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just a queer mormon existing in this world (main is @everyineffability)
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mythologicalmormon · 2 hours ago
Yesterday the hymn lineup was so bad I was laughing while conducting the first hymn (in my defense, nobody was singing and everyone I made eye contact with was laughing) (including my mom) but I figured since bigger things have happened in my ward over the last twenty four hours everyone would forget about that.
But no.
At a prayer meeting this morning for a ward family who was in a terrible car crash yesterday the FIRST thing someone said to me was “You’re going to have to tell me what was so funny yesterday during sacrament.” His wife looked like she was going to kill him for that ill timed comment.
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mythologicalmormon · 9 days ago
I need this. So. Incredibly. Bad.
Should I write a shitty vampire drama set at BYU
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mythologicalmormon · 18 days ago
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slowly trying to get back into the book of mormon meme zone by going back to the quintessential basics: jokes about first nephi getting beat up for saying literally anything
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mythologicalmormon · 18 days ago
Why exactly did my local news station that is very much not based in a Mormon town and that is very much not even Mormon pick up the story about all the new hymns that dropped today
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mythologicalmormon · 19 days ago
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mythologicalmormon · 25 days ago
Reading through lists of anti-Mormon talking points:
that's the Jehovah's Witnesses not us
common misconception actually, including among members
some racist guy in 1890 said that once and everyone believed him
the Book of Mormon explicitly says that's not true
Utah / BYU / WASP culture, not doctrine
yeah that thing is weird but it's pretty tame compared to other religions
sounds fringe/cultish when said Like That but normal when considered in historical / social / environmental context
that's the FLDS not us
we only did that because people kept trying to to kill us and we wanted to seem more "normal"
Actually we have that in common with mainstream Christianity, y'all have just never read the Bible
that's from the musical, not the religion
ok where did you even hear that???
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mythologicalmormon · 29 days ago
jumping up and down bouncing off of the walls laughing and crying BYU IS HAVING ITS FIRST LGBTQ EVENT TOMORROW!!!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
I am so incredibly excited. I'll be pulling up around 3pm with my pride pins and altogether queer self; maybe I'll see y'all there. This is big!!! First LGBTQ event!! And it's a service activity :}
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mythologicalmormon · 29 days ago
If people read the sacrament hymns without knowing what Latter-day Saint sacrament entails, I think you'd just assume that we're a religion that is REALLY into bread. Which. Yeah. Bread rocks. I can get down to praise songs about bread.
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mythologicalmormon · 29 days ago
In 2011, Brad Wilcox gave a devotional at BYU titled “His Grace is Sufficient”. It has since garnered over 1.4M views on YouTube. This devotional served as the text in a sacrament meeting I recently attended. A central metaphor of the lesson compared the Atonement to a mother (Jesus) paying the price charged by a piano teacher (Justice) for piano lessons for a child (us). After the piano lessons are paid for, the mother asks the child to practice. The following questions are then asked and answered:
Does the practice pay the cost of the piano lessons? No.
Does the practice repay the mother for the lessons? No.
What, then, does the practice do? It transforms the child. This is why Jesus asks us to practice in higher and holier ways, so that we may be transformed
During this sacrament meeting, I asked myself “What does the Lord want of me? How am I being invited to become better and live (or practice) in a higher and holier way?”
Ultimately, I think that is a good question for any of us. And to be clear, I am interested in the Lord’s list for me and not just a set of recycled answers from a typical Sunday School class. I desire personal revelation, the Mind and Will of God for my individual needs and path.
A quote from the same talk went as follows “When a young pianist hits a wrong note, we don’t say they are not worthy to keep practicing. We don’t expect them to be flawless. We just expect them to keep trying. Perfection may be their ultimate goal, but for now we can be content with progress in the right direction… When learning the piano, are the only options performing at Carnegie Hall or quitting? No. Growth and development take time. Learning takes time. When we understand grace, we understand that God is long-suffering, that change is a process”
I have relied on, and continue to rely on, the Grace of God, something I was reminded of when we sang this verse from Amazing Grace:
Through many dangers, toils, and snares,
I have already come;
’Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home
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mythologicalmormon · 30 days ago
They released my favorite member of the bishopric 💔
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mythologicalmormon · 1 month ago
What the frick happened to pass-along cards??? Where did they go??
They used to be EVERYWHERE when I was growing up. I feel like I have not seen one in years.
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Pass along cards I miss youuuuuu
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mythologicalmormon · 1 month ago
i will concede to the "mormonism is a cult" people that calling our leaders "the brethren" does sound like something a video game cult would do. however it's kind of hilarious because that's like. the casual name. the one people use when they're just hanging out and chatting and don't wanna say "the prophets and apostles" or "the first presidency" or whatever. nobody uses that title with the dramatic solemnity a fictional cult would use it with.
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mythologicalmormon · 1 month ago
What the frick happened to pass-along cards??? Where did they go??
They used to be EVERYWHERE when I was growing up. I feel like I have not seen one in years.
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Pass along cards I miss youuuuuu
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mythologicalmormon · 1 month ago
Shoutout to the relief society for always having the most scrumptious food ever at funerals while simultaneously being the sweetest people ever
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mythologicalmormon · 1 month ago
"Transvestigating?" Nah dude I am mormonvestigating. I am Facebook stalking that random internet guy to see if he is One of Us
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mythologicalmormon · 1 month ago
It’s been almost a decade and I’m STILL bitter over the fact that when my stake last redrew the boundaries I got stuck being the only one left in my primary class while everyone else I grew up with moved to a new ward together leaving me in a small ward where I had no friends. I was at a dance just now and I saw them all having fun together in their little group and it’s just frustrating that I’m the only one who didn’t get to be apart of that
And don’t get me wrong, I love my ward so freaking much. I love the two girls who moved into my ward when the wards changed who became my best friends until both of them moved. I love the people in my ward who are now some of my close friends. I love the people in the other wards who I’m friends with. But I just wish I had been able to stay close to the ones who moved wards. I only really say hi to one of them anymore and I feel bad about that, honestly. I’ll walk by the others and not say a word even though I know I probably should (and it’s made harder because two of them are identical twins and I have no idea who is who)
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mythologicalmormon · 1 month ago
Should have listened to the Holy Ghost when he said to tell my mom that the guy I was with (I was doing a kind of job thing) would wanna talk to her when he dropped me off because my poor mother ended up opening the door for me to get in wearing a sleep shirt and her garment bottoms
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