myshuagger · 3 years
words: ~800 genre: fantasy...? warnings: none i think?
a/n: I was in the mood to write and saw some shua gifs that inspired me so here is this thing that i will categorize as a snippet just because i dont want to name it lol anyway picture fallin’ flower mv shua for the first scene~
The fairies had a way to claim what was theirs. When Joshua, a sweet librarian from two towns over, knocked on your door that morning with a face full of flower petals and moon glitter you already knew what happened.
You didn’t make a habit of helping careless humans. After all, whenever a magical entity claimed one of them it was only because they agreed without thinking about the consequences first. Seeing Joshua’s helpless face, however, pulled at your heartstrings.
That was the reason why you were now sitting at your office’s desk surrounded by piles of books. In attempts to find a flaw, a loophole. Anything to at least delay his fate.
Being a mediator between the magical and the mundane came with certain perks. One was, and you’re sure Joshua knew about this, the ability to temporarily remove any curse or gift within the walls of your workshop. So he would not have to worry about choking on petals or sweating stardust for the time being.
You close the fifth useless book as you massage your temples and let your head rest against the back of your chair. This was proving to be more difficult than you expected. Joshua, who until now was sitting silently at the other end of your desk, shifts on his seat.
“No luck?” He crosses his legs, trying to find a comfortable position. Something that would mask his nervousness. Of course, he fails.
“Fairies have been doing this for a while,” you gesture towards the multiple books. “Every time someone finds something wrong with their contracts they modify them and get better.”
“How did you even manage to get in this situation?” You lean forward, chin resting against one of your hands while the other moves the book in front of you to the side. “I thought your town had a strict no contact policy.”
“They do,” Joshua’s face gets adorned with a gentle smile as he absentmindedly dusts the cover of one of the many books on your desk before picking it up. “Even you, despite being completely human, get the silent treatment from everyone.”
“Oh?” You sit back up slowly. Eyebrows raised at his statement. “Does this somehow have something to do with me?”
It was certainly no news to you that his whole town was not allowed to interact with you. Or at least, no interactions that surpassed the threshold of necessity. You knew and made a point of limiting your visits. To keep the town dwellers less anxious.
Joshua coughs and almost drops the book he was holding. He shifts in his seat once again as his mouth twists in the way it always does when he’s thinking. You wonder if he’s thinking of a believable lie.
“Every month,” He sets the book down and finally looks at you. “You send the apothecary a package. Medicine, ointments, magical herbs that only grow in your garden.”
The jarring sound of his chair sliding against the floor as he gets up doesn’t distract you from noticing the way his hands shake and form fists. He breaks eye contact and looks at the floor.
“You do it every month and yet…” Joshua attempts to take deep breaths. “Tell me when was the last time someone actually talked to you or thanked you for it...”
You open your mouth to make a rebuttal but he stops you.
“Other than me.”
“Joshua,” You get up and walk towards him. Holding his hands when you’re close enough and resting against your desk. He looks at you, sadness and irritation swimming in his eyes.
“I don’t do it for recognition or to have them be indebted to me. It’s just my duty as the mediator, it’s okay if they don’t want to get involved with me.”
You try to give him a reassuring smile, thumbs tracing small circles against his hands. In all honesty, you can see why he’s mad. You used to get irritated at the whole situation in the beginning too. Sure it was your job to provide the surrounding towns with your wisdom and products but having most of them blatantly ignore you despite all of it… It hurt.
Eventually, you got used to it. The joy of being able to help them is bigger than the pain of being ignored. Besides, not all of them act as if you don’t exist. A few people here and there still talk with you or give you small thank you gifts. One of them being Joshua himself. It might not happen often but it does.
“Besides,” You pull on his hands and Joshua takes a small step towards you. He’s more calm now, your touch allowing him to ground himself. Your smile turns into a smirk. “I fail to see how being tricked by a fairy would improve my situation.”
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myshuagger · 4 years
wait wait wait omg what i’m tagged here?? I’m so 🥺🥺🥺 (i don’t even write 🤐) thank you for the tag I feel like adsfevefafdaw
I know for a fact the people I’ll tag have been tagged already but I’m gonna tag y’all anyway because I love you and the way you write~ spread luvs~ (punching myself for not keeping tabs on/following a lot of great writers i’ve seen bc i forget)
@tearsofsyrup @by-moonflower @lxveille @boosoonhao @dinoshaur​ @goldenscript @inyournightmares97 @swyllh @wavesmp3
hi uhm I wanted to give love to writers so I thought of a ‘love chain’. So, if you’d like tag 5 fellow writers you love and then they’ll have to tag more 5 writers of tumblr and so on. Here’s my message for you all: your works are all beautiful even if you think they aren’t! You’re improving with every story of yours and I’m proud of you!
you’re cute bubs :(
@vocalyunho @mirror-juliet @starrychannies @chanbinns @mingless @mingishoe @actuallythatwaspromise @sweetheart--sannie @cosmic-athena @atiny-piratequeen @needyateez @ateezmakemeweep @yeo-baby @softlyjiminie
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myshuagger · 4 years
ok honeys here's something else on my mind:
content creators love hearing your thoughts!!!!
listen even if you think they've heard it a thousand times, even if you think you aren't adding anything meaningful, we eat that shit up, EVERY SINGLE POSITIVE THING
PLEASE send your content creators interactions. please reblog. please reply. leave something in the tags (MOST OF US READ THOSE!! yes!! i do go into every single reblog to check for tags!!!)
like listen. we love talking about what we made. ESPECIALLY if it was a product of extreme passion. there are a thousand and one things i would love to just word vomit at anyone who gives me the opportunity about my intentions and thinking in my works (and content creators please god come talk to me about your works like your intentions your anxieties i EAT THAT SHIT UP TELL ME EVERYTHING)
even if the only thing in your brain is screaming, COMMENT THAT. COMMENT A KEYBOARD SMASH. it takes two seconds and it shows us you're engaging with our works!! it means the absolute world!!
please for the love of god, make our days!! even just a simple "you're doing amazing and i love you and i can't wait to see what comes from you next" can leave me giggly for the next SIX HOURS!! there's a person consistently leaving commentary on each part of my au and it's so simple and it makes me SOB like it makes me so happy!! you don't have to write an essay or a book report!!! just show us you're excited!!!! just show us you enjoy it!!!!!!!
please!! every content creator i know has expressed a kind of exhaustion from lack of engagement at some point and i just wanted to make sure you knew, it doesn't have to be elaborate to make somebody's day. i resumed work on several stories i'd discarded after someone left a comment on a part saying how much they liked x element
if you want more content, just tell the creator what you liked about the content and YOU'LL GET MORE CONTENT babe i promise it's really that simple
please please tell content creators you're enjoying it!!!!!
honestly, the like button doesn't tell us much. not as much as a keyboard smash, or even a simple "keep it up"
please, please, encourage content creators. because this gets exhausting sometimes, and feedback is what keeps us going
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myshuagger · 4 years
Yo check this out and give Sha some feedback so it happens plz
[wip preview]
There are stories about the black letters tattooed on the inside of one’s left wrist.
Some say that it began a long time ago, where legends speak of two headed humans with four legs and arms, forced to split apart and traverse the world to find their other half. Others say that it’s magic, that once upon a time a faerie granted the wish of a king who yearned to find his queen.
The Capitol says that it’s all genetics - an ingenious plot designed by their scientists to bolster Panem with citizens of superior birth. Your mother says it’s a blend of all three, whispering stories about the days before the rebellion, when everything wasn’t dusted over in a pallor shade of grey.
You don’t quite know who to believe.
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myshuagger · 4 years
“there are some things you’re just going to have to let go”
words: ~0.9k genre: fluff...? a/n: wha? not angst? unbelievable! i tried to make this funny but idk lmao i’m in a weird mood... happy belated birthday present for our hamster (yes, to me he is still a hamster not a tiger :P) also i used the prompt veeeery loosely but yolo
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“There are some things you’re just going to have to let go.”
You scoff as Seokmin stood closer to you and placed a hand on your shoulder. His expression trying to pass as one of comfort but you knew better. Right across from you, Seungkwan gave you a smug look as he ate your leftover food from two nights ago. The same leftovers you were planning on having that night while relaxing and watching a movie. At least until the two boys arrived at your apartment claiming to have ‘very important business’ to discuss with you.
“You break into my apartment, steal my food and tell me to just let it go?” You say in a dramatic tone as you flop on your couch. Your fingers rub at your temples in slow circles. After a stressful week of classes and work, all you wanted to do was to have a quiet night in and catch up on some sleep. “You haven’t even told me what your so-called important business is…”
“First of all,” Seungkwan pushed the plate of food to the side. His elbows propped on the table and hands holding his chin. “Promise you won’t get mad.”
Just when you were about to reply, a few knocks on your door interrupted you. The flash of panic in Seungkwan and Seokmin faces made you raise an eyebrow. “You don’t have to open the door-”
But it was too late. In front of you stood Kwon Soonyoung with a bouquet of roses. The same Kwon Soonyoung you’ve been trying to avoid for weeks after you kissed him at a party. A party where you had been too intoxicated to even walk back to your own apartment. The only reason you had managed to avoid Soonyoung thus far was because you had different schedules. And he didn’t know where you lived.
He didn’t know where you lived. Yet there he was, flowers in hand and smiling at you. So of course you did what any rational person would. You slammed the door closed and turned back towards your two friends.
“You told him where to find me?!”
You were not screaming but your tone still made them flinch. As Seokmin was trying to calm you down, you could see Seungkwan crawling under the table. To put some distance between him and you. Soonyoung’s voice called your name from the other side of the door and suddenly everything was just too much.
A glare was all it took for both of your friends to nod and make their exit, leaving your door open and allowing for a confused Soonyoung to peek through. You let yourself fall onto your couch once again. 
“Come in.” You said as one of your arms flew up to shield your eyes and you took a couple of deep breaths. The realization of being alone with Soonyoung had your heart picking up its speed.
“Are you okay? Should I leave?” Soonyoung’s voice was soft and unsure. So different from his usual boisterous demeanor that it made you peek at him from under your arm. He had placed the roses on your table and his smile had been replaced by a small pout.
You sighed and sat up properly before tapping the seat next to you. Soonyoung made his way to you, biting his lip while taking hesitant steps. A small laugh escaped your mouth. He was being so cautious but a part of you was grateful. Whether he did it to avoid being kicked out or because he noticed you were stressed you still appreciated his thoughtfulness.
A few minutes passed without either of you speaking. You could see Soonyoung fidgeting with his fingers in the corner of your eye.
“I’m sorry… for avoiding you and all.”
Soonyoung’s head snapped up with the sound of your voice. His hopeful eyes made you feel the blood rushing to your face and you looked away. However, he remained silent, waiting for you to keep talking.
“I just…” you rubbed the back of your neck with an unsure hand. “I just didn’t know…”
Soonyoung grabbed your free hand slowly, as if expecting you to pull away. So when you didn’t he couldn’t help but smile. His thumb started to gently trace lines over your knuckles. “Do you regret it?”
“You mean kissing you? No! I just… once I realized I did it I wasn’t sure of what to do.”
You could feel Soonyoung shifting in his seat. Aligning his body towards you. When you looked up at him, he was still smiling. “Well, for starters, you could have not ran away and almost get yourself killed by tripping on the stairs.”
The blush on your face deepened and you weren’t sure if you wanted to laugh or push him to stop teasing you. You tried to pull your hand away to cover your face but Soonyoung held onto it. Seeing your reaction, he let out a hearty laugh.
“You know I actually had forgotten about that part.”
Soonyoung placed his hand on your cheek when you tried to look away again. His contagious smile has you smiling back at him despite your embarrassment. You only notice how close to you he is until your noses bump against each other.
“So,” Soonyoung stops for a second, gaze dropping to look at your lips. “Would you run away if I kiss you now?”
You can barely shake your head in response before Soonyoung’s lips crash into yours.
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myshuagger · 4 years
Random question, but who are your favourite authors on here?
hello anon, you really came to me with a hard question because my memory is really not the best so i’m sure i’m gonna miss mentioning a few people that i think are really good writers. of the top of my head here are a few in no particular order~
@boosoonhao i absolutely love AJ’s writing, her command of prose feels so polished and reading her works stirs my emotions so much, be it fluff, angst or whatever other genre. her world building skills are also amazing? every single one of her aus are so beautifully made you can just see all the time she spend on them. she has a really vast imagination too i always wonder how she manages to think of so many different scenarios or concepts/ideas. i’m happy she decided to come back and i’m so so excited to read her novel!
@subeuntin (a little disclaimer that if youre under 18 you probably shouldn’t check their blog because it’s mainly nsfw) i’m gonna admit that i seldom read nsfw content (i see d*ddy kink or pwp and i nOPE) but both mod mei and mod gumi do such a good job with their works that i just come back to them every time. both mods manage to make you feel like there is plot behind the suggestive content even when there is no actual underlying plot? also their more fluffy or sfw pieces always manage to leave me giggling and feeling all, well, fluffy inside lol
@skydivingstars read her exes confront each other. do it. hurt with me. not only those tho, her other angsty fics make me hurt so bad but i still re-read them every now and then because she’s just that good. her non-angst too!! i really love her domestic/slice-of-life pieces because they always make me feel giddy and jittery and warm inside. but most of all, i love how she characterizes both mc/reader and the idols she writes for, they really feel like people rather than just a character in a story.
@lxveille if you read svt fics and haven’t read veille’s can you really say you read svt fics? for me, veille’s fics are the type of works that leave you speechless because of how good they are. her post-apocalyptic aus are among the best i’ve ever read on this site and even when she has fics with similar concepts they always feel fresh and different. all her fics feel so complete even if they are short and i really admire her for that. honestly i feel so bad that i can’t describe just how much i love the way she writes. actually, veille and AJ are the reason i started writing and posting fics again.
there are a lot others out there that i forgot to mention just because i’m dumb and it’s late and i can’t think straight (also i sometimes read on my phone and the tumblr app sucks so i’ve been trying to re-discover/find again some authors that i really liked and lost track of but time™)
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myshuagger · 4 years
“I am Seungkwan.”
Jeonghan takes a small step forward. A drop of sweat travels through his spine as the two guards look at each other. His whole body feels like it’s shaking. Anger, fear, and all the emotions in between pumping through his veins. He can feel Seungkwan, the real one, grasping the back of his shirt.
One of the guards grabs at his chin forcefully and looks into his eyes. Jeonghan starts to panic for a second. He prays to the old gods that the guards are not trained, that they can’t see the difference. He’s seen the punishment for those who lie.
The guard lets go of him and reaches towards his partner for something. Cold iron bites into Jeonghan’s skin before he has time to process it. Seungkwan yelps behind him and the guards laugh. Jeonghan bites his lip to avoid screaming. He won’t give them the satisfaction.
“You’ve been summoned.” The guard’s tone is mocking, amused. It’s almost as if he’s delighted with Jeonghan’s pained expression. Seungkwan steps forward, opens his mouth to say something but stops when he sees Jeonghan’s glare.
The last thing Jeonghan sees before being dragged away is Seungkwan’s tear stained face.
His hands are numb and the blood around the spikes of the handcuffs is dry by the time they arrive at their destination. Big wooden doors carved with intrinsic designs stand in front of Jeognhan but he doesn’t marvel, doesn’t care. Instead, Jeonghan scans his surroundings. He looks for a plaque or a symbol, anything that could give away whatever awaits for him inside the mansion.
The chattering of the guards behind him is interrupted by the doors opening. A tall and well dressed man looks at Jeonghan and then at the guards, questioningly. 
“Your owner made a request.”
One of the guards pushes Jeonghan forward, making him stumble. The man extends his arm towards him but Jeonghan doesn’t take it and instead holds onto the door to avoid falling. His grasp on the door sends a sharp pain through his wrists. Jeonghan hisses under his breath.
“Since he’s hurt, your pay will be reduced.”
Before the guards can even begin to protest, the man raises his hand at them and they fall silent. It’s just then that Jeonghan noticed the familiar way in which the man’s eyes glinted. With just a wave of his hand, the man dismissed the guards and turned around to leave as if nothing happened.
“Please, come with me.”
The inside of the mansion is far different than what Jeonghan had expected. He had heard before that most nobles enjoyed displaying all kinds of bizarre things through the corridors of their homes. Paintings, artifacts, animals both dead and alive, even those that were like him. This one however, was bare save for a few pieces of plain looking furniture here and there.
When they reach what seems to be the main room, the man in front of Jeonghan stops and takes a deep breath. He looks back at Jeonghan and bites his lip before entering. Jeonghan follows close behind.
“Minghao, who–” you look up, sentence forgotten once your eyes land on Jeonghan. The book in your lap is practically tossed to the side when you get up and start walking towards them. Jeonghan can see your stare is focused on the handcuffs around his wrists and it somehow makes him feel uncomfortable.
“Those guards are idiots.” The man, Minghao, says as he pushes his hair back. “Would you like me to–”
“Bring me supplies,” you interrupt him as you carefully take Jeonghan’s hands. Jeonghan winces at the contact and attempts to pull away from you. He thinks he hears you cursing under your breath but he can’t be sure. You push Jeonghan towards a nearby chair and start to pace around, thinking.
Minghao comes back almost right away with a box filled with medical supplies. You grab a small towel from the box and shove it in Jeognhan’s mouth. He looks at you, confusion painted all over his face.
“It will hurt.”
You don’t say anything else. Instead, you wrap your fingers around the handcuffs as carefully as you can. A deep breath from you is all the warning Jeonghan gets before you pry open the handcuffs with your hands.
Everything fades to black.
Jeonghan wakes up in a cold sweat. An unfamiliar ceiling welcomes him and he scrambles around until he feels a sharp pain on his wrists. It’s then that he remembers what happened the day before. He looks around and sees you sitting in a corner of the room reading.
“Don’t move around too much, you’ll hurt yourself.”
For a while, only the sounds of you flipping pages fills the room. Jeonghan stays silent, thinking. He tries to make sense of who you are and why you called for Seungkwan. He has seen some nobles parading around the main city flaunting their status but he doesn’t recognize you. You don’t fit the description of any other nobles he has heard of either.
You close your book abruptly, the sudden noise startling Jeonghan out of his thoughts.
“So, will you tell me who you are and why you pretended to be Seungkwan?”
prompt 06: start the scene with someone lying about their name 
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myshuagger · 4 years
hello writers! (15/04/2020)
wow, it’s been a long time since i’ve posted anything here. but while working from home today, i was thinking about how now is a really good time for digital communities, and for them to come together. so, i’m going to try to revive write night !
in order to try to make it available to as many of those who may be interested as possible, here’s the (current) plan – (if anyone thinks they’d have a better way of running it, please let me know!)
on saturday morning (18/04/20, ~6AM EST), this blog will post a small set of writing prompts!
throughout the day, writers interested in participating can write and post responses to the prompts at their own leisure
responses don’t have to be a certain length, titled, edited/proofread, or otherwise polished. if you want to write for 15 minutes on a prompt and call it done, great! if you want to write for 2 hours on a prompt, cool!
writers can respond to any number of prompts as they want. if only one inspires you, that’s fine. if you want to do separate little pieces for each other or combine multiple prompts, also fine!
responses can either be posted by reblogging the prompt or  by tagging this account (@svtwritenight)
throughout the day i will try to reblog any responses to prompts back onto this blog as a record/place of communal sharing
participants are strongly encouraged/begged to read and give feedback to each others’ responses to prompts! write night (or write day, as the case may be) won’t work as a community event if we are don’t communicate with each other. of course, you don’t have to stay glued to tumblr all day �� but just check things out when you get a chance a send the author a message of some kind!
i hope you’re all well, and i hope this might be able to provide a bit of distraction/levity/inspiration to us in what is a very stressful time!
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myshuagger · 5 years
“how could I forget?”
words: ~1.3k genre: angsty with a happy ending warnings: uh... angst? a/n: me updating less than a month after my last update? witchcraft! anyway, I was feeling a bit nostalgic then i saw this prompt and yeah. also, i tried to write this a bit differently than my usual stuff but idk if it’s noticeable. I hope you like it!
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That morning when Mingyu woke up to Soonyoung’s invitation to his housewarming party, he seriously considered to stay home. Now however, as he listens to the soft music seeping through the front door and he looks around the front yard as he waits for the host to open the door Mingyu feels strangely hopeful.
Soonyoung opens the door as Mingyu changes the grip on the decorated wine bottle between his hands. A present, to congratulate his friend for the occasion. Soonyoung takes the wine and welcomes him in. Both of them exchange small talk as they walk towards the living room.
Mingyu greets the people he knows and gives a polite nod to those he doesn’t. After a few minutes, Soonyoung leaves him to tend to other guests not without pushing a drink into Mingyu’s hands and thanking him for coming. So Mingyu walks around, slipping easily into other conversations while he sips his drink.
The faint sound of a laugh that is too familiar reaches him. It makes his insides twist, his palms sweat. He uses all his self control to not run, to not seek for it. The last time he heard that laugh was in the middle of a summer too long ago. A faint breeze sweeping through the half open window and a mess of entangled limbs on the bed. Despite the high temperature Mingyu felt comfortable. Closed eyes and lips against skin, your skin. He remembers mumbling something about forever. The word ‘love’ heavy on his lips. He didn’t say it but thinks you understand anyway. If the way you laughed and hold him closer is any indication of.
It’s not summer anymore. The faint traces of winter fading with each passing day to give way for spring. New beginnings blooming like the flowers at the park he visits way too often. It’s not summer.
He finds you anyway, easy smiles and hair shorter than what he remembered, leaning against the kitchen counter. Mingyu stands in the doorway. He waits until you notice, until you start walking towards him after giving Jeonghan a quick parting hug. You stand in front of him and Mingyu feels like the years haven’t passed at all. He feels just like he did at the beginning of that summer. The butterflies in his stomach. The way you look at him. The pang in his chest telling him this is no coincidence, that him being there is a consequence of all the pulls on the strings fate is so fond of.
Mingyu feels like laughing, crying, and screaming all at once. Part of him wants to hold you, entangle your fingers with his hair and kiss you senseless. Another side of him wants to see you crying, to break you the same way he broke when you left him without a word in the middle of a night too hot for him to notice your body was not there anymore. But Mingyu reminds himself that it’s not summer.
So you two talk. Like two old friends, you and Mingyu catch up on each other’s lives. You tell him about your job, complain about your coworkers and the amount of overtime you always end up having. He tells you about the three months he lived with Minghao and all the times he coerced Mingyu into being a model for his designs. With every change of topic Mingyu finds it harder to keep his feelings at bay. He wants to ask about that night. Ask about the thoughts running through your head before you left. Whether you cried yourself to sleep the following weeks just like he did. Most of all, Mingyu wants to ask if you ever loved him.
However, it’s still too early for heavy topics and unresolved feelings. And so, Mingyu lets you slip between his fingers when you get too carried away in a conversation with Junhui after he comes and shows you a picture of his friend’s new cat.
After a couple of hours mingling around, Mingyu makes his way to the backyard. It’s when he lets out a heavy sigh while looking at the stars that you find him. The distant echoes of music and conversations almost make him miss the way you say his name. He doesn’t turn around, doesn’t tear his gaze away from the cloudless sky.
“The weather is really nice.”
Mingyu lets out a small laugh at your comment. The air around him feels heavy. Questions and promises forming a lump in his throat. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees you’re also looking at the sky. Before he has the chance to say anything, you speak again.
“Remember that night at the beginning of summer?”
You don’t need to elaborate for Mingyu to know. Nostalgia hits his heart like an unrelenting wave, memories foaming up inside him. Of course he remembers.
He remembers a party, loud music and sweaty bodies. The bitter taste of alcohol on his tongue and the scent of your hair lingering around him. Mingyu had only known you for a few weeks and yet he was so enamoured with you. He wanted to hold you close, memorize the texture of your body and the sound of your voice. He wished to be the one you longed for when you were apart, to be the one that made you laugh. The night you’re referring to was the night he finally gathered the courage to hold your hand and pull you into a kiss under the moonlight.
A faint breeze caresses his cheeks. The ghost of entangled limbs and lips against skin make Mingyu feel dizzy. His gaze, heavy with traces of the past, drops to the ground. “How could I forget?”
“You asked me out that night and I was so scared,” your voice is something barely above a whisper. It feels like the times when you used to whisper insecurities against Mingyu’s chest. Tone coated with a specific type of uncertainty. Mingyu looks at you, he wants to hug you but he also wants to hear what you have to say. Your hands fidget with the hem of your shirt. “...but I still said yes.”
“That day too,” you stop for a second and take a deep breath. “I was scared, so I left.”
“Scared of what?”
You look at Mingyu and give him a weak smile. “Love.”
And with that Mingyu understands. He understands your thought process, the doubts and fears that might have crossed your mind that day. All the years he spent wondering why and he never considered that possibility. The reason you left without a word was not because you didn’t love him, but because you loved him too much.
He holds your hand carefully, afraid that you would pull away at any moment. You don’t. Instead, you go a step further and entangle your fingers with his. Mingyu is nervous, his heart pounding loudly against his chest. He doesn’t fully know what to make out of the whole situation. He knows, however, that he is willing to try again if you let him.
“What about now?” He takes a step closer. Mingyu observes every detail about you, the arch of your lips, the slight shake of your breath. “Are you still scared?”
You nod and Mingyu feels his insides collapse. His chest feels hollow and he can notice his eyes watering so he closes them. He doesn’t see the way you bite your lip or the resolve in your eyes. He’s about to turn away when you pull him towards you. Your familiar warmth reaches every inch in his body.
“But I still want to try again.”
Mingyu feels like laughing, crying, and screaming all at once. He pulls away from you just enough to look at your face. You’re smiling at him, tears beginning to flow from your eyes. He wipes them away and kisses your forehead before hugging you closer. The scent of your hair lingers around him. Summer is still a few months away but Mingyu is sure you will be by his side until the end.
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myshuagger · 5 years
i read your latest seok fic and i audibly 'aww!'ed out loud in the end 🥺 i kno you said it was a vague au too but I think you did really well in providing enough details that the readers can fill in the gap, and I'm a sucker for the kind of high stakes aus where danger is very much a thing. thanks so much for posting it hehe
it took me a bit to organize my thoughts to answer this ask and i blame it mainly on the warm feeling across my chest every time i read it. one of the things i’m most unsure about when writing is whether i’m giving enough information/context or not so this ask helped ease some of those doubts! and thanks to you for reading and taking the time to send this lovely message :3
0 notes
myshuagger · 5 years
“of course I trust you”
words: ~900 genre: fluff...? warnings: kinda vague, underdeveloped au lol a/n: heya everyone~ I have decided to attempt to go back into writing now that I’m on lockdown. so I’m working my way through a prompt list as a writing exercise. I hope this cheers up whoever reads it (although the plot is unclear and not quite fluffy)
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Two long knocks followed by three quick ones snap you out of your reverie. You stand up and adjust your worn out jacket ever so slightly. The ghostly outlines of furniture seem to play tricks on your mind as you walk and you curse Chan for taking your flashlight that night.
You barely manage to not trip over a rug when you hear the knocking again, more insistent this time, as if the repetition would make it easier for you to cross the messy living room. A huff is the only response you give. Muffled whispers can be heard from the other side of the door as you work your way through the locks. You barely have time to move before the recon team pushes the door wide open.
Jihoon is the first one to enter. He shoots you a quick glare before making his way through the room with ease. You almost stop him to apologize but an arm wrapping around your shoulders keeps you in place.
“What took you so long, did you fall asleep?” Jeonghan’s teasing tone makes you huff a second time. His face is just an outline but you’re sure he’s smiling. You poke at the general direction of his ribs and he steps away. You don’t get to taste your victory over the trickster before another silhouette steps in between you.
“Stop it Jeonghan, not everyone is like you.”
You bite your lip, the threat of a laugh in the back of your throat. Seungcheol shakes his head slightly. It only happened once, is what you make out of a mumbling Jeonghan as he walks away. The whisper of your name brings your attention back to Seungcheol.
“Are the others back yet?”
You relay all new information, which is not much, to Seungcheol. After all, the nights have been rather peaceful since you entered the seemingly deserted town. Aside from the cute dog you and Vernon found that morning, there wouldn’t be any news until Soonyoung’s team comes back to your makeshift base.
Seungcheol sighs while one of his hands pushes his messy hair backwards. You know he’s on edge. It’s why he sent Soonyoung’s team out that night too. The town is too quiet, too empty. Sometimes no news is also bad news.
It’s only after Seungcheol relieves you from your watch that you wonder about the remaining member of the team. A hand around your wrist pulls you softly and guides you around. You follow in silence.
The light of Seokmin’s flashlight blinds you for a second. He apologizes when he sees you frown as your eyes try to adjust to the environment. You brush it off.
“How did everything go?”
Seokmin looks at you with an unreadable expression. His backpack is on the ground and he seems to be holding something in his hands. He takes half a step towards you. The warm light gives his skin a glowing look and you can’t help the way your heart jumps in your ribcage.
You raise a questioning eyebrow at him when he tells you to close your eyes. When you ask why, he doesn’t tell. Instead, he gives you a smile in what you think is his best attempt at being reassuring. A couple of minutes where you try to read his expression go by. Seokmin chuckles.
“Come on, close your eyes,” he whines and pouts at you in a dramatic way. This time both of you laugh. When you look at Seokmin again his face is closer and you can almost feel his breathing fanning your face. “Don’t you trust me?”
“Of course I trust you.” And you do. So you comply with his request and close your eyes.
The sound of a wrapper being torn open is all you can hear before you feel something mildly hard push against your lips. The smell of chocolate fills your nose and you take a small step back. You open your eyes again to find Seokmin standing in the middle of the room, hand stretched out and a piece of chocolate between his fingers.
His surprised expression almost makes you let out a big laugh before remembering that the others are sleeping in the next room. So you settle with gently slapping Seokmin’s forearm. He fakes a hurt expression before smiling back at you.
“Where did you even find that?” You take the chocolate he’s offering you and pop it into your mouth without hesitation. The piece is a bit melted from Seokmin’s hold but you don’t care. Seokmin sits on the floor as he breaks another piece from the chocolate bar and eats it.
When you sit next to him he tells you about how he and the team found a worn down convenience store on their way back. He tells you how Seungcheol told everyone to keep their distance until they could return with the full group. How he snuck into the store anyway and grabbed the first thing he could find.
“You need to be careful,” the words are a mixture of worry and chocolate. Nonetheless, Seokmin understands what you’re trying to say. He scoots closer to you and pokes at the frown on your face.
“I know, I’m sorry.”
He then offers you another piece of chocolate. You smile at him and take it, you’ve never been able to stay mad at Seokmin for long. So you rest your head on his shoulder and eat in silence.
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myshuagger · 5 years
surely, someday...
words: ~1400 (ish) genre: fluff/angst, friends to lovers warnings: implicit alcohol use, implicit drunk sex, unedited as always a/n: i don’t even know...? but I missed writing. this is the only thing i’ve actually finished since the last time i posted. i mean, i’ve advanced some of my wips... kinda... yeah... anyway, hope whoever reads this likes it.
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A soft sigh escapes from your lips as you sit by the window and watch the snow fall quietly. Behind, the empty hotel room is cold, unforgiving. The clock showing 2:03 am has no tact. Its soft ticking mocking you with every passing second.
I’ll meet you there… wait for me.
You wonder how many times you’ve felt your heart break like this. How many times have you heard those words only to be disappointed.
You lost track. Avoiding to count was difficult at first but it’s your only source of relief. If you counted, the situation would be unbearable.
Not that it’s bearable right now. You think as your chin rests on your hand. The buzz of your phone almost goes unnoticed. You prefer to ignore it anyway. The contents of the message already floating in your mind. Excuses. Seems like it’s all you get nowadays.
The snowy landscape fills you with memories. Nostalgia claws at your throat. You wash it down with a sip of cheap wine.
Jun’s hand feels warm on your own. He runs and laughs in front of you as you try your best to pull him back. The floor is slippery and dangerous. He laughs once again when you voice your thoughts. Runs even faster.
You two collapse on the snow after a few minutes. Jun covers his face as he gasps for breath. You would have never imagined to be hanging around with someone like Wen Junhui. Being neighbors meant that you got to listen to every complaint, every temper tantrum, every prank.
The 11 year old on the snow next to you is annoying at best. Rowdy and careless. Somehow you also find him eye catching, endearing.
Your mom had showed disapproval when you first asked her to go out to play with him. She conceded anyway, persuaded by his mother. Perhaps, being friends will make him be more mature, it’s what his mother had said. It didn’t. You kept playing with him anyway.
The soft bass of your favorite song thumps inside your ribcage as you sit in the living room of an unknown house. Your mind feels like a cloud. The couch dips next to you and an arm wraps around your bare shoulders. Your eyes open to a smiley Jun.
“Are you okay?” He screams against your ear and you have to pull away a bit. He’s 17 now but still as loud as when you first met him. His carefree laugh can be heard over the music. Or so you think. Maybe you’re just so used to hear him laugh.
Before you can answer his question someone else speaks. Voice almost as loud as Jun’s. You try to pay attention to Soonyoung’s drunk babble. You almost manage to make out whatever he’s trying to say, until your concentration is interrupted by Jun’s thumb drawing small circles on your shoulder. 
A shiver runs through your spine as Jun whispers the words let’s go into your ear. Your mind is no longer a cloud, not when his hand grounds you as he takes you upstairs.
He kisses you with your back pressed against the wall. Mouth needy and hands on your hips. It’s not your first kiss but it somehow feels different, new. Your own hands grasp at his hair when Jun’s mouth travels down your neck.
His hands awake a series of pants and repressed moans. They make him impatient. You bite him playfully when his lips travel back to your own. A mischievous smirk playing on his handsome features as he guides you to the bed.
He’s still too rowdy and careless, but you don’t mind.
The days after your high school graduation are bittersweet to say the least. Especially as you had learned a few weeks back that you and Jun were attending separate universities. Even more so because his was a good 4 hours away from your place.
Admittedly, you cried when you learned about it. Both in front of him and by yourself. You two have been together for so long that thinking about one of you leaving made you feel empty. 
“Let’s always be together,” is what Jun tells you on the last day as you both lay down on the bed, your bed, holding hands. He finished packing a few hours ago. You have been talking about everything and nothing since then. The topic of your relationship avoided until that moment.
You wonder if it’s possible. The fear of your relationship eroding with distance and time the only thing on your mind. Unsure eyes meet with bright ones. Jun kisses you softly and holds you close. None of you say anything else.
He leaves that same evening. You fall asleep by yourself to memories of snow and the warmth of his hand.
You pick up your phone hurriedly the second time it rings. Jun’s annoyance meets you on the other side. Apologies for missing his first call start to flow through your lips like water. He sighs and tells you it’s okay.
The conversation is the same as always. Playing catching up feels boring after the first 100 times. You endure it just because it’s him.
After 30 minutes you notice he sounds tired. He tells you it’s midterms week and you feel guilty for taking his study time away from him. You tell him as much and he laughs, denies it right away. Somehow, it sounds different than before.
You start to wonder if this is okay. If things are working.
“I’m visiting again next weekend.”
Your heart jumps and you almost fall from your chair. Afterall, the last time he was able to visit was almost two months ago. You voice fake suspicion and he laughs. Gets loud when he tries to convince you he’s telling the truth. For a moment he sounds like the Junhui you know.
“...so, will you wait for me?”
Jun tells you he loves you before he hangs up. Those simple words are enough to dissipate any of your doubts.
The first thing Jun does after getting out of the car is to kiss you. His mother makes a comment about how he didn’t even say hi. Jun looks at her with a playful eyes before he runs to hug her.
You walk behind them when they head to the house. Listening to their conversation with a faint smile on your lips.
That night, you and Jun talk about everything and nothing. Focus on each other’s presence and share spontaneous kisses. You’re at peace. Limbs tangled and bodies too close, product of his small bed.
When your eyes feel too heavy and sleep demands your full attention, you whisper for Jun to take you with him. You don’t hear his answer but feel the soft press of his lips against your forehead.
Sometimes you visit Jun without previous notice. Book a hotel room near his apartment and call him over when he least expects it. It’s fun and makes for a good surprise.
Or it did.
Lately, your surprise trips have been met with nothing but disappointment and a million apologies. It seems that if it’s not an exam then it’s a project, or a promise to his friends.
When he does come, he usually leaves early in the morning. So early It leaves you to wonder if he was actually there or if your mind is just playing tricks with you.You try not to cry when it happens.
However, cancelled plans and excuses seem to not be enough to deter you from trying. You still plan your impromptu trips to see him. Still book a room at the same hotel. You don’t know if you do it in hopes he actually comes. In hopes of seeing the Junhui you love.
You rub your eyes, the clock that reads 7:26 am. The bottle of wine is now as empty as the room. As the first rays of sunrise hit your face, you feel nothing.
Perhaps Jun doesn’t remember that afternoon. Maybe he doesn’t remember when he, albeit carelessly like everything he does, whispered those words. That day feels so distant in your mind you’re not even sure you remember correctly. Nonetheless, his voice repeats itself over, and over, and over.
Let’s always be together.
Although you didn’t reply to him back then, you still feel the same. As you close the curtains to block the sunlight you whisper your answer to yourself.
“I’ll wait forever.”
And you do.
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myshuagger · 5 years
words: ~480 genre: angst uwu warnings: vagueness as always a/n: so this was supposed to be a quirky and ‘funny’ exchange between Mingyu and the MC but, uh, something happened along the way... anyway!
"I need you to stop."
You turn around on your seat, making eye contact with Mingyu. He's standing in the doorway, shoulders tense and fists closed. It's not the first time he invites himself into your home but this time there's no shy smile, no silent apologies.
A few seconds pass without answer on your part and you see Mingyu falter. A spark of uncertainty across his eyes. Fear, corrects a voice inside of you, it's fear not uncertainty.
"What do you mean?" Curiosity makes your voice sound higher than usual. You turn around properly, cross your legs and raise an eyebrow at him.
Mingyu seems at a loss. It makes you wonder if he thinks you're just feigning innocence for whatever it is he's confronting you for. You make a conscious effort to not tilt your head just in case. Try to remember what you could have done to warrant the intervention. Nothing comes to mind.
"You know what I mean," his stance shifts. There's something different in his step as he approaches you. Caution. You frown, when was he ever cautious around you?
You stand up abruptly and he stops, wide eyes and hands in front of him. It's then when you notice a few runes scribbled in his palms. For protection, you scoff at the voice.
"What are those for, uh? What do you need protection from?"
You're desperate, try to ignore the voice telling you they're to protect him from you. Mingyu closes his hands and looks to the side without answering. You take a step forward and something inside you breaks as Mingyu steps back.
He's scared of you.
"No… not you…" your voice is barely a whisper but you're sure he heard it. He stands up straight, eyes looking everywhere but at you.
"I need you to stop," he repeats. The resolve from before is evidently absent. His behavior reminds you of a trapped animal and you start to wonder what in the hell happened to him.
"Stop what?" You barely manage not to scream in frustration. Mingyu bites his lip and inhales loudly.
"The-" his voice cracks and he sighs. "The chaos, the destruction." One of his hands reaches his face, rubs his eyes. "I know it's you… they told me."
You don't ask who he means, you know perfectly well he's talking about the elders of his village.
"What did they tell you?" The question is unnecessary but you feel the need to confirm it anyway. You hang onto the last bit of hope. Maybe they didn't tell him everything, maybe they spared the details this time.
"Everything," his hand covers his eyes as he lets out a deep breath. "The reason why you live here, why you never go into town," he looks at you with a sorrowful expression. You can feel the tears starting to fall but you don't move.
"Why didn't you tell me you are a goddess?"
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myshuagger · 5 years
words: ~220 genre: angst ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ warnings: vagueness, implicit character death...? a/n: I have been in my Junhui feelings for a few days and since I only know how to angst I wrote this at work ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
"Have you tried to hold the whole world in your hands…"
Junhui is silent. He looks at you and doesn't understand how your eyes can look so different and yet so undeniably yours. He opens his mouth, wants to tell you about the nights he fell asleep embracing you. The times he cupped your face to get a kiss. All the hugs, the hand holding.
He closes his mouth, grieves for what you had, what you'll never have. Your hand feels cold against his cheek and for the first time since he met you, he regrets falling in love with you.
"Jun, please…"
The familiar sting of unshed tears fills his eyes and he has to turn away. He can't bear to look at the way you're fading. Every time your skin cracks Junhui can feel his heart breaking.
So, when the chains holding you in place start to burn your flesh, Junhui doesn't look. He doesn't look when your hand slips past his cheek and grabs his neck, twitching, wanting to close around his throat.
Junhui takes a deep breath. He finishes the chant in a whisper as a distorted scream leaves your mouth. His skin is burning for being in contact with you but he doesn't care. Someone screams at him to let go but his mind his somewhere else.
"T… thank ...you…"
The tears fall.
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myshuagger · 6 years
words: ~570 genre: angst...? warnings: unedited, vagueness a/n: hello, it’s me, the one that asks for requests and then disappears for days before coming back with something not requested :D this was inspired by that Dicon photoshoot they had~
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The door opened right before you knocked, startling you a bit. Joshua’s soft smile greeted you like always. You think you can see a hint of sadness in his eyes but he turns around before you can take a better look. He doesn’t hug you like he used to. Instead, you walk in silence towards the kitchen. The muffled steps on the hardwood echoing in your head.
He asks if you want tea or coffee and frowns when you ask for water. A sigh and a nod after, Joshua places the water in front of you before proceeding to put away the coffee and the tea. You don’t ask if he’s not going to drink any. The glass of water is cold, it makes you shiver when you grab it before you go towards the garden.
You can feel Joshua’s stare as you sit down on the veranda. He doesn’t sit with you. Instead, he stands next to you, gaze focused on the trees at the end of the property. The pain in your chest doesn’t go away when you try to wash it down with the water.
“How are you?” To your surprise, you voice sounds completely normal. Joshua turns around, finally looks at you in the eye after what felt like hours (you know that it had only been a few minutes but that doesn’t make it easier).
“I’ve been fine… I ran out of books yesterday…”
Your mind goes to the endless amount of bags sitting at your apartment. Every single one of them filled with books you bought for him. Books you haven’t had the courage to deliver. You hum in response and take another sip of water. The air feels heavy around you and, even though your try to think of something to say, nothing comes to mind. So you decide to just stare at him, at his caramel hair and deep eyes.
He doesn’t say anything either. Opts for walking towards you and raising one of his hands before stopping midway. You feel the ghost of fingers threading through your hair, a memory. You know why he stopped, even though you wish he hadn’t.
“Why?” You voice is barely a whisper but Joshua still manages to hear you. Your fingers clench around the glass of water and, for a second, you fear it’s going to break. “Why don’t you just… leave?”
Joshua gives you another soft smile and this time you can actually see the hurt in his eyes. He takes a step back slowly, without looking away. “You already know…”
You stand up abruptly and bite your lip while trying to decide what to do. Joshua doesn’t move, keeps looking at you with the same sad smile. So you make your decision and walk towards the house. The unshed tears make your vision blurry but you manage to get back to the kitchen and put the glass in the counter before bursting into sobs. You know Joshua can hear you, you’re not particularly trying to suppress your crying. Yet, he doesn’t come.
You remember the last conversation you had with him a couple of months ago as you leave the property in tears. It was similar to the one you had today and it had ended the same way. You don’t look back, vow to yourself to never come back to see him. (You know you’re lying to yourself, you always come back).
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myshuagger · 6 years
Seungcheol and first pregnancy
words: ~332a/n: I wanted this to be longer but I’m also happy with it~ sorry this took a while >.
“Should we start baby-proofing the house?”
You stop in the middle of the living room and turn around at the sound of Seungcheol’s voice coming from the couch. He’s not looking at you, instead he seems to be fully focused on his phone. You wonder if his question has anything to do with whatever’s been keeping him from watching the movie you two had decided on for your weekly movie night. Sighing, you go back to your spot beside him, it seems getting more snacks will have to wait a bit.
“This early? I still have a couple of months before I’m due…” Your arms wrap around his neck in a subtle attempt to peek at his phone screen. A title along the lines of “baby proofing essentials” it’s all you can read before he places his phone on the side of the couch and turns around to look at you. His lips find yours in a swift motion and you can feel his arms sliding along your sides carefully.
“The article I was reading says it’s never too early to start.”
Suppressing a chuckle, you glance around the living room and snuggle closer to him. (Memories from a few months before come to mind. More specifically, the time when he talked about buying things for your baby right after you both knew you were pregnant). You decide to humor him after concluding it’s going to be easier than convincing him to wait
When you ask about the contents of the article and where to start, Seungcheol smiles widely before he starts to go on about what he had read. He presses small kisses to your face between sentences every now and then and you have to admit that his excitement is contagious. Soon, you find yourself following him around the house as he points out possible hazards or things to fix. His thumb caressing the back of your hand affectionately makes you forget about the movie and your craving for snacks.
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myshuagger · 6 years
Always you (1/?)
words: 488 genre: angst warnings: implied character death a/n: I haven’t posted in a while and this has been sitting (completed) in my drafts, so I’m posting it. I wanted to have at least two other parts to this before posting but oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Chan tries again and again to be with you. it seems fate has other plans.
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The first time he sees you, you're holding down your skirt with an embarrassed smile. The wind is blowing too hard and he can hear your friends teasing you about it with faces that scream "we told you." He tries not to focus on your soft looking legs, so he looks at the way your hair dances around your cheeks instead.
His gaze shifts away only after Jeonghan slaps him playfully on the shoulder and tells him he's staring. He thinks about denying it, but the knowing look on his friend's face tells him it's not going to work anyway. So he decides to look at you again, not caring about the teasing he's probably going to get.
You're now a few steps closer to him, laughing your heart away and trying to shove one of your friends to the side. Chan can feel his heart skip and the way his lips start to curve up in a smile (can hear Hansol complaining about him not paying attention in the background too, but he doesn't really care.)
For a second he feels courageous. Bold enough to walk up to you and ask for your name. Perhaps, even bold enough to ask you to join him and his friends for a while. He pictures you taken aback and blushing softly before nodding. In his mind, he goes as far as taking your hand in his to guide you back towards his friends. His fingers twitch and his legs move, getting ready to get up.
He doesn't, courage going away as fast as it came, and you walk away still smiling. Later that day Jeonghan gives him the same knowing look and it annoys him. It reminds him of the picture of you in his head and the imaginary warmth of your hand. He gets mad at himself again, for letting you slip away so easily. Vows to himself that if he was to ever see you again, he will definitely get your name this time.
But time goes by and there are no traces of you.
He's on his way to school when he sees your face again. You're smiling almost the same way you were when he last saw you but this time is different. This time you're not with your friends, this time his heart doesn't skip a beat but writhes in pain instead.
And he thinks this isn't right, because the black and white of the missing poster doesn't suit your features at all. You were far more beautiful. He does get your name this time, repeats it in his head over and over. He goes back to that day and tries to imagine you telling him your name yourself but he can't. After all, he never got to hear your voice.
That night he lays in bed looking at the roof for too long, unable to sleep. Your name still echoing inside his head.
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