myofflineblddd · 6 years
Hey, I haven't really been active for a year probably, but now I'm feeling hopeful.
Sooo I guess people who maybe might read this pile of nonsense I call a blog might not know too much about me.
Well I'm S (stage name obvs don't want any creeps) I live in France, but I was born in England, in fact, I'm moving back in 60 days -I'm super excited- I'm 14 years of age, I have no friends tbh except a few online, my old friends decided not to be friends with me anymore, so yeahh (can I say the word friends one more time?). I'm not too sure what I want to be when I'm older, perhaps an astronomer, or a midwife, two completely different things, I know, I'm always curious about different things.
Well, that's a quick sum up of my life right now, I know not too exciting I'll try to write decent posts.
Anyways let's start with today.
I got up SUPER late today, which is kinda unusual for me because normally I'm one with the good old sleeping routine, but definitely not this time, I got out of bed got ready and headed to the shops with my guardian.
On the car journey, my guardian (let's call him Will) told me that apparently, it was my 'friend's' birthday yesterday (we're calling her Blondie), well, the story is with me and Blondie we do NOT get on AT ALL, and Will doesn't get that! Every afternoon after school (it isn't my choice) she has to come round mine and stays until about 18:30, and when she's over, all she wants to do is watch films and it's sooo boring, we watch films on my laptop on my bed, my bed is right up against the wall and whenever she sits on that side, SHE JUST RUBS HER FEET ON THE BLIMMEN WALL, for gods sake girl that's actually disgusting, and she mocks me all the time and laughs at me with that kind of laugh that's just a snort and means that she is making fun of somebody.
Well, back to the story, so Will told me that on Friday we should invite her to come to the cinema, to see the film "Lady bird", which looks really interesting and would love to go watch it, I just don't want to go with Blondie, but I kinda had to and sent her a message to ask.
After getting all we needed at the shops, we headed to the till. for your full disclosure, I was dressed quite summerly, in flip flops, shorts, and a tank top, it must have been around 25 degrees Celsius out, not too cold, not too hot, just mild.
The thing that was just about to happen shocked me and I could have never been prepared for...
YES! I know, it was so traumatizing, they came over to say hi and her mum talked to Will and I talked to her, unfortunately, and of course, she did her little laugh/snort thing as usual about my outfit and so on...
But the good news is she might not be able to make it Friday (YESYESYESYES) which I'm quite happy about.
Well after that I did nothing we had a barbeque and just chilled.
Thanks for reading (if you did and didn't just scroll to the bottom), because I'm done for the day, sorry if it's a bit boring, but I'm sure the more I write the better it will get, bye for now.
-also, a quick thing, if you have any questions or anything feel free to message me or email me at [email protected]
Offline until next time x
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myofflineblddd · 8 years
First Blog
Hello everyone I’m S and welcome to my new blog!
I as, a person, have one of the most boring lives EVER so please don’t urge to throw your laptop out the window.
Any way so this is just going to be a blog about my life and what’s going on right now. Let’s start! ☺
6:00am *ALARM, ALARM, ALARM*                                                                       Me:...                                                                                                                   6:15 * ALARM, ALARM, ALARM*                                                                           Me: AGHHHHHDGBHHHHSHHHH
And yes, the morning didn’t get of to a good start. Luckly i got to the bus stop on time.
So by the time i got to school, I met up with my friend Annoy (I’ll call her Annoy to pretect her identity, also I’ll call her annoy because we annoy eachother 24/7) and then we went to DOUBLE FRENCH!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. In french class i sit next to my almost friend who I’ll call Miss America (because she’s so pretty)
Miss America and i have a weird friendship, because whenever I’m in french class with her we’re practically BFFs, but as soon as we step out of the classroom it’s as if we don’t even know eachother exist. It’s a shame really, we seem to have a lot in common.
Next I had English boring old same English.
After I had Italien. On tuesdays and every other thursday we have It in our English class but on fridays we have it in this other classroom so i sit next to a different person, No-deo let’s call her because i honestly don’t think she even knows what deodrant is! Anyway Italien was OK, then,                                         then,                                                                                                                      THEN! IT BECAME HALF TERM!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOPIEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!     So that’s two weeks away from HELL!
Tomorrow I’m going to the cinema with Annoy, I’ll blog about it when i get back but for now, byeeeeeeexx
Offline until Tomorrow x                             
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