Nickname: MythPronouns: He/HimRandom blog used for my Cookie Run Oc’s and other Cookie Run stuff. (Do not use the pictures or character sheets here as your own/as icons. Do not repost my characters without credit.)Mod for the Dragon’s Nest Discord Server!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Cookie Run Adoptable: Oatmeal Cookie + Skillet
~Adoptable is 30 USD, comes with temporary names (gender and name to be decided by buyer), and full transparent images with no watermark.
Contact me through IM and I’ll send a Paypal Invoice to be paid through email; once it’s paid I will send the transparent image!
Sold to @mythcookierunocs!
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Cactus Cookie looks fantastic thank you so much!

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Chimney Cake Cookie
Rarity: Epic
Stamina: 310
Combi Pet: Cocoa-Cream Whisk
Combi Bonus: Giant Jelly effect lasts +2 seconds longer.
Abilities: Cookie gains Giant Jelly effect after collecting 100 Jellies. When Cookie has Giant Jelly effect active, Cookie is granted Stamina Drain Reduction by -20% and Cookie gains +50,000 per second while the effect is active.
Magic Candy: When Cookie destroys an obstacle or slides while Giant Jelly effect is active, Cookie creates extra Chocolate Strawberry Jellies (+10,000 per Chocolate Strawberry Jelly, +2 Chocolate Strawberry Jellies per second during sliding and/or per obstacle destroyed).
Cocoa-Cream Whisk: If Cookie consecutively collects 2 Power Jellies within a span of 90 seconds, Pet creates a mix of those Power Jellies. Pet creates one of the following Power Jellies at given intervals: Blast, Giant, Magnet.
Story: A baker and a pâtissier, he enjoys making delicious sweets for all of the Cookies in the oven! Although he loves sharing them, he’s a bit too shy admit that he too loves indulging in one or two of his famous cupcakes here and there. Regardless of his frequent “taste-testing” habits, he’s one of the sweetest Cookies you’ll ever meet!
Quote: “O-oh, hi there! Care for some fresh blueberry crepes?”
[Friendly] Pancake Cookie- “he always comes in for a different pastry every day, I almost feel bad that he drags Roll Cake along.......”
[Trust] Macaron Cookie- “Ah, she taught me how to perfect my macaron making techniques way back when!”
[Friendly] Pirate Cookie- “He seems fond of my Salty Caramel Cupcakes!”
Here’s the character sheet I made up for my Chimney Cake Cookie oc! You can find art of him below this post!
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I’m so glad with how these turned out! Sunken “Perfect” Map Cookie (pictured on the left) and Chimney Cake Cookie (on the right) are two of my favorite ocs, its awesome to see them in your art style! 11/10 would recommend getting a commission while you can!
Icon commission for @mythcookierunocs !
#cookie run oc#cookie run original character#icons#cookie run#cookie run ovenbreak#crob#crob oc#cr ovenbreak#cookie oc
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Tropical Rainbow Punch
Rarity: Legendary
Stamina: 290
Combi Pet: Volcanic Tiki Torch
Combi Bonus: Changes Bonus Time to SurferBro, giving the Cookie permanent surf effect while in Bonus Time and creates 3 obstacles to destroy.
Abilities: As the cookie runs, an energy bar (with 5 sections to fill) fills 1 bar per 10 seconds, jump is replaced with surf, when surfing, the cookie creates a Rainbow Tropical Popsicle Surfboard, gains a slight boost effect, and drains 1/2 of an energy bar section per 5 seconds. If the cookie destroys 10 obstacles while using this ability, gain +2,000,000 and 1 Alphabet Jelly that has not yet been collected.
Magic Candy: When Cookie Surfs, all Jellies turn into Soda Crystal Jellies (Soda Crystal Jellies grant +7,000 to Jellies original value and increased Cookie’s speed while they use Surf).
Volcanic Tiki Torch: Creates Flaming Tiki Potions at given intervals (heals 30 stamina and gives gradually increasing blast effect for 5 seconds)
Story: A Cookie that seemingly came out of nowhere... Tropical Rainbow Punch claims he had come from an island far away from the oven where he had found a magical lake of rainbow punch, drinking said Punch gave him the ability to bend the ocean to his will, transmuting the water into the same Punch substance he had drank from before. Occasionally he will travel back to the island, honing his surf skills and acting as a sort of guardian for the island. They say his powers are so intense, he was able to calm even the most powerful of sea creatures…..
Quote: “What’s up Bro? Wanna go hit the waves with me and that Soda Kid?”
[Admiration] Crab Apple Cookie- “Ahhh, so cute....... wait, what was I doing again?”
[Trust] Squid Ink Cookie- “Kid’s not doin’ anything wrong! Just give them a chance!”
[Friendly] Soda Cookie- “Whats up bro! Let’s go and surf some more!”
Crab Apple Cookie
Rarity: Legendary
Stamina: 150
Combi Pet: Duriant
Combi Bonus: +3,000 to all Jellies after first revival
Abilities: Cookie transforms at the start of the run into Crab Apple Leviathan, replacing Jump and Slide with two claws that destroy obstacles and collect jellies (While Cookie is in Crab Apple Leviathan form, creates Apple Stem obstacles at given intervals [Apple Stem obstacles act as normal obstacles]).
Magic Candy: When an obstacle is destroyed in Crab Apple Leviathan form, a secondary stamina gauge and a tertiary Apple Core gauge are filled until the cookie runs out of stamina. Dependent upon how much the Stamina meter is filled, Cookie will be revived in regular cookie form with up to 170 Stamina. Dependent upon how much the Apple Core meter is filled, Cookie will receive up to +80,000,000 . In cookie form, when obstacles are destroyed, Cookie gains +5 stamina per obstacle.
Crabby Coconut: Pinches Jellies at given intervals (Pinched Jellies grant Stamina Drain Nullification for 4 seconds and +1,000 to all Jellies that are the same as the Pinched Jelly).
Story: Crab Apple was not always the friendly Island-Dwelling Basket Weaving Cookie he is known to be today. Crab Apple was once a massive oceanic menace, terrorizing the seas and causing tempests everywhere he roamed. That was, until Tropical Rainbow Punch was able to lift the curse placed upon him by granting him access to the Rainbow Punch Lake. Now, with the help of Tropical Rainbow Punch, he is learning to control his powers.
Quote: “I used to be a monster y’know...”
[Admiration] Tropical Rainbow Punch- “He’s such an idiot........ but he is a cute one......”
[Friendly] Squid Ink Cookie- “I feel sorry for them, it’s not fun being called the monster.”
[Tension] Alchemist Cookie- “for the last time, I’m not that gross type of crab apple, stop asking me for flavor analysis samples!”
One of my older Cookie OC Pairings, TRP Cookie is the first image and CA Cookie is the second! Decided to make some tropical cookies a while back, Crab Apple is based off of an image I saw of some tropical apples that were shaped into little crabs. Art by @diond-drawingthings !
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Sunken “Perfect” Map Cookie
Rarity: Epic
Stamina: 295
Combi Pet: Sea Scroll Parchment
Combi Bonus: Cookie gains X2 points for all Coins.
Abilities: Treasure Fragment Jellies are created at given intervals dependent upon the treasures currently equipped (Treasure Fragment Jellies will activate one of the Cookie’s equipped Treasure effects [does not work on passive treasures, such as skates, engine, bubblegum jumpers, trampoline, etc.]). Basic Jellies replaced by Sunken Coin Jellies (Sunken Coin Jellies have the same point value as Basic Jellies and the same Coin Value of gold Coins [Sunken Coin Jellies are treated as Coins]).
Magic Candy: When a Treasure successfully finishes an ability usage, Cookie creates +1 Forbidden Treasure Gem Jelly (Forbidden Treasure Gem Jellies grant +500,000 and Stamina Drain Nullification [Stamina Drain Nullification lasts 4 seconds]).
Sea Scroll Parchment: Creates +1 Fragmented Ocean Crystal Jellies with 20% chance (Fragmented Ocean Crystal Jellies grant +15,000 and +1 Stamina)
Story: A Cookie created by the City of Wizards with an ancient treasure map that had the power to materialize anything that the user desired, he was going to be utilized by the city to gain an infinite source of wealth. Seeing the greed within those lost souls, he cast himself from the city, falling from the city and into the depths of the sea, where he would remain for quite some time.
Quote: “I will run from the sea only when it too is ruined.”
[Friendly] Squid Ink Cookie- “They seem to love my coins, perhaps for their shine, not their worth….”
[Admiration] Miraculous Nutrient Cookie- “I’ll drown again and again, but he’s always there to save me from the water.”
[Friendly] Peppermint Cookie- “Their whale had kept me company while I had forced myself into exile.”
[Rivalry] Moonlight Cookie- “You will never know what lies inside her heart.”
A Cookie based off the Perfect Treasure Map Treasure! Pictured with Squid Ink and Peppermint Cookie! Art by @jackd-draws !
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Ghost Pepper Cookie
Rarity: Epic
Stamina: 140
Combi Pet: Candelavera
Combi Bonus: Cookie’s Stamina is reduced by -1 instead of -2 when collecting point based Jellies.
Abilities: Cookie becomes unable to collect Basic Jellies. When Cookie collects any point based Jelly, Stamina becomes reduced by -2. Whenever Cookie runs, Stamina does not drain. At given intervals, Cookie becomes unable to collect any type of jelly (lasts up to 10 seconds). Any Potions that would grant more Stamina than the Cookie’s max increases the Cookies Max Stamina cap temporarily. Cookie gains points dependent on the amount of time ran, +166,667 per second ran.
Magic Candy: Cookie creates Death’s Black Flame at given intervals (Death’s Black Flame collects all Jellies within the radius it appears in and will not spawn until Cookie reaches an area with non Basic Jelly Jellies, +500,000 when Death’s Black Flame is created).
Candelavera: Grants Cookie temporary invulnerability and has pet collect all Jellies in front of Cookie at given intervals.
Story: A Cookie that remains unseen by all, except for a peculiar maid who has the power to commune with spirits and a Cookie who is known to cry a lot, Ghost Pepper spends his time controlling the flames he creates wherever he goes as to not scare or harm other Cookies. He has since decided to take up residence in the warmest parts of the oven, only going to visit his two otherworldly friends on rare occasions.
Quote: “Nobody can see me…… it gets very lonely………”
[Trust] Blackberry Cookie- “She tries very hard to help me………she even brings me tea sometimes…….”
[Friendly] Onion Cookie- “I enjoy playing dolls with her, it makes me feel alive, at least a little bit…..”
[Admiration] Millennial Tree Cookie- “If he could just see me….. maybe he could help…..”
A Cookie based off of Mexican culture and Ghost Peppers! I tried to play around with the theme of ghosts and not being able to touch/hold worldly objects. Art done by @jackd-draws !
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Schrödinger’s Cat Cookie
Rarity: Epic
Stamina: 305
Combi Pet: Box Buddy
Combi Bonus: When Cookie collects Starfruit Jelly, Cookie is guaranteed to collect a Rainbow Bear Jelly on the Jelly Path.
Abilities: When Cookie collects a Jelly, 75% chance to earn the Jelly a second time that is upgraded to a higher scoring Jelly (Basic->yellow, yellow->pink, pink->frozen, frozen->Rainbow, Rainbow->Rainbow +2.5 Stamina).
Magic Candy: Cookie now runs with a Singularity following behind them (Singularity follows the same movements and actions of the Cookie, along with collecting the same Jelly Path the Cookie collects. Singularity has the same abilities as the Cookie).
Box Buddy: Creates a random combination of the following at given intervals: Potion, Giant, Blast, Magnet. If Cookie would take damage, Pet has a 50% chance to shield the Cookie once per run.
Story: A Cookie made from a singularity that shattered into four different states of possibilities, Schrödinger’s Cat Cookie is indecisive to say the least. Sometimes he’s completely fine! While his other singularities will be in a bad mood, a sad mood, sometimes unphased. It goes without saying, this Cookie is quite the interesting one!
Quote: “I’m happy today! Or maybe I’m sad…….or angry too!”
[Friendly] Puppucino Cookie- “I always have to order two coffees, I can never decide on one!”
[Admiration] Wind Archer Cookie- “His arrows are so precise! I wish I could have his level of precision when making a decision…..”
[Tension] Chili Pepper Cookie- “Doesn’t take another me to know that she’s scary! I’ll take her down!”
[Admiration] Ginger brave Cookie- “How in the world does he stay so brave…..? I wanna learn his secrets!”
A Cookie based on the Schrödinger’s Cat theory! He has multiple personalities, sometimes he splits up into two different states, but usually it’s one singular cookie that ends up swapping over time. Art done by @jackd-draws !
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Monarch Butterfly Cookie
Rarity: Epic
Stamina: 290
Combi Pet: Nectarine Hummingbird
Combi Bonus: If Cookie is not hit by an obstacle for 30 seconds, Cookie gains +1,000,000
Abilities: Cookie flies about with their wings at given intervals, turning all obstacles into Pollen Peace Lilies (when Cookie passes by a Pollen Peace Lily, gains +500,000 and +.5% Speed [Speed gained lasts 60 seconds]).
Magic Candy: Whenever Cookie flies, has a 25% chance to turn Pollen Peace Lilies into Yellow Roses (when Cookie passes by a Yellow Rose, Cookie gains +1,000,000, +.5% Speed, and +10 Stamina [Speed gained lasts 60 seconds]).
Nectarine Hummingbird: Creates Concentrated Pollen Jellies at given intervals (Concentrated Pollen Jellies grant cookie +5% Speed and Magnetic Jelly Effect [Speed gained lasts 40 seconds]).
Story: A Cookie that loves to showcase flashy clothing! Contrary to his appearance, he’s actually quite shy! As long as you show him some kindness, he’ll be more than happy enough to keep your company, even if it takes a bit to break him out of his cocoon!
Quote: “Ah, does my suit look ok?”
[Admiration] Pepper Moth Cookie- “I’m…. far too shy to admit to them that……….”
[Friendly] Blackberry Cookie- “Oh, she sewed together one of my outfits for me! She always acts serious, but she’s very kind!”
[Tension] Princess Cookie- “She spilled punch on my outfit at a party……..”
Salad Cookie
Rarity: Epic
Stamina: 305
Combi Pet: Kale Kitten
Combi Bonus: All Jellies come covered in dressing (+2,500 to the original Jellies value)
Abilities: Gathers 5 different Salad Jellies at given intervals, every time a Salad Bowl is assembled from 5 Salad Jellies, +1,000 to all jellies, +50 stamina, +3% speed.
Magic Candy: Dependent on how much Stamina the Cookie used throughout the run, Crouton Candy Jellies will drop onto the Cookie when they run out of Stamina (+1 Crouton Candy Jelly per -25 Stamina [Crouton Candy Jellies grant +2,000,000 and the next Relay or Breakout Cookie to gain +8% Speed during their run]).
Kale Kitten: When 175 Jellies are collected, cookie gains random combination of the following effects: Giant + Blast, Magnet + Blast, Shield + Blast.
Story: A cookie that was created during the witches crazy diet phase, he is the shining example of having a healthy lifestyle! Although not as hearty as other cookies, Salad Cookie makes sure to keep up a steady schedule of diet and exercise, even helping other cookies get into shape to eventually escape the oven!
Quote: “Don’t forget to add the dressing!”
[Friendly] Muscle Cookie- “The perfect workout pal! He’s great at getting those reps in!”
[Trust] Yoga- “She taught me these great stretch techniques!”
[Rivalry] Orange Cookie- “Hah, a formidable foe in the realm of fitness! I’ll just have to beat her at her own game!”
Heres my Salad (left) and Monarch Butterfly (right) Cookie OCs! Monarch Butterfly is a trans F->M Cookie! Art done by @jackd-draws !
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Pepper Moth Cookie
Rarity: Epic
Stamina: 285
Combi Pet: Luminescent Lamp
Combi Bonus: Radius of sight and lighting returns to normal after 12 seconds instead of 20, +1 Evanescent Flame per ability activation.
Abilities: Cookie enters Moonlit Mode at given intervals, Radius of sight and lighting decreases immensely during Moonlit Mode (lasts for 20 seconds). After the lighting returns to normal, Evanescent Flame jellies appear (up to 7), giving +1,000,000 and +5 Stamina each.
Magic Candy: When Cookie enters Moonlit Mode, grants a Moth Ball Shield, lighting up the area surrounding the cookie a bit more and granting +3,000,000 if it is not popped after exiting Moonlit Mode (Shield Disappears if it is not popped during Moonlit Mode once Moonlit Mode is over).
Luminescent Lamp: Creates Bug Zap Jellies (Bug Zap Jellies grant temporary stamina drain nullification, blast effect and destruction of all on screen obstacles)
Story: A cookie that got caught in the witches oven simply because of the pretty flames! This cookie is a very ignorant one, but they try their best! Even if they keep bumping into the oven door…… constantly……..
Quote: “Follow the pretty lights!”
[Admiration] Monarch Butterfly Cookie- “He’s absolutely beautiful…….”
[Friendly] Squid Ink Cookie- “We both love shiny things! They even shared their coins with me!”
[Admiration] King Bee Cookie- “So powerful…… his crown is so shiny too!”
A Cookie based off of Pepper Moths! They are Nonbinary (they/them). Monarch Butterfly Cookie and King Bee Cookie are other Cookie OCs of mine! Art done by @jackd-draws !
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Puppucino Cookie
Rarity: Epic
Stamina: 290
Combi Pet: Espresso Treat
Combi Bonus: Cookie gains +10% speed whenever Blast Jelly effect is active.
Abilities: Cookie transforms into Caffeine-Crazed Shiba Inu at given intervals. When Cookie is transformed, grants Magnet Jelly Effect and Blast Jelly Effect, creates 6 Coffee Bean Paw Jellies whenever Cookie Jumps (+100,000 per Coffee Bean Paw Jelly)
Magic Candy: Cookie runs at -7.5% speed at the beginning of the run. All potions turn into Espresso Paw Jellies (Espresso Paw Jellies grant +60 Stamina to potions original value and +1.5% speed). When Cookie magnets 550 Jellies, creates Espresso Paw Jelly.
Espresso Treat: Creates Potions and Blast Jellies at given intervals (spaced out by 35 seconds respectively).
Story: A barista Cookie that was made full of love, and lots and lots of dough and espresso, this energetic (Shiba Inu) Puppucino Cookie is such a good boy! He loves serving up a cold brew or making lattes, as well as head scratches and receiving dog treats from the patrons at his Cafe.
Quote: “Bark Bark! (I hope they all like my specialty coffee!)”
[Admiration] Werewolf Cookie- “Woof! Bark! (I love seeing him come to my coffee shop, we always have great talks over coffee!”
[Tension] Coffee Cookie- “Bark…… (Always comes to my coffee shop….. every day….. the same thing……. so repetitive @_@).”
[Friendly] Pepper Moth Cookie- “Woof! (They’ve never had coffee before, but they said my brew was absolutely delicious!).”
A Cookie OC I’ve had for a while, they speak in American Sign Language and run their own cofffee shop in the Ovenbreak universe! Art done by @jackd-draws ! Pepper Moth Cookie is also another Cookie OC of mine that I’ll post soon!
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Sunken “Perfect” Map Cookie
Rarity: Epic
Stamina: 295
Combi Pet: Sea Scroll Parchment
Combi Bonus: Cookie gains X2 points for all Coins.
Abilities: Treasure Fragment Jellies are created at given intervals dependent upon the treasures currently equipped (Treasure Fragment Jellies will activate one of the Cookie’s equipped Treasure effects [does not work on passive treasures, such as skates, engine, bubblegum jumpers, trampoline, etc.]). Basic Jellies replaced by Sunken Coin Jellies (Sunken Coin Jellies have the same point value as Basic Jellies and the same Coin Value of gold Coins [Sunken Coin Jellies are treated as Coins]).
Magic Candy: When a Treasure successfully finishes an ability usage, Cookie creates +1 Forbidden Treasure Gem Jelly (Forbidden Treasure Gem Jellies grant +500,000 and Stamina Drain Nullification [Stamina Drain Nullification lasts 4 seconds]).
Sea Scroll Parchment: Creates +1 Fragmented Ocean Crystal Jellies with 20% chance (Fragmented Ocean Crystal Jellies grant +15,000 and +1 Stamina)
Story: A Cookie created by the City of Wizards with an ancient treasure map that had the power to materialize anything that the user desired, he was going to be utilized by the city to gain an infinite source of wealth. Seeing the greed within those lost souls, he cast himself from the city, falling from the city and into the depths of the sea, where he would remain for quite some time.
Quote: “I will run from the sea only when it too is ruined.”
[Friendly] Squid Ink Cookie- “They seem to love my coins, perhaps for their shine, not their worth....”
[Friendly] Peppermint Cookie- “Their whale had kept me company while I had forced myself into exile.”
[Rivalry] Moonlight Cookie- “You will never know what lies inside her heart.”
A Cookie based off the Perfect Treasure Map Treasure! Pictured with Squid Ink and Peppermint Cookie! Art by @jackd-draws !
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Ghost Pepper Cookie
Rarity: Epic
Stamina: 140
Combi Pet: Candelavera
Combi Bonus: Cookie’s Stamina is reduced by -1 instead of -2 when collecting point based Jellies.
Abilities: Cookie becomes unable to collect Basic Jellies. When Cookie collects any point based Jelly, Stamina becomes reduced by -2. Whenever Cookie runs, Stamina does not drain. At given intervals, Cookie becomes unable to collect any type of jelly (lasts up to 10 seconds). Any Potions that would grant more Stamina than the Cookie’s max increases the Cookies Max Stamina cap temporarily. Cookie gains points dependent on the amount of time ran, +166,667 per second ran.
Magic Candy: Cookie creates Death’s Black Flame at given intervals (Death’s Black Flame collects all Jellies within the radius it appears in and will not spawn until Cookie reaches an area with non Basic Jelly Jellies, +500,000 when Death’s Black Flame is created).
Candelavera: Grants Cookie temporary invulnerability and has pet collect all Jellies in front of Cookie at given intervals.
Story: A Cookie that remains unseen by all, except for a peculiar maid who has the power to commune with spirits and a Cookie who is known to cry a lot, Ghost Pepper spends his time controlling the flames he creates wherever he goes as to not scare or harm other Cookies. He has since decided to take up residence in the warmest parts of the oven, only going to visit his two otherworldly friends on rare occasions.
Quote: “Nobody can see me...... it gets very lonely.........”
[Trust] Blackberry Cookie- “She tries very hard to help me………she even brings me tea sometimes…….”
[Friendly] Onion Cookie- “I enjoy playing dolls with her, it makes me feel alive, at least a little bit…..”
[Admiration] Millennial Tree Cookie- “If he could just see me….. maybe he could help…..”
A Cookie based off of Mexican culture and Ghost Peppers! I tried to play around with the theme of ghosts and not being able to touch/hold worldly objects. Art done by @jackd-draws !
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Schrödinger’s Cat Cookie
Rarity: Epic
Stamina: 305
Combi Pet: Box Buddy
Combi Bonus: When Cookie collects Starfruit Jelly, Cookie is guaranteed to collect a Rainbow Bear Jelly on the Jelly Path.
Abilities: When Cookie collects a Jelly, 75% chance to earn the Jelly a second time that is upgraded to a higher scoring Jelly (Basic->yellow, yellow->pink, pink->frozen, frozen->Rainbow, Rainbow->Rainbow +2.5 Stamina).
Magic Candy: Cookie now runs with a Singularity following behind them (Singularity follows the same movements and actions of the Cookie, along with collecting the same Jelly Path the Cookie collects. Singularity has the same abilities as the Cookie).
Box Buddy: Creates a random combination of the following at given intervals: Potion, Giant, Blast, Magnet. If Cookie would take damage, Pet has a 50% chance to shield the Cookie once per run.
Story: A Cookie made from a singularity that shattered into four different states of possibilities, Schrödinger’s Cat Cookie is indecisive to say the least. Sometimes he’s completely fine! While his other singularities will be in a bad mood, a sad mood, sometimes unphased. It goes without saying, this Cookie is quite the interesting one!
Quote: “I’m happy today! Or maybe I’m sad.......or angry too!”
[Friendly] Puppucino Cookie- “I always have to order two coffees, I can never decide on one!”
[Admiration] Wind Archer Cookie- “His arrows are so precise! I wish I could have his level of precision when making a decision.....”
[Tension] Chili Pepper Cookie- “Doesn’t take another me to know that she’s scary! I’ll take her down!”
[Admiration] Ginger brave Cookie- “How in the world does he stay so brave.....? I wanna learn his secrets!”
A Cookie based on the Schrödinger’s Cat theory! He has multiple personalities, sometimes he splits up into two different states, but usually it’s one singular cookie that ends up swapping over time. Art done by @jackd-draws !
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Monarch Butterfly Cookie
Rarity: Epic
Stamina: 290
Combi Pet: Nectarine Hummingbird
Combi Bonus: If Cookie is not hit by an obstacle for 30 seconds, Cookie gains +1,000,000
Abilities: Cookie flies about with their wings at given intervals, turning all obstacles into Pollen Peace Lilies (when Cookie passes by a Pollen Peace Lily, gains +500,000 and +.5% Speed [Speed gained lasts 60 seconds]).
Magic Candy: Whenever Cookie flies, has a 25% chance to turn Pollen Peace Lilies into Yellow Roses (when Cookie passes by a Yellow Rose, Cookie gains +1,000,000, +.5% Speed, and +10 Stamina [Speed gained lasts 60 seconds]).
Nectarine Hummingbird: Creates Concentrated Pollen Jellies at given intervals (Concentrated Pollen Jellies grant cookie +5% Speed and Magnetic Jelly Effect [Speed gained lasts 40 seconds]).
Story: A Cookie that loves to showcase flashy clothing! Contrary to his appearance, he’s actually quite shy! As long as you show him some kindness, he’ll be more than happy enough to keep your company, even if it takes a bit to break him out of his cocoon!
Quote: “Ah, does my suit look ok?”
[Admiration] Pepper Moth Cookie- “I’m.... far too shy to admit to them that..........”
[Friendly] Blackberry Cookie- “Oh, she sewed together one of my outfits for me! She always acts serious, but she’s very kind!”
[Tension] Princess Cookie- “She spilled punch on my outfit at a party........”
Salad Cookie
Rarity: Epic
Stamina: 305
Combi Pet: Kale Kitten
Combi Bonus: All Jellies come covered in dressing (+2,500 to the original Jellies value)
Abilities: Gathers 5 different Salad Jellies at given intervals, every time a Salad Bowl is assembled from 5 Salad Jellies, +1,000 to all jellies, +50 stamina, +3% speed.
Magic Candy: Dependent on how much Stamina the Cookie used throughout the run, Crouton Candy Jellies will drop onto the Cookie when they run out of Stamina (+1 Crouton Candy Jelly per -25 Stamina [Crouton Candy Jellies grant +2,000,000 and the next Relay or Breakout Cookie to gain +8% Speed during their run]).
Kale Kitten: When 175 Jellies are collected, cookie gains random combination of the following effects: Giant + Blast, Magnet + Blast, Shield + Blast.
Story: A cookie that was created during the witches crazy diet phase, he is the shining example of having a healthy lifestyle! Although not as hearty as other cookies, Salad Cookie makes sure to keep up a steady schedule of diet and exercise, even helping other cookies get into shape to eventually escape the oven!
Quote: “Don’t forget to add the dressing!”
[Friendly] Muscle Cookie- “The perfect workout pal! He’s great at getting those reps in!”
[Trust] Yoga- “She taught me these great stretch techniques!”
[Rivalry] Orange Cookie- “Hah, a formidable foe in the realm of fitness! I’ll just have to beat her at her own game!”
Heres my Salad (left) and Monarch Butterfly (right) Cookie OCs! Monarch Butterfly is a trans F->M Cookie! Art done by @jackd-draws !
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Pepper Moth Cookie
Rarity: Epic
Stamina: 285
Combi Pet: Luminescent Lamp
Combi Bonus: Radius of sight and lighting returns to normal after 12 seconds instead of 20, +1 Evanescent Flame per ability activation.
Abilities: Cookie enters Moonlit Mode at given intervals, Radius of sight and lighting decreases immensely during Moonlit Mode (lasts for 20 seconds). After the lighting returns to normal, Evanescent Flame jellies appear (up to 7), giving +1,000,000 and +5 Stamina each.
Magic Candy: When Cookie enters Moonlit Mode, grants a Moth Ball Shield, lighting up the area surrounding the cookie a bit more and granting +3,000,000 if it is not popped after exiting Moonlit Mode (Shield Disappears if it is not popped during Moonlit Mode once Moonlit Mode is over).
Luminescent Lamp: Creates Bug Zap Jellies (Bug Zap Jellies grant temporary stamina drain nullification, blast effect and destruction of all on screen obstacles)
Story: A cookie that got caught in the witches oven simply because of the pretty flames! This cookie is a very ignorant one, but they try their best! Even if they keep bumping into the oven door...... constantly........
Quote: “Follow the pretty lights!”
[Admiration] Monarch Butterfly Cookie- “He’s absolutely beautiful…….”
[Friendly] Squid Ink Cookie- “We both love shiny things! They even shared their coins with me!”
[Admiration] King Bee Cookie- “So powerful…… his crown is so shiny too!”
A Cookie based off of Pepper Moths! They are Nonbinary (they/them). Monarch Butterfly Cookie and King Bee Cookie are other Cookie OCs of mine! Art done by @jackd-draws !
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Puppucino Cookie
Rarity: Epic
Stamina: 290
Combi Pet: Espresso Treat
Combi Bonus: Cookie gains +10% speed whenever Blast Jelly effect is active.
Abilities: Cookie transforms into Caffeine-Crazed Shiba Inu at given intervals. When Cookie is transformed, grants Magnet Jelly Effect and Blast Jelly Effect, creates 6 Coffee Bean Paw Jellies whenever Cookie Jumps (+100,000 per Coffee Bean Paw Jelly)
Magic Candy: Cookie runs at -7.5% speed at the beginning of the run. All potions turn into Espresso Paw Jellies (Espresso Paw Jellies grant +60 Stamina to potions original value and +1.5% speed). When Cookie magnets 550 Jellies, creates Espresso Paw Jelly.
Espresso Treat: Creates Potions and Blast Jellies at given intervals (spaced out by 35 seconds respectively).
Story: A barista Cookie that was made full of love, and lots and lots of dough and espresso, this energetic (Shiba Inu) Puppucino Cookie is such a good boy! He loves serving up a cold brew or making lattes, as well as head scratches and receiving dog treats from the patrons at his Cafe.
Quote: “Bark Bark! (I hope they all like my specialty coffee!)”
[Admiration] Werewolf Cookie- “Woof! Bark! (I love seeing him come to my coffee shop, we always have great talks over coffee!”
[Tension] Coffee Cookie- “Bark...... (Always comes to my coffee shop..... every day..... the same thing....... so repetitive @_@).”
[Friendly] Pepper Moth Cookie- “Woof! (They’ve never had coffee before, but they said my brew was absolutely delicious!).”
A Cookie OC I’ve had for a while, they speak in American Sign Language and run their own cofffee shop in the Ovenbreak universe! Art done by @jackd-draws ! Pepper Moth Cookie is also another Cookie OC of mine that I’ll post soon!
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