myspecialbluebox · 8 days
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doctor who s14 finale spoilers no context
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myspecialbluebox · 8 days
Drabble 173/366 - Doctor Who
There’s sand between her levers and buttons, gritty remnants of her violation. The Doctor cleans her with careful brushes. His brow is furrowed in concentration. (He won’t let himself think of anything else, least of all the quiet of a once more empty TARDIS.)
Maybe he can pretend emptiness is a gift, now that they aren’t stalked by a god of death.
The TARDIS whirrs like a sigh as he dislodges grains from her console.
“I’m sorry,” he says, loudly, to shatter the silence, “I should have known.”
One more thing her thief cannot steal: forgiveness. She gives it freely.
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myspecialbluebox · 8 days
So you're telling me that the Death Rat could tell us all about the lost Doctor Who episodes????
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myspecialbluebox · 8 days
just finished Empire of Death, WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT RTD I'M IN YOUR WALLS/pos
anyway hello Tumblr how are we feeling personally I'm going insane
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myspecialbluebox · 8 days
Did anyone else hear Maestro sing “I’m back” when they entered the TARDIS?
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myspecialbluebox · 8 days
... oh
At the convention J went to last week (Auckland Wintergeddon) John Barrowman casually mentioned that “EVERYONE KNOWS Torchwood is an anagram of Doctor Who, basic trivia, come on guys!!” and I was like no???? I didn’t know that????
am i dumb? is this something everyone knows or-
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myspecialbluebox · 8 days
and or because of timey-wimey stuff 14 must actually do the work before it has an actual effect on 15 like the 50th anniversary thingy
Local man who is “fine because you fix yourself” remains physically incapable of telling close friend that he loves her. Something tells me he was lying about all that therapy time 🤔
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myspecialbluebox · 8 days
I held my breath when the Doctor was listing years because I just knew that stupid alien was gonna bust out the "2005". The Doctor has never gotten over Rose Tyler and neither have I.
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myspecialbluebox · 8 days
Ofc she would point at the sign
Not a big fan how the whole Ruby-Mother situation got resolved but one thing is for sure:
A fifteen year old who has just given birth would of course point at a sign to name her daughter. Because she has suffered abuse so great that she decided this ends with me. And where does one get ideas like 'wear a big ass cloak' 'drop a baby off at a church and not a hospital IN 2004' but from stories? And who else but an abused fifteen year old who couldn't write her own story so far but who wanted to give her daughter a chance to write theirs would decide to leave one last dramatic foreword to the story of her child?
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myspecialbluebox · 8 days
It's giving Adam from Good Omens just deciding that he is in fact just not the Antichrist :)
okay. here’s how us eldritch Ruby Sunday truthers can still win.
let’s be honest. that episode Didn’t Explain Some Shit. why bring up the TARDIS’ perception filter only extending 73 yards? why gloss over Ruby being able to make it snow? why does she have Carol of the Bells stuck in her soul?
well. what if a scared 20 year old oblivious to her godlike ability to create stories from thin air literally wished her own mundane origin story into life?
no need to think about the creepy implications of the snow and the song. no need to wonder where a 15 year old single mother got a fancy hooded cloak from. no need to worry why she pointed at the lamppost like some kinda horror movie demon. it can all go away if she just wishes hard enough.
so, ruby’s got a nice normal birth mother now :) a normal woman who totally wasn’t willed into existence so the god of stories could stop having an existential crisis about her past :)
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myspecialbluebox · 8 days
“They say memory is dying. There was a man that said that actual facts were dying in the death wave.”
– Doctor Who, s01e08: “Empire of Death”
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myspecialbluebox · 8 days
So basically you are saying we make the rules of the Universe...
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myspecialbluebox · 8 days
he really does do anyone huh
so you're telling me the one time Jack held onto the outside of the TARDIS while it traveled he was inside of the god of death?
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myspecialbluebox · 8 days
Pseudo deep ''Empire of Death'' thought
So you're telling me that this whole season isn't a giant metaphor for depression??? Something odd always staying with you - at 73 yards - and as soon as someone sees it, truly sees you they run? And with the same breath you tell me that the TARDIS has literal death clung to her always?? So for some Death is always 73 yards away and once their people walk into the 73 yards of their beloved and need to face the one thing humankind has always been afraid of (because why else is religion as old as time) they run? And the people who always have the 73 yards are just... stuck with it. Always alone because who else can face their 73 yard death. How else can Hope exist if the TARDIS who has seen so much, has endured so much has 73 yards of death around her?
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myspecialbluebox · 8 days
I have questions
Okay can anyone explain to me what it means for beings like the Toymaker or Maestro that the Doctor brought Death to them???????????? Can the ''God of all Gods'' kill all other Gods?? And why are the Gods so obsessed with obliterating everything to get vastness and everything dead?!?
Also who the fuck is Ms Flood, obviously.
Also why would Ruby call that woman her real mum? I mean I'm not adopted so I suppose I'll never grasp the emotions around that but come on. You can't give us the line ''But we are going to see my mum on Christmas'' and then omg my real mum.
What did I just witness?? Apart from it being as Doctor Who as Doctor Who can be.
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myspecialbluebox · 8 days
Ok, was there a parallelism between Ruby's goodbye and Rose's in Bad Wolf bay or was I just traumatised by Billie Piper saying "am I ever going to see you again?" And "I love you" and The Doctor proceeding to cry alone in his TARDIS?
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myspecialbluebox · 8 days
You know what… kudos to the doctor for fixing Ruby’s abandonment issues before abandoning her. Closest thing to considerate he’s ever been, probably.
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