myriod · 3 years
🐝  *  ―  𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄  𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃  𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄  𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒.   (  all  of  these  are  just  some  random  sentences  i  thought  could  be  fun  to  use.  feel  free  to  adjust  to  better  fit  your  muses.  )
❛  are you okay ?  ❜ ❛  believe in yourself.  ❜ ❛  care to explain ?  ❜ ❛  close your eyes.  ❜ ❛  don’t be afraid.  ❜ ❛  don’t overthink it.  ❜ ❛  don’t underestimate me.  ❜ ❛  forget i asked.  ❜ ❛  how are you ?  ❜ ❛  i don’t care.  ❜ ❛  i don’t remember.  ❜ ❛  i hate you.  ❜ ❛  i love you.  ❜ ❛  i need you.  ❜ ❛  i’ll be there.  ❜ ❛  i’m so sorry.  ❜ ❛  it’s over now.  ❜ ❛  i’ve missed you.  ❜ ❛  just be honest.  ❜ ❛  just trust me.  ❜ ❛  leave me alone.  ❜ ❛  let me in.  ❜ ❛  maybe you’re right.  ❜ ❛  never give up.  ❜ ❛  no , stop it !  ❜ ❛  please be careful.  ❜ ❛  please believe me.  ❜ ❛  please don’t cry.  ❜ ❛  please forgive me.  ❜ ❛  so … that’s it ?  ❜ ❛  speak the truth.  ❜ ❛  talk to me.  ❜ ❛  that’s fucked up.  ❜ ❛  this isn’t working.  ❜ ❛  we can’t stay.  ❜ ❛  what about me ?  ❜ ❛  what’s going on ?  ❜ ❛  what’s your problem ?  ❜ ❛  where are we ?  ❜ ❛  who are you ?  ❜ ❛  you did it !  ❜ ❛  you don’t understand.  ❜ ❛  you need help.  ❜ ❛  you’re kidding me.  ❜ ❛  you’re safe now.  ❜
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myriod · 3 years
        @myriod​ / dahlia wants attention rez 
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      “You wanna know something kind of funny?”  A smile was on Dahlia’s face as she put the finishing touches on a flower crown. She was sprawled across Rez’s lap as a movie had played mindlessly in the background. She leaned against him, a beaming smile on her face. 
      “I think I might be in some kind of love with you.”   the word hadn’t been foreign to the two of them; far from it actually. ever since she had opened up more to him about her powers, heck maybe even since before then. But to Dahlia it never got old.  “Call me cheesy or sentimental, but it feels nice to be able to say that to someone; especially you.” 
he was going through pictures on his camera, deciding which to keep and which to delete and which to submit to some sort of photography competition, when his girlfriend spoke up. his attention immediately averted to her with a soft smile and curious eyes. rez set his camera down and rested his ahead against his fist, using his free hand to play with dahlia’s hair a bit. 
he couldn’t help but laugh a bit at her first few words, mentally thinking he should have known that was what she was going to say. the boy leaned down and kissed her forehead before resuming his upright position and speaking. 
“ good thing i’m definitely in love with you. “ rezeve mumbled as his smile grew a bit bigger and his ears started to burn. it made him feel on top of the world when dahlia said things like this- it meant everything to him that she trusted him and he would do everything in his power to keep that trust. he glanced over at the crown she was weaving, which he raised a brow and nodded to. 
“ what flowers are you using this time? “
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myriod · 3 years
@galaxietm @ nathaniel
the thing about being a goddess- it allows an individual to appear young forever. it allows them to slip in and out of eras and stay in an age group they appear as. for zilia tom, she easily fit in the college kid age group of this era and it was fun for her to relearn things she had been present for the founding stages of. today consisted manly of etymology and creative writing, allowing her to tell stories of her past home that everyone would deem as myth when she knew they were very real. another aspect of being a goddess- secretly.
the professor had a new project for them- requiring them to partner up with someone and do some writing back and forth. tom’s black and white eyes briefly scanned the room before locking eyes with a boy a couple tables over. she gave him a warm smile before her tics interrupted, causing her to slam a hand down on her table and wince a bit at the pain. she stood and crossed the room, head jerking to the side a couple times. 
“ MINE! “ she covered her mouth briefly as a vocal tic came to life, shooting him an apologetic look. “ sorry about that. hi, i’m tom vesta. “ the woman didn’t bother holding out a hand for the other to shake, knowing it would probably smack his hand away in return. 
“ i just switched to this class the other day. couldn’t deal with waking up so early for the other writing class. “ she laughed a little and rested her chin in her palms- hoping to distract her tics for a bit via bobbing her knee under the table. “ so, do you wanna start the writing or would you like me to? “ 
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myriod · 3 years
would anyone like a starter by chance?
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myriod · 3 years
would anyone like a starter by chance?
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myriod · 3 years
𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭𝐲 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬 𝐩𝐭. 𝟏
i’ve made emotional ones before but also, angst?? bon appetit!
“ i can’t do this alone… “
“ i can’t do this without you. “
“ nothing is worth losing you. “
“ i can’t lose you! not again! “
“ i don’t wanna lose you! “
“ i love you… “
“ i never should’ve dragged you into this. “
“ you’re not alone, [NAME]… you never were. “
“ if something happened to you… that would be because of me. and i can’t have that. “
“ …did you know about this? “ “ this is all my fault… “
“ i/we/you lost… “
“ you won’t win. “ “ this path you’re on… it’s gonna get you killed. you know that, though; don’t you? “
“ i can’t stop. “
“ you would tell me if something was wrong. wouldn’t you? “
“ it’s like you’re not really here; even when you are. “
“ don’t you get it?! if anything happens to you, i… i don’t know what i’d do! “
“ you have no idea how important you are to me, and i’m tired of waiting for you to figure it out, and i sure as hell won’t wait to announce it over your reckless ass’ grave! “
“ no! i’m not leaving without you! “
“ i can’t do this anymore… “
“ you don’t even know me. “
“ what have you done?! “
“ you’re shaking… “
“ i’ve… made some mistakes. “
“ you are nothing to me. “
“ you were never nothing to me… “
“ stop it. enough of this self-sacrificing bullshit! stop acting like you have nobody who loves you! you have me! so no! you don’t get to be a martyr. not today! we can figure out a different plan… “
“ i would’ve done anything for you… “
“ i’d risk everything and anything for you. “
“ i’m not a good person. “
“ please don’t look at me like that… “
“ i believed in you! “
“ we can’t lose… “
“ what?! what am i supposed to do?! please! tell me, what the hell am i supposed to do?! “
“ please, just go… i’m not the kind of person anyone needs to be around right now. “
“ what happened to you? huh? what happened to you to make you this way? “
“ they’re coming for you. right? that’s why you’re pushing me away like an idiot? because you don’t want me getting hurt? “
“ nothing’s going to be as good as it was before. “
“ you lied to me! “
“ i didn’t mean for any of this to happen! “
“ i can’t trust you anymore… “
“ i know it’s selfish. god knows, ever since we met, i’ve been the reason behind every threat and danger that’s come your way. but… i honestly can’t say that i’d change a second of it. “
“ it’s been an honour knowing you. “
“ there’s nobody else i can turn to. only you. “
“ i don’t trust anybody else. not the way i trust you. “
“ we have no choice… “
“ why?! why are you helping me?! “
“ it’s too late. there’s nothing more we can do… “
“ please don’t go… don’t leave me. “
“ you are everything to me. okay? EVERYTHING. i can’t lose you… “
“ you deserve better than this… better than me… “
“ i thought i could give you a better life. instead, i’m the reason it’s gotten worse… i’m so sorry. “
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myriod · 3 years
When I hear police sirens getting closer
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myriod · 3 years
      Those same words she could have sworn she’d heard before- probably from Ashley and her father. The two of them had always encouraged her to give other things a try if she wanted; but things just didn’t pan out. Despite high school not being as bad as it could have been, things just happened (or rather; Ashley’s ex boyfriend happened; but he got a broken nose, like he deserved) and it was one of the things that got dropped as a casualty. Maybe it was because of Ashley’s ex; maybe it was because she was still hurting from her mother passing away, despite her being younger when it had happened. She didn’t know for sure. 
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      A smile was on her face and Violet chuckled. She reached over, gently taking one of his hands into her own and tangling their fingers together. Really; she hadn’t expected much when Sweet had first mentioned the habit her fingers had done. It was a reflex. If it wasn’t her mind thinking about different things she could try cooking or baking lately (or Sweet, of course) then it was about possibly picking up the piano again. She didn’t know for sure what exactly had prompted her mind to think about it again, but something had. 
      “Are you sure you’d want to hear? I haven’t played it in… like, seven or eight years.”   She chuckled as she spoke, voice fading into a hum. She was sure that she’d be fine; but would she really? What if she had thought of her mom- but then again, wouldn’t that be more reason to do it? She still baked, loved it really- and her mother taught her how to do that. So what was holding her back? Herself, probably. 
      “I know I can have more than one interest; I not only bake, but I cook too! I like to think I’m pretty good at it! I have plenty of other interests too!”   (she didn’t mention that she cooked all the time because Ashley had messed up so badly when she tried to cook that the fire department was called so many times within the first month of them living in their place that they had gotten to know some of the firefighters on a first-name basis, but that was a story for a different time) Violet looked up at Sweet, seeing the smile on her face and chuckled, leaning over to peck his cheek.   “But I hear what you’re saying. I think a part of me might just… worry. I don’t know what exactly I’m worried about, though.”
he just listened to her talk for moment, scanning over her face for the millionth time and giving her hand a soft squeeze. the boy couldn’t help but smile at her exclamations, finding her borderline desperate attempts to defend herself cute. she didn’t have to defend herself around him, as long as she was happy and that smile of hers stayed on her face she could do whatever she wanted in his opinion. after the kiss on his cheek he leaned closer to nudge his forehead against hers, doing his best to return the affection. 
“ i know you’re fantastic at baking and cooking, as you’ve deemed me your official taste tester on multiple occasions. “ there was a chuckle in his words. “
“ i’d love to hear you play, violet. no matter how bad or good it is, i’ll still listen. “ he mumbled, playfully and softly pushing his head against hers. in truth he hadn’t played since middle school and even then it was only at home that he played- to calm the temper of his father and sister and distract the mind of his mother and himself. playing again would be a troublesome thing for him as well; he couldn’t help but let out an amused sigh as he thought about the fact both of them had such strong emotions around one seemingly simple task. 
“ i think you’re worried to start again and what could happen during that time. “ sweet said as if he wasn’t talking about himself. he did a lot of projecting that could make sense in the situation, whether or not violet noticed was beyond him. sweet bumped his nose against hers affectionately. “ we could just play around on the keys. don’t really have to have a rhyme or reason, we could just have fun. “ 
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myriod · 3 years
          @myriod​​ / the starter i mentioned to u <3
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      “…you know, the last time I actually seriously played piano was in high school. Don’t think I’ve really thought about it much since then. I… haven’t really had much of a reason to. Baking’s my passion, not… music." 
      Violet let out a sigh, a permanently soft smile on her face. As painful as it had been for her to think about, her mother was her driving force for learning and playing as long as she had. High school was a messy time, meaning piano was the least of her thoughts. But as of late, she’d been thinking about it- fingers mindlessly typing out the keys to songs long since unplayed. It had caught the attention of those around her; Sweet included. Maybe she should consider getting a keyboard for her room? That might not be a bad idea.
      Violet looked towards the floor of her room and hummed softly. Her hands rested limply in her lap.  "It’s not much of a secret, but I used to be pretty good. I don’t think that’s really stuck, but Ash says that it’s like muscle memory. I don’t know if it would hold up as much as baking has for me though.” 
it was violet’s day off and it wasn’t like sweet did anything aside from following eklund’s orders and following his girlfriend around like a lost puppy. this was the first time he was invited in her room, so his eyes were wandering and taking in all the decor and pictures and miscellaneous items she had around the room. there was a small smile on his face as the things she surrounded herself just made sense, it was like she was a missing puzzle piece and whenever she was in her room the puzzle was complete.
a music box caught sweet’s eye, it was pearlescent and in the shape of a piano. he knelt down to look at it- it looked too fragile to pick up, so he kept his hands to himself. that’s when violet spoke, causing him to look over at her and intently listen before resuming his observation of the figurine. he didn’t want to ask her why she stopped- everyone had to have asked her that whenever she talked about it, he didn’t want her to talk about something she wouldn’t say without being prompted. 
“ i played a bit when i was younger, mainly as something to keep me out of my parents hair but i still remember a bee gee’s song i learned. “ sweet snickered as he crossed the room and set beside her. “ i happen to know for a fact the library down the street has a piano hidden away from the usual people looking around. i could take you there if you’d like to mess around a bit. “ the boy tilted his head in curiosity, the small smile still sitting on his face as he glanced over her. 
“ you can have more than one interest, violet. “
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myriod · 3 years
as promised! i might make an updated list, but these will keep us shippy fools going for a while! in the meantime, if you think of other ideas to add to the list, don't hesitate to let me know!
[ HAIR ] : as they kiss the receiver, sender tangles their fingers into receiver's hair.
[ WAIST ] : sender catches receiver around the waist right before they kiss them.
[ GRAB ] : impulsively, sender quickly crosses the room to where the receiver is standing, grabs them, and pulls them into a passionate kiss.
[ BRUSH ] : just before kissing them, sender tenderly reaches up and brushes a strand of hair away from receiver's face.
[ CUP ] : gently cupping the receiver's face in their hands, sender guides them into a tender kiss.
[ ARMS ] : sender holds receiver in their arms while they kiss them.
[ THUMB ] : sender gently runs their thumb across receiver's lips before leaning in to kiss them.
[ PULL ] : sender pulls the receiver close against them as they kiss them.
[ PIN ] : sender pins receiver against a wall and begins to kiss them.
[ STRADDLE ] : sender straddles receiver while in the process of kissing them.
[ TUG ] : sender hooks their fingers in receiver's belt loops, and tugs them in for a kiss.
[ GAZE ] : right before the kissing begins, sender gazes at receiver's lips, then back up at their eyes, waiting for them to make a move or give confirmation.
[ NECK ] : sender brings a hand up and rests it on the back of the receiver's neck, pulling them in for a kiss.
[ LAUGH ] : sender can't help laughing in the middle of the kiss.
[ POP ] : a la "the princess diaries", sender is so absorbed in the kiss, that their foot involuntarily lifts off the ground.
[ BREATHE ] : sender has to force themselves to stop kissing the receiver to take a break to breathe.
[ LIPSTICK ] : after the kiss ends, sender pulls away to reveal that the sender/receiver/both have lipstick marks on their face afterwards.
[ FOREHEAD ] : following the kiss, sender gently rests their forehead against the receiver's. basically a forehead touch but like. post kiss.
[ ANOTHER ] : following the first kiss, sender places another brief one on the receiver's mouth.
[ LEAVE ] : having just given the receiver a kiss of a lifetime, sender leaves the room, leaving the receiver to wrap their head around what just happened.
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myriod · 3 years
i got mushy and started thinking about like. touches?? but in particular the meaning behind holding hands. so here we are! as always, sender is the person sending the meme, receiver is the person receiving it, and you can just add "+ REVERSE" to switch the roles about! as always, let me know if i've missed any good ones!
[ LEAD ] : sender takes receiver by the hand to guide them to a specific location.
[ PULL ] : sender takes receiver by the hand to help them to their feet after they've fallen or been knocked over.
[ HASTE ] : in order to move quickly through dangerous territory, sender grabs receiver's hand to bring them to safety.
[ SAVE ] : saving their life in the process, sender grabs receiver's hands to either yank them out of immediate danger, or to pull them to safety.
[ REASSURANCE ] : noticing the receiver is upset, sender gently takes their hand to reassure them and provide them with a sense of comfort.
[ JUST BECAUSE ] : sender holds receiver's hand, just because they can.
[ STOP ] : sender takes receiver's hand to stop them from walking away from them.
[ ATTENTION ] : to get receiver's attention, or to guide it elsewhere, sender hastily takes their hand.
[ FEAR ] : sender, out of instinctive fear, grabs receiver's hand for comfort.
[ TOGETHER ] : in a gesture intended to prove to the receiver that they're no longer alone, sender takes their hand and holds it firmly.
[ LOVE ] : while out together in a romantic setting, sender quietly holds receiver's hand as they're standing together.
[ DISPLAY ] : during the process of an undercover mission/a situation where their identities need to be protected, sender holds receiver's hand to give the impression that they're in a romantic relationship.
[ SUPPORT ] : following a massive emotional blow, sender takes receiver's hand and holds it in an effort to provide emotional support.
[ STEADY ] : noticing the receiver stumbling or losing their balance, sender takes their hand in an effort to physically steady them.
[ NOT ALONE ] : during a moment of intense distress for the sender, they wordlessly reaches out and takes receiver's hand, both as a gesture of gratitude for being with them, and a gesture of self-comfort.
[ COLD ] : after the receiver complains of the cold, sender takes both of their hands in theirs and holds them gently under the guise of warming them up.
[ STILL ] : following a massive shock/stress/trauma, receiver's hands are trembling from the distress of it all. sender, seeing this, gently reaches out to cover and hold their hands, both as a comfort and as a way of calming them with their presence.
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myriod · 3 years
𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘵𝘴.
continuing from this list i made earlier!
“ i miss you. ”
“ i don’t think i can do this anymore. ”
“ were you really about to leave without saying goodbye? ”
“ please don’t make me say it. ”
“ i need you. ”
“ please don’t go… ”
“ you know i’m never going to let anything happen to you. don’t you? ”
“ are you… are you afraid of me? ”
“ you’re a good person. ”
“ don’t worry. i’ll stay. i’m not going anywhere. ”
“ …is what they’re saying true? ”
“ i don’t care about any of that. i only care about you! ”
“ i’m here. ”
“ you have no idea how glad i am to see you. ”
“ just… tell me how to fix this. ”
“ please. now is not the time for lies. please, just… tell me the truth. ”
“ you know you can tell me anything… right? ”
“ hey… there is nothing in this world that you can tell me, that’ll ever make me hate, fear, or leave you. please, rest easy in that knowledge. ”
“ i never thought i’d see you again. ”
“ please… you have to understand why i did what i did… ”
“ why didn’t you tell me? ”
“ everyone has secrets, don’t they? i’m sure you’ll tell me yours when you’re ready. ”
“ you’re not alone. ”
“ you can trust me. ”
“ i can’t believe i ever trusted you… ”
“ it’s okay… everything’s going to be alright. ”
“ i…  i  don’t know how to fix this. ”
“ there’s no other way, is there? ”
“ no. absolutely not. no way. i’m not letting you do this. ”
“ you don’t know what it was like. ”
“ for gods sake, don’t do this! don’t you dare make me lose anyone else! not today! ”
“ i can’t lose you… ”
“ haven’t we suffered enough? can’t we have this one good thing? ”
“ you know, i think this might be the first time i’ve ever seen you frightened… ”
“ goodbye, my love/old friend. ”
“ you didn’t honestly expect me to let you do this alone, did you? ”
“ you lied to me. ”
“ you abandoned me. ”
“ promise me. ”
“ you promised! ”
“ please don’t do this… ”
“ we were one hell of a pair, weren’t we? ”
“ perhaps i am a little frightened… ”
“ we’re a team. remember? so let’s face this one together. ”
“ sorry. you’re stuck with me, i’m afraid. it’s part of the whole friendship/relationship thing. wherever you go, i go. ”
“ you… you must know, before anything else happens tonight… you must know that you were the greatest thing that ever happened to me. ”
“ i love you. ”
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myriod · 3 years
i saw a post. i got excited. i got soft. i got inspired. bon appetit! ( P.S. as always, please do not add more content to this list!!! tell me and i will gladly add more and credit you for them!! )
[ KISS ]:     after having kissed the receiver, the sender gently rests their forehead against theirs, still holding them as they do so.
[ HUG ]:     having just hugged the receiver after some time apart, the sender touches their foreheads together as a sign of affection.
[ LOVE ]:     overcome with their love for the receiver, the sender touches their foreheads together.
[ GREETING ]:     the sender brings their forehead to rest against the receivers in a gesture of greeting.
[ GOODBYE ]:     as they’re bidding each other farewell for the foreseeable future, the sender gently touches their forehead against the receivers.
[ LISTEN ]:     in a bid to get the receiver to pay attention to them, the sender brings them close and presses their forehead against theirs.
[ RELIEF ]:     having lost sight of the receiver in an intense moment of danger, the sender spots them in the distance, and rushes to them, embracing them and resting their foreheads together out of sheer relief.
[ SAFE ]:     in an effort to prove to the receiver that they’re safe after a particularly traumatic incident, the sender gently rests their foreheads together in a gesture designed to be soothing and reassuring.
[ REAL ]:     after believing the receiver to be dead, the sender reunites with them, reaching out in disbelief, then touching their foreheads together to make sure that they’re real, and not a figment of their grief-stricken imagination.
[ ANCHOR ]:     in a moment where stress and anxiety are running high, the sender tries to ground the receiver by gently guiding them into a hug, resting their foreheads together to steady them.
[ COMFORT ]:     in a gesture designed to comfort the receiver after an emotional blow, the sender gently closes the distance between them, and touches their forehead against the receivers.
[ STUBBORN ]:     thoroughly exasperated by the receiver’s stubbornness, the sender exasperatedly, but fondly, pulls them in for a good old forehead touch.
[ AFFECTION ]:     as a fondly affectionate gesture, the sender brings the receiver forward and rests their foreheads together.
[ INTENSE ]:     in a moment where romantic tensions are running high, the sender leans forward to kiss the receiver for the first time, then changes their mind, and rests their foreheads together to disguise their original intentions.
[ EXHAUSTION ]:     having just overcome a massive obstacle (e.g. using a massive display of their powers, fighting through a sizable army, embarking on a perilous journey, writing up a PhD thesis etc.) the sender and receiver reunite, and the sender drops their head forward to rest against the receivers, thoroughly exhausted but glad to be reunited at last.
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myriod · 3 years
“Well, after my little shopping trip last night it definitely ended on a high note.” Matt chuckled as he heard her walk over to him and happily reached out and took a hold of her arm. Matt was wearing a simple pair of jeans and a button up shirt trying to be a mix of casual and dressed up. “I take it the rest of your evening was good?” He already knew it had as whilst he was walking away he could hear a faint muffled squeal of excitement which had made him laugh softly to himself last night.
chevy placed her hand over his when it latched onto her arm, like she had the day before. she opened the door for the two of them, flipping her open sign around before completely stepping away from her store and focusing on the question. 
“ yes, it was good. my goldfish kept it’s attitude to itself for once, so that helped. “ she laughed as they made their way down the sidewalk. like she had said the day before, the coffee shop was right next door. only an alley way separated the establishments so it took them less than a minute or so to walk in and be greeted by an older gentleman wiping down the counter. 
“ ah! ma petite fille! qui as-tu amené aujourd'hui? “ he prattled in french with a grin and raised brow, causing the seamstress to look at him with wide eyes and a scrunched nose. 
“ se comporter, grand-père! this is matthew murdock, a customer i asked to get coffee with me. “ chevy responded as the two made their way to the counter. “ you know my order, grandfather. what can he make for you, matthew? “ her head turned to the man as she questioned him, lightly patting the hand that was wrapped around her arm. “ if you like something sweet i recommend the café viennois, other than that anything here is just as good. “
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myriod · 3 years
Matt could hear the way her heart skipped a beat and chuckled softly. He wouldn’t blame her for being embarrassed about not getting his name but he had only came in for some suits so it was reasonable that she didn’t know his name yet. Chevy? He liked it. It rolled off the tongue rather nicely and it definitely was a name fitting fot her judging by the vague image he had of her and the what her voice sounded. “Murdock. Matthew Murdock, most people tend to call me Matt.” He smiled as he gave her a quick nod afterwards. “I currently don’t have any cases to work on so that sounds perfect.” He hadn’t expected to get himself a date coming here and he knew Foggy wouldn’t be surprised in the least about this but he certainly wouldn’t complain much. “See you tomorrow, then.” He nodded before turning to make his way out of the store.
Matt made his way down to the clothes shop the following day and gently pushed the door open as he tapped his cane against the nearest counter gently trying not to startle her this time as he announced his presence.
“ matt. “ she repeated softly and nodded, a big grin appearing on her face at his departing words- face still a tad rosy from the conversation. “ i hope the rest of your day is good, until tomorrow. “ once he was out the door she let out a little squeal and skipped to the back where she was previously working, finding the will to get through her orders rather quickly all of a sudden. 
the next day she was pacing around her empty shop as she waited for matt. she might have been there a few hours before just out of pure excitement and nervousness, hoping being in her happy place would calm her down. she was halfway into a dress commission when she realized she was using the wrong color of fabric, using red instead of blue, and came to the conclusion she should just wait till later to work. 
this time when the man entered her shop, she was more aware of her surroundings and heard the door open- popping her head over a shelf of shirts just as his cane tapped the counter. “ bonne après-midi, matthew. “ chevy greeted as she stepped closer, wearing a long and simple yellow dress she had made weeks prior. it matched the golden decor that scattered her braids. not that he could tell, but it made her feel dressed up for the coffee date. “ i assume you had a good evening yesterday, i can lead the way to my grandfather’s coffee shop if you would like. “ the woman suggested, stepping to where she was about two feet from the other. 
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myriod · 3 years
He could hear how fast her heart had begun to beat and was already sure he knew what was coming next. He carefully slid his card across the lcd screen listening to the ping of the machine as it accepted his card and quickly slid it back into his wallet. “A coffee sounds wonderful, miss?…” he trailed his voice off waiting for a name as he took the two suits and hung them off his arm.
her face lit up like a stop light again as she realized she didn’t even know this man’s name and here she was asking him on a coffee date. it felt like her heart skipped a beat at the realization and she almost stuttered when she spoke next, but bit her tongue before the vocal trip could get out. 
“ chevy. ensercel chevy, but.. chevy is perfectly fine. “ it was a good thing the other was blind, otherwise he’d be a witness to her almost eating her hair in embarrassment. she fiddled with the braids in an attempt to recover and took in a quiet breath. “ my grandfather owns a coffee shop just next door. how does tomorrow around one sound monsieur.. “ the woman mimicked how he trailed off, a smile present in her voice and on her face as she leaned against the counter again. 
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myriod · 3 years
“My partner has tried to trick me with a bowtie before but he never came close to fooling me, unfortunately for him.” Matt grinned as he ran a hand along the tie and gave her a small nod of approval before he rest his hand back against his cane. The vigilante fished his card from his pocket and wondered if he’d have enough to pay for two high quality suits like these but he should be fine he hoped. “No, thank you, that will be all.” Matt smiled as he pressed his cane down before continuing. “I’m actually single at the moment. Yourself? I’m sure someone like yourself has someone waiting on you?”
another laugh left the woman and she nodded in amusement as she carried the clothing to the checkout counter. she fiddled with the feather that hung from her ear in a bashful manner as he finished talking, ignoring the fact her mind was bouncing around like a kid on christmas. 
“ que veux-tu dire? someone like me? “ she questioned playfully, resting on her forearms. “ a young french woman with a quiet clothing shop in such a noisy city? please, monsieur. the only entity that is waiting for me is my pet goldfish who gives me an attitude every time i feed it. “ chevy jested and started pulling the hangers from the suits to start packing them for the man, tallying up the amount on her register as she did so. 
“ and lucky for you, saturday’s are my two for one special day. so the suits will only cost you a hundred dollars- “ there was a pause as she glanced up at the man from her register, debating on saying the next few words that floated in her mind. “ ..and a coffee.. if you are interested, of course. “ the patter of her heart could probably be heard a mile away at this point- but that comes with her being so shy and so easily swooned by strangers. 
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