myinfjworld · 3 years
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Did I forget anything?
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myinfjworld · 3 years
A letter from an adult INFJ
When I first discovered my personality growing up it was like a god send, a life vest in a sea of my crazy life.
It helped me understand why it was hard to fit in, why I always felt so much, and why I acted the way I did.
It gave me the freedom and confidence to be my self, and to build a life that fit my needs and desires.
Looking back I am so thankful that I now know who I am, and for all the posts and people that helped me discover myself.
I still struggle sometimes, but I am grounded in who I am, and that makes all the difference.
Thank you to the INFJ community
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myinfjworld · 3 years
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myinfjworld · 4 years
Living with a Doorslam
I don’t trust myself anymore...
Not now that I know I am capable of breaking someone’s heart and not looking back...
How do I love again without the fear that one day I might break and walk away forever...
I didn’t used to have this fear, but now I know myself better... now I know I know I am capable of hurting someone worse then I ever thought I could....
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myinfjworld · 4 years
An INFJ’s Fear
People always act like the infj doorslam is so important and interesting... but honestly it’s just terrifying...
It’s scary to know you have the power and brokeness inside you to shut out someone you love... you’ve done it before and if you’re not careful you could do it again... leaving heart break and ruin behind you....
How do you love, when you know the evil you are capable of...how this could end...
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myinfjworld · 4 years
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myinfjworld · 4 years
INFJ Personality
I think I am lawfully chaotic and evily good... Is it possible to be every personality at once...?
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myinfjworld · 4 years
INFJ First Impressions
I wonder what it would be like... for just once, to meet someone, and instead of them writing me off as quiet and sweet, not liking me based off my shy first impression, and being completely surprised when I open up and have a personality, what if they saw me for me. What if they saw past the fake fascades and walls I put up, they saw past my fake conversations and niceties, and saw the great human I hide underneath.
Wouldn’t it be nice to be seen...
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myinfjworld · 4 years
My Love Language: Quality Time
What makes us INFJs feel loved
•receiving a text from someone who just wants to check up and see if we’re ok.
•someone taking interest in really getting to know us (our hobbies, dreams, interests and our inner person)
•when someone wants to hangout with us all day even if we are doing absolutely nothing.
•when we are chosen to be part of something special (a hobby, a tradition, an adventure/trip)
•when someone takes time out of their day or puts down what they’re doing to offer us help in what ever we are doing or working on.
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myinfjworld · 4 years
INFJ Secrets
So whenever something new or exciting or sad is happening in my life, I never straight up tell my friends.... and they get so annoyed.
But really I just want someone to ask... to know me well enough to know when something’s up... To check in on what’s going on in my life... to dig for more information then what I offer up...
I do this because I want to know people care about my life as much as I care about there’s... because you know, I’d ask...
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myinfjworld · 4 years
All my best friends... lol
The phrase people tell me more often:
"I didn't like you, at first."
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myinfjworld · 4 years
I traded views
But I miss my past
Why did I grow up so fast
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myinfjworld · 4 years
Artistic yet logical. One foot firmly on the ground, the other rooted in fiction.
Somehow everyone and no one.
Wants to understand EVERYTHING but doesn’t like reducing things to the very numbers and figures that explain them.
Hates many aspects of humanity. Wants to save humanity.
Loves the idea that people are capable of change. That everyone deserves a second chance. Yet will often cut people out of life when a pattern doesn’t change. May not even open up to new people at all if they sensed there was no potential for that relationship from the first encounter.
Peacekeeper…until an injustice is committed. Will step into the ring for another, but not themselves. Sometimes too emotionally torn between doing what is right and avoiding conflict at all costs.
High-strung perfectionist and laid-back daydreamer.
A romantic and idealist who understands the irrationality of these ideals and often comes to expect disappointment.
Desires structure and order, but values freedom in routine and life choices. Especially in creativity.
An old soul with a child’s eyes.
An easy acquaintance. A difficult person to get to know.
Solitude is a haven. But always searching for that human connection, for someone to simply understand. To do for an INFJ what they do for others.
Almost always feeling guilty about something they did today or ten years ago. Even if they did nothing - they feel guilty for being unproductive.
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myinfjworld · 4 years
Sometimes I wish I could just quiet all of the thoughts in my mind. To just feel relaxed, like that full body, serene setting, cup of tea relaxed.
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myinfjworld · 4 years
Can you make some infj enfp headcanons please???
Hey there! Sure thing. Gotta love INFJxENFP.
ENFP explaining in hour-long detail their new favorite hobby that INFJ doesn’t normally care about. INFJ loving every minute of it.
Deep talks about life while sitting on the couch with INFJs favorite movie playing in the background.
INFJ picking up ice cream and rushing across town when ENFP has a bad day.
ENFP giving INFJ the alone time they need, but worrying about them the whole time when INFJ has a bad day.
INFJ hugging ENFP so tight. This is ENFPs favorite thing ever.
ENFP calling INFJ to talk on the phone even though INFJ prefers texting. They have a three hour conversation anyway.
ENFP starts talking about a place they’ve been daydreaming about traveling to. They start fake-planning a trip just for fun. INFJ gets so excited that they actually book the tickets.
ENFP sends INFJ pictures of all the cute animals they see. INFJ sends ENFP pictures of all the cute babies they see.
Nights spent cooking & laughing together in the kitchen while ENFPs soft rock playlist plays in the background.
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myinfjworld · 4 years
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myinfjworld · 4 years
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