My realisations
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myrealisations · 8 months ago
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myrealisations · 3 years ago
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myrealisations · 4 years ago
“Don’t do something permanently stupid just because you’re temporarily upset.”
— Unknown
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myrealisations · 4 years ago
As long as you deny sth you cannot feel guilty for not respecting it.
- family relations
- communication manner
- the way you treat others
- you name it
Your mind does a trick on you this way:
-> so you feel like you arent disrespecting anything
-> leading to you feeling you are a nobel someone
-> leading to you believing it's right to keep doing what you do
= defensive mechanism for never having to question yourself, face yourself, evaluate your actions
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myrealisations · 4 years ago
After being blessed enough to be loved by you, my world has changed. I did live without you once, and it was empty and miserable: once I have known a wonderful man like you, a soul like this exists in this world, it was just not the same anymore - I didnt see things the same anymore, my preferences werent the same anymore, I felt different about people too. Being close to you, knowing you feel the same I feel for you, was like finding a home and so no other house compares to it.
I cannot believe this mercy of being blessed twice, the second time in which God sent you back to me again. I dont want to lose you ever again. Being with you feels like finding home sweet home, that I've never had.
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myrealisations · 4 years ago
Opažam, da kadar sem si blizu z Markom, četudi v tihi bližini ali v treniranju prizanesljivosti do njega, se počutim tako blizu Bogu. Kot bi bilo vse, kar naj v dobro naju in Marka počnem, Božje in its own sense.
He's such a genuine, lovely soul. Being nice to it is like being nice to God - your every cell wants me to be, and it's so rewarding.
Please God, teach me how to be gentle with him and be safe to his soul. Please dear God, I beg you strength and your guidance to overcome my fears and hurts, so I will not burden his delicate soul and put strain to our precious relationship with them. 🙏🌟
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myrealisations · 4 years ago
I’m not used to being loved. I wouldn’t know what to do.
F. Scott Fitzgerald (via quotemadness)
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myrealisations · 5 years ago
How do you show, not tell, someone you want them to treat you with respect?
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myrealisations · 5 years ago
How healing through repetition works
V sebi imaš kopico neprijetnih, razžirajočih, sramovanih občutkov, kot posledica neprimernega tretiranja tebe kot ljubezni vrednega posameznika.
Edina pot svobodnega življenja je, da jih izraziš, vendar so obenem tako boleči, da si jih ne upaš ponovno v polno začutit. Ostanejo ujeti v tebi.
Naravna potreba po osvoboditvi in zaživeti avtentično seeks a way to release these emotions out from you. Če tega ne more prek tvojega lastnega soočenja z občutji, your unconscious seeks to find people and situations which would intensify these emotions, and make THEM face YOU.
Kar ti gre pri drugih, svetu ali ponavljajočih se situacijah na živce, deluje kot intensifier tvojih lastnih nepredelanih bolečih občutij - z namenom, da bi jih vendarle prepoznala, v polnosti občutila in na ta način izrazila ven iz sebe.
(if old feelings' triggered by compulsion to repeat are not acknowledged and ignored, the compulsion to repeat will continue without abating for your entire lifetime - na ta način pa ostaneš ujet..)
Next time something or someone irritates you, you should really investigate what lies underneath. Ask yourself:
What about it is upsetting me?
What discomfort is it causing me?
What emotion is it waking up in me?
When in the past did I experience the same unpleasant emotion?
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myrealisations · 5 years ago
Ko enkrat spoznaš svoj notranji svet - kaj je našlo svoje zatočišče tam; kako se občuti in kakšno ime ima; kaj pravzaprav je to v tebi, kar si tako želi biti prepoznano -, takrat lažje prepoznaš, kaj se ti je prebudilo ob drugih, lažje ubesediš to, kar je, in odraslo nasloviš bolečo točko.
Tako ni več potrebe energičnega vzgiba tega občutja usmeriti na gesto/besedo druge osebe, ki te je vznemirila. Naravno bo v bolečem vzgibu prepoznati lastno težko čustvo, prepričanje in ga le ubesediti.
V nasprotnem primeru ti nepoznavanje notranjega sveta onemogoča priti v stik z bolečino, ki je ujeta v tebi, posledično pa energijo vzgiba uporabiš za naslavljanje dejanja, ki te je prizadelo in zbudilo to čustvo. Kot bi hotela reči: "Sama ne znam ubesediti, kakšna bolečina se je v meni prebudila, zato usmerjam vso svojo žalost in jezo v kritiziranje dejanja druge osebe, da bi vam jo vsaj tako lahko opisala, kaj sem zaradi tega v sebi občutila."
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myrealisations · 5 years ago
I can let go of trying to control my life - people, events, circumstances.
I am free to enjoy life as it unfolds in its own way. I embrace the joys it brings to me simply because it now has a chance to; uncontrolled.
I engage only in things that bring me joy, and leave to free spirit all the rest.
This leaves in my life only enjoyable things and what wants to stay.
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myrealisations · 5 years ago
I'm tired of trying to prove my worth to people.
If you love me for real, respect comes naturally.
What I point out, the courage it takes me to speak up, this would not go unnoticed. A plea for a talk would be taken seriously. Because if it's an issue for me, it's a issue for the relationship, and that would be worth working on.
A relationship is a continuous effort. It's not "I did tell/show you I love you once".
If you want to keep me in your life, you will make effort to stay in mine.
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