Fantasy XV
Kingdom Hearts III
Fate/Grand Order +1
League of Legends −1
Fire Emblem Heroes +2
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild −1
Guild Wars 2
Choices +4
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy +1
Bendy and the Ink Machine −3
Animal Crossing: New Leaf −6
Dragon Age: Inquisition
The number in italics indicates how many spots a title moved up or down from the previous week. Bolded titles weren’t on the list last week.
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the world of thedas
f a s h i o n
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Nachos, have you considered lexa and Clarke in dragon age world?
Noooooo, I don’t need this in my life.
(Lexa’s totally a Grey Warden warrior. Clarke’s a mage, leader of a small band of apostates escaped from the Circle. They run into some darkspawn and Clarke gets infected by the Blight. Against Clarke’s wishes, Lexa administers the ritual and initiates Clarke into the Wardens. Clarke survives and is furious. Cue epic enemies-to-lovers tropefest set against a fantasy medieval backdrop.)
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Shale is the prettiest character out of all the games, and no one can tell me otherwise. Especially with those crystals you give her            
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Fenris by Maria Panfilova
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Tagged by @stellarisjay
Rules: List 10 songs you’re currently vibing to
So, since the music meme was in regards to music I have used to get into the mood to write and I have gotten to where I write little drabbles exclusively for my Inquisitor and Josephine, its mostly love-ish feel good songs. Honestly, Love on the Brain is my favorite to listen to in regards to those two.
1.       Stay Together – Noah Cyrus
2.       I Feel It Coming – The Weeknd & Daft Punk
3.       Feels – Calvin Harris
4.       Bad Liar – Selena Gomez
5.       Love on the Brain – Rihanna
6.       Shape of You – Ed Sheeran
7.       Drunk in Love – Beyonce
8.       Slow Hands – Niall Horan
9.       Wild Thoughts – DJ Khaled & Rihanna
10.     Say You Won’t Let Go – James Arthur
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Stole this from @fadedforyou and expanded it a bit. If Evelyn Trevelyan and Josephine Montilyet were on social media.
If they had a tumblr, what would they post?
If Evelyn had a tumblr, it would be filled with quotes and love poems, love songs and landscapes. She would tag her posts with things directed at Josephine. Josephine, on the other hand, would probably post news articles, observations, history quotes and the occasional picture of cute animals. If she was upset about something, she would post a rant which she would delete within minutes of posting.
If they had facebook?
Evelyn would have a ton of friends on hers and post updates on her travels with various pictures.  Josephine would reserve hers for just family and close friends. She would rarely post except the occasional picture or status update.
If they had twitter?
Evelyn would use this the most with updates like "Just killed a dragon" or "Can you believe how boring this dinner is?" with various hashtags. Josephine would be in stealth mode where most people would not even know she had a twitter account. She would rant in multiple messages and get into twitter wars. She could possibly become twitter famous with people speculating on her identity.
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hey reblog with ur zodiac sign and favorite dragon age character
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Reddit Prompt 2 Nightmare
The first thing that hit Evelyn’s senses was the smell. It smelled like burnt flesh but she saw no bodies. Everywhere she looked, there were timbers smoldering where shacks and buildings had once stood. Walking along a path, she could see where fortress walls had been reduced to rubble by some unseen force.
She continued up the path that appeared to have once been the main road through the village and came into view of what looked like a half-destroyed temple. As she stood looking at the temple, Evelyn saw tattered cloth fluttering in the breeze above the door then as the wind whipped it around, she saw it, the familiar symbol of the Inquisition on the cloth. As she spun around to look at where she had just come, recognition hit her. This was Haven or what was left of it.
Everything in her mind kept saying turn back but she pressed forward until she was slowly opening the temple doors. Once she opened the doors, she was back at Skyhold and there Varric stood in his normal spot but beside him was Cassandra rubbing her hands all over his chest.
Evelyn felt her body being pulled to the scene against her will.
“Inquisitor, what can I do for you this fine day?” Varric said in an almost sing song voice.
“Doesn’t he have the best chest hair?” I could run my fingers through it all day” Cassandra said in a voice dripping with sex.
Evelyn watched the scene unfold in front of her as Cassandra stroked Varric’s chest but slowly Cassandra’s hands started to change. She felt her heart start picking up speed as Cassandra morphed into a spider. The spider pulled Varric’s head back and as its fangs went to penetrate skin.
Evelyn’s eye flew open and she sat up in bed with beads of sweat on her face and panting like she could not get enough air.
“Shh shh. It’s ok sweetheart, it was just a dream” Josephine said in a soothing voice.
She immediately fell into Josephine’s embrace seeking the comfort and safety she knew the older woman could give her. No words were spoken between them for long moments as the older woman just held her and stroked Evelyn’s back.  
Remaining silent, Josephine slowly loosened Evelyn’s embrace from around her torso and moved them to lay on the bed again. As they had done many times before, Evelyn shifted around so she could be spooned by Josephine. The older woman lay there as a silent guard until she was sure Evelyn had fallen back to sleep again. With one final kiss to her love’s temple, she fell into her own dreamless sleep.
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Reddit prompt - first kiss
Elissa and Delilah were playing during one of Eliane Howe’s many trips to visit Elissa’s mother, Eleanor. Brushing doll hair was not one of Elissa’s favorite activities since she preferred to play bandit hunter but she had been warned by her mother “Elissa, be nice to the Howe girl. Her father is an important ally and we don’t need you doing anything to upset her. Also, it wouldn’t hurt to ask her about her brother, Thomas”
So, twelve-year-old Elissa found herself with thirteen-year-old Delilah practicing the latest hair styles and listening to her talk about boys she saw around the village on her trip there.
“Elissa, you want to know something?” Delilah said
“Ok wha..” Elissa said not even getting out her full sentence before Delilah interrupted.
“My mother told me when your mother was pregnant with you, they would sit and talk about if you were a boy we would have been betrothed. Mother says father had already been practicing how to talk to your father about it. Said it would have strengthened the Howe name in the land” Delilah continued on talking about the wedding their mothers had planned and who would have attended.
Elissa stopped paying attention to what she was saying until Delilah said “I wonder what it would have been like to kiss you?” and just as quickly as she said it, she had leaned over and kissed Elissa squarely on the lips, staying there for a few heartbeats before moving away.
Elissa for her part felt the softness of Delilah’s lips as they met hers and she thought she kind of liked feeling the kiss on her lips. Delilah on the other hand stated “No, I don’t think I would have enjoyed kissing you” and as quickly as that moved on to other topics.
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I have modded DA games so much graphically that when I see pictures from unmodded games, it throws me off a bit.
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This’ll get hate I know, but it is possible for Morrigan to know more about Dalish lore than the Dalish. Lavellan asking who Mythal is, yeah that’s dumb. But most Dalish can’t read Elven and only know enough spoken words to pepper it into day to day speech. Elvish culture is dying, it would make sense that someone who stumbled upon a working, un-Blighted eluvian would be able to figure out more than the Dalish who have a heavy bias to revise their own history. It’s even shown in Witch Hunt that Morrigan gets most of her information from asking Dalish clans. An unbiased observer still clearly got a lot wrong, but Morrigan being better informed isn’t crazy
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My spouse and I did tequila shots this evening because I am the lightweight when it comes to drinking and she thinks its funny. Anyway, I am tipsy and I have no clue if this is any good or not. Posted it anyway on reddit because I apparently have lost all worries about caring. 
Prompt 1
Evelyn woke up with a mouth that tasted like she had been sucking on nug skin and a massive hangover. She remembered having drinks with Iron Bull after killing their first high dragon but after that everything became a blur. She vaguely remembered Josephine and Cassandra being there at some point and one of them may have told off Iron Bull but at this point, she wasn’t sure. Thinking made her head scream at her and opening her eyes was an effort in itself. Slowly, she got her eyes open and she spied a carafe of water, a bottle and a note. Reaching over, she grabbed the note and forced her eyes to focus.
Please drink everything in the brown bottle and all the water. I will cancel all your meetings for today. I will be up to see you after my morning meeting.
P.S.  Don’t ever do that again!!!
Oh shit! Josephine was pissed
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So I started my day today at some ungodly hour with a flight from Orlando to Philly. Hate the tsa lines. Anyway, started reading The Calling on the plane but couldnt get into it. Will try again another day.
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